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Capital Mobility in the Philippine Automotive Industry and its Impact on Workers By Ecumenical Institute for Labor Education and Research, Inc. (EILER), Philippines March 2011 Edited by Asia Monitor Resource Centre For ATNC Monitoring Network Capital Mobility Research Paper Series is a collaborative work carried out by AMRC and the researchers of Asian TNC Monitoring Network (ATNC). This collaborative research is one of ATNC’s programmes that develop the model of Asian ‘Triangle Solidarity’ which intends to deal with the changing shape of Asian capital and its impact on workers across Asia. This work is carried out by bringing together unions and labour organizations in the region, taking up a collaborative work that equips them with better strategies to cope with the trend of capital mobility. For further information about the work, please visit http://amrc.org.hk/taxonomy/term/issue_2/49 Asia Monitor Resource Centre The Asia Monitor Resource Centre is an independent non-governmental organization focusing on Asian labour concerns. The Centre provides information, research, publications, training, labour networking and related services to trade unions, labour groups, and other development NGOs in the region. The Centre’s main goal is the support democratic and independent labour movements in Asia. In order to achieve this goal, AMRC upholds the principles of workers’ empowerment and gender consciousness, and follows a participatory framework. ATNC Monitoring Network Asian Transnational Corporations (ATNC) Monitoring Network