Population francophone de l'Ontario par subdivision de recensement Population % de Municipalité (Subdivision de recensement) Population totale francophone francophones Abitibi 70 IRI 01900 145 5 3.4% Addington Highlands TP 00000 2,260 40 1.8% Adelaide-Metcalfe TP 00000 2,985 25 0.8% Adjala-Tosorontio TP 00000 10,970 170 1.5% Admaston/Bromley TP 00000 2,935 50 1.7% Ajax T 00000 119,215 2,525 2.1% Akwesasne (Part) 59 IRI 03300 1,470 20 1.4% Alberton TP 00000 965 15 1.6% Alderville First Nation IRI 01200 495 10 2.0% Alfred and Plantagenet TP 00000 9,550 7,440 77.9% Algoma 20000 112,725 7,595 6.7% Algoma, Unorganized, North Part NO 00000 5,740 315 5.5% Algonquin Highlands TP 00100 2,355 30 1.3% Alnwick/Haldimand TP 00000 6,860 95 1.4% Amaranth TP 00000 4,075 50 1.2% Amherstburg T 00000 21,770 715 3.3% Armour TP 00000 1,410 35 2.5% Armstrong TP 00000 1,170 695 59.4% Arnprior T 00000 8,610 400 4.6% Aroland 83 IRI 02300 365 0 0.0% Arran-Elderslie MU 00000 6,740 30 0.4% Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh TP 00000 5,420 40 0.7% Asphodel-Norwood TP 00000 3,990 45 1.1% Assiginack TP 00100 1,015 45 4.4% Athens TP 00000 2,955 65 2.2% Atikokan T 00000 2,705 85 3.1% Attawapiskat 91A IRI 03300 1,500 5 0.3% Augusta TP 00000 7,340 270 3.7% Aurora T 00000 54,955 1,100 2.0% Aylmer T 00000 7,425 40 0.5% Baldwin TP 00000 620 105 16.9% Bancroft T 00000 3,770 60 1.6% Barrie CY 00000 140,090 3,715 2.7% Bayham MU 00000 7,400 65 0.9% Bear Island 1 IRI 01900 150 0 0.0% Bearskin Lake IRI 01100 355 0 0.0% Beckwith TP 00000 7,645 460 6.0% Belleville CY 00000 49,885 930 1.9% Big Grassy River 35G IRI 01900 235 0 0.0% Billings TP 00000 605 55 9.1% Black River-Matheson TP 00000 2,415 740 30.6% Blandford-Blenheim TP 00000 7,390 60 0.8% Blind River T 00000 3,430 635 18.5% Bluewater MU 00000 6,990 60 0.9% Bonfield TP 00000 1,975 565 28.6% Bonnechere Valley TP 00000 3,630 120 3.3% Bracebridge T 00000 15,770 230 1.5% Bradford West Gwillimbury T 00000 34,990 600 1.7% Brampton CY 00000 591,670 8,930 1.5% Brant 20000 133,350 1,650 1.2% Population francophone de l'Ontario par subdivision de recensement Population % de Municipalité (Subdivision de recensement) Population totale francophone francophones Brant CY 00000 36,185 350 1.0% Brantford CY 00000 96,560 1,305 1.4% Brethour TP 00900 95 10 10.5% Brighton MU 00000 11,230 305 2.7% Brock TP 00000 11,405 110 1.0% Brockton MU 00000 9,295 60 0.6% Brockville CY 00000 21,145 710 3.4% Brooke-Alvinston MU 00000 2,410 20 0.8% Bruce 00000 67,190 765 1.1% Bruce Mines T 00000 580 15 2.6% Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan TP 00000 1,505 20 1.3% Burk's Falls VL 00000 980 15 1.5% Burlington CY 00000 181,150 4,125 2.3% Burpee and Mills TP 00000 340 10 2.9% Caledon T 00000 66,275 865 1.3% Callander MU 00000 3,865 430 11.1% Calvin MU 00000 515 75 14.6% Cambridge CY 00000 128,600 2,185 1.7% Carleton Place T 00000 10,320 535 5.2% Carling TP 00000 1,125 30 2.7% Carlow/Mayo TP 00000 865 15 1.7% Casey TP 00000 370 200 54.1% Casselman VL 00000 3,500 2,850 81.4% Cat Lake 63C IRI 00200 565 5 0.9% Cavan Monaghan TP 00000 8,620 100 1.2% Central Elgin MU 00000 12,550 130 1.0% Central Frontenac TP 00000 4,335 75 1.7% Central Huron MU 00000 7,565 65 0.9% Central Manitoulin