PRESIDENT: Dr. Marie-Alexandrine Sicre SECRETARY: Dr. Corina Brussaard EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Dr. Edward R. Urban Jr. Secretariat: College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment 003 Robinson Hall University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 USA MEMORANDUM TO: Attendees, 2017 SCOR Annual Meeting FROM: Ed Urban, SCOR Executive Director RE: Background Book for Meeting DATE: 4 August 2017 I am pleased to enclose the background book for the upcoming SCOR Annual Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa. I hope that you have a chance to read it before the meeting, although I know that the time is limited and the background materials are extensive. Please be sure to review the annotated agenda following. I have tried to identify the actions that we need to consider at the meeting and have cross-referenced the agenda items to the pages where relevant background information can be found, so we can make the best use of our time together. Please skim the remainder of the book and focus on those sections that are most closely related to your interests and responsibilities. I hope that the book also will be a useful reference to you between SCOR meetings. The background book is also available on the Web, at http://scor- int.org/Annual%20Meetings/2017EC/SCOR_EC_2017.htm. We will not be able to bring extra background books to the meeting, so please bring your copy if you requested one. Please let me know if you think other items should be made available to participants at the meeting. I look forward to seeing each of you in Cape Town next month. Phone: +1-302-831-7011 FAX: +1-302-831-7012 E-mail: [email protected] 43rd SCOR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Cape Town, South Africa 4-6 September 2017 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS (as of 1 August 2017) Sergey Shapovalov (NM) SCOR Executive Committee: P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology 36 Nakhimovsky ave President: Marie-Alexandrine Sicre (NM) Moscow, 117997 CNRS, LOCEAN RUSSIA Tour 46-00, 5eme étage [email protected] 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE Song Sun (NM) [email protected] Institute of Oceanology Chinese Academy of Sciences Secretary: 7 Nanhai Road Corina Brussaard (NM) Qingdao, 266071 NIOZ - Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Research [email protected] P.O. Box 59 Den Burg, Texel, 1797 BA Ex-Officio Members: NETHERLANDS [email protected] Patricia Miloslavich (IABO) Project Officer GOOS Biology & Past-President: Ecosystem Panel Peter Burkill (NM) Universidad Simon Bolivar / AIMS Drake Circus PMB No. 3 Plymouth University Townsville, Queensland, 4810 Plymouth PL4 8AA AUSTRALIA UNITED KINGDOM [email protected] Email: [email protected] Denise Smythe-Wright (IAPSO) Vice Presidents: National Oceanography Centre David Halpern (NM) European Way Jet Propulsion Laboratory Southampton, Hampshire, SO14 3ZH 4600 Oak Grove Drive UNITED KINGDOM MS 183-501 [email protected] Pasadena, California 91109 USA [email protected] -2- John Turner (IAMAS) Isa Elegbede British Antarctic Survey Department of Environmental Planning, High Cross, Madingley Road Brandenburg Cambridge, CB3 0ET Department of Environmental Planning, UNITED KINGDOM Brandenburg [email protected] Cottbus 3046 Brandenburg Co-opted Member GERMANY Colin Devey (NM) [email protected] Geomar Wischhofstr. 1-3 Annalisa Griffa (NM) Kiel, Schl.-H., 24148 CNR - Forte di S.Teresa GERMANY Pozzuolo di lerici (SP) 19032 [email protected] ITALY [email protected] SCOR Secretariat: Ed Urban Katherine Hutchison SCOR Secretariat 8 Kenmore rd, Tamboerskloof 003 Robinson Hall Cape Town 8001 College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment SOUTH AFRICA University of Delaware [email protected] Newark, DE 19716 USA Venugopalan Ittekkot Email: [email protected] Berner Chaussee 114 Other Participants: Hamburg 22175 Salvatore Arico GERMANY UNESCO/IOC [email protected] 7, Place de Fontenoy Paris 75007 Chan Joo Jang FRANCE Korea Institute of Ocean Science & [email protected] Technology 787 Haean-ro(st). Sangnok-gu Gulsen Avaz Ansan 15627 Gyeonggi-do TUBITAK MARMARA RESEARCH SOUTH KOREA CENTER [email protected] Environmental & Cleaner Production Institute Jorma Kuparinen (NM) KOCAELI 41470 Harbonkatu 6 G TURKEY Helsinki 980 [email protected] FINLAND [email protected] Jérôme Dyment InterRidge LGM, IPGP, 1 rue Jussieu Paris 75005 FRANCE [email protected] -3- Balla Maggero Marcello Vichi Kenya Meteorological Services Private Bag X3 Oceano. & Marine Division Rondebosch Nairobi 254 Cape Town 7975 KENYA Western Cape [email protected] SOUTH AFRICA [email protected] Raymond Roman Dept. Oceanography Toshio Yamagata (NM) University of Cape Town Application Lab, JAMSTEC Rondebosch 7701 3173-25 Showa-machi, kanazawa-ku Western Cape Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-0001 SOUTH AFRICA JAPAN [email protected] [email