Submitted by: Walter L. Strong, Senior Vice President University Relations - EXTERNALRELATIONS REPORT HIGHLIGHTS Recent Alumni Events/Activities The Alumni Association's offer of a specially designed WayneState University desk lamp has produced sales of 222 units, with orders still being received. The Northern Region of the Womenof Waynesponsored a cabaret style dinner and revue at the Smith Theatre of Performing Arts at the Orchard Ridge campus of Oakland CommunityCollege on February 14. Despite freezing rain and snow 36 membersand their guests attended the event which featured the music of Cole Porter. On Wednesday, February 21 the Alumni Association sponsored an Afternoon of Art luncheon/tour at the Detroit Institute of Arts. The tour focused on art of the Native Americas and Africa. Reservations sold out two weeks prior to the event with 84 members and their guests in attendance. Eighty-four alumni departed by bus on February 23 for a weekend in Toronto to attend a performance of "The Phantomof the Opera11 at the newly-renovated Pantages Theatre. The Alumni Association published the spring issue of WayneState magazine the first week of March. Approximately 27,000 copies were mailed to membersof the WSUAlumni Association, key donors and friends of the University. Four out-of-state alumni meetings were held March 1-3 in Dallas, Texas, and in Tucson, Sun City and Phoenix, Arizona. The Alumni Association completed its third annual Membership Sweepstakes with a drawing for the winners of the top prizes on March 7. This special incentive provides the opportunity for alumni to join or renew their memberships between Decemberand February. The Alumni Association's first-ever tour to Savannah, Georgia occurred March 7-12. Highlights of the tour included day trips to Charleston, Hilton Head and Jekyll Island. Twenty-twoalumni participated. DEVELOPMENT& PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Agenda March 14, 1990 - 4 - Corporate and Foundation Relations - Over $30,000 was contributed by five local law firms in fulfillment of their pledges to the WadeH. Mccree, Jr. Scholarship Fund: DykemaGossett - $17,500; Plunkett &Cooney - $6,666; Clark, Klein and Beaumont- $2,500; Dickinson, Wright, Moon, Van Dusen and Freeman - $2,500; and Kerr, Russell and Weber - $2,400. To date, the total amount contributed to this fund is $119,843. First awards from this fund will be made this spring. Clark, Klein and Beaumontcontributed an additional $5,000 to support a commercial transaction course in the Law School. Ford Motor Co. made a $25,000 award to the Institute for Manufacturing Research in support of a collaborative effort between Institute Director Robert Thomasand Ford engineer Henk Van Oene to research cracks in polymer materials. WSUalumnae Marge Roberts, Director of the Chemical and Physical Sciences Laboratory at Ford and a memberof the Institute's Advisory board, has been the major facilitator of this and other grants totaling more than $200,000 from Ford over the past several years. The International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) awarded an estimated $207,000 worth of hardware, software and courseware to the College of Education. The equipment will be used to train teacher candidates in the latest techniques of instructional technology for grades K-12 in science, mathematics and language arts education. IBMalso contributed $5,000 in cash. Unisys Corporation made its annual $5,000 gift to support the Unisys Scholastic Awards in Engineering. The awards are given to electrical and computer engineering students and provide full scholarships and summerinternships with Unisys. The CommunityFoundation for Southeastern Michigan awarded the Detroit Radio Information Service (ORIS) a grant of $10,600 for improved coordination of volunteer activities. Additional funding will depend on program evaluation and matching funds from other sources. The grant was facilitated through the Elizabeth M. Wight Fund, established to aid visually and/or hearing impaired persons or to enhance non-profit organizations which provide the same services. The Ford Motor CompanyFund awarded $5,000 to the Chemistry Department in support of the XIVth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, to be held on the WSUcampus in August. The grant will support attendance by an international cross-section of plenary and invited lecturers and younger scientists. The Else Kolhede Memorial Foundation continued its support of nursing scholarships with a $4,500 grant. - 5 - • The Research to Prevent Blindness EndowmentFund, Inc. made its annual award of $45,000 to WSU'sResearch to Prevent Blindness EndowmentFund. • A quarterly distribution of $25,467.68 was received from the Robert H. Tannahill Foundation for the Merrill Palmer Institute. The Center for Urban Studies received a $17,500 grant to study the impact of a para-church organization on its staff, board members, donors, volunteers and participating youth. The grantee, Young Life, is an evangelical organization ministering to