DESIGN FOCUS Carl D’Aquino WINTER 2018 NORS 2018 Market Issue ATLANTA LAS VEGAS SOUMAK JANUARY 10 - 14, 2018 JANUARY 28 - FEBRUARY 1, 2018 COLLECTION (CLOSED 1/13) WORLD MARKET CENTER, AMERICASMART 4-G14 BUILDING B, B-0455 WWW.KALATY.COM view the Entire Collection momeni.com/eringates ATLANTA MARKET LAS VEGAS MARKET 4-B-2 January 10-14, 2018 B-425 January 28-February 1, 2018 Invite your customers to experience island-inspired living at its fi nest through the refi ned yet casual Tommy Bahama area rug collection. ATLANTA 3-A-2 | LAS VEGAS C395 | OWRUGS.COM/TOMMY AreaMag_OW_FULL_TOMMY_Nov2017.indd 1 10/31/17 3:23 PM ta m ar ian www.tamarian.com The Hygge Collection. Coming this January. ATLANTA 4-D-2 | DALLAS C-506 | VEGAS B-480 winter 2018 8.qxp_001 FALL 2006.qxd 12/4/17 2:54 PM Page 6 From the President’s Desk Dear Colleagues, also well received. As you may know, we recently lost an icon in the In October, there were also shows staged by rug industry, Mr. Nasser Rahmanan. Mr. manufacturers and their trade associations. They Rahmanan was a leader and forerunner in our invited all of our members to visit them with industry. He always dedicated his complimentary airfare and accom- time for the betterment of the rug modations. Lucille and I met off i- industry. As a past president of cials of each trade association to dis- ORIA, a friend and a mentor, he cuss marketing and promotions of will be missed. Please read the arti- their respective country’s rugs here cle “In Memoriam” of Mr. in the USA. Rahmanan on page 10 of this issue All of these shows are also of AREA magazine. becoming more and more important On another note, we just fin- as the rug industry evolves. As you ished The Rug Show New York at know, in the past two decades, our the Javits Center and the industry has changed a great deal; International Home Furnishings styles and designs have changed and Market in High Point and we are fast approaching new qualities have been introduced. I’m amazed the winter markets in AmericasMart-Atlanta and with the speed with which our industry has been the Las Vegas World Market Center. If you are evolving. It seems a little tiring to keep up with not attending any of these markets, I encourage all these changes, but as I love what I do, I always you to make time to visit and participate in the find it exciting when I see innovation and creativ- future. The Rug Show in Javits was a greater suc- ity in our industry. I am looking forward to seeing cess and probabl y 30% larger than last year. And, what the future has to offer. now, for the first time, the Rug Show has coordi- In closing, I wish you all a wonderful holi- nated with High Point Market to add to thier ros- day season, a happy New Year and great markets. ter of rug exhibitors. High Point Market itself was Regards, Ramin Kalaty President - Oriental Rug Importers Association, Inc. 6 Winter 2018 winter 2018 8.qxp_001 FALL 2006.qxd 12/4/17 2:54 PM Page 7 AREA Winter 2018 Published by the Oriental Rug Importers Association, Inc. 400 Tenafly Rd., #699, Tenafly NJ 07670 • 201-866-5054 • www.oria.org President Ramin Kalaty Vice-President Kami Navid Treasurer Behrooz Hakimian Secretary Hari Tummala Executive Director Lucille Laufer AREA Advisory Reza Momeni, Chrm. Committee Dennis Dilmaghani Editor-Emeritus Archie Cherkezian Editor-in-Chief Lucille Laufer Editor Sally James Contributing Author Carol Milano Contributing Author Ellyne Raeuber Contributing Author Alix Perrachon 22 Production Artistic Color Graphics 6 From the President’s Desk 36 Membership Directory 10 In Memoriam 41 Atlanta Market Buyers Guide Nasser Rahmanan 1940-2017 Cover: A striped rug featuring shimmering undulated soft hues 14 In the News punctuated by a shot of madder red is the artistic statement in this contemporary dining room. Photography by Michael J. Lee. 15 New & Antique Product Gallery Courtesy of D’Aquino Monaco Inc. Calendar Material submitted for publication will not be returned unless 21 specifically requested. No article shall be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of the Oriental Rug 22 Design Focus: Carl D’Aquino Importers Association, Inc. ”The Rug is the Anchor of the Room” Subscription price (for the trade only) is $30 for one year and $40 for two years in the United States. In Canada and Mexico the price is $35 for one year. The price for all other countries 30 Merchandising outsidehe U.S. t is $60 for one year, payable by check drawn on a U.S. bank. Remittance must be attached to subscription order. Dealing With Disasters: Retailer Response To Harvey Individual copies are available at $10 per issue. AREA 7 HRI RI Winter 2018.qxp_Layout 1 11/18/17 2:23 