Air Service Newsletters 1918

Air Service Newsletters 1918

PROPERTY OF 0.S.'100 ,.,'. ."~''';~ , t"',1.. :1.,•... ,"..A; A/' l .' Of'I:.J~EOF AIR FORCE HISTOR} r-:; .rfiL -:y.t / 1'rOll1 tho if£' .~ lfli"''';;.ewareDeJ;>artment nut:>.orizes the following: Irrespecti ve o f status in the draft, t>e ~Ur Service has been re- opened ro ..' i::lduc tion 0 f :,leC;:18.ni08and. of cand.idat es fo r as " pi lots, bomber-a, observer s an d b8.11ool1ists, z,fter havi ng been. closed EW..oSptfor,a few isolated cLas se s for tile ;?c\st s1::: month s , The fast moving overseas of 2.11' s quad ...~ons, ~?lanes, motors and mate:;'1ial for Junerio8.n airclr<:nnes, fields, and asscl.lb1y :;;>151ts in :i<'rai'lce and E'l1g1and, together with the cOlW,?letion here of 29 flyu-€: :fields, 1200 de Ha'iilar.d 1::>lanes,6000 Mbe:dy motors, 't.l0 parts for ti"le first heavy l1igl:.t bombers, 6pOO trainii'lG planes and 12,500 tro.ini:1C e11c;i11oS,ha s led to the necessity of increasi:'Jg bOt}l tlle coranuas Loned 8:...10. tJJ8 enlis ted ~:~ersonne'l, in 0 rder to full streng'th in ells count ry and continue t~le nec es sary flow . overseas. As e. r esu l t tl::,e Air Se::,'vice, alone, is now lia Lf as large agD,in as . the whole-,~i1e:dc8.ll )-l":';),y was at ti:e out'bre8Jc of 'Vlar. Ci viJ.iaYts have no t been gi ven an o))orttlni t'~T to ql.lalif;y as :9ilots since last L:ar'cl1. During last fe.II .:11lt. o::xly,'linter, 2. resorvo nc of over 6600 :.?ros~:ective :C1yurs, accept ed 03" t:le L~~aru.il1i:rGBoarcls, had been bull t U:p, Me'. 1:,2,S sL nee been grao.-clally c".:CC:',\i11. air 2.5 room has been m8,('.efa l' them in tile aviation Cl"C'LUlC'.scnoo l,s tIU\)Ur;:l Gl'<1clr18.tion. HO:l."00'IC:C, a large numbo r of men 2.L.'eady Se'1"iTil;g in Lee :"'2,11l'~Sof l:;~ie !\.i:r Service :"",ve been 1?~"l11itted to train for COi,L:issions, in 11:1e Ylith t he )olicy of )1'0- motiI;g :'11e11 :from t>e ranks 'i.c:oneve:;.' :;)os8i;)10 • . Th.e available mu:iber 0 f ,'1011 j,JOSSCSSLliS t:: G necessarily very 11iC:11. qualificatio:1S is Lns utf'Lc i on t fa:;:' ttl.€) needs and (0'.5 a result it is nuw :.)ossible to 8.:i'lc" cey.t men fl"Om ci vt lii e, in acl.d.i t Lcn to t,'ose now in tb.0 e111is ted l'xJ:tso:nnel. T:.le numbe'r of men 'vi'~l0 must be examined is great indeed compar-ed to t:le number 0 f 1J1m 'J~10 bac ozie f'Lni she d ::?ilots. Practicall;r one a:;;:J!icant out of every tvo is f cund unf Lt for flyinG at t~1e first exami.natdon , vhile, even 0 f t.ios e acco}ted, 2. 12,l'l;e number j?rove 'ivholly unao I e to ('.0 the )"ental 'inr1;: ne ces sary ill. lea.l'uLlg t>e them-rics of flight, r adf,o , ~)hotoz,,'a:!:1Y, 'bo:,:lbing, ii18.cilL1e G~mnery, anc~ a::ctillery ~" observation, so tha.t l'ully 15 )er cen t are cUsc,l.'..alifiec.. in t::re :fi:.:st step at the gr-ound sC:1.001s2nd still more in the ac tua'l flyi"l(; courses'. ! YJllile t:lis :J:cesell t call fo r :ayitlg candJ.(.ates 13 l)eL1S ina,de gene rall~r it is hoped that in to avoic. unne ceaaary j?l'ess'\.u'e 011 tl:e E:::a::nining Boards, l)ossible C8.nCU.~.2.teswill const der .f'.8t~',er t::H~~-> bO~1 the physioa.l and the mental c.:ualificatiollS necessary. The age limits for flyers a re from 18 to 30 inc 1us iva, wi tn ):i.'efe,:er~e to thcs e under 25, ana. for balloonists f rorn 18 to 4~5. Ap1?lica:lts may C9?ly at t::e AViation .\ Exmnining Boards loc<1ted at: Atlmmda, Ga. Gecrgi.a School of Tec:moloe;:y. Boston, luss. 739 JJoyls ton St. 011102.g0, III 230 Bast OlJio St. Dallas, Te:':as. Camp Dick. ""::.:"-,,,, ~ Fort Sill, 01;:12,. Po st 1'1e1J... ~'~'<"~,,,-,,----'~ " .