MU 00000 2,055 85 4.1% Centre Hastings MU 00000 4,755 50 1.1% Centre Wellington TP 00000 27,660 345 1.2% Chamberlain TP 00000 335 20 6.0% Champlain TP 00000 8,570 5,440 63.5% Chapleau TP 00000 1,940 705 36.3% Chapple TP 00000 630 10 1.6% Charlton and Dack MU 00100 685 55 8.0% Chatham-Kent 00000 101,085 2,970 2.9% Chatham-Kent MU 00000 100,685 2,970 2.9% Chatsworth TP 00000 6,570 50 0.8% Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation IRI 01200 260 0 0.0% Chisholm TP 00000 1,290 180 14.0% Christian Island 30 IRI 00100 615 10 1.6% Christian Island 30A IRI 00900 45 0 0.0% Clarence-Rockland C 00000 24,205 15,820 65.4% Clarington MU 00000 91,270 1,815 2.0% Clearview TP 00000 13,945 195 1.4% Cobalt T 00100 1,125 200 17.8% Cobourg T 00000 19,145 375 2.0% Cochrane 00000 78,930 35,550 45.0% Cochrane T 00000 5,260 2,105 40.0% Population francophone de l'Ontario par subdivision de recensement Population % de Municipalité (Subdivision de recensement) Population totale francophone francophones Cochrane, Unorganized, North Part NO 00100 2,845 1,420 49.9% Coleman TP 00100 595 135 22.7% Collingwood T 00000 21,500 355 1.7% Conmee TP 00000 820 5 0.6% Constance Lake 92 IRI 01200 590 5 0.8% Cornwall CY 00000 45,625 11,500 25.2% Couchiching 16A IRI 01200 810 5 0.6% Cramahe TP 00000 6,355 90 1.4% Curve Lake First Nation 35 IRI 01200 1,060 5 0.5% Dawn-Euphemia TP 00000 1,965 15 0.8% Dawson TP 00000 470 15 3.2% Deep River T 00000 4,065 235 5.8% Deer Lake IRI 01200 865 5 0.6% Deseronto T 00100 1,775 15 0.8% Dokis 9 IRI 04300 345 25 7.2% Dorion TP 00000 315 25 7.9% Douro-Dummer TP 00000 6,705 70 1.0% Drummond/North Elmsley TP 00000 7,760 260 3.4% Dryden CY 00000 7,710 200 2.6% Dubreuilville TP 00000 615 520 84.6% Duck Lake 76B IRI 01900 85 5 5.9% Dufferin 00000 61,180 890 1.5% Durham 00000 640,985 13,360 2.1% Dutton/Dunwich MU 00000 3,810 45 1.2% Dysart et al MU 00000 6,185 65 1.1% Eagle Lake 27 IRI 00900 225 0 0.0% Ear Falls TP 00100 995 50 5.0% East Ferris MU 00000 4,610 1,170 25.4% East Garafraxa TP 00000 2,575 40 1.6% East Gwillimbury T 00000 23,610 375 1.6% East Hawkesbury TP 00000 3,250 2,030 62.5% East Zorra-Tavistock TP 00000 6,970 65 0.9% Edwardsburgh/Cardinal TP 00000 7,095 335 4.7% Elgin 00000 87,940 985 1.1% Elizabethtown-Kitley TP 00000 9,400 255 2.7% Elliot Lake CY 00000 10,660 1,745 16.4% Emo TP 00000 1,320 15 1.1% Englehart T 00000 1,435 95 6.6% English River 21 IRI 01300 635 0 0.0% Enniskillen TP 00000 2,665 30 1.1% Erin T 00000 11,410 210 1.8% Espanola T 00000 4,915 705 14.3% Essa TP 00100 21,055 1,485 7.1% Essex 00000 395,110 14,635 3.7% Essex T 00100 20,250 565 2.8% Evanturel TP 00000 445 65 14.6% Factory Island 1 IRI 01200 1,560 5 0.3% Faraday TP 00000 1,400 15 1.1% Fauquier-Strickland TP 00000 535 395 73.8% Fort Albany (Part) 67 IRI 02300 760 5 0.7% Population francophone de l'Ontario par subdivision de recensement Population % de Municipalité (Subdivision de recensement) Population totale francophone francophones Fort Albany (Part) 67 IRI 02300 1,400 0 0.0% Fort Erie T 00000 30,350 630 2.1% Fort Frances T 00000 7,570 90 1.2% Fort Hope 64 IRI 01200 1,015 0 0.0% Fort Severn 89 IRI 02300 360 0 0.0% Fort William 52 IRI 04300 980 10 1.0% French River / Rivière des Français M 00000 2,655 