disadvantaged youth in both urban and small town settings. The survey will be conducted at YoungLife's 50th anniversary conference. The Reuther Library Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs received an annual grant of $12,000 from the Air Line Pilots Association. The Association has been supporting the library since 1968. The Reuther Archives are the official repository of all records of the Air Line Pilots Association nationwide. Planned and Major Giving Nellie D. Alford created a new endowedscholarship fund in the School of Medicine with a gift of $12,000. A distribution of $5,828 was received from the Estate of William HawkinsFerry to be equally divided between the Merrill-Palmer Institute and the W. HawkinsFerry EndowedChair in Art History and in research. The cumulative amount of the Ferry bequest now • exceeds $2.2 million. William S. Revenoestablished a new Medical School endowed scholarship fund with an initial contribution of $10,000. Calvin L. Stevens contributed $9,400 toward the C.L. Stevens Research and DevelopmentFund in the School of Medicine. Gifts totalling over $11,000 were received in memoryof John Y. Teshima, M.D., designated to the John Y. Teshima, M.D., Resident Award Fund in the School of Medicine. The award will be presented each year to the senior resident who demonstrates outstanding perfonnance in gynecology or oncology. • - 6 - • Anthony WayneSociety To date this fiscal year 11 new individual membershave joined the University's highest giving club, the Anthony WayneSociety. The following are the new Anthony WayneSociety individual members: • AMOUNT DESIGNATION PAID-IN-FULL: Mr. G. Richard Krieger $10,000 College of Pharmacy B.S. '58/Pharmacy OwnsKingsboro Pharmacy, Inc. AMOUNT DESIGNATION PLEDGING: Mr. Gabriel J. Courey $10,000 LawSchool Fund Attorney; Parvian, Raphael, Courey, Cohen and Houston (Windsor) Ors. Georgean and Mark deBlois $10,000 School of Medicine (G) B.A. '76, M.S. '78, M.D. '80 • Pathologist, Clin. Lab. Cons. (M) M.D. '80 West End Orthopedic Mr. David A. Hagelstein $10,000 President's EnhancementFund WSUAlumnus Pres., Walnut Ridge Properties Ellen and Peter Hodges $10,000 Scholarship Fund, College of Engineering (E) B.S. '57/Nursing (P.) B.S. '53/Engineering B.S. '56/Law Dr. George P. Pavlidakey $10,000 Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine M.D. '84 Dermatologist/Florida • - 7 - Dr. Stephen L. Peck $10,000 School of Medicine M.D. '76 • Pres., KalamazooCardiology Mr. Christ Petrouleas $10,000 NamedEndowed Scholarship Fund, Athletics Dept. B.S. '63, M.S. '72/Education Director, WSUAthletics Dept. Dr. John R. Schneider $10,000 School of Medicine A.B. '59, M.D. '63 Pres., Hematology-Oncology,P.C. Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Sole $10,000 School of Medicine M.D. 1 67 Pres., Lapeer Eye Clinic INSURANCE: Ms. DonnaJ. Edley $50,000 NamedEndowed Scholarship Fund, • College of Education B.A. '59, M.A. 1 63/Education Ass't. Principal, Vetal Elementary/ Middle School • - 8 - Annual Giving As a direct result of Annual Giving solicitations, the University received • 8,160 donations which produced a revenue of $477,842.49 between October 1, 1989 and January 31, 1990. The breakdown is as follows: Type of Appeal Revenue # Gifts DecemberConstituent $ 63,454.50 946 Special Mailings: Humanities Endowment 12,425.00 209 President's DecemberAppeal* 12,675.00 154 President's Letter to Faculty & Staff 64,781.00 311 Other** 37,645.00 310 TOTALDirect Mail $190,980.50 1930 Phonathon: $ 223,157.99 4917 Telemarketing: Education $ 6,767.00 294 Psychology 350.00 15 Social Work 535.00 25 WDET 25,843.00 613 Medicine 3,015.00 51 Other** 320.00 3 • TOTALTelemarketing $ 36,830.00 1001 In-House: Ford Campaign6 $ 7,565.00 85 Det. Edison Campaign4 11,751.00 166 General Motors 1,660.00 20 Other* 5,898.00 41 TOTALIn-House $ 26,874.00 312 TOTALAnnual Giving $ 477,842.49 8160 Solicitations were also conducted by the Lawand Medical Schools. The results of these solicitations are as follows: law School $ 226,482.00 699 Medical School 934,404.52 1947 TOTALALL PROGRAMS $1,638,729.01 10806 * Non-alumni individuals ** Other includes revenue from previous solicatations. • - 9 - Breakdownof McGregorMemorial Conference Center Events-- Fiscal Year Comparison - January, 1989-1990 • YTD YTD 1/89 1/90 1989 1990 EVENTS: Classes 24 36 30 43 Conferences 9 11 44 54 Lectures 4 5 27 39 Meetings 63 76 259 289 Performances 6 10 57 49 Seminars 6 15 48 84 Special Events 12 9 36 73 Weddings 0 0 0 2 TOTALEVENTS 124 162 501 633 *FOODSERVICE FUNCTIONS Breakfasts 5 13 40 37 Luncheons 25 17 124 84 Dinners/Banquets 6 8 30 32 Receptions 10 6 53 44 Catered Events --Off Premise 34 47 141 151 • TOTALFOOD SERVICE 80 91 388 348 Program Highlights Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute, January 15. Approximately 300 persons attended a luncheon honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The keynote address was given by Dr. George Kelsey of DrewUniversity, who was Dr.
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