Filter Chart Chemical Filter Chemical Filter Chemical Filter Abate FFP1 tert-Butyl acetate A1 Copper fume FFP1 Acetaldehyde A1 Butyl acrylate A1 Dusts & mist (as Cu) FFP1 Acetic acid E1 n-Butyl alcohol A1 Cotton dust, raw FFP1 Acetic anhydride B1 sec-Butyl alcohol R A1 Crag herbicide FFP1 Acetonitrile A1 Butylamine B1 Cresol, all isomers FFP1 Acetylene dichloride A1 tert-Butyl chromate (as Cro3) FFP1 Cumene FFP1 Acetylene tetrabromide A1 n-Butyl glycidyl ether(BGE) A1 Cyanamide A1 P1 Acetylsalicylic acid FFP2 n-Butyl lactate A1 Cyanogen B1 Acrolein A1 o-sec Butyl phenol A1 Acrylamide A1 P2 p-tert Butyltoluene A1 Cyanogen chloride (CK) B1 Acrylonitrile A1 Cadmium, dust & salts (as Cd) FFP1 Cyclohexane A1 Aldrin A1 P2 Cadmium oxide fume (as Cd) FFP1 Cyclohexnol A1 Allyl alcohol A1 Calcium cyanamide FFP1 Cyclohexanone A1 Allyl chloride A1 Calcium hydroxide FFP1 Cyclohexene Allyl glycidyl ether (AGE) A1 Calcium oxide FFP1 A1 Allyl propyl disulfide B1 Camphor, synthetic A1 Cyclohexylamine A1 Aluminium metal and oxide FFP2 Caprolactam Dust FFP1 Cyclonite B1 Aluminium pyro powders FFP2 Vapor A1 1.3 Cyclopentadiene A1 Aluminium welding fumes A1 P2 Captafol(DifolatanR) FFP1 2.4-D (2.4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid) FFP1 Aluminium soluble salts FFP2 Captan FFP1 Aluminium, alkyls A1 R Carbary (Seven ) FFP1 D.D.T. (Dichlorodiphenyl A1 P1 4-Aminodiphenyl FFP1 Carbofuran (FuradanR) FFP1 trichloroethane) A1 P1 2- Aminoethanol A1 Carbon black FFP1 DDVP Decaborane B1 P1 2- Aminopyridine K1 Carbon dusulfide B1 DemetonR B1 P1 Ammonia A1 Carbon tetrabromide A1 Ammonium chloride fume FFP1 Diacetone alcohol (4-hydroxy-4-methyl A1 Carbon tetrachloride A1 1-2-pentanone) Ammonium sulfamate (Ammate) FFP1 Carbonyl chloride(phosgene) B1 n-Amyl acetate A1 1.2- Diaminoethane K1 Carbonyl fluoride A1 sec-Amyl acetate A1 Diazinon A1 P1 Carechol (Pyrocatechol) B1 Aniline & homologues A1 Diazomethane P1 Cesium hydroxide FFP1 Anisidine (o-,p-isomers) A1 P1 Chlorinated camphene FFP1 Diborane P1 Antimony trioxide handling and use FFP3 Chlorinated diphenyl oxide FFP1 R ANTU FFP1 1Diprom FFP1 Chlorine E1 Arsenic & soluble compounds FFP1 2-n- Dibutylamino ethanol A1 Chlorine dioxide E1 Arsenic trioxide production FFP1 Dibutyl phosphate B1 P1 Chlorine trifluoride E1 Arsine B1 Dibutyl phthalate A1 Chloroacetaldehyde A1 Asbestos FFP3 o-Chloroacetophenone (Phenacyl A1 P1 Dichloracetylene A1 Asphalt (petroleum Fumes) A1 P1 Chloride o-Dichlorobenzene A1 Atrazine FFP1 Chloroacetyl chloride A1 P1 Azinphos-methyl A1 P1 Chlorobenzene FFP1 p-Dichlorobenzene A1 Baygon (propoxur) FFP1 (Monochlorobenzene) 3,3’-dichloro-benzidiene FFP1 Baytex, see Fenthion FFP1 o-Chlorobenzylidene malononitrile A1 P1 1,3-Dichloro-5, 5’-dimethyl hydanto FFP1 Benomyl FFP1 (CS) Benzoquinone A1 P1 2-Chloro-1, 3-butadiene A1 1,1 -Dichloroethane A1 Benzoyl peroxide A1 Chlorodiphenyl (42% Chlorine) FFP1 1,2 - Dichloroethane A1 Benzo(a)pyrene FFP1 Chlorodiphenyl (54% Chlorine) FFP1 Dichloroethyl ether A1 Benzyl chloride B1 P1 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane A1 Diochloromethane A1 (Epichlorohydrin) Beryllium FFP1 1,1-Dichloro-1-nitroethane A1 2-Chloroethanol (Ethylene chlorohy- A1 Biphenyl A1 drin) Dichloropropane A1 Bismuth telluride FFP1 Chloroethylene A1 