is an Asian regional network of trade unions and labour organizations, which arose in 2002 to monitor the working conditions and management strategies in Asian transnational corporations. The Network now focuses on building up the organizing and educational capacities of its members, to monitor their own workplaces on the basis of their collective power, and carry out joint research and campaigns on the common labour issues of its members. Presently the Network has three main sectoral focuses: garments, automobiles and electronics. For more information about ATNC Monitoring Network, please visit its website: www.atnc.org or contact the Coordinator at [email protected]. !¢≥¥≤°£¥ 4®• 0®©¨©∞∞©Æ• °µ¥Ø≠Ø¥©∂• ©Æ§µ≥¥≤π ®°≥ ≠°Æπ ¨©Æ´≥ ¥Ø ¥®• ߨآ°¨ °µ¥Ø °≥≥•≠¢¨π °Æ§ °µ¥Ø ∞°≤¥≥ ©Æ§µ≥¥≤π ¢µ¥ ¶Ø≤ ¥®• ≠Ø≥¥ ∞°≤¥ ©¥ ®°≥ ¢••Æ µÆ°¢¨• ¥Ø ¢•Æ•¶©¥ ¶≤Ø≠ ¥≤°§• °Æ§ ©Æ∂•≥¥≠•Æ¥ ¨©¢•≤°¨©∫°¥©ØÆ ≠•°≥µ≤•≥ °©≠•§ °¥ §•∂•¨Ø∞©Æß ¥®• ©Æ§µ≥¥≤π Ø∂•≤ ¥®• ∞°≥¥ π•°≤≥ !¥ ¥®• ≥°≠• ¥©≠• °≥ ° ∞¨°π•≤ °¥ ¥®• ¨Ø∑•≤ •Æ§ ض ¥®• ∞°≤¥≥ ≥µ∞∞¨π £®°©Æ ¥®• ©Æ§µ≥¥≤π ®°≥ ض¥•Æ ¢Ø≤Æ• ¥®• ¢≤µÆ¥ ض Æ•ß°¥©∂• ¥≤•Æ§≥ ©Æ ¥®• ߨآ°¨ ©Æ§µ≥¥≤π 4®• ≠°™Ø≤ ≠°Æµ¶°£¥µ≤•≤≥ !/%- ≥% ©Æ ¥®• ߨآ°¨ °µ¥Ø ©Æ§µ≥¥≤π °¶¥•≤ π•°≤≥ ض µÆ≤•≥ب∂•§ Ø∂•≤£°∞°£©¥π ∞≤Ø¢¨•≠≥ °Æ§ ®•°∂𠧕¢¥ ¨•∂•¨≥ ∑•≤• ∞°≤¥©£µ¨°≤¨π ∂µ¨Æ•≤°¢¨• ¥Ø ¥®• ≥®°≤∞ §Ø∑Æ¥µ≤Æ ©Æ ¥®• ߨآ°¨ •£ØÆØ≠π ©Æ &'(&) !§§©Æß ¥Ø ¥®•≥• ∞≤Ø¢¨•≠≥ ∑•≤• ° £ØÆ¥≤°£¥©ØÆ ©Æ ≠°≤´•¥ §•≠°Æ§ °Æ§ ≤©≥©Æß £Ø≥¥≥ §•≤©∂•§ ¶≤Ø≠ ®©ß®•≤ •Æ•≤ßπ °Æ§ ≤°∑ ≠°¥•≤©°¨≥ ∞≤©£•≥ ∞≤•≥≥µ≤•≥ ¥Ø °§§≤•≥≥ £¨©≠°¥• £®°Æß• ©≥≥µ•≥ °Æ§ £ØÆ≥µ≠•≤ §•≠°Æ§ ¶Ø≤ ¥®• ∞•≤≥ØÆ°¨©∫°¥©ØÆ Ø¶ ≠Ø¥Ø≤ ∂•®©£¨•≥ 4®•≥• ∞≤Ø¢¨•≠≥ ∑•≤• ∞°≥≥•§ ØÆ ¥Ø ¥®• ≥µ¢≥©§©°≤©•≥ ض ¥®• /%- ≥ °Æ§ ¥®•©≤ ∞°≤¥≥ ≥µ∞∞¨©•≤≥ °¨ØÆß ∑©¥® °Æ ©Æ¥•Æ≥©¶©£°¥©ØÆ Ø¶ ¥®• ¥≤•Æ§ ¥Ø ¥≤°Æ≥¶•≤ ≠Ø≤• ≤•≥∞ØÆ≥©¢©¨©¥π ¶Ø≤ 2+$ °Æ§ ©¥≥ °¥¥•Æ§°Æ¥ £Ø≥¥≥ ØÆ¥Ø ¥®• ¢°¨°Æ£• ≥®••¥≥ ض ¥®• ∞°≤¥Æ•≤≥ °Æ§ ∞°≤¥≥ ≥µ∞∞¨©•≤≥ !