AUSTRALIAN - I urrIwflL JUUMIYCIL ur I~E AU?.TRALlAN CLAY TARGET ASSOCIATION INC / Prlnl Posl Approved PP349101100364 w sHooTlN6 I A1 ICI ICT inOK 1 fl - 1995 mWorld .x- _. Championships Team, w-. --r^TIy, 7- 8 - t r 1 CYPRUS -JUNE 12-20 r= -* ,, World Championships - Nicosia, Cyprus - 12-20 June, 1995 Double Trap Champion: 1st Steve Haberman (Aus) 2nd Waldeimar Schanz (Ger) 3rd Jiri Gach (Cze) NSW Promotional Day - Wagga Gun Club - 30th April, 1995 1995 AuQ 11-13 NSW State Skeet Championships Tamworth CTC, NSW Au~12-13 Tas State Skeet Championships Tasmanian GC, Tas Aug 12-13 Vic Olympic & Double Trap Elimination Melbourne GC, Vic Aug 19-20 Northern Zone Trap Carnival lnverell RSM GC, NSW Aug 19-20 ISU Elimination Cairns & District GC, Qld Aug 25-27 5 Stand Sporting Clays Nationals lllawarra GC, NSW sept 1 ISU Elimination Cairns & District GC, Qld Sept 2-3 Annual UIT Carnivai Mildura GC. Vic Sept 2-3 Open Trap - Incl. Commonwealth DB Tamworth CTC. NSW Sept 16-17 Vic Olympic &Double Trap Elimination Werribee-Victorian CTC. Vic Sept 16-17 NSW State ISU Carnivai lllawarra GC, NSW Sept 16-18 Qld State Skeet Carnivai Townsviile GC, Qid Sept 20 Pre Skeet Nationals Townsville GC, Qld Sept 21-24 Skeet Notionals Townsvilie GC, Qld Sept 23-24 SA State ISU Carnival State Shooting Park, Virginia, SA Sept 30-0ct 2 WA State DTL & Skeet Carnival WA Shooting Complex, WA Sept 300ct 2 NSW State Trap Carnival Tamworth CTC, NSW Oct 1 Vic State Double Trap Championship t.b.0. Oct 5-8 5th Australian Masters Games Frankston Australian CTC, Vic Oct 7-8 Vic State Oiympic Trap Championship t.b.0. Oct 14-15 2 Day Carnival Geelong GC, Vic Oct 21-22 Qid State ACTA Sporting Titles Gold Coast & Albert CTC, Qld Oct 21-29 Olympic Discipline Nationals WA Shooting Complex, WA Nov 10-12 Vic State Trap Carnival Maryborough & District GC, Vic 1996 Feb 9-11 SA State DTL Carnival State Shooting Park, Virginia, SA Mar 9-16 NZ Trap Nationals Christchurch. NZ Mar 12-16 The Australian Veterans Games Wagga GC, NSW April 3-4 Pre Trap Nationals Tasmanian GC, Tas April 6-12 Trap Nationals Tasmanian GC, Tas April 27-28 SA State Skeet Carnival South Australian GC, Bolivar, SA sept 21-22 SA State ISU Carnival State Shooting Park, Virginia, SA August 1995 Volume No. 48 Issue No. 8 - August 1995 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE Annual Subscription Rate: $25 (junior shooters $15) Copy Deadlines: Seplember issue closes July31 Patron Octoberissue doses August 31 The Right Honourable Malcolm Fraser, A.C., C.H Australian Clay Target Association Inc. 3 Essex Rd (PO Box 557), Mount Waveday, Vic3149 Ph: (03) President (03) 9807 7577 Fax: 9807 2716 Y Glenn Wdhatch Chatman. Ma~gsmentCamdUw Executive Direclor 43 ProuresRd. Bend@, Vk3550 MI Gneme Bmwn Ph: (OM) 40 2536 BH National Director d Coaching ACTA Historian Management Mr Robert Nugent (Urn President) Mr Bronte Evans Printed by Newsprimers Fly Ltd, Melbwme Rd, South SheppaIlao. Vk 3630 PO Bcx231, Roma. Qld 4455 PO Bcx 1796, Alice ylrlnp, NT 0871 R (076) 22 2M7 Pn: (089) 52 1933 BH No rerparslbilly ir accepted by lb p4klkhei lor 810 accuracy oi IMormaI'mn mnalned in the text, UlurlnUom oradvenlremenls.The WWOm express6 h thk Y Bill Jones Mr Allan Kennv magazine do mt necesran)/ reprasentlhasofthe pubkher. cram& ~mnee&mmnes G-aman. Rm&on&~euerpm~ammlw ISSN: 1321.3903 10 S~wdAwFume hSW 2525 56 Waqa Ro. Gbrnlmy.Tar 7010 Ph ,042)28 8353 Po <OM)724714 Mr Graham Manoney Mr Graham Ucne CONTENTS Cnalmn halonalCnarw omhphmlnee Cnarman SmolmaComminee 39 MCDOugd Si. Anqmm. V ~3230 12 llman Are. Mlml Bldw S4 5253 National President's Notes .. .. .. .. .. 