1,2-Dichloropropane A1 Se-doped FFP1 Chloroform (Trichloromethane) A1 Dichloropropene A1 Borates,tetra, sodium salts FFP1 1-Chloro-1-nitropropane B1 Dichloropropion acid A1 Decahydrate FFP1 Chloropicrin (PS) A1 2 2-Dichloropropion acid A1 Pentahydrate FFP1 b-Chloroprene A1 Dichlorvos(DDVP) A1 P1 Boron oxide FFP1 o-Chlorostyrene A1 Boron tribromide B1 R o-Chlorotoluene A1 Dicrotophos (Bidrin ) P1 Boron trifluoride B1 2-Chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine FFP1 Dicyclopentadiene A1 Bromacil B1 P1 R (N-Serve ) Dicyclopentadienyliron FFP1 Bromine B1 R Chlorpyrifos (Dursban ) FFP1 Dieldrin A1 P1 Bromine pentafluride B1 Chromates, certain insoluble forms FFP1 Diethylamine K1 Bromochloromethane A1 Chromic acid and Chromates FFP1 Diethylaminoethanol A1 Bromoform A1 Chromite ore processing(chromate) P1 Diethylene triamine K1 Butadiene(1,3-butadiene) A1 Chromium, sol. Chromic, chromous FFP1 Butanethiol A1 salts (as Cr) Diethyl ether A1 2-Butanone A1 Clopidol (CoydenR) FFP1 Diethyl phthalate FFP1 2-Butoxyethanol (Butycellosolve) A1 Coal tar pitch volatiles (as Benzene FFP1 n-Butyl acetate A1 solatiles) Difluorodibromo methane A1 sec-Butly acetate A1 Cobalt metal, dust and fume (as Co) FFP1 Diglycidyl ether A1 Filter Chart Chemical Filter Chemical Filter Chemical Filter Dihydroxybenzene FFP1 Ferrovanadium dust FFP1 Maleic anhydride A1 Diisobutyl ketone A1 Fluorine B1 Manganese & FFP1 Diisopropylamine A1 Formaldehyde B1 Compounds (as Mn) FFP1 Dimethoxymethane A1 Formamide B1 Manganese fume FFP1 Dimethyl acetamide A1 Formic acid B1 Manganese cyclo FFP1 Dimethylamine A1 Furfural A1 pentadienyl tricarbonyl (as Mn) FFP1 Dimethylaminobenzene K1 Gasoline A1 Manganese tetroxide FFP1 Dimethylaniline(NNDimethylaniline) A1 Germanium tetrahydride Glass, FFP1 Mercury (Alkyl NA fibrous or dust Dimethylcarbamyl chloride A1 P1 compounds)(as Hg) NA Dimethylformamide A1 Glutaraldehyde A1 1,1, Dimmethylhy drazine K1 Hafnium FFP1 Mercury (All forms NA Dimethylphthalate FFP1 Heptachlor P1 except alkyl) (as Hg) NA Dimethyl sulphate A1 Heptane (n-Heptane A1 Mesityl oxide A1 Dinitrobenzene (all isomers) B1 Methanethiol. B1 Hexachlorobutadiene A1 Dinitro-o-cresol B1 P1 Methyl mercaptan FFP1 Hexachlorocyclo- A1 3,5-Dinitro-o-toluamide (ZoaleneR) FFP1 R pentadiene A1 Methomyl (Lannate ) FFP1 Dinitrotoluene FFP1 Hexachloroethane A1 Methoxychlor A1 Dioxane, tech grade A1 Hexachloronaphthalene FFP1 Dioxathion (DelnavR) FFP1 2-Methoxyethanol (Methyl A1 Hexafluoroacetone A1 Diphenylamine FFP1 R Hexane(n-hexane) A1 cellosolve ) A1 Diphenyl methane disocyanate B1 P1 Methyl acetate A1 (MDI) Hexamethyl phosphor amide P1 OV Methyl acrylate A1 Dipropylene glycol methyl ether A1 2-Hexanone A1 Methyl acrylonitrile A1 Diquat FFP1 Hexone see Methyl isobutyl ketone A1 Methyl alcohol (Methnol) A1 Di-sec-octyl phthalate (Di-2- FFP1 sec-Hexyl acetate A1 ethylhexyl phthalate) Hexylene glycol A1 Methylamine K1 Disulfuram FFP1 Hydrazine K1 Methylamyl alcohol A1 Disulfoton (DisystonR) FFP1 Hydrogenated terphenyls K1 P1 Methyl n-amyl ketone (2-Heptanone) A1 2,6-Di-tert-butylpcresol FFP1 Hydrogen bromide B1 Diuron FFP1 Hydrogen chloride B1 Methyl bromide A1 Divinyl benzene A1 Hydrogen cyanide B1 Methyl butyl ketone A1 Emery FFP1 Hydrogen Fluoride(asFe) E1 Methyl chloroform A1 