US 2011 0065579A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0065579 A1 Sievernich et al. (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 17, 2011 (54) HERBICIDAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING (52) U.S. Cl. ........................................................ SO4/128 Syrgos TE, GLUFOSINATE OR THEIR (57) ABSTRACT The present invention relates to a herbicidal composition (75) Inventors: Bernd Sievernich, Hassloch (DE); which comprises: William Karl Moberg, Hassloch a) at least one herbicide A selected from glyphosate, glufosi (DE);DE): Anja Simon, Weinheim- 0 bia nerb1c1de SEE's 3 win1cn 1S 3-lo-(d1Iluoromeunoxy)-1-meunyl 5-(difl thoxy)-1-methyl (DE);( ); HelmutRichard Walter, R. Evans, Obrigheim Raleigh 3-(trifluoromethyl)pyrazol-4-ylmethylsulfonyl-4,5-dihyyl)py y y y y NC (US) s s dro-5,5-dimethyl-1,2-oxazole common name: pyroxasul fone. The ppresent invention relates in pparticular to a herbicidal (73) Assignee: BASF SE composition comprising: a) at least one herbicide A selected from glyphosate, glufosi (21) Appl. No.: 12/992,096 nate and their salts, b) a herbicide B which is 3-5-(difluoromethoxy)-1-methyl (22) PCT Filed: May 20, 2009 3-(trifluoromethyl)pyrazol-4-ylmethylsulfonyl-4,5-dihy dro-5,5-dimethyl-1,2-oxazole common name: pyroxasul (86). PCT No.: PCT/EP09/56105 fone, and - 0 c) at least one further herbicide C, which is selected from the S371 (c)(1) herbicide groups C.1 to C.8: s C.1 herbicides of the group of acetolactat SVnthase inhibi (2),2). (4) DateDate: Nov.OW. 11,II, 2010 tors (ALS inhibitors),group y O O C.2 herbicides of the group of protoporphyrinogen oxidase Related U.S. Application Data inhibitors (PPO inhibitors), (60) Provisional application No. 61/055,040, filed on May C.3 herbicides of the group of auxines, 21, 2008, provisional application No. 61/056,622, C.4 herbicides of the group of 4-hydroxyphenyl-pyruvate filed on May 28, 2008, provisional application No. dioxygenase inhibitors (HPPD inhibitors), 61/118,895, filed on Dec. 1, 2008. C.5 herbicides of the group of phytoene desaturase inhibi tors (PDS inhibitors), Publication Classification C.6 herbicidesSt. Air of the group off pnotosystemphotosystem 11II 1inhibit 1OS (51) Int. Cl. C.7 herbicides of the group of microtubulin inhibitors, and AOIN 57/20 (2006.01) C.8 herbicides of the group of inhibitors of the synthesis of AOIPI3/00 (2006.01) very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA inhibitors). US 2011/0065579 A1 Mar. 17, 2011 HERBICIDAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING harmful plants, i.e. they should effect damaging of the harm GLYPHOSATE, GLUFOSINATE OR THEIR ful plants more quickly in comparison with application of the SALTS individual herbicides. 0007. These and further objects are achieved by the com positions described hereinafter. 0001. The present invention relates to a herbicidal com 0008. Therefore the present invention relates to a herbi position which comprises at least one herbicide A selected cidal composition comprising: from glyphosate, glufosinate and their salts. The composition 0009 a) at least one herbicide A selected from glyphosate, is particularly useful for preplant burndown. glufosinate and their salts, and 0002 Burndown, i.e. the complete removal of weeds from (0010 b) a herbicide B which is 3-5-(difluoromethoxy)- the Soil by application of herbicides prior to planting or emer 1-methyl-3-(trifluoromethyl)pyrazol-4-ylmethylsulfo gance of a crop, is an important tool of modern weed man nyl-4,5-dihydro-5,5-dimethyl-1,2-oxazole common agement. Weeds present at planting will generally grow much name: pyroxasulfone. quicker than crop plants and thus compete very early in the 0011. It has been proven particular advantageous to com growing season thereby damaging the crop plants and reduc bine the herbicides A and B with at least one further herbicide ing crop yield. Thus, it is desirable to plant the crop in a C, which is selected from weed-free seedbed or to assure that essentially no weeds are 0012 C.1 herbicides of the group of acetolactate synthase present when the crop emerges. inhibitors (ALS inhibitors), 0003 Glyphosate and its salts are non-selective systemic 0013 C.2 herbicides of the group of protoporphyrinogen herbicides having a good post-emergence activity against oxidase inhibitors (PPO inhibitors), numerous grass weeds. So far, glyphosate is one of the most 0014 C.3 herbicides of the group of auxins, commonly used burndown herbicides. Likewise, glufosinate 0015 C.4 herbicides of the group of 4-hydroxyphe and its salts are non-selective systemic herbicides having a nylpyruvate dioxygenase inhibitors (HPPD inhibitors), good post-emergence activity against numerous grass weeds 0016 C.5 herbicides of the group of phytoene desaturase and thus can be used in burndown programs. However, Solo inhibitors (PDS inhibitors), application of glyphosate or glufosinate often yields unsatis 0017 C.6 herbicides of the group of photosystem II inhibi factory weed control, and several applications and/or high tors (PSII inhibitors), dosage rates are often