Index administrative structures Alaric 34, 44, 48 in Byzantine Africa 240 Albertini Tablets 20 in the Vandal kingdom 77–81, economic life and 59, 159–61, 82, 212–13 162, 169, 175 Aetius 52–3, 55, 111, 115, 116, 119 as evidence of literacy 216–17 Africa Proconsularis religious life and 194, 212 Byzantine conquest of 251 Alföld (Great Hungarian Plain) Vandal invasion of 51–5 31–2, 33 Vandal kingdom in Alianae, bathing complex 223–4 ad 435 treaty 60–1, 62 Amalafrida 59, 132, 133 ad 442 treaty 63, 64, 65, 66, annona 79, 80, 145–7, 148, 151, 159 67–8, 94 Anthemius 121, 122, 123 administration of 80–1 Antonine Baths 209 Arian churches in 200 Apollinarius 139, 230, 238 land use within 149, 156–7, 159 Arianism/Arians 177–9 persecutions 188, 193 African Arian church 198–200 religious life in 188, 193, 200 barbarian clothing erroneously see also Carthage associated with 102–6 African red slip ware (ARS) 147, Byzantine conquest and 240–1, 150, 151, 159 248–53 see also ceramics fines levied on 166 Agnellus of Ravenna 7 Nicene converts to 187, 195, 198, agriculture 144, 145–7, 148–9, 200–1 156–62, 253 persecution by 185–7, 189 Ain Tounga, Byzantine fort 254 persecution of 188 Alans COPYRIGHTEDproselytizing MATERIAL mission of 180–4, in early Vandal history 35–7, 189–92, 196–203 38–40, 41–4, 45, 47–9, 84 religious ambivalence and 193–6 identity of 84, 96–7 religious buildings of 189, 195–6 involvement in the sack of Rome use of Vandalic language 95 117 Vandal engagement with 6, 71, Vandal settlement and 66 178–9, 181, 189, 192 342 Index Arifridos 83, 86–7, 95 persecutions and 102–5, 188, army 189, 193–5 Byzantine 252–3 taxation of 166 Vandal 69, 70, 163, 167–8 Thrasamund and 196–8 Aspar 55, 122 Vandal conquest and 53, 54–5, Asterius 45–6 61, 65, 177, 179–80 Attila 114–15 Vandal foreign policy and 116, Augustine of Hippo 89, 177, 179, 138–40 182, 191 Boniface 46, 52–3, 54, 55 education of 214, 215 Bord Djedid mosaics 90–1, 99 Aurès Mountains 65–6, 126, 127 Brady, Nicholas 8 see also Bir Trouch ostraka buildings Avitus 115, 118, 119 cultural life and 205, 206–12, 222, 226 Balearic islands 139, 140 economic life and 153–5, 157, Baro, Balthasar 7–8 158 Basiliscus 121, 122 Justinian’s programme and bath complexes 154, 209, 210, 211, 234–6, 241–8, 255 223–4, 236 private architecture 211–12 Belisarius religious, see religious buildings conquest of Africa 141, 150, 165, Vandal court and 78, 236 231–3, 238–9 Byzacena control of the Balearics 139 cultural life of 210–11 post-534 military crises and 253 economic life of 149, 154, view of Vandal identity 107–8 157–61, 162 Bigelow, Poultney 20 literacy within 217 Bigua, monastery of 247–8 post-480 frontier of 129 Bir Ftouha, Basilica at 243, 244, 248 post-534 military crises within Bir Messaouda, Basilica at 243–5, 252, 254, 255 247, 248 religious life within 189, 193, Bir Trouch ostraka 59, 127, 161–2, 195–6, 201–2, 251 216–17 Vandal rule within 55, 63, 64, 65, bishops 66, 67, 68 Arian 198 Byzantine Africa Nicene Belisarius’ conquest and the apostasy of 187, 198 creation of 141, 150, 231–3, Arianism and 182–3, 190, 238–9 197–8, 199–203 Justinian and 234–8, 241–8, 255 exile of 138–40, 182–3, military crises within 252–5 185–6, 196–7, 201 