1,260 47.5% French River 13 IRI 01900 120 5 4.2% Front of Yonge TP 00000 2,595 50 1.9% Frontenac 00000 147,500 5,845 4.0% Frontenac Islands TP 00000 1,760 35 2.0% Gananoque T 00000 5,005 135 2.7% Garden River 14 IRI 01200 1,125 20 1.8% Gauthier TP 00900 140 25 17.9% Georgian Bay TP 00000 2,495 55 2.2% Georgian Bluffs TP 00000 10,455 85 0.8% Georgina T 00000 44,850 650 1.4% Gillies TP 00000 475 10 2.1% Ginoogaming First Nation IRI 03900 210 0 0.0% Goderich T 00000 7,440 85 1.1% Gordon/Barrie Island MU 00000 490 20 4.1% Gore Bay T 00000 805 15 1.9% Grand Valley T 00000 2,950 55 1.9% Gravenhurst T 00100 11,170 140 1.3% Greater Madawaska TP 00000 2,520 100 4.0% Greater Napanee T 00000 15,480 250 1.6% Greater Sudbury / Grand Sudbury 00000 159,855 44,185 27.6% Greater Sudbury / Grand Sudbury CV 00000 159,740 44,185 27.7% Greenstone MU 00100 4,590 1,190 25.9% Grey 00000 92,560 1,020 1.1% Grey Highlands MU 00000 9,735 125 1.3% Grimsby T 00000 26,925 355 1.3% Gros Cap 49 IRI 01900 75 5 6.7% Guelph CY 00000 130,780 2,335 1.8% Guelph/Eramosa TP 00000 12,725 185 1.5% Haldimand County CY 00000 45,145 450 1.0% Haldimand-Norfolk 20000 108,550 1,190 1.1% Haliburton 00000 17,905 215 1.2% Halton 00000 544,020 13,530 2.5% Halton Hills T 00000 60,765 1,405 2.3% Hamilton 00000 530,635 9,655 1.8% Hamilton C 00000 530,635 9,655 1.8% Hamilton TP 00000 10,940 170 1.6% Hanover T 00000 7,385 70 0.9% Harley TP 00000 550 185 33.6% Harris TP 00000 545 195 35.8% Hastings 00000 134,750 3,510 2.6% Hastings Highlands MU 00000 4,075 55 1.3% Havelock-Belmont-Methuen TP 00000 4,530 65 1.4% Hawkesbury T 00000 10,040 8,125 80.9% Population francophone de l'Ontario par subdivision de recensement Population % de Municipalité (Subdivision de recensement) Population totale francophone francophones Head, Clara and Maria TP 00900 250 20 8.0% Hearst T 00000 4,975 4,415 88.7% Hiawatha First Nation IRI 00100 365 5 1.4% Highlands East MU 00000 3,345 45 1.3% Hilliard TP 00900 225 55 24.4% Hilton Beach VL 00900 175 10 5.7% Hilton TP 00000 305 10 3.3% Hornepayne TP 00100 965 145 15.0% Horton TP 00000 2,885 85 2.9% Howick TP 00000 3,840 25 0.7% Hudson TP 00000 505 100 19.8% Huntsville T 00000 19,610 335 1.7% Huron 00000 58,355 465 0.8% Huron East MU 00000 9,030 60 0.7% Huron Shores MU 00000 1,665 120 7.2% Huron-Kinloss TP 00100 6,945 70 1.0% Ignace TP 00000 1,205 105 8.7% Ingersoll T 00000 12,620 120 1.0% Innisfil T 00000 36,555 615 1.7% Iroquois Falls T 00000 4,415 1,825 41.3% James TP 00000 420 105 25.0% Jocelyn TP 00000 315 10 3.2% Johnson TP 00100 750 10 1.3% Joly TP 00000 305 5 1.6% Kapuskasing T 00000 8,205 5,580 68.0% Kasabonika Lake IRI 01200 850 0 0.0% Kawartha Lakes 00000 74,240 980 1.3% Kawartha Lakes CY 00000 74,240 980 1.3% Kearney T 00000 880 15 1.7% Kee-Way-Win IRI 01200 425 0 0.0% Kenora 21100 65,150 1,290 2.0% Kenora 38B IRI 01300 420 0 0.0% Kenora CY 00000 14,830 315 2.1% Kenora, Unorganized NO 00100 6,735 200 3.0% Kerns TP 00000 360 35 9.7% Kettle Point 44 IRI 02300 1,010 5 0.5% Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards TP 00000 2,420 55 2.3% Killarney MU 00100 385 30 7.8% Kincardine MU 00000 11,220 200 1.8% King TP 00000 24,395 295 1.2% Kingfisher Lake 1 IRI
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