Spring 2004 THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR FACILITY • A DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY FACILITY 12 GeV on the horizon Department of Energy approves ‘mission need’ for upgrading CEBAF eputy Secretary of Energy Kyle CEBAF electron beam from its current DMcSlarrow traveled to Jefferson level near 6 GeV to 12 GeV (billion Lab April 19 to announce that the electron volts), build a fourth experi- Department of Energy had established mental hall, and upgrade detector capa- a “mission need” for upgrading the bilities in the three existing experimen- Lab’s Continuous Electron Beam tal halls. Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) and its “Approval of CD-0 for the CEBAF experimental capabilities. During an Upgrade is an important and critical All Staff Meeting that morning, step in building Jefferson Lab’s future,” McSlarrow told Lab employees, visit- said Lab Director Christoph Leemann. Anthony (Tony) W. Thomas ing officials and members of the news “With the 12 GeV Upgrade, Jefferson JLab Chief Scientist and media that DOE had approved the Lab will be firmly anchored as a world Theory Group Head Critical Decision Zero — or CD-0 — leader in the field of hadronic physics document for the proposed CEBAF for many years to come.” 12 GeV Upgrade. Anthony Thomas is “Today marks a special day for all The proposed Upgrade at Jefferson of those within the Lab, among our sci- JLab’s new Chief Lab would double the energy of the entists, at our universities and in our Scientist, Theory head Continued on page 4 nthony (Tony) W. Thomas has Aassumed the mantle of Jefferson Lab Chief Scientist, bringing his 30+ years of experience in nuclear and par- ticle physics to the Lab. "Tony's interests and expertise in nuclear theory make him an ideal choice for Jefferson Lab's Chief Scientist. He deeply understands the vital connections between experiment, theory, and advanced computation and simulation, and he will be instrumen- tal in bringing this vision to its full development,” says Christoph Leemann, Jefferson Lab Director. Jefferson Lab has been without a Chief Scientist since Nathan Isgur’s death in 2001. Dr. Thomas has held positions at Deputy Secretary of Energy Kyle McSlarrow announced the Department of Energy’s approval of Jefferson Lab’s Accelerator Upgrade at an All Staff meeting CERN, TRIUMF and the University held April 19 at the Lab. Listening as Deputy Secretary McSlarrow makes his of British Columbia. In his most announcement is (left to right) Congresswoman Jo Ann Davis, Congressman Continued on page 2 Robert C. “Bobby” Scott, Senator John Warner, and Lab Director Christoph Leemann. Continued from page 1 recent position, at the University of dance of quarks and gluons inside Adelaide, he was the Elder Professor atoms constitutes nucleons; establish- of Physics in the Department of ing the existence of the pentaquark, its Physics and Mathematical Physics, properties, and other possible pen- where he also served as Director of the taquark states; searching for hints of Special Research Centre for the changes in the structure of bound pro- JLab welcomes Subatomic Structure of Matter, tons and neutrons, a precursor to the Director of the Australia National “melting” of protons and neutrons into Institute for Theoretical Physics, a quark-gluon plasma at high densities; Tony Thomas Physics Department Chair and and searching for exotic mesons. Associate Dean of the Faculty of Another of Thomas’ top priorities is as new Chief Science. laying the groundwork for the experi- “If you ask where we are getting mental program that will be made pos- Scientist... new information on the structure of sible by the 12 GeV Upgrade. matter, this is the key place. Jefferson "Amongst the many exciting possibili- Lab is elucidating the structure of ties, we are looking for new insights hadronic matter using the electromag- into proton structure through the mea- netic interaction — this is experimen- surement of virtual Compton scattering tal science at its best. Especially with and generalized parton distributions,” the opportunity to move to higher he says. energies, it's an exciting time to be Thomas also acknowledged the here,” he says. practical benefits in applied science As Chief Scientist, Thomas will that have been made possible by the guide JLab’s experimental program, basic science program. “The Lab also providing guidance on the direction of has a broader program in applied sci- the Lab’s experimental and theoretical ence. And part of my job is to encour- programs. “I’m working with the user age the things that are really first rate community and theorists to make the in applications of deep ultraviolet light scientific program the very best it can at the FEL or Terahertz radiation, in be. In these times, even this lab has biology and condensed matter physics, limited resources, and so they have to and other programs. So it's not just be devoted to the science that's