§§©¥©ØÆ°¨¨π ¥®• 0®©¨©∞∞©Æ• ©Æ§µ≥¥≤π ∑®Ø≥• Øƨπ ≥©ßÆ©¶©£°Æ¥ £Ø≠∞°≤°¥©∂• °§∂°Æ¥°ß• °≠ØÆß !3%!. ∞≤اµ£•≤≥ ®°§ ¢••Æ ©¥≥ ¨Ø∑ ¨°¢Øµ≤ £Ø≥¥ ∑°≥ ≠°§• ≠Ø≤• ∂µ¨Æ•≤°¢¨• ¥Ø ¥≤•Æ§≥ ©Æ ¥®• ©Æ¥•≤Æ°¥©ØÆ°¨ •£ØÆØ≠π ¢π ¥®• °§Ø∞¥©ØÆ Ø¶ ¥®• !3%!. &≤•• 4≤°§• !ß≤••≠•Æ¥ !!&4!% °Æ§ Ø¥®•≤ ¥≤°§• ¨©¢•≤°¨©∫°¥©ØÆ ∞°£¥≥ $•≥∞©¥• °¥¥•≠∞¥≥ ¥Ø ∞µ¥ ∞¨°£• ∞≤Ø¥•£¥©ØÆ©≥¥ ≠•°≥µ≤•≥ ¶Ø≤ ¥®• °µ¥Ø≠Ø¢©¨• ©Æ§µ≥¥≤π ¥®• ¨Ø£°¨ ©Æ§µ≥¥≤π ≤•≠°©Æ•§ ∑•°´ °Æ§ µÆ§•≤§•∂•¨Ø∞•§ ≠°©Æ¨π §µ• ¥Ø ¨©≠©¥•§ §Ø≠•≥¥©£ §•≠°Æ§ !≥¨Ø∑ ß≤Ø∑¥® ©Æ ∞•≤ £°∞©¥° ©Æ£Ø≠•≥% ∑®©£® ≤•≥µ¨¥•§ ©Æ ° §©≥•£ØÆØ≠π ض ≥£°¨• °≠ØÆß ¨Ø£°¨ ∞≤اµ£•≤≥ 7 ®©¨• ¨Ø£°¨ §•≠°Æ§ ß≤Ø∑¥® ≤•≠°©Æ•§ ¨Ø∑ ¥®•≤• ∑°≥ ¨©¥¥¨• ©≠∞•¥µ≥ ¶Ø≤ ≥©∫•°¢¨• §Ø≠•≥¥©£ ©Æ∂•≥¥≠•Æ¥ ©Æ ¥®• ¥•£®ÆبØßπ °Æ§ ≥µ∞∞Ø≤¥©Æß ©Æ§µ≥¥≤©•≥ Æ••§•§ ¥Ø ≠°´• ©¥ £Ø≠∞•¥©¥©∂• ¢Ø¥® °¥ ®Ø≠• °Æ§ °¢≤Ø°§ ! ¥Ø¥°¨ ض 1&2 °µ¥Ø ¶©≤≠≥ !¢Ø¥® ¨Ø£°¨ °Æ§ ¶Ø≤•©ßÆ% ∑•≤• ≥µ≤∂•π•§ °Æ§ £¨°≥≥©¶©•§ ¢°≥•§ ØÆ ¥®•©≤ ≥µ∞∞¨π £®°©Æ ≤ب• °Æ§ Ø∑Æ•≤≥®©∞ )Æ£¨µ§•§ ©Æ ¥®• ≥°≠∞¨• ∑•≤• 12 ≥µ¢≥©§©°≤©•≥ ض !≥©°Æ °µ¥Ø ß©°Æ¥≥ ©Æ£¨µ§©Æß 4ØπØ¥° - Ø¥Ø≤ 0®©¨©∞∞©Æ•≥ (ØƧ° #°≤≥ 0®©¨©∞∞©Æ•≥ - ©¥≥µ¢©≥®© - Ø¥Ø≤ 0®©¨©∞∞©Æ•≥ °Æ§ )≥µ∫µ 0®©¨©∞∞©Æ•≥ 4®•≤• °≤• °¨≥Ø £Ø≠∞°Æ©•≥ ¥®°¥ ØÆ¨π §©≥¥≤©¢µ¥• #"5≥ !£Ø≠∞¨•¥•¨π ¢µ©¨¥(µ∞% °≥≥•≠¢¨•§ ص¥≥©§• ¥®• £ØµÆ¥≤π Æ°≠•¨π 3ص¥® +Ø≤•°Æ ¶©≤≠ (πµÆ§°© !