International Standard INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION’ME~YHAPO~HAR OPrAHM3ALMfl l-l0 CTAHC\APTH3ALM@ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Extension of the Latin alphabet coded Character set for bibliographic information interchange Extension du jeu de caractkres latins Codes emplo yk pour l’khange d’information bibliographique Second edition - 1983-11-01iT eh STANDARD PREVIEW (standards.iteh.ai) ISO 5426:1983 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/0f2b9bea-a782-4ed0-9a42- eb77e52da752/iso-5426-1983 UDC 003.344 : 025.3 Ref. No. ISO 5426-1983 (E) Descriptors: documentation, data processing, information interchange, bibliographic records, Character Sets, Latin characters. Price based on 6 pages Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bedies). The work of developing Inter- national Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been authorized has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW International Standard ISO 5426 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Documen ta tion . (standards.iteh.ai) This second edition was submitted directly to the ISO Council,ISO 5in42 6accordance:1983 with clause 6.11.2 of part 1 of the Directiveshttps:/ /stforan dtheard stechnical.iteh.ai/c atworkalog /stofa ndISO.ard s/lts iscancelst/0f2b9 bandea- a782-4ed0-9a42- replaces the first edition (i.e. ISO !3426-1980), which had been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : eb77e52da752/iso-5426-1983 Austria Hungary Roland Belgium India Romania Brazil I reland South Africa, Rep. of Canada Israel Spain Czechoslovakia Italy Sweden Denmark Japan Switzerland Egypt, Arab Rep. of Korea, Rep. of United Kingdom Finland Mexico USA France Netherlands USSR Germany, F. R. Norway Y ugoslavia No member body had expressed disapproval of the document. 0 International Organkation for Standardkation, 1983 Printed in Switzerland INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 54264983 (El Extension of the Latin alphabet coded Character set for bibliographic information interchange 1 Scope and field of application Greek Persian Tibetan Gujarati Pra krit Ukrainian 1.1 This International Standard contains a set of 76 graphic Hebrew Pusht0 Urdu characters with coded representations. It consists of a code Hindi Russian table and a legend showing each graphic, its use, and its name. Explanatory notes are also included. This Character set is primarily intended for the interchange of information among 2 References data processing Systems and within message transmission Systems. ISO 646, Dataprocessing - 7-bit coded Character set for infor- ma tion in terchange. 1.2 These characters, together with characters in the inter- ISO 2022, Information processing - ISO 7-bit and 8-bit coded national reference version of ISO 646 (ISO escape sequence Character sets - Code extension techniques. ESC 2/8 4/0), constitute a Character set for the international interchange of bibliographic citations, including their annota- ISO 2375, Data processing - Procedure for registration of tions, in the Latin alphabet. iTeh STANDARDescape PR sequences.EVI EW 1.3 This Character set is intended to handle( sinformationtand ain rthed s.itISOeh 6430,.a iDocumentation) - African coded Character set for following languages, among others : bibliographic in forma tion in terchange. 2) African languages Interlingua ISO 5426:1983 (those using Latin https:/Italian/stand ards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist3/0 f2blmplementation9bea-a782-4ed 0-9a42- alphabet)‘) Ladin0 Albanian Latin eb77e52da752/iso-5423.16- 198The3 implementation of this coded Character set in Anglo-Saxon Latvian physical media and for transmission, taking into account the Catalan Lithuanian need for error checking, is the subject of other ISO publica- Croatian Notvvegian tions. (See clause 7.) Czech Polish Danish Portuguese 3.2 The implementation of this International Standard is in Dutch Romanian accordance with the provisions of ISO 2022 and ISO 2375 and English Samoan is identified by the following escape sequence : Esperanto Slovak Estonian Slovenian GO : ESC 218 510 Finnish Spanish Gl : ESC 2/9 5/0 French Swedish G2 : ESC 2110 510 Gaelic Tagalog G3 : ESC 2/11 5/0 German Turkish (modern) Hawaiian Vietnamese Hungarian Welsh 3.3 The unassigned positions in the code table are not to be Icelandic (modern) Wendish utilized in the international exchange of bibliographic informa- Indonesian/Malayan tion. lt is also intended to handle transliterated or romanized forms 3.4 When this Character set is used in combination with of the following languages, among others : ISO 646 [International Reference Version (IRV)] as stated in 1.2 the following Character positions of ISO 646 shall not be Arabic Japanese Sanskrit used (the corresponding positions in this International Stan- Armenian Kannada Serbian dard are noted within parentheses) : Byelorussian Korean Sindhi Bengali Macedonian Sinhalese 5/15 (5/8); 6/0 (4/1); 7/14 (4/5) Bulgarian Marathi Tamil Burmese Oriya Telugu Also, characters in positions 2/2,2/7,2/12 and 5/14 in ISO 646 Chinese Panjabi Thai may not be used as diacritics. 