protected] Alakendra Roychoudhury Sinjae Yoo (NM) Department of Earth Sciences ILJUDONGRO 2670 Stellenbosch University JEJU-SI 63349 Stellenbosch 7706 SOUTH KOREA Western Cape [email protected] SOUTH AFRICA [email protected] Jing Zhang (NM) Graduate School of Science and Xiaoxia Sun Engineering Institute of Oceanology, CAS University of Toyama 7 Nanhai Road Toyama 9308555 Qingdao 266071 Japan Shandong [email protected] CHINA [email protected] NM = Nominated Member Maria Van Leeuwe (NM) Nijenborgh 7 Groningen 9700CC NETHERLANDS [email protected] -4- Agenda for 2017 SCOR Annual Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa Sun., Sept. 3 Mon., Sept. 4 Tues., Sept. 5 Wed., Sept. 6 9:00 Welcome, Logistics, GEOTRACES and Introductions IOC 9:15 9:30 President’s Report 9:45 Executive Director’s IMBER Report Agenda 2030, G7, 10:00 Preparations for and WOA-2 10:15 2018 SCOR SOLAS Elections 10:30 BREAK BREAK BREAK 10:45 11:00 SOOS IOCCP 11:15 SCOR Capacity 11:30 2019 SCOR Annual Building Activities Meeting GlobalHAB 11:45 JCS 12:00 12:15 IQOE Update on ICSU Review and Current WGs Actions Taken to Respond to 12:30 Review SCOR IIOE-2 12:45 Executive 13:00 Committee 13:15 Meets in LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 13:30 Closed Session 13:45 14:00 IOCCG 14:15 InterRidge GACS WG Proposals – 14:30 South African Marine IABO Develop Short List 14:45 Science IAMAS and Select proposals IAPSO 15:00 WCRP 15:15 Future Earth/Ocean KAN 15:30 BREAK BREAK BREAK 15:45 16:00 PICES 16:15 16:30 WG Proposals – Finances 16:45 South African Marine Feedback to Report of Ad Hoc Finance Science (cont.) 17:00 Proponents Committee 17:15 17:30 Close of Meeting 17:45 SCOR Executive SCOR Executive Committee Conference Dinner Committee Meets in Closed Session Dinner -5- 43nd SCOR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Cape Town, South Africa 4-6 September 2017 ANNOTATED AGENDA _________________________________________________________________ 1.0 OPENING 1.1 Opening Remarks and Administrative Arrangements, p 1-1 Ansorge, Sicre, Urban 1.2 Approval of the Agenda, p. 1-11 Sicre Additions or modifications to the agenda as distributed may be suggested prior to approval of the final version. 1.3 Report of the President of SCOR, p. 1-11 Sicre The President will briefly review her activities for SCOR since the SCOR General Meeting in September 2016 in Sopot, Poland. 1.4 Report of SCOR Executive Director, p. 1-11 Urban The Executive Director will report on his activities for SCOR since the 2016 SCOR meeting, and on the current condition of SCOR. 1.5 Appointment of an ad hoc Finance Committee, p. 1-14 Sicre The SCOR Constitution requires that a Finance Committee be appointed at every SCOR meeting. It must consist of at least three members of SCOR who are not members of the Executive Committee. The Finance Committee reviews the administration of SCOR finances during the previous fiscal year and the current year, and will propose a budget for 2018 activities and dues for 2019. Members of the 2017 Finance Committee are Annalisa Griffa (Italy), Sinjae Yoo (Korea), and Jing Zhang (Japan). The Committee will report to the meeting under agenda item 8.3. 1.6 2018 Elections for SCOR Officers, p. 1-14 Burkill The SCOR Secretary and all three Vice-President positions will be open for nominations for the 2018 elections. Action: Appoint Nominating Committee 6 2.0 WORKING GROUPS 2.1 Current Working Groups The Executive Committee Reporter for each working group (or a member of the group) will present an update on working group activities and progress, and will make recommendations on actions to be taken. 2.1.1 SCOR/InterRidge WG 135 on Hydrothermal energy transfer and its impact on the ocean carbon cycles, p. 2-1 Smythe-Wright WG 135 was extended at the 2016 SCOR meeting for another year to complete its second publication. The status of the second publication is unknown. Action: Determine whether to disband the group. 2.1.2 SCOR/IGBP WG 138: Modern Planktic Foraminifera and Ocean Changes, p. 2-2 Brussaard The final workshop of the group was held on 30 August-4 September 2015 on Catalina Island, California, USA (see http://www.eforams.org/img_auth.php/e/ed/SCORWG138_Catalina_2nd_circular.pdf). No report was received for the SCOR meeting. Action: Consider disbanding the group. 2.1.3 WG 139: Organic Ligands – A Key Control on Trace Metal Biogeochemistry in the Ocean, p. 2-3 Devey At the 2016 SCOR meeting, SCOR WG 139 was granted an extension for an additional year to complete on-going activities. The first is the special issue of Frontiers in Marine Science - Marine Biogeochemistry, Research Topic: Organic ligands - A key control on trace metal biogeochemistry in the ocean: http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3981/organic-ligands-- -a-key-control-on-trace-metal-biogeochemistry-in-the-ocean> . It received 16 submissions of high-quality articles.
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