3 m 1052163 2286 ~h ma51 31 1394 1995 Wodd Championship.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. Mount Isa Gun Club .. .. .. .. .. 6 Chairman, Coaching Councl PO ax91, Boyanup, WA 6237 MaryboroughTid Bio, Old.. .. .. .. .. 8 Ph: (097) 91 4MO BH Russian Training Camp - an Olympic initiative .. .. .. 10 Waratah State Notes.. .. .. .. .. 12 Committee Editor's Mailbox . .. .. .. .. 12 Mr Mark Bulluss Mrs Elaine Fonvard WaggaGun Club.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 I6 ExmobihCB Leanyw NT0812 ChahMn, Rd&tntflRsbre8sCommmee Cecil ParkClay Target Club.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 R (089) 27 8260 W Bcx 68. Tambeliup. WA 6320 Ph: (098) 25 1137 Tambo Gun Club.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 Rockhampton Clay Target Club bc.. .. .. 14 MrTom Meadows MrJohn Murphy 160 DeB~sySl,Orminon,Old4160 W Bar 404. Kinpmeadav.Tas7249 11th Golden Fox Open at Dubbo . .. .. .. .. .. I6 Ph: (0)) 286 2607 Ph: (0113) 393236 Can anyone remember?. .. .. .. .. .. 20 Mr Andy Sanders Mr Ron Traill MiMura Gun Club . .. .. .. .. 22 I20 Femdelgh Rd. Wagp Wagga. NSW 2650 W &xn. Rochesler.VD3561 Singleton Field Shoot.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 Ph. (0691253318 Ph: (054) 84 1356 Break Badges . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 Y Guy Yoannidis Vale .... ... ...... ... ...... ... .... 23 W Box 8133. MIGambier East SA 5291 CTSN Ckssilieds 24 Ph: (087) I1159 ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Club News, Programs and Results . .. .. 24 Honorary Life Registralions FRONT COVER: E. G. Biggs L. G. Connors (P.P.) G. H. Hall (P.P.) World ChampionshipsTeam - Nicosia, Cyprus- June 12-20, 1995. N. Hardy E. F. Hawkinr (P.P.) R. M. HolHreter (P.P.) Back row I tor: Desene Huddleston, Russell Mark, CfaigTilley, Ben Kelley, L. J. Martin (P.P.) C. Mon R. H. Moyse John Summers, BreiiHall and Damien Webster. R. Mules A. Pedersen (P.P.) A. N. Rowe Front row I tor: Murray Alexander, Steve Haberman, David Cunningham, J. K. Scott(P.P.) J. M. Tyquin (P.P.) N. Wells Michael Diamond, Fillipo Petrialla, Craig Mualeman and Robbie Smith. J. M. Wilmn(P.P.) Page 2 Australian Clay Target Shooting News Auyst 1995 When a shooter has shot 3 brackets of 200 targets 1600) at a lcsser pemntage than hls/her grade, hc/nhe I;, then eligible to be down graded. Put simply rhls means each of the three muos of 260 tarnets mustbe at alower Dercentare than National bs/kk cmnt&ade, not the total of606 tugetskelng aver- aged to anive at the percentage. The shooter can only come President's down one (1)grade at a tlme. Notes Another oroblem is arlaine with handicau marks. No lower does the'shaoter come lo& whcn hlsjhcr grade is lowclrd. he/she comes fonvard at the mrnpleUon of 200 tarpets, pm- vlded that. durlne- the 200 tameGhe/she- has not fncurred a pen&. Visit to the 'Grand American' Glenn a. Woodhatch Should enough members show interest in attending the 1996 