CABINET OF MINISTRIES OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN MINISTRY OF ECONOMY OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN: INVESTMENT MEMORANDUM KAZAN, 2010 INVESTMENT MEMORANDUM OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN FOR 2010 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. Investment Memorandum of the Re- tation – the improvement of life quality on public of Tatarstan (hereinafter Memorandum) the basis of innovational development of Ta- establishes the main priorities of the Tatarstan tarstan economy, creation and development investment activity development on the basis high-yielding science-absorbing industries, of the Programme of social and economic de- high technologies and above all technologies velopment of the Republic of Tatarstan during in the real economy sector. 2005-2010 years. 1.5. Memorandum is recommended as a 1.2. The responsibility for the implementa- base for development and confirmation of tion of this Memorandum provisions is beard- business-plans of investment activity subjects. ed by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic 1.6. Monitoring of this Memorandum provi- of Tatarstan. sions implementation is made by Coordinator. 1.3. The priority investment projects main- 1.7. Text of Memorandum and the results of tenance is done by the Agency of governmen- its implementation are included into the list of tal order, investment activity and inter-regional public informational resources of the Republic relations of the Republic of Tatarstan. of Tatarstan. 1.4. Memorandum is focused on the Tatar- 1.8. The investment web-site of the Repub- stan Government strategic target implemen- lic of Tatarstan is www.aidrt.ru. 2. MAIN DIRECTIONS OF INVESTMENT POLICY 2.1. The main directions of investment poli- Improvement of measures on the reorien- cy of the Republic of Tatarstan are as follows: tation of investments into the science-absorb- Creation of positive investment image in ing high-technological sectors; the Republic; Informational and staff support of invest- Development of investment activity infra- ment activity. structure; Measures effectivization of governmental support of investment activity and govern- ment-order system; INVESTMENT MEMORANDUM OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN FOR 2010 4 3. ACTIONS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INVESTMENT POLICY OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN IN THE YEAR 2010 3.1 The main actions pointed to the imple- Assure the financing of Tatarstan priority mentation of investment policy of the Repub- target programs implementation; lic of Tatarstan in the year 2010 are as follows: Governmental support of commodity Creation of favorable investment, innova- production in terms of tax preferences and tional and entrepreneurial climate in the Re- investment tax credits in accordance with public of Tatarstan by modernizing of invest- current tax legislation of the Russian Feder- ment and innovational legislation; ation; development of leasing mechanisms; Investment and innovational infrastructure provision of commodity production priority development; of the Republic under the making of govern- ment purchases and import substitution by Inter-industry and territorial clusters’ devel- using of Electronic trade and informational opment; system of the Republic of Tatarstan (here- Stimulation of small and medium business inafter ETIS); participation of the Govern- development; ment in investment projects; promotion Development of market of intellectual of commercial output of key enterprises of property; the Republic to the international markets; Attraction of investments into the sphere of compensation of part of rates of interest on IT and science-absorbing technologies and in- large bank credits for the enterprises invest- dustries, creation of competitive production; ment projects; Attraction of investments into production Stimulation of improving of enterprises in- modernization and its structural reconstruc- vestment activity of the Republic of Tatarstan tion; at the expense of accumulative savings and full using of amortization expenses on the de- Development of transport infrastructure; velopment and modernization of production; Development of mechanisms of large in- Creation of terms for development of en- vestment projects’ long-term and syndicated terprises’ and Tatarstan organizations’ invest- loan services; ment attractiveness; Attraction of pension, insurance and unit Optimization of budget expenses; investment funds’ financing in order to implement the most important investment Creation of terms for the increase of sala- projects; ries of workers of all spheres of activity; Attraction of federal investment resources Increase of energetic sector’s efficiency; into economy of the Republic of Tatarstan; Support of sectors that are considered to PPP mechanisms development; be the potential points of economic