COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE MEMOIRES, PLAIDOIRIES ET DOCUMENTS APPLICABILITE DE LA SECTION 22 DE L'ARTICLE VI " .. , . DE LA CONVENTION SUR LES PRIVILÈGES ET IMMUNITÉS DES NATIONS UNIES INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE PLEADINGS, ORAL ARGUMENTS, DOCUMENTS . APPLICABILITY 01; ARTICLE VI, SECTION 22, OF THE CONVENTION ON THE PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNlTIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS Référence abrégée : C.I.J. Mémoires, Applicabililé de lu section 22 de l'article VI de la convention sur les privilPges et immunités des Nations Unies Abbreviated reference : 1. C.J. Pleadings, .4pplicability of Arficle VI, Section 22, of the Convention on the Privileges and Imrnunifies of the United Notions No de vente : ISSN 0074-4433 Sales number ISBN 92-1-070687-0 i l APPLlCABlLlTE DE LA SECTION 22 DE L'ARTICLE VI DE LA CONVENTION SUR LES PRIVILÈGESET IMMUNITES DES NATIONS UNIES APPLlCABlLlTY OF ARTICLE VI, SECTION 22. OF THE CONVENTION ON THE PRlVlLEGES AND IMMUNlTlES OF THE UNITED NATIONS COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE MÉMOIRES. PLAIDOIRIES ET DOCUMENTS APPLICABILITÉ DE LA SECTION 22 DE L'ARTICLE VI DE LA CONVENTION SUR LES PRIVILÈGES ET IMMUNITÉSDES NATIONS UNIES INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE PLEADINGS. ORAL ARGUMENTS, DOCUMENTS APPLICABILITY OF ARTICLE VI, SECTION 22, OF THE CONVENTION ON THE PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS L'affaire de I'Aoolicabiliréde la section 22 de I'arricle VIde la convention sur I~sprivrlPgeset im;hunites des h'ations Unies. inscrite au r6le général de la Cour s<iu\ le numero 81, a fait l'objet d'un avis consuliatif rendu le 15 décembre 1989 (A~~licabilildde la section de I'arricle VI de la convention sur les orivil2~es ~~~rr~~ 22 - et imrnunirés des Nations Unies, C.I.J. Recueil 1989, p. 177). Le présent volume reproduit la requête pour avis consultatif, les documents. les exposes écrits et oraux et la correspondance relatifs a cette affaire. La Haye, 1992. The case concerning Applicabiliry of Arricle VI, Section 22, of rhe Conven- tion on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations was entered as No. 81 in the Court's General List and was the subject of an Advisory Opinion delivered on 15 December 1989 (Applicability of Article VI, Section 22, of the Convention on rhe Privileges and Immunities of the Unired Nations, I.C.J. Reoorts 1989. D. 177). ~hepresent- volume reproduces the Request for advisory opinion, the documents. the written and oral statements and the correspondence in the case. The Hague, 1992. REQUÊTE POUR AVIS CONSULTATIF REQUEST FOR ADVISORY OPINION THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE 1 June 1989. 1 have the honour 10 inform you that pursuant to ARicle 96, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations, the Economic and Social Council at iis six- teenih meeting held on 24 May 1989 adooted resolution 1989/75 entitled *Siatus of special rapporteurs" requeiting an advisory opinion on a priority basis from the Internaiional Court of Justice on "ihe legal quesiion of the applicability of Article VI. Seciion 22. of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Naiions" of 13 February 1946 "in ihe case of Mr. Dumitru Mazilu as Special Rapporteur of the Sub-Commission" on Preveniion of Discrimina- tion and Protection of Minorities. A certified coov of the resolution in Enclish - ~ and French is enclosed (Annex 1. A and B). ~hc'iords"on a prioriiy basis" in opcrative paragraph 2 wcre proposed by the United States and wcrc adovted by a recorded vote of 17 in favou; and 9 a~ainst.with 22 abstentions i~nnexIli. The resolution as a whole, as amended,was adopted by a recordedvote of 24 in favour and 8 against, with 19 abstentions (Annex III). 1 also have the honour to inform you thatmaterials for submission to the Court are being prepared pursuant to Article 65 of the Statute and will be sub- mitted to the Court as soon as possible. (Signed) Javier PÉREZ DE CU~LLAR. REQUEST FOR ADVISORY OPlNtON Annex 1 A 1989/75. STANSOF SPECW RAPPORTEURS The Economic and Social Council, Having considered resolution 1988/37 of I September 1988 of the Sub- Commission on Prcvcntion of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities and Commirsion on Human Rights rnolution 1989/37 of 6 March 1989, 1. Concludes that a difference has arisen between the United Nations and the Government of Romania as to the applicability of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations' to MI. Dumitru Mazilu as Special Rapporteur of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities; 2. Requests, on a priority basis, pnrsuant to Article 96, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations and in accordance with General Assembly resolu- lion 89 (1) of II December 1946, an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the legal question of the applicability of Article VI, Sec- tion 22, of the Convention on the Privileges and lmmunities of the United Nations