Grand American. Iwill continue negotiations to get a gmup visit oreantried. An advertisement settlne out details of the Dm- 0 - posed trip appears elsewhere in rhlr editlon. If you arc at all inwrested in anending, it h lrnperatlvc that you advlsr mc of thls as soon as vou. Gssiblv. can. It must be understood that to organise such a ulp. there am a number of arrangements that must be mmpletrd long before thc cventualJo~~rneyto ensure such atrip is srnwth and as buble free as possible. I believe a trip to ihe 'largest trap shoot in the world'should be IMPORTANT NOTICE an aim of all trap shooters, and the best Ume is now. Change of addre% lo: 1096 New Zealand Nationals The 1996 New Zealand Nationals will be held at the Belfast 511 Quality Court. Wynn Vale. S.A. 5127 Gun Club. CMstchurch and it is planned to uy and get Phone (08) 251 5285 togethcr a package deal also lor those members wishing to Fox (08) 251 5159 6epart these Nationals. Next vear sees our Nationals and New Zealands spread a little furth;r apart. It may well be an opportune Urne fir those who havc previously found them too close togeLI~cr,to take the opportunity and visit thc 'land of the long white cloud'. As at thls st- the orice for return airfare. 9 nights accommo- dation, on a &In s&/double share bash. wo;ld be in the vlclnity of $950 per person. Thls would be staying at a very Warwick good motel close to the gun club, whlch has a licensed restau- rant. lounge and public bars. nightclub, swimming pwl, gym Outdoors & Sports and sauna Triple and quad share would be cheaper. A SPORTSCENE STORE Once again 1would ask anyone interested to mntact me as soon as possible so as the necessary preliminary bwklngs 115 Palmerinstreet Phone (076) 61 3533 Wanvick, Queensiand 4370 Fax (076) 61 1419 can be made. World Championships We cater for the shooter and sports enthusiast generally Coneratulatlons must ao to our team who attended the World and competition shotgunner in particular. ~h&pionshlps recent& in Cyprus. We have a new World Double Trap Champion in Steve Haberman. Well done Steve. * All brands stocked at best discount prices. * 30 O/U shotguns to choose from most times. both Our open team won silver in the trap and double trap. * Reloading components and carmidges at best prices. with the trap team equalling the old world record. Brett Hall is to be congratulated on his silver in the Junior Double Trap. AGENT FOR: Michael Diamond again proved that he is among the world's Laporte &Bay City Targets best with a silver medal in the trap. Ben Kellry's individual bmnze medal and also bronze for -the Junior team in the har, DISTRIBUTOR FOR: Is a message to the world that Austmllawill be pmminent competition in the future. Perazzi * Browning * Beretta Winchester * Miroku * Remington To all team members and omcials, congratulations on an out- standing eflort. We aim to sell you the Rules - Down Grading right gun at the right price! It appears that some members are havlng difficulty with the current rules re down grading. Contact ACTA k QCTAMember GregNewey (Proprietor) August 1695 AustralIan Clay Ts 1995 World Championships NICOSIA, CYPRUS 12th to 20th June, 1995 by Robbie Smith, Team Manager On Sunday the 1 ith June Craig Tilley.
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