really nuclear physics, though that's clearly cutting edge,” he notes. the main mission of the Lab,” he Some of the topics Thomas thinks explains. are most important to the Lab include Thomas is also Jefferson Lab’s new further research on how the complex Theory Group Leader. “The theory group at a lab like this is very impor- tant. It provides intellectual leadership for the experimental program. When it comes to judging a Lab’s scientific program, it's a balance between tech- nology, the questions that interest the experimenters, and what is best able to be interpreted theoretically — what will give theory the next kick forward. So the theory group has many roles,” Thomas notes. One major goal Thomas has for the Theory Group is the establishment of the Excited Baryon Analysis Center (EBAC). The Center will study the many states of the pentaquark, and other baryons, that the quark model predicts are possible. “The Center was one of the things that was proposed just before I arrived, and I hope to see Continued on page 16 2 ON TARGET • Spring 2004 Dear Colleagues: Building on the significant scientif- user facility “overwhelming national ic accomplishments in the Nuclear user interest and program need” must be Physics program, our unique core com- demonstrated. petencies and the advances we have During a lengthy discussion on the made in areas such as superconducting Lab’s safety performance, Dr. Orbach radiofrequency (SRF), the Spallation expressed his concern over the Lab’s Neutron Source (SNS) and the Free- safety record, which is among the poor- Electron Laser (FEL) we are beginning est of all the national labs. He and an exciting new chapter in the life of other DOE managers view the Lab’s Jefferson Lab. A large part of preparing high number of safety incidents and for the future is developing a vision near-misses as indicators of inattention that is consistent with the Office of that could lead to potential serious Science and Department of Energy’s injury. Lab management is working goals, and putting the people and sys- with specialized teams to assess the tems in place to attain that vision. We issues, identify causes and develop have made progress in several of those approaches that will improve safety per- areas and I want to use this column to formance. Reports on these initiatives update you on these developments. will be the subject of future columns as Jefferson Lab’s Institutional Plan, we progress in these efforts. the document that describes long range Another noteworthy event in the plans for the Lab and its programs, is context of Jefferson Lab’s future was reviewed by DOE to ensure alignment the April 19 signing of the CD-0 for our with DOE’s mission. Dr. Ray Orbach, 12 GeV Upgrade, attended by DOE Christoph Leemann Director of the Office of Science, dur- Deputy Secretary Kyle McSlarrow, Jefferson Lab Director ing a recent visit to Jefferson Lab Senator John Warner and expressed support for the Lab’s vision Representatives Jo Ann Davis and of the future and complimented the Lab Bobby Scott. This is the critical mile- on its alignment of program plans with stone needed for the Lab to proceed in the 20-year plan for the Office of preparing a Conceptual Design Report Major events set Science. He recognized the Lab’s (CDR) for the project. The 12 GeV excellent relationships with our local Upgrade will extend the scientific reach stage for Lab’s and regional communities and the of Jefferson Lab, allowing us to contin- Virginia delegation and noted the posi- ue producing world-class scientific future; highlight tive influence these relationships have research well into the third decade of had in securing Jefferson Lab’s future. this century. We have assembled an ini- areas needing Dr. Orbach was very upbeat about tial project team, with Dr. Allison Lung Jefferson Lab’s future, stating that the 6 serving as Interim Project Director. work GeV experimental program will posi- Another important milestone has tion the Lab at the forefront of nuclear been the recent hiring of a Chief physics for several more years and the Scientist. Dr. Anthony W. Thomas, 12 GeV Upgrade will address key sci- from the University of Adelaide, has entific questions in the coming decades joined us at Jefferson Lab and his beyond the reach of the current enthusiasm for our programs and strong From machine. Orbach also recognized leadership will play a critical role in Jefferson Lab’s SRF capability and the shaping the scientific future of Jefferson Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics Lab. Working with the scientific leader- the (QCD) collaboration as critical enablers ship team, Tony will help to ensure that for the future of science in our nation. we are pursuing and delivering the best He reiterated the important contribution science and taking full advantage of our Director Jefferson Lab is making to the SNS unique capabilities and facilities.
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