growth: Attraction of investors and implemented Petrochemical and chemical industry; by them maintenance of priority investment Machinery manufacturing and automotive projects, focused on the improvement of life industry; quality of citizens and substitution of produc- Aircraft building; tion, imported to the Republic of Tatarstan Agroindustrial complex; (works, services); Food industry; Effective use of institutes of economy de- velopment created by federal authorities; Production of construction materials. INVESTMENT MEMORANDUM OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN FOR 2010 5 3.2. The measures on the investment pol- results and new priorities of social and eco- icy implementation defined by the present nomic development and the changing legisla- Memorandum can be changed due to the tion as well. 4. SUBJECTS OF INVESTMENT ACTIVITY The subjects of investment activity are nopolis. The subject of investment activity investors, customers, contractors, users of can be represented as private and artificial investment activity objects and other partici- people including foreign ones and countries pants of investment activity, also carrying out and international organizations as well. investment activity in the territory of tech- 5. Interaction OF InvestmenT ActivITy’ Subjects The process of interaction of investment Federation, federal laws and other normative activity’ subjects are defined by current legisla- legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and tion and procedural rules, that are designed by other normative legal acts of the Republic of subjects of investment activity in accordance Tatarstan, normative legal acts of local govern- with international contracts of the Russian ment bodies. 6. TARGETS OF STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT BODIES OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN The main targets of state and local govern- of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan and ment bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan de- municipal formations; fined by this Memorandum are: Creation of effective mechanisms of invest- Reaching of planned levels of indicators of ments attraction in real economy sector by efficiency of local government bodies activity authorized government bodies of the Republic on population life standard that are annually of Tatarstan. defined by agreements between The Cabinet 7. PRIORITY INVESTMENT PROJECTS IN 2010 Oil-producing and oil-refining industry Chemistry and petrochemistry 1. «Designing of Ashalchinsky ultraviscous 5. «Construction of new integrated com- oil deposits» (jSC «Tatneft» named after plex on production of ammonia, methanol v.D.Shashin); and granular carbamide in Mendeleevsk city» 2. «Complex of oil-refining and petrochemical (jSC «Ammony»); plants in nighnekamsk city» (jSC «TAnEKO»); 6. «Development of production of all-steel 3. «Construction of complex on heavy still tires with annual capacity 1200 thousand tires bottoms’ deep refining of oil refining factory in the Limited Liability Company «nizhnekam- jSC «TAIF - nK» (jSC «TAIF - nK»); sky plant of tires fabrication shop» (LLC «nizh- 4. «Creation of new capacities on primary nekamsky plant of tires fabrication shop»); oil refining for providing raw’ quality of heavy 7. «Development of production of AbS-plas- still bottoms deep refining of oil refining fac- tics with the capacity of 60 thousand tones tory jSC «TAIF-nK» (jSC «TAIF - nK»); per year» (jSC «nizhnekamskneftekhim»); INVESTMENT MEMORANDUM OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN FOR 2010 6 8. «Construction of olefin complex 18. «Organization of production of die- EP-1000 and secondary ones (polyethylene – sel engines Cummins of Euro-3 and Euro-4 600 thousand tones per year, polypropylene standard in naberezhnye Chelny city» (CjSC – 370 thousand tones per year)» (jSC «nizh- «Kamminz-КАМА»); nekamskneftekhim»); 19. «Construction of plant on motor-cars 9. «Industrial park «Kamskie Polyani» (Ex- FIAT production in naberezhnye Chelny city» ecutive committee of municipal district «Kam- (LLC «Severstalauto-KAMA»); skie Polyani», LLC «Management company 20. «Organization of joint enterprise on «Industrial park «Kamskie Polyani», General production and promotion of Mitsubishi Fuso investment and construction department of Canter trucks to the market of the Russian the Republic of Tatarstan, jSC «nizhnekam- Federation» (jSC «Kamaz», jSC «Daimler»); skneftekhim»); 21. «Organization of joint enterprise on 10. «Expansion of production of polymer production and promotion of Mercedes-benz large-diameter pipes in the Closed Joint-Stock auto trucks to the market of the Russian Fed- Company «Techstroy» (CjSC «Techstroy»); eration» (jSC «Kamaz», jSC «Daimler»); 11. «Organization of production of methyl- 22. «Creation of production of agricultural chlorosilanes and hydrolyzed dimethyldichlo- and
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