religious policies within 239–53, Geiseric and 180–1 255 Hilderic and 201–3 Vandal legacy within 165, 167, Huneric and 75 176, 238–41, 255 Notitia Provinciarum and 65, Byzantine Empire 187 economy of 151 Index 343 end of the Vandal kingdom and ceramics 143–4, 147, 149, 150–1, 228–55 154, 158–9 Vandal foreign policy towards 59, see also ostraka 109–12, 116, 118–24, 132–9 chariot racing 210 see also Byzantine Africa children 49, 106 see also education Cabaon 129 chiliarchs 69 Capreolus 179–80 Christianity (Nicene) 6, 38–41, 123 Carthage 3 in Byzantine North Africa hunting mosaics of 90–1, 99 imperial conquest and 237–8, religious buildings within 188–9, 240–1 190, 206–8, 243–5, 247, 248 Justinian’s building programme secular buildings in 188–9, 190, and 241–8 206–8 limits of compromise 248–52, circular monument 207–43 255 circus 210 military crises and 252–3 Damous El Karita 242 Three Chapters controversy and harbour 145 252 theatre 206, 207 in Roman North Africa under the Byzantines 232–3 Christianity as marker of identity military crises post-534 within 89 253 ‘Donatism’ and 191 political divisions within 239 in Vandal North Africa 58, 59, rebuilding programme within 75, 177, 180–203 234–5, 236, 241–6, 247–8 apostasy under 187, 195, 198, under the Vandals 4–6, 7–8, 16, 200–1 21, 23, 55, 60, 61, 121–3 Arianism and 182–4, 190–1, bishops within 75, 102–5, 116, 197–203 179–80, 181, 186, 201–2 dress and 102–5 General Council of ad 525 in exile under 128, 138–40, 180, 201–2 182–4, 185–6, 196–7, 201 cultural life of 205, 206–12, government and 61, 65, 66, 71, 215, 222–5 81 economic life of 141, 145, 147–8, language and 95 149, 150, 151, 153–5, 175 links to Mediterranean islands education within 215, 219 137–40 religious exiles and 104–5, persecutions under 71, 103–5, 128, 138–40, 180, 196, 201 166, 184–92, 237–8 religious persecution within poetry and 221, 225–7 102–5, 181, 188–9 Vandal invasion and 54–5, royal rule and 56, 73, 77–8, 177, 179–80 103–5 Victor of Vita on 184–92 Cassiodorus 111–12, 132, 134, 238 churches 157, 188–9, 201 Cassius Felix 218 Byzantine building programme Castinus 46–7, 50 235, 236, 241–8 344 Index Circular Monument 207, 243 economy 141–76 civic institutions 212–13 in Byzantine Africa 236 clothing 83, 89, 90–1, 102–5, fiscal structures in 162–8 106–7 Mediterranean trade and 145–8, coins 72, 73, 137, 168–75 150–1 Commentary on the Book of Job modern scholarship and 142–4 198–9 Roman 142–8 Conradi, Johann Georg 8 rural economic life 152, 156–62 Constans 38, 41 see also agriculture Constantine 35, 37–8, 39, 40, 41, taxation and 42, 144, 145–7, 42, 48 148, 163–7 Constantius 40, 42–3, 44, 45, 48 urban economic life 152, 153–5, Corippus 129, 228, 253–4 158 Corsica 139–40 Vandal identity and 94 court culture 77–8, 103–5 education 213–19 Cowper, William 10 Epigramma Paulini 40–1, 165–6, cultural life 204–27 174, 195–6 buildings as markers of 205, epigraphy 94–5, 174 206–12, 222 barbarian language and 94–5 civic institutions and 212–13 Byzantine conquest and 234, education and 213–19 247–8 identity and 89, 100–2 civic institutions and 212–13 panegyrics as manifestations of frontiers and 127–8 219–25 as means of expressing identity royal court and 77–8, 103–5 