Friday, March 20, 1964 Serving and Informing its Readers Vol. 41-No. 21 REP. ROBERT TAFT, JR. <|eft> and Dr. David Befien (center) discuss Tafr's noon speech while Al (antes of Strouss's listens in. * * * * * * such an event with a high de• gree of success. The partici• pating organizations can bene• fit themselves as well as the student body by their coopera• tion," Joyce said. Plans for the University's first Spring Weekend which Delisio added that the commit• tee is appealing to all organiza• "We need a restatement of the feeling of self-determina• will begin May 8 are progressing well, according to co-chair• tions, not just fraternities and tion for all peoples—an old American principle," stated man Steve Joyce. sororities, to take an active part in making this weekend a huge Robert Taft, Jr., who is running for the Republican nomina• The three-day affair will begin with a formal dance at success. tion to the United States Senate, in a brief address to 400 Idora Park on Friday, May 8. Tommy Groth's Orchestra will He said, "This is a great oppor• University students last Friday. provide the music. ^ tunity to all clubs to make money; Daneen Julio and Joyce are co- it entails creativity, organization "How much longer are we going"^ A festival with a Gay 90s theme chairmen of the event. Miss Julio is and initiative on the part of all to turn to the federal government will highlight the afternoon ac• also handling arrangement for the groups. We are expecting an en• for things which should be left to tivities Saturday, May 9. All char• cone e r t. Margie thusiastic response to this pro• the individual?" he asked the audi• tered organizations are eligible to Am Woltors is sub- gram and we will approve all en• ence. He added that in accordance construct festival booths on the chairman of the tries on a first-come first-served with the principle of equal oppor• University's campus. Awards will opening night basis." tunity, there should be a minimum be presented for the best booth dance and Fred Delisio added that the en• level set for the unfortunate. according to originality and close• D e1is io is in tries may be submitted to the "But," he said, "there is no need ness to theme. charge of the fes• Student Council Office between to put a featherbed there." Saturday evening a concert, star• tival. Three University faculty mem• 1 and 3 p.m, Monday through Taft described the two parties ring the Four Preps, will be held bers will join Bishop James Ma- Joyce said that Friday until April 10. as being different in their philoso• at Stainbaugh Auditorium from 9 lone,.National Newman Moderator, the spring week- The total budget allocated by phies about unemployment saying to 1. Casual at- Student Council for the event is that he favors the Manpower pro• to discuss the ecumenical move• tir.e will be the e n d festival is gram for helping people to help ment at 8 p.m. Sunday at Cardinal dress for this Miss Julio patterned after $4,195. 92,500 of that f&r the Satur• themselves rather than the idea segment of the the festival at the University of day night concert. Mooney High School. of simply handing out money. "We festivities. Detroit. Last year was the .first must help people to help them• Faculty members Mrs. Jean AUiii versity- year UD sponsored such an event selves" he stated. "We can dictate Kelty, English, and Dr. Morris lf| wide picnic will and it brought a profit of $13,000 neither jobs ;nor prosperity." Slavin. and Dr. Donald Behen, his• cap the weekend. to the organizations thai partici• tory, will, emphasize the impact T h e outing, an pated. He explained that his holding of that the ecumenical movement has all-day affair, Joyce pointed out that Detroit several precepts led him to his had on the intellectual world as will be held at is an urban school with an enroll• party choice, one of which was con• viewed through Catholic and non- Yankee Lake. A Joyce ment less than that of Youngs- cern for the role of the individual Catholic thought. band will also be there for late town. in society. We must value the in• afternoon and evening entertain• The ecumenical council is the "This proves that a non- The college chapter of the dependence of the individual to use ment. 19th Vatican council of the Cath• campus school can. promote NAACP will sponsor its first an• his responsibilities as best he can. olic Church called originally by the nual variety show and dance 8 p.m. Taft went on to say that the indi• late Pope John XXIII. to 1 a.m. Saturday in Strouss Audi• vidual must be safeguarded from torium. undue interference. Pope Paul VI, present head of Thu 15-act show will be high• "Regardless of which candi• the Roman church, in his address lighted by the following acts: Al date is elected, I am sure that to the second session of the Vati• Bright Trio; Marsha Bender, folk the Republican party will con• can Council, states ". We enu• singe).