PIPELINE SAFETY REGULATIONS 1996 MAJOR ACCIDENT HAZARD PIPELINES EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN Amendments to: Emergency Planning Unit, Fife Council, Fife Fire & Rescue Service H.Q., Strathore Road, Thornton, Kirkcaldy, Fife, KY1 4DF. Tel. No. 01592 778381 Fax No. 01592 631387 Email: [email protected] Re-Issued: July 2008 Major Accident Hazard Pipelines Emergency Response Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS Para Title Page - Plan Review Schedule/Record of Exercises 5 - Distribution 6 - 8 SECTION 1: SCOPE OF PLAN 1.1 Introduction 9 1.2 Legislative Background 9 1.3 Aim 9 1.4 Plan Objectives 9 - 10 1.5 Definition 10 1.6 Scope of the Regulations 10 - 11 1.7 Purpose of Plan 11 1.8 Emergency Planning Responsibilities 11 1.9 Interfacing Plans 11 1.10 Consultation 12 1.11 Access to Information for Plan Development 12 1.12 Information in the Event of an Emergency 12 - 13 1.13 Categories of Information 13 1.14 Description of the Emergency Plan 13 1.15 Validation of Plan 13 - 14 1.16 Monitoring Audit and Review 14 SECTION 2: HAZARDS AND RISK ASSESSMENT 2.1 Hazard Assessment 15 - 16 2.2 Blast Effects and Projectiles 16 2.3 Cryogenic Effects 16 2.4 Asphyxiation 17 2.6 Causes of Pipeline Failure 17 2.7 Pollution 17 2.8 Worst Credible or Reference Accidents 18 2.9 Probability of Pipeline Failure 19 2.10 Hazard Range 19 2.11 Vulnerable Populations (List of Owners/Occupiers) 19 2.12 Land Use Planning 20 EP GEN: EPU Plan 004 2 Version 1 Re-issued July 2008 Major Accident Hazard Pipelines Emergency Response Plan Para Title Page SECTION 3: PLAN ACTIVATION 3.1 Do’s and Don’ts For Persons Discovering an Incident 21 3.2 Notification of Incident 21 3.3 Police Actions 21 - 22 3.4 Initial Attendance 22 3.5 Follow-Up Actions (Police Incident Officer) 22 - 23 3.6 Integrated Response 23 3.7 Safety Measures 23 3.8 Sheltering and Evacuation 23 - 24 3.9 Air Traffic Exclusion Zone 24 3.10 Aerial Reconnaissance/Observation 24 3.11 Airborne Casualty Evacuation 25 3.12 Pipeline Operating Companies (Company Incident Officer) 25 3.13 Actions by Fife Fire & Rescue Service 25 - 26 3.14 Intrinsically Safe Communications 26 3.15 Chemical Advice 26 3.16 Meteorological Information 27 3.17 Scottish Ambulance Service Actions 27 3.18 Fife NHS Board Actions 27 3.19 Media Statements/Provision of Public Information 27 3.20 Local Authority Actions 28 3.21 Containment and Recovery 28 3.22 Spills Adjacent to River Crossing 28 - 29 3.23 Spills Adjacent to Streams or Burns 29 3.24 Spills On Agricultural Land 29 3.25 Emergency Response Organisation Diagrammatic 30 3.26 Pipeline Emergency Notification Diagrammatic 31 SECTION 4: PIPELINE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANISATION – ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Pipeline Operator 32 4.2 Fife Constabulary 32 - 33 4.3 Fife Fire & Rescue Service 33 - 34 4.4 Scottish Ambulance Service 34 - 37 4.5 HM Coastguard (HMCG) 37 - 38 4.6 Fife Council 38 - 39 4.7 Fife NHS Board 39 - 40 4.8 Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) 40 - 41 4.9 Forth Ports PLC (Forth & Tay Navigation Service) 41 4.10 Voluntary Aid Organisations 41 - 42 SECTION 5: CONTACT INFORMATION 43 EP GEN: EPU Plan 004 3 Version 1 Re-issued July 2008 Major Accident Hazard Pipelines Emergency Response Plan Para Title Page SECTION 6: HSE SCHEDULE OF NOTIFIABLE MAJOR ACCIDENT HAZARD PIPELINES IN FIFE 6.1 Background 44 6.2 Shell UK Ltd./ExxonMobil Mossmorran/BP Grangemouth/ 45 Scottish Power Assets 6.3 Scotland Gas Networks Assets 46 SECTION 7: MAJOR ACCIDENT HAZARD PIPELINE ROUTE MAPS/ 47 WAYLEAVE DETAILS Annexes: A – N This section is held by the Emergency Planning Unit but can be made available to Cat. 1 responders should an incident occur. SECTION 8: MAJOR ACCIDENT HAZARD PIPELINES – ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY 8.1 Designated Sites of Natural Heritage Interest 48 Annexes O. Designated Nature Conservation Sites in Fife 49 - 53 P. Fife Inland Designated Sites 54 Q. Designated Coastal Nature Conservation Sites 55 SECTION 9: ABBREVIATIONS 56 -57 SECTION 10:GLOSSARY 58 - 59 EP GEN: EPU Plan 004 4 Version 1 Re-issued July 2008 Major Accident Hazard Pipelines Emergency Response Plan PLAN REVIEW RECORD NATURE OF AMENDMENTS AMENDED BY DATE OF NEXT REVIEW REVIEW Original Feb. 1998 F. Wallace FC January 2003 Revised Dec. 2002 F. Wallace FC January 2008 Revised Version 1 F. Wallace FC January 2009 May 2008 RECORD OF EXERCISES EXERCISE NAME EXERCISE TYPE VENUE DATE Forth Mist Table-top Scottish Police 6th Mar. 2003 College EP GEN: EPU Plan 004 5 Version 1 Re-issued July 2008 Major Accident Hazard Pipelines Emergency Response Plan DISTRIBUTION Organisation Holder PIPELINE OPERATING COMPANIES Shell UK Ltd. St. Fergus Control Room Supervisor Shell UK Ltd. Forfar Senior Pipeline Supervisor Shell UK Ltd. Mossmorran Control Room Supervisor Shell UK Ltd. Mossmorran Pipeline Supervisor ExxonMobil Marine Terminal, Braefoot