≥©° 2•≥ص≤£•≥ )Æ£ °Æ§ #®©Æ•≥• £Ø≠∞°Æπ +°≠° 4≤µ£´≥ 0µ≤∞Ø≥©∂• ≥°≠∞¨©Æß ∑°≥ µ≥•§ ¢°≥•§ ØÆ Ø¶¶©£©°¨ ¨©≥¥ ض °µ¥Ø≠Ø¢©¨• ¶©≤≠≥ ¶≤Ø≠ ßØ∂•≤Æ≠•Æ¥ °ß•Æ£©•≥ °Æ§ ≠°™Ø≤ ©Æ§µ≥¥≤π ß≤ص∞≥ °Æ§ £®°≠¢•≤≥ "°≥•§ ØÆ ¥®• ¶©Æ§©Æß≥ ¥®• ¨Ø£°¨ °µ¥Ø≠Ø¢©¨• ©Æ§µ≥¥≤π £°≤≤π ص¥ ¨Ø∑ ¥•£®ÆبØß©£°¨ ∞≤اµ£¥©ØÆ ∞≤Ø£•≥≥•≥ °Æ§ ∞≤اµ£• ¨Ø∑ ∂°¨µ•(°§§•§ £Ø≠∞¨©≠•Æ¥°≤π °µ¥Ø ∞°≤¥≥ #Ø≠∞ØÆ•Æ¥ ≥∞•£©°¨©≥¥≥ °Æ§ ©Æ¥•ß≤°¥Ø≤≥ £Ø≠∞≤©≥• ¥®• ≠°™Ø≤©¥π ض °¨¨ ¥®• °µ¥Ø ¶©≤≠≥ ≥°≠∞¨•§ ∑©¥® ∞≤اµ£¥≥ °Æ§ ≥•≤∂©£•≥ ≤°Æß©Æß ¶≤Ø≠ ≥¥°≠∞©Æß °Æ§ ≠ب§©Æß ¥Ø ¥®• ≠°Æµ¶°£¥µ≤• ض ¥≤°Æ≥≠©≥≥©ØÆ≥ £°≤ ≥•°¥≥ £°≤ ≥•°¥ ≤•£¨©Æ©Æß °§™µ≥¥•≤≥ ≠µ¶¶¨•≤≥ ¢≤°´• §©≥£≥ ∑°¥•≤ ∞µ≠∞≥ £°≤∞•¥≥ ≠ب§•§ ≤µ¢¢•≤ ∞°≤¥≥ °Æ§ Ø¥®•≤ ÆØÆ(£Ø≤• °µ¥Ø≠Ø¥©∂• ∞°≤¥≥ 4®• Æ°¥µ≤• ض µÆ§•≤§•∂•¨Ø∞•§ ∞≤اµ£¥©ØÆ ©Æ ¥®• °µ¥Ø≠Ø¢©¨• ©Æ§µ≥¥≤π ©≥ §•¶©Æ•§ ¢π ¶Ø≤•©ßÆ ©Æ∂•≥¥≠•Æ¥≥ ¶¨Ø∑©Æß ©Æ¥Ø ¥®• £ØµÆ¥≤π ∑®©£® ©Æ ≠Ø≥¥ £°≥•≥ §©§ ÆØ¥ ≤•≥µ¨¥ ¥Ø ¥•£®ÆبØßπ ¥≤°Æ≥¶•≤ - °Æµ¶°£¥µ≤©Æß °£¥©∂©¥©•≥ ض •∏©≥¥©Æß !≥©°Æ 4.#≥ ©Æ ¥®• £ØµÆ¥≤π ®°∂• ¢°≤•¨π •∏∞°Æ§•§ ∑®©¨• ©≠∞Ø≤¥°¥©ØÆ Ø¶ #"5≥ £ØÆ¥©Æµ•≥ ¥Ø ≥µ≤ß• •≥∞•£©°¨¨π ∑©¥® ©≠∞Ø≤¥°¥©ØÆ Ø¶ #®©Æ•≥• °µ¥Ø≠Ø¢©¨•≥ 4®•≤• ®°§ ¢••Æ ÆØ Æ•∑ ©Æ∂•≥¥≠•Æ¥≥ ¥Ø ¥®• °µ¥Ø≠Ø¢©¨• ©Æ§µ≥¥≤𠧵≤©Æß ¥®• ∞°≥¥ §•£°§• ≥°∂• ¶Ø≤ ¥®• ¶Ø≤•©ßÆ ©Æ∂•≥¥≠•Æ¥≥ ØÆ ≠Ø¥Ø≤£π£¨• ∞≤اµ£¥©ØÆ 3®Øµ¨§ ¥®• ¥≤•Æ§ £ØÆ¥©Æµ• &©¨©∞©ÆØ ∑Ø≤´•≤≥ °≤• ¢ØµÆ§ ¶Ø≤ ≠°≥≥ ≤•¥≤•Æ£®≠•Æ¥ °Æ§ ∑Ø≤≥• ¶¨•∏©¢¨• ¨°¢Øµ≤ ≥£®•≠•≥ °≥ £Ø≠∞°Æ©•≥ §Ø∑Æ≥©∫• Ø∞•≤°¥©ØÆ≥ 4®• ¶©Æ°¨ ≥•£¥©ØÆ Ø¶ ¥®• ≤•∞Ø≤¥ §•¥°©¨≥ ° Ƶ≠¢•≤ ض ≤•£•Æ¥ ¨°¢Øµ≤ ©≥≥µ•≥ ©Æ£¨µ§©Æß µÆ©ØÆ ¢µ≥¥©Æß °£¥©ØÆ °Æ§ ≥•≤©Øµ≥ ®•°¨¥® °Æ§ ≥°¶•¥π ©≥≥µ•≥ ©Æ ¥∑Ø £Ø≠∞°Æ©•≥ 4ØπØ¥Ø - Ø¥Ø≤ 0®©¨©∞∞©Æ•≥ °Æ§ §Ø≠•≥¥©£°¨¨π Ø∑Æ•§ &(4•£® 0®©¨©∞∞©Æ•≥ ∑®©£® ∞≤اµ£•≥ ∞°≤¥≥ ¶Ø≤ (ØƧ° °Æ§ Ø¥®•≤ °µ¥Ø ¶©≤≠≥ •Æ¥≥ !¢≥¥≤°£¥ )Æ¥≤اµ£¥©ØÆ '¨Ø¢°¨ 4≤•Æ§≥ °Æ§ #®°¨¨•Æß•≥ ©Æ ¥®• !µ¥Ø≠ Ø¥©∂• )Ƨµ≥¥≤π : ¨ ¥≤•Æ§≥ ¶≤Ø≠ ¥®• §•≠°Æ§(≥©§• '¨Ø¢°¨ ¥≤•Æ§≥ ØÆ ¥®• ≥µ∞∞¨π(≥©§• !µ¥Ø≠Ø¥©∂• ∞≤اµ£¥©ØÆ °Æ§ ≠°≤´•¥ ©Æ 3ص¥®•°≥¥ !≥©°Æ 2•ß©ØÆ 4®• ©≠∞°£¥ ض !&4! 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