-; Frank Halfacre, comedian; tinue to stand for a stronger, merate the objectives in four Morgan Erhard, rhythm and blues firmer foreign policy," stated points: the knowledge, or—if you singe?; and Jim Dreisiriger and Taft. "We must move." Cuba prefer—the awareness of the Representatives of the University and television station Sissy Cochran in a "Porgy - and is a real threat to peace only Church; its reform; the bringing WYTV (Channel 33) decided this week that every effort will Bess" routine. because the administration had together of all Christians in unity; be made to institute a University television show this season. The purpose of the event is to not been willing to stand the dialogue of the Church with the raise funds to establish a scholar• strong, he continued. contemporary world." Jambar columnist Mike Plaskett,"^" To organize a staff for the pro• ship program for deserving stu• In a brief question and answer This program is designed to ex• a WYTV employee, proposed the gram, an open meeting will be dents desiring to attend the Uni• period after his speech, Taft was program to Student Council last pose a wide variety of intellectual held at 11 a.m. March 25 in the versity. The grants will be based asked how he thought the Repub- September, explaining that the sta• viewpoints in fields pertinent to Audio-Visual room of the Library. (Continued on Page Five) tion had expressed interest in do• on ability and need. today's young Catholic adults. Flad and WYTV representatives nating air time will attend. for a student-pro• duced show. Anyone interested in participat• j No definite ac- ing in the show or in contributing t i o n was taken ideas is asked to attend. "We also since much of the hope that faculty members who Youngstown Mayor Anthony B, program was still Flask has officially proclaimed in the idea stage. Saturday, March 21 as "First Vot• Council expressed Parking Stickers enthusiasm but er's Day." This proclamation was Effective immediately, a park• had reservations secured through the sponsorship of ing sticker will be required for the First Voter's Drive under the Plaskert about problems of use of the three University lots chairmanship of University fresh• co-ordinating the show. on Wick Avenue, Bryson Street man John Cox. and the new Scott Street lot. Prof. William. Flad, advertising Stickers are available at the The resolution cited the fact that department, offered to supervise its Registrar's Office for $.10. Ac• many University students will at• production. tion will be taken against stu• tain t;he age of 21 by November Flad met Monday with WYTV dents who park in the lots withv and may vote in the May primary, general manager Hara-y W. Reith. out stickers. provided they are properly regis• "It was decided," said Flad, "that tered. the presentation of a regular YU- The deadline for registering is TV series is both possible and wish to express their opinions of March 25. Cox has set up a special highly desirable. We intend to be• the show will attend the meeting registering period for University gin preparations for the show im• and lend us their support," Plas- students at 10 a.m. Saturday at mediately. kett said. the Realty Building on the square in downtown Youngstown. "A staff of University students "In addition, to be sure that no will be assembled to conceive, worthwhile suggestion or public- Cox emphasized that this cam• write and produce the series, which interest group is left out, we ask paign is completely non-partisan. will be aimed at informing the that every fraternity, sorority and He hopes that students will take a general TV audience of the in• student organization send a rep• few minutes to assure themselves terests, the projects, and the peo• resentative to the "meeting to ex• of proper representation. Ken MAYOR ANTHONY B. FLASK (center) issues endorsement pro• ple who make u;p Youngstown Uni• press its feelings and desires," Nervie, University sophomore, is clamation to students John Cox (left) and Ken Nervtc; Cox is versity," Flad added. Plaskett added. • assisting Cox in this drive. chairman of the "First Voters" drive. Page Two THE UNIVERSITY JAMBAR Friday, March 20, 1964 see the mechanism of government grind to a halt while a small clique of reactionary The University Jambar politicians repeat meaningless arguments JACK TUCKER .Editor based on little • more than prejudice and TOM GREEN .
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