Bay Control Room Supervisor ExxonMobil Fife Ethylene Plant, Mossmorran Control Room Supervisor BP Grangemouth FPS Response Pipeline Manager Ineos Grangemouth Ethylene Pipeline Specialist Scotia Gas Networks Head of Gas Control Scotia Gas Networks Gas Control Support Manager Scotia Gas Networks Emergency Planning Manager Scotia Gas Networks Pipelines Engineering Manager Scottish Power (Grid Control) Glasgow Duty Shift Engineer National Grid Senior Engineer Safety Longannet Power Station Control Room Production Manager Fife Energy Manager FIFE COUNCIL CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S SERVICE Chief Executive Civil Contingencies Advisor Head of Local Services (North) Head of Local Services (South) Council Emer. Planning Officer ENVIRONMENT & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Executive Director Head of Env. Services Regulation Manager Operations Manager Team Leader – Ops (Central) Team Leader – Ops (West) Head of Transportation Services Team Leader (Mid-Fife) Team Leader (North-Fife) Team Leader (South-Fife) Head of Development Services EP GEN: EPU Plan 004 6 Version 1 Re-issued July 2008 Major Accident Hazard Pipelines Emergency Response Plan Organisation Holder EMERGENCY SERVICES POLICE Fife Constabulary Force Emer. Planning Officer Grampian Police Emergency Planning Officer Tayside Police Emergency Planning Officer Central Scotland Police Emergencies Planning Officer FIRE Fife Fire & Rescue Service Group Mgr. Emer. Planning Grampian Fire Brigade Brigade Emer. Planning Officer Tayside Fire Brigade Brigade Emer. Planning Officer Central Scotland Fire Brigade Brigade Emer. Planning Officer SCOTTISH AMBULANCE SERVICE Risk & Emergency Planning Department Gen. Mgr. Risk & EP Risk & Emergency Planning Department Regional Emer. Planning Mgr. South East Scotland EMDC Duty Manager Fife – East Central Division General Manager Fife – East Central Division A. & E. Field Manager H.M. COASTGUARD MRCC Forth District Operations Manager OTHER LOCAL AUTHORITIES Aberdeenshire City Council Emergency Planning Officer Angus Council Council Emer. Planning Officer Clackmannanshire Council Council Emer. Planning Officer Dundee City Council Council Emer. Planning Officer Falkirk Council Council Emer. Planning Officer Perth & Kinross Council Council Emer. Planning Officer HEALTH & SAFETY EXECUTIVE Pipelines Expert Team, Aberdeen Senior Operations Inspector Regional Office, Edinburgh Principal Health & Safety Officer FIFE NHS BOARD H.Q. Consultant of Public Health Medicine Cameron House Emergency Planning Officer EP GEN: EPU Plan 004 7 Version 1 Re-issued July 2008 Major Accident Hazard Pipelines Emergency Response Plan Organisation Holder SCOTTISH ENV. PROTECTION AGENCY (SEPA) North Division (Perth) Divisional Manager East Region (Fife Team) Team Leader SCOTTISH NATURAL HERITAGE (SNH) H. Q. Edinburgh Oil Pollution Officer Fife Area Office, Cupar Area Officer SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT Justice & Communities Directorate Civil Contingencies Unit Marine Directorate Env. Prot. Group, FRS, Aberdeen FORTH PORTS PLC Forth Navigation Service Marine Manager SCOTTISH WATER H.Q. Carnegie Campus, Dunfermline Emer. Planning Co-ordinator Emer. Planning Process Mgr. HOME OFFICE Emergency Planning College Chief Librarian EP GEN: EPU Plan 004 8 Version 1 Re-issued July 2008 Major Accident Hazard Pipelines Emergency Response Plan SECTION 1 SCOPE OF PLAN 1.1 Introduction Pipelines carry dangerous fluids that possess properties that may give rise to major accidents. These could be flammable fluids such as feedstock or product to/from petrochemical installations or gaseous vapours from the public gas supply network. The Health and Safety Executive approach to regulating major hazards is based on controls designed to identify installations (including pipelines) with a major accident potential to control the hazard and to mitigate the consequences of accidents, should they occur, through emergency planning and land-use planning. 1.2 Legislative Background The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has issued regulations and guidance for the control of health and safety risks arising from onshore and offshore pipelines. A single set of regulations made under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 replaces separate onshore and offshore legislation that formerly applied. These goal setting, risk based regulations known as the Pipeline Safety Regulations (PSR) 1996, became effective from 11th April 1996. Local authorities are required under Reg. 25 to prepare an emergency response plan for each Major Accident Hazard Pipeline passing through their area. 1.3 Aim The Pipeline Emergency Response Plan has the following aim: • to detail action to minimise the consequences to the health and safety of people in the event of a major accident hazard pipeline emergency. 1.4 Plan Objectives The
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