in the case of Mr. Dumitru Mazilu as Special Rapporteur of the Sub-Commission. CERTIFED TRUE COPY. New York, N.Y. I June 1989. (Signed) Carl-August FLEISCHHAUER, The Legal Counsel. ' Oeneral Assembly resolution 22 A (1). Annexe 1 B 1989/75. STATUT DES RAPPORTEURS SPECIAUX Le Conseil économique et social, Ayanl examine' la résolution 1988/37 de la Sous-Commission de la lutte contre les mesures discriminatoires et de la protection des minorités, en date du septembre 1988, et la résolution 1989/37 de la Commission des droits de l'homme, en date du 6 mars 1989, 1. Conclut qu'une divergence de vues s'est élevée entre l'organisation des Nations Unies et le Gouvernement roumain auant à I'applicabilité de la convention sur les privileges et immunités des Nations uniesb au cas de M. Dumitru Mazilu. en sa qualité de rapporteur spécial de la Sous-Commission de la lutte contre les mesures discriminatoires et de la ~rotectiondes minorités; 2. Drnrandr A titre prioriraire i la Cdur in[crnatiunale de Jusrice. en sppliza- rion du paragraphe 2 de l'article 96 de la Charte des Nations Unies et coniormé- ment à la resoluiton 89 (11 de l'Assemblée etnerale. en date du 1 I décembre 1946, un avis consultatif's"r la question jurydique de I'applicabilité de la sec- tion 22 de l'article VI de la convention sur les privilkges et immunités des Nations Unies au cas de M. Dumitni Mazilu en sa qualité de rapporteur spécial de la Sous-Commission. coprE CERTIFIEE CONFORME. New York, le le' juin 1989 (Signé) Carl-August FLEISCHHAUER, le conseiller juridique. ' Résolution 22 A (1) de l'Assemblée générale. REQUEST FOR ADVlSORY OPINION Annex II The Economic and Social Council decided to include the woids "on a priority basis" in ooerative oaraeraoh. -. 2 of a draft reauestine the International Court's advisory opinion on the status of rnpportcu;~ (drnh resolution II. document E/1989/88). by a recorded vote of 17 in favour to 9 againsi. with 22 abstentions, as follows: In favour: Canada. Denmark. France. Germanv. Federal Reoublic of. ~rceic.Ireland. Italy, Japnn. Kenya. ~ethcrlands,'~ewnaland: Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom of Grcat Briiain and Northem Ircland. Unitcd ~tates~ofAmerica, uÏuguay, Venezuela. Againsl: Bulgaria. Cuba, Czechoslovakia. Iran (Islamic Republic of), Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Nicaragua, Poland, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Repnblics. Abslaining: Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Ghana. Guinea, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Lesotho, Liberia. Niger, Oman, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, Yugoslavia, Zaire, Zambia. Absenr: Bahamas, India, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago. Annex III VOTEON STATUSOF SPECW RAPPORTEURS The Economic and Social Council adopted, as orally amended, a resolution on the status of special rapporteurs (draft resolution III. document E/1989/88), by a recorded vote of 24 in favour to 8 against, with 19 abstentions, as follows: In favour: Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada. Colombia, Den- mark, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan. Kenya, Netberlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Againsl: Bulgaria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Libyan Arab lamahiriya, Poland, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Abstaining: Cameroon, China, Ghana, Guinea, Indonesia, Iraq, Jor- dan, Lesotho, Liberia, Nicaragua, Niger, Oman, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Thailand, Tunisia, Zaire, Zambia. Absent: India, Saudi Arabia, Somalia. REQUBTE POUR AVIS CONSULTATIF Annexe II VOTESUR L'AMENDEMENT DU TEXTE RELATm AU STATUT DE RAPPORTEUR SPkCW Le Conseil economique et social a décidé d'inclure les mots «A titre priori- taire)) dans le .DaranraDhe -. 2 d'un uroiet.. oui. demande l'avis consultatif de la Cour internaiionale sur le statut des rapporteurs (projet de resolution II publie dans le document E/1989/88). et ce par un vote enregistre. par 17 voix contre 9. avec 22 abstentions, se répartissantcomme suit: Ont voté Dour: Allemagne- (Réuubliaue.. fédérale d'). Canada. Dane- mark, Eiats:~nis d'Amérique. rance; Crece, lrlande. Italie. ~a~on, Kenya, Norvège. Nouvelle-Zélande, Pays-Bas. Portugal. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et rl'lrlande du Nord, Uruguay. Venezuela. Ont votécontre: Bulgarie, Cuba, lran (République islamique d'), Jama- hiriya arabe libyenne, Nicaragua. Pologne, République socialiste sovié- tique d'Ukraine. Tchécoslovaquie, Union des Républiques socialistes sovik- tiques. Se sont abstenus: Belize. Bolivie. Brésil. Cameroun. Chine. Colombie. Ghana, Guinde, Indonésie, iraq. or da nie, ~esotho,~ibéria. ~i~er, 0man; Rwanda, Soudan, Sri Lanka, Tunisie, Yougoslavie, Zaire, Zambie. Absents: Arabie saoudite, Bahamas, Inde, Somalie, Thaïlande, Trinite- et-Tobago. Annexe II1 VOTE SUR LE STATUT DES RAPPORTEURS SPÉCIAUX Le Conseil tconomique et social a adopté, telle qu'amendée oralement.
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