83–4, 97 secular poetry and 225–7 Ermengon 97, 107 ethnicity and identity 83–108 Dacia 27, 30, 31, 32 gender and 93, 106–8 Danube frontier 24–6, 27–34 religious activity and 194–6 Defoe, Daniel 109 Roman 88–91, 97–8, 99–102 Deogratias 181 as social constructs 85–8 Desaguliers, John Theophilus 10 Vandal 21–2, 23, 47–50, destructive Vandals 4, 9–11, 117 91–108 Dexippus 28, 30 Eudocia dialectic, education in 214–15 betrothal to Huneric 57, 58, 63, Dio, Cassius 27–8 112–13, 120 Don Quixote 7 as mother of Hilderic 59, 63 Donatism/Donatists 191, 194, 199, Vandal foreign policy and 226 112–13, 116, 117, 120 Dracontius Eudoxe (play) 8 education and 215, 217–18, 220 Eudoxia 116, 117, 118–19, 120 poetry of 205, 219–21, 222, 225 Eugenius 102–3, 196 on Vandal rule 71 European history, Vandal history as dress, see clothing 14–18, 19–20 D’Urfé, Honoré 7 Exuperius of Toulouse 39 Index 345 Felix 222, 224 African invasion under 51, 52, Ferrandus 57, 59, 202 53–4, 55, 61, 84 field surveys 156–9 coins of 172 fiscal structures 162–8 court of 78, 79 fish salting 147 foreign policy of 57–8, 70, flamines perpetui 212–13 110–24, 125, 128, 130–2 Florentinus 72, 73, 223 form of rule 70–3 foreign policy (Vandal; ad 439–534) religious policies of 71, 177, 179, 109–40 180–1 emergence of Vandals on world succession policy of 49–50, stage 111–16 57–8, 74–5 military pay and 167–8 Gelimer 60, 96, 129, 139 sack of Rome and 116–24 economic policies of 141 subsequent to Geiseric’s death end of the Vandal kingdom and 124–40 76, 228–9, 231–3, 238–9 forts, Byzantine 254–5 imperial pretensions of 72 France 7, 9–10, 11–12, 14, 18–19, Sardinian crisis and 136–7 20–1 succession of 75, 76 see also Gaul taxation under 165, 166 Franks 35, 47, 193 Geminius Catullinus, Flavius 212, French Revolution 9–10 213 Fridamal 98–9, 100 gender, Vandal identity and 93, Fulgentius the Mythographer 204, 106–8 215–16 genealogy 8–9, 15, 57–60, 74 Fulgentius of Ruspe 59, 71, 129, Genseric, see Geiseric 150 Genton 68, 76 early life of 164, 168, 212, 216 German identity, Vandals and 4, exile of 138–9, 193–4, 196–7, 11–18, 19–20 201 Gerontius 37, 38, 40, 41–2, 44, 48, responses to Arianism 193–5, 49 197–8, 199–203 Gibbon, Edward 11, 36 fundus Tuletianos 160–1, 175 Godas 136, 137, 166, 231 Godigisel 49 Gafsa, martyrs of 186, 247–8 Goths 5, 6, 10–11, 28, 33–4, 35, Galla Placidia 44, 52–3, 55 37, 44–5, 48, 52 Gaudentius 115, 116, 117, 118–19 see also Ostrogoths; Visigoths Gaul government infrastructure Vandal activity within 34, 35–43, in Byzantine Africa 240 44, 47, 48–9 in Vandal Africa 77–81, 82, the Vandals in history of 7, 11, 212–13 14 grain production 144, 145, 147, Geiseric 5, 8, 12, 19–20, 57–8 148, 151, 161–2 ad 435 treaty and 60–1 grammar, education and 214–15, ad 442 treaty and 61–70, 94, 217 112–13, 118, 167 grammatici 214, 215–16 346 Index Great Hungarian Plain (Alföld) houses 211–12 31–2, 33 Huneric 58 Greek, education in 214, 216 attempts to rework the Hasding Grégoire de Blois 9–10, 11–12 succession 58, 59, 74, 75–6 Gregory I, Pope 114, 140 coins of 173 Gregory of Tours 7, 35 death of 58 Grotius, Hugo 14 dynastic alliances and 57, 63, Gunderic 49–50, 74 112–13,
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