PM Page 1 Harounian Rugs International Atlanta | AmericasMart Building 1, Suite 5-C-10 | January 10 - 15, 2018 Las Vegas | World Market Center Bldg B, Suite B433 | January 28 - February 1, 2018 Vesta Collection Vesta www.hrirugs.com | [email protected] | 800-682-3330 Atlanta High Point Las Vegas New York amici ad winter 2016.qxp_Layout 1 11/27/16 11:37 AM Page 1 INTRODUCING THE CLUSONE COLLECTION AN EXCLUSIVE FINE WOOL CARPET PRODUCTION N e w J e r s e y D e l h i S h a n g h a i D u b a i M e l b o u r n e winter 2018 8.qxp_001 FALL 2006.qxd 12/4/17 2:54 PM Page 10 From ORIA HQ NASSER RAHMANAN 1940-2017 The ORIA and the industry lost one of its most rug markets. Masterlooms was one of the first to fund charismatic and influential members with the passing a school in India, a country that Nasser loved dearly. of Nasser Rahmanan on October 14. As Association As president of the ORIA from 1990-1991 and then president, board member and founder/owner of again from 2000-2002, he changed the bylaws to open Masterloom, Inc., Nasser fundamentally redefined up membership t o manufacturers and importers of the mission of the Association and helped reshape the tufted and machine-made area rugs. As part of that oriental rug industry. effort, he changed the name of The Oriental Rug Nasser Rahmanan was born in Iran in 1940 to Magazine to AREA. a prominent family in Mashed. The family moved to In his personal and professional life, Nasser Tehran where Nasser was raised and completed his was generous, friendly and passionate. He battled education through secondary school. He attended uni- serious illness and disability with hope and courage. versity in the U.S., receiving a Masters degree in t t t t t Mathematics from San Jose State College, California. The first time I met Nasser I noticed three things: his In 1968 he married Sheila Benlevy and they have two tie, the fact that he looked like Luciano Pavarotti and sons, Jacob and Oren, and three grand children. finally his big stature. For a man, your suit is your Nasser began his rug career in his brother’s house and your tie—the front door. Nasser's tie was family rug importing company, Mansour Rahmanan bold in design, bold in coloration and expensive. Yes, Inc., where he was instrumental in expanding the that was Nasser alright. He liked being in charge and business. In 1987 Nasser established his own compa- ordering people around. But he pulled it off with ny, Masterlooms. grace and finesse. A true visionary, Nasser quickly recognized I loved and respected Nasser as I did his the need to move beyond purely traditional, hand- whole family. I'm so very thankful to have visited him made imports to embrace a wider range of floorcover- in the hospita l about three months ago. Despite his ing products that would appeal to a broader audience condition, he had a smile on his face and a glint in his of consumers. eyes. Some people, but not many, pass through my His was one of the very first companies to life and touch me with their presence. Nasser was one work with fashion and interior de signers to produce of those. I miss him very much. He was....unique. licensed area rugs with the introduction of his cutting Well done Nasser. Well done. edge Bill Blass Collection of chain stitched rugs. He Dan Hodges, Pande Cameron also helped launch the biannual Atlanta and Las Vegas ORIA President 1982-1983, 1994-1995 10 Winter 2018 winter 2018 8.qxp_001 FALL 2006.qxd 12/4/17 2:54 PM Page 11 From ORIA HQ Nasser was big in many dimensions. Simply put, he was everyone’s lovable teddy -Big in physical stature bear. Most certainly he will be missed by all. -Big in the knowledge and love of hand made Alex Peykar, Nourison carpets (He always said “Carpets”; never “Rugs”; like ORIA President 1986-1987 the difference between “client” and “customer” -Big in the love of his family (wife Sheila, Nasser is a man who always “dreamed big,” who sons Jack and Oren, grandchildren, and siblings) lived out these words of poet Robert Browning: “...a -Big in the creativity of unique rug designs, colors and man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heav- constructions en for?” Besides being a dreamer in the best sense of -Big in innovating, creating and organizing that word, Nasser was a man who truly loved being new rug venues (Atlanta and Las Vegas) with people—can't you hear him booming out your -Big, yet almost petite and “dainty,” from his dress to name in greeting, wearing a huge smile of pleasure at his manner to his always manicured and polished fin- seeing you? gernails and his dangling gold eyeglasses chain We lost Nasser too soon.
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