1) For special characters which occur in African languages only, see ISO 6438. 2) At present at the Stage of draft. ISO 5426-1983 (E) 4 Code table iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW (standards.iteh.ai) ISO 5426:1983 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/0f2b9bea-a782-4ed0-9a42- eb77e52da752/iso-5426-1983 2 ISO 54264983 (El 5 Legend 5.1 Symbols Position in Graphit Example of use Name Comments code ta ble Zl0 Spate Zl1 i i Pare Inverted exclamation Used in Spanish mark Zl2 II ,,Unter der . Double open quote Prints low on line. Used in German, etc. Zl3 f5.00 Pound sign Zl4 $2.00 Dollar sign Zl5 Y300 Yen sign Zl6 wordt Single dagger Reference mark Zl7 §5 Section or Paragraph mark Zl8 50’ (minutes of angle; Prime feet; x’ = first derivative) Zl9 ‘Four Score . Single open quote Prints high on line Zl10 “Hurry! Double open quote Prints high on line Zl11 «C’est Ia vie. Angle quote Either open or close quote according to national usage Zl12 iTBbe h STANDARDMusical PR flatE VIEW Zl13 01974 Copyright Zl14 @ 1973 Doe(s tRecordsand aInc.r ds.iSoundteh recording.ai) Copyright Statement Zl15 XYP ISO 5426:198Registered3 trade mark https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/0f2b9bea-a782-4ed0-9a42- 3/0 T’ai-pei AYn Not to be used as a Single eb77e52da752/iso-5426-1983 open quote. I 311 Un’yushö Alif / Hamzah Not to be used as a Single close quote. 312 I ,Über. Single open quote Prints low on line. Used in German, etc. 316 t word $ Double dagger Reference mark 317 . novel l Ia Middle dot Used in Catalan l I 318 8” (seconds of angle; Double Prime inches; x” = second derivative) I 319 Four Score. .’ Single close quote Prints high on line 3110 fl Hurry!” Double close quote Prints high on line 3111 )) C’est Ia vie. )) Angle quote Either open or close quote according to national usage 3112 # C# Musical sharp 3113 t Fakul’ tet Mjagkij znak Used in transliterated Cyrillic alphabet languages 3114 t I Ob ’ ’ Gvlenie Tverdyj znak Used in transliterated Cyrillic alphabet languages 3115 i iQU6 Inverted question mark Used in Spanish 3 5.2 Diacritics Position in Graphit Example of use Name Comments code table 410 cXi Low rising tone mark Used in Vietnamese 411 regle Grave accent Used in many European languages, etc. 412 esta Acute accent Used in many European languages, etc. 413 meme Circumflex accent Used in many European languages, etc. 414 ni;o Tilde Used in Portuguese, Spanish, etc. -- 415 gajejs Macron Used in Latvian, Lithuanian, etc. 416 altä Breve Used in Romanian, Turkish, etc. 417 iaba Dot above Used in Lithuanian, Polish, transliterated Arabic, etc. 4/8 Zai’re Trema, Diaeresis These diacritics may have dif- ferent filing values. 4/8 is usec in French, etc. 4/9 is used in 419 är, öffnen, öppna, über Umlaut German, etc. 4110 hari Teh STANDACircleRD above P REVIEW Used in Scandinavian languages, etc. 4111 rozdel’ ovac (standardHighs. icommateh .offa i) Used in Czech, Slovak, centre etc. 4112 beotermika ISO 54High26:1 9inverted83 Used in Latvian https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standcommaards/sis t/centred0f2b9b ea-a782-4ed0-9a42- 4113 id6szaki eb77e52da752Double/iso-54 2acute6-19 83accent Used in Hungarian 4114 xu’a Horn Used in Vietnamese and trans- literated Thai 4115 vidy Hacek Used in Czech, Latvian, etc. 510 Ca Cedilla Used in French, etc. 511 kh?ng Rude Used in transliterated Thai 512 darzi ya Hook to left Used in Latvian, Romanian 513 vietf Hook to right Used in Lithuanian, Polish, or ogonek etc. 514 Maharsicaritämgam. Circle below Used in transliterated Bengali, Hindi, etc. 515 humantus” Half circle below Used in transliterated Semitic languages, Sanskrit 5/6 teda Dot below Used in transliterated Bengali, Hindi, etc. 517 -Khutbah .. Double dot below Used in transliterated Urdu 5/8 gamar Underline Used in transliterated Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, etc. ISO 54264983 (EI Position in Graphit Example of use Name Comments code ta ble 519 =Ghulam Double underline Used in transliterated Hindi, Sindhi 5110 lati owg Vertical bar Used in African languages Wll njen Circumflex below Used in African languages Left half of ligature Both ligature and 5113 AkademiTa sign and of double tilde double tilde are divided into two Parts, the first 5114 AkademiTa Right half of ligature Parts of each being sign identical. Used in trans- literations 5115 ngalan Right half of double tilde Used in Tagalog 5.3 Special alphabetic characters Position in Graphit Example of use Name Comments code table 611 Ai A3na Ligature AE - Capital Used in Danish, etc.
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