required. Moreover, the effectiveness 0018 C.7 herbicides of the group of microtubulin inhibi of glyphosate and glufosinate against difficult-to-control tors, and broadleaf species (hereinafter broadleaves) and rhizomatous 0019 C.8 herbicides of the group of inhibitors of the syn grasses is poor. Therefore, it is frequently recommended to thesis of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA inhibitors). apply glyphosate or glufosinate in combination with at least 0020. Therefore, the present invention relates in particular one second herbicide. Such as 2,4-D, dicamba, triazines Such to a herbicidal composition comprising: as atrazine or metribuzin, chloroacetanilides such as meth 0021 a) at least one herbicide A selected from glyphosate, olachloror dimethenamid (including dimethenamid-P), linu glufosinate and their salts, ron and/or pendimethalin. However, the effectiveness of such 0022 b) a herbicide B which is 3-5-(difluoromethoxy)- combinations is often not satisfactory and high application 1-methyl-3-(trifluoromethyl)pyrazol-4-ylmethylsulfo rates are still required to achieve an acceptable control of nyl-4,5-dihydro-5,5-dimethyl-1,2-oxazole common grass weeds and broadleaves. Moreover, the reliability of name: pyroxasulfone, and Such combinations depends strongly on the weathering con 0023 c) at least one further herbicide C, which is selected ditions and certain difficult to control weed species may from the herbicide groups C.1 to C.8 as defined herein. escape. In addition, the herbicidal activity of these composi 0024. The invention furthermore relates to the use of a tions persists only for a short time, which allows effective composition as defined herein for controlling undesirable burndown only within a small timeframe prior to planting a Vegetation. When using the compositions of the invention for crop. Moreover, the persistence of the herbicidal activity this purpose the at least one herbicide A and the herbicide B strongly depends upon the weathering conditions. and optionally C can be applied simultaneously or in Succes 0004 U.S. Pat. No. 6,413.909 suggests a composition Sion, where undesirable vegetation may occur. comprising ametryn, atrazin and paraquat for burndowntreat 0025. The invention furthermore relates to the use of a ment. Paraquat, however is rather toxic to mammals and thus composition as defined herein for controlling undesirable its use is restricted by legal regulations. Vegetation for burndown, i.e. for controlling undesirable veg 0005 US 2005/0256004 discloses a herbicidal composi etation in a locus, e.g. a field, where crops will be planted, tion comprising an isoxazoline derivatives and at least one before planting or emergence of the crop. further herbicide. Neither the combination of glyphosate and 0026. The invention furthermore relates to the use of a pyroxasulfone nor the use of Such compositions in a burn composition as defined herein for controlling undesirable down program have been described therein. Vegetation in crops which, by genetic engineering or by 0006 Thus, it is an object of the present invention to breeding, are resistant to one or more herbicides and/or patho provide a herbicidal composition, which allows efficient and gens Such as plant-pathogenous fungi, and/or to attack by reliable control of grass and broadleaf weeds in a burndown insects; preferably resistant to glyphosate or glufosinate, and program. Moreover, the persistence of the herbicidal activity optionally resistant to the one or more optional herbicides C. of the composition should be sufficiently long in order to 0027. The invention furthermore relates to a method for achieve control of the weeds over a sufficient longtime period controlling undesirable vegetation, which comprises apply thus allowing a more flexible application. The composition ing an herbicidal composition according to the present inven should also have a low toxicity to humans or other mammals. tion to the undesirable vegetation. Application can be done The compositions should also show an accelerated action on before, during and/or after, preferably during and/or after, the US 2011/0065579 A1 Mar. 17, 2011 emergence of the undesirable vegetation. The at least one action of combinations of herbicides A+B against undesirable herbicide A, the herbicide B and the optional at least one Vegetation, in particular against difficult to control species, herbicide C can be applied simultaneously or in Succession. and/or show Superior crop compatibility with certain conven 0028. The invention in particular relates to a method for tional crop plants and with herbicide tolerant crop plants, i.e. controlling undesirable vegetation in crops, which comprises their use in these crops leads to a reduced damage of the crop applying plants and/or does not result in increased damage of the crop 0029 a) at least one herbicide A selected from glyphosate, plants. Apart from that, these compositions may also show an glufosinate and their salts, and optionally accelerated action on harmful plants, i.e.
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