~~. ]'..I0S Angeles, Calif. Marsh-Strong Bui1di:1g • .''''' ~[imlea.j,::>olist lIinn. Uni ve:si t-J 0 f Hinne so t01. '~, new Yorlc 01 ty. 104 B3:'0 2.0. St. " San AntoniO, Texas. Fort Sam Houston. <, San Fra~lCiS?,o, O<:;:.lif. 55 NewJ.iontgomel'Y St. " St. LOU1S, !'lO. 525 South Buclid Ave. • VlaSllington, D•• O. B1..1.ilc:i11g iiDIf ,FloOl~ 1. Yli11:; ~~~ -~a.:nalZone" CanrJ? S11.erman , _"T ---- 0.S.700 -2- or to the Pe r-sozmo L Section, Division of :Iilitm7 Aeronautics, Y'lashingtol1, :D. C)'. The call for Y.:ec~::.cmicsO})' .ms tile Serv-ice to a 18.1>genumber of sld11ed men anxfous not only fo:c e:.'..ctive field se rvf.ce , but also for service for v,hich their trzdnLig be s t fits them. Sldlled men only are want.ed , Others ~.". would. have no value in t:;-lG ], delicate and t v,Q::lc r equi red , -.-. T:!lose accept sd v'till be sent to a. Oonoent.rat i on Do)ot, trade t es t ed , given a s:~ecial intousive tr'ai:ning Ln t he new science of c:.iI'J.Jlane mechanfc s , and then organized into airplane c rews and squad.rons , some for duty here, otn er s fo:c ,duty ovei-scas , Uitll eS?8cial1;y good oppo rtunt ty fOl~ advance- ment, since oVOl' fou.r-fift]:. of tl:,e nell are j?J.'omotoclabove tJ18 Grade of private. Tile cLasces eS~J8cially C:,081::' S}lO'IiV1l by tile last year's expe r i ence 2.1.'0:- AiYplaue mechanici8ns~ 110to:ccycli sts , Eo tor : J:echanic s ? Cabinet mcD:;:ers, Tailo:c>s, RigGers, Chauffeurs, I:'18 trumon t ReJ.')2,irnen, Engine Repai rmen, Electricians, A:rr:lorers, PrOI)(~lJ.el" NIab~rs, , J Luto J![echanic s, Carpe:l tel' s, Stenographers, / Raclio O"...oe r'a to :cs , Clerl~s , I":aC!!.l:'1ists. The .Air Service is over 1610 times vi.hat it V12.S on the outbreak of war. The enlisted s t reng th [;',10:1e, rcc;o.r<lless o f cadets Ln training ar.d. officers, has grown as fol10'li'iS: .!:i.Jril 6, 1,110 AUGust 1 10,107 October 1 20,176 December 1 3G,234 "Febnw,ry 1 98,300 K,;?l'i1 1 123,569 JlU18 1 13'1,972 AU:T,tlSt1 147 ,~34 A-i)l)lic3.11ts, 2.;3 '~'Dc',:~allicG,"/:10 will be ac ceptcd i)otweell t;le ages. of 18 and. 55 tncfus i ve , ;;lEW r ocecvo iU3.'t':C';},' (~Gt8.ils f:i.DiU tile Depar-tment Air Service 0 fi'iC~;l'S in tho s Lx J)e?::1rtl.l(nt~\1 ::ec:.d(:L'uarters located at Boston, NeViYOll::, C'tlca.{,o, 3,).11 ~:1'ancisco, San .:mtonio,auo. Ct.arleston, S.C.~ t:1e .\11' Sel"vico 1'rac1e Test B08.r1s Lo cat ed at Army }loc::'UitL1S OffIce, Atlanta, Ga. 739 BoyLeto n St., Bos ton, Eass. 230 Er.~st O~'do sv., CliieaGo, Ill. Tl"amway Building, J4th L'.Ecl.P..J:'al:ahoeSts.~ Denver, Colo. T.llil1:1. FloOl' ML1:1ici::.)al Courts Bl..ildh16', Detn-o.rt , I,'ticl1. 104 Bro ad St., :trowYorl::Ci ty. Oar'e of J)e:?t. Lir Service Offic8:~, '7estern Dopa1~tmont, San FranciSCO, Calif. Third and Olive Sts., St. Loui s , ITo. ;:%ld.ison, '7isconsi11. Fin:l an d Dodgo Sts., Omaha, Nebr. (L;'~I;lY .Building) Care 0 f Ai:i: SGl'vic0 Mechanics Training :"'G11001 ~ Overland BICl.g., St. Paul, 1':1:1",1. Kelly Field, San .'iltonio, To~:2.s. Air Service '(18cl1. Tr. School. ,.' - - - -- or by wri ting di:cect to t~-:e Peznonne I Section, D:i:visiol1 of LIlli ta17 Aeronautics, \'las~-:.ijJctoll, D.C • • / The Director of t:10 Division of I.iilitar.:r .:':.eronC1utics a.nnounc~" that the Tcc}ll1icL'..18eqtioll ha s movod, from \7ashington, to Dayton, O~lio. This Sec tion is :102.(1edby Colonel T. H. Bane f II.A. 'I:lle Tecimic8.1 Section pas ses on such closic;'lls of a':':ccr2.ft and ccces scr-Los as':l'e -3-- , O.S.70~ submi tted to it 'by tile Bureau of Airc:c2.ft Pr oduc t Ion and outside in- dividuals and concerns wille:l miGht be of value in !'el2.tion to ~.Iilitary .\erona:u.tics. Wn'our "il'ir;l:.t Field a t Fairfield, O}<.io, is us ed by tIlis Jectiol1 to c cnduc t sJ?Gci.::.l rOSG;11'C~'leS"-mel e:~:Je'~'ijj"8nts in the testing of ~")lallcs 0.110. aCCOSfJ01'ies. ~[,lle movement of th e .Ioadqual'ters of the .-rC:~~,l1iCc,l Se~tion to Day ton 'b::cL1C~S it in 0 loser r ala tion wi th the scene ..

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