Endosulfan (ThiodanR) FFP1 Hydrogen selenide (as Se) B1 (1,1,1,Trichloroethane) Endrin FFP1 Hydrogen sulfide B1 Methyl 2-cyanoacrylate B1 Epichlorophydrin A1 2-Hydroxypropylacrylate A1 Methylcyclohexane A1 EPN FFP1 Indene A1 Methylcyclohexanol A1 1,2-Epoxypropane A1 Indium & Compound FFP1 o-Methylcyclohexanone Methyl deme- A1 2,3-Epoxy-1-propanol A1 (as In) FFP1 ton Ethanethiol B1 Iodine A1 P1 Methylene bisphenyl B1 P1 Ethion (NialateR) FFP1 diisocyanate (MDI) B1 P1 2-Ethoxyethanol A1 Iodoform A1 4,4’-Methylene bis (2-chloraniline) A1 P1 Iron oxide fume FFP1 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate(Cellosolve A1 MbOCA acetate) Methylene bis (4- B1 P1 (Fe 0 )(as Fe) Iron salts soluble (as FFP1 Ethyl acetate A1 2 3 cyclohexylis-ocyanate) Fe) Ethyl acrylate A1 4,4’-Methylene dianiline A1 Isoamyl acetate A1 Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol) A1 Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide A1 Isoamyl alcohol A1 Ethyl amine B1 Isobutyl acetate A1 Methyl formate A1 Ethyl amyl ketone (5-Methyl-3- A1 Methyl hydrazine K1 heptanone Isobutyl alcohol A1 Methyl iodide A1 Ethyl benzene A1 Isophorone diisocyanate B1 Ethyl bromide A1 Methyl isoamyl ketone A1 Ethylbutyl ketone (3-heptanone) A1 Methyl isobutlye ketone A1 Isopropyl acetate A1 Ethyl chloride A1 Methyl isocyanate B1 Isopropyl alcohol A1 Ethylene chlorohydrin B1 Methyl methacrylate A1 Isopropylamine K1 Ethylene glycol Particulate FFP1 Methyl parathion A1 P1 n-Isopropylaniline A1 Vapor A1 Isopropyl ether A1 Methyl propyl ketone A1 Ethylene glycol dinitrate and/or B1 Nitroglycerin Isopropyl glycidyl ether A1 Methyl silicate A1 Ethylene glycol Methyl ether A1 Lead inorg fumes & dust (as Pb) FFP1 a-Methyl styrene A1 acetate Lead inorg fumes & dust (as Pb) Molyb demum (as Mo) Soluble com- FFP1 Ethylene glycol Methyl ether A1 pounds acetate Lead arsenate (as Pb FFP1 Insoluble compounds FFP1 (Methyl cellosole acetate) Ethylene A1 Lead chromate (as Cr) FFP1 Monocrotophos FFP1 oxide Lindane A1 P1 Monomethyl aniline A1 Ethylenimine K1 Lithium hydride FFP1 Morpholine A1 Ethyl formate Ethylidene nor- A1 Magnesium oxide FFP1 bomene Naphthalene A1 b-Naphthylamine FFP1 n-Ethylmorpholine A1 fume (as Mg) FFP1 Fensulfothion (Dasant) P1 Malathion FFP1 Nickel metal FFP1 Fenthion FFP1 Nickel soluble compounds (as Ni) FFP1 Filter Chart Chemical Filter Chemical Filter Chemical Filter Polychlorobiphenyls A1 P1 Tributyl phosphate A1 P1 Nickel sulfide roasting fume and FFP1 dust (as Ni) Polytetrafluoroethylene Decomposi- FFP1 Trichloroacetic acid B1 tion Products Nicotine FFP1 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene A1 Potassium hydroxide FFP1 Nitric acid B1 P1 1.1.2-Trichloroethane A1 Propargyl alcohol A1 r-Nitroaniline B1 P1 Trichloroethylene A1 b-Propiolactone P1 Nitrobenzene B1 1.2.3-Trichloropropane A1 P1 Propionic acid A1 Trictclohexyltin hydroxide (PlictranR) FFP1 Nitochlorobenzene B1 P1 n-Propyl acetate A1 Triethylmine A1 4-Nitrodiphenyl B1 P1 Propyl alcohol A1 Trimethyl benzene A1 Nitroethane B1 n-Propyl nitrate B1 Trimethyl phosphite B1 Nitrogen dioxide B1 Propylene glycol dinitrate A1 2,4,6-Tritrotoluene (TNI) B1 Nitrogen trifluoride B1 Propylene glycol monomethyl ether A1 Triorthocresyl
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