rpT ZJTr’- yfX ~ t •.-., W ***) fcf~„ ^— ^ I v jr i v S * > \ » HT -. 3 *4 $ jj | t ih/ • «• % IJ so d 1ilb rvi& 1 1 Jtv Tv 9 i- ~ «n> ^ETBPC.c:GJ.*i.;rr-’BPROT.xrKMTWW "‘ T -v "' EIRBT TEAR . ^ C 'I S3, 1898. 3STO - 40- .;ii--cy^jLaa.ti;^us*» Ar^&.9»«r»>xaRXDUz«j<^^3SDKixr/ j^«T\\ kSURMsaov an arch of the room itino ; rvt his 'o- rundmotner 's Mrs . last and Satur greens ; being n -o a in Chicago Friday - tastefully decorated . After con - Pritchard . day . CP AGAINST gratulations were offered a bounti - School ch.ses Friday for a week 's T IT o IOMOE ITEMS ful dinner was served ; then an hour vacation . Len Crill was transacting busi - was in . ness iu Rockford this week . In the course of events man is spent pleasant conversation The M. W. A. meet the second and Albert Faulkner has taken Mr You want nil . hose new shape doomed to many disappointments until the bride and groom took fourth Mondays of each month . | Mae U ’s place in the ere am my . Mr. UtO \ sc . > 1 vie Fa. Jim Jenkins bought a horse of Cherished their departure , amid a shower of The Court of! Honor holds its meetings ; Mack now has a in Rock . plans go wrong ; happy position Peter Clark this week ., - the second and fourth Thursdays of Fred Tyler was in Rockford Tues - surprises for some ioved one fail in rice and old shoes , for Chicago , ford . each month . day their intended effect . To such as where they will visit with bride ’s Word was received from Chicago . You can get the choicest apples d s ' The Epwortii League ho ' its business i 7 this mu kind is inured but when relatives for a short time . After today that Wm Fallon . is not ex . at Tyler ’s. ither Baldwins ,Spies , , meetings Uie mhri Wednesday eveu - . Al Say - ms drove to Rockford - Greenings scorn is the first of March Mr and Mrs * ted or Pippinsl 1 . displayed toward a labor . ing of each monIn . pec to live . Tuesday . O of love by one ’s better half then Reed will be at home to their many Lizzie Enright is able to be out e/ — The Junior League lod .’ s its business JO Mr . and Mrs . Ed Raup and fam - the poor fellow mur friends on the farm belonging to meetings the Inird Sat a : Jay m ea • i . A line of misses ’ and children ’s contemplates - again ily will spend Christmas with rel- der , suicide , divorce old the groom ’s father , northeast of month at 2:30, at the parsonage . Mrs . Leaser is still on the sick wool hose to «lo. e at reduced price . , any - atives at Harlem . W, C. T, Li . meets second i nd fourth . v tiling . Monroe . The following guests i list . A bargain at Nasholu ’s. Saturday afternoon . were present : Cherry Valley , Dec . 21. in misses ’ and children ’®, The other t erring in one of our Mr. and Mrs . S. D. Tyler were Bargains large department stores the rush Mr. and Mrs . J, H. Peacock and fam - wool hose at Nashold ’s. ily of Monroe . Quite a number from here attend - here several days last week . was so great and the extra force of Mr. and Mrs . Oscar Peacock and fam - ed the theater at Rockford Wednes - was ily of Fairdale Frank Taylor cf Kingston clerks were so - dis . From Davis Junction. Charles Miller was seeing the busily employed - day even in o\ Mrs . Mary Reed of Fairdale . • o a guest of G . IT. Hunt several days posing of the necessities of life and Mr. and Mrs . F. A. llalbroder of The Court of Honor elects officers sights in Rockford Saturday . Monroe . Mr. and Mrs . Wes key Janerson the first of the week . the luxuries of Christmas -tide that tonight . Misses Blanche and Ada Houdeshell of Iowa are to A j air of those lady or gents ’ no attention was bestowed on one of Monroe . expected spend the Robert Gritzbaugh of Kirkland Tom Martin of Monro © has rent - ’ would Miss Edna Dunning , ( Davis Junction . holidays at the home of Mrs . Jan slippers at Tyier s make a of the handsome oil illuminators ed a part of the postoffice and has - was a visitor at Lawrence Zimmer ’s Their many friends wish them erson s parents , Mr. and Mrs . Rob - line Curislmas present . which diffused its soft glow over put in a harness shop . Sunday . much joy and happiness . ert Richardson . the busy scene . ’ G-. A . Jueal has sold his bu c- her Mrs . T. W . Martin returned * . The banc : boys give a dance and Those lined ladies shoes at Suddenly the happy throng was shop to Oscar Peacock , who takes , fancy ’ cake walk in their hall Friday , Dec . from her Rockford visit Saturday . iiveloped in a blinding cloud of possession the first of the year . Nashold ’s are just the thing for Eminent . 30. Every coon from Coon town and soot . Investigation revealed the Ladies Social Dr. Rutledge of Elgin vas a vis - You can find the very newest winter wear ; warm dressy . will be present . fact that the oil had thing i; i lamps at Tyler ’s, illuminator itor at this place Thursday . 25 An The C., M. & St . P. has a force 3 lbs . choice candy for c at for some time seeded the attentions enjoyable , sociable was given The band concert last Fridny vva Friday of men working here putting in 600 Man James was a Kirkland visitor Tvler ’s. of the superintendent of lights and night by the Eminent largely attended and ev ( r body \ feet of new sidewalk . This com - lighting ; that it had been smoking Ladies for the members and their was well pleased . The band wish Tuesday . Miss Sue Wulch was a Rockford families . pletes about 1, 000 feet , all in a at such a rate that the pearly Tempting refreshments to extend their many thanks to. visitor the first of the week . line , which is a muen needed im - Mrs . P. Murphy was a Rockford whiteness of the globe was trans - were served , and the evening passed those who assisted . provement to our town . visitor Saturday . formed to a black like unto a funer - with vocal and instrumental music , Dr. H. G. Lamont was a visitor Tyler has the largest and most The lecture given by Mrs. Grout ware and al pall . Enough lampblack bad graphophone selection recitations Thursday . Jim Porter was doing business in complete stock of china was largely attended and proved Christmas been unwittingly manufactured to and games . The program rendered Wallace camp M. W. A at their Rockford Saturday . lamps to select your very interesting .. in supply the local trade for a year was as follows : annual election of officers last night presents from that has ever been McDonough , Taylor &> Co. are this section of the country . could it have been saved . Graphophone .. elected as follows : Edgar B. Stiil , Ladies ’ fancy lined shoes ; warm , Song .Sir Knights filling their ice house . After the : evening ’s rush was venerable consul ; James Laatz , neat and dressy , at Nashold ’s. Declamation Dorian Clark Sterling Campbell returned to Grandpa Wright and wife hadra over and the extra help held de - Instrumental music .. ..Edna Jueal worthy adviser : L. E. Moyer , narrow escape from asphyxiation his home Monday night after two Mixed candies 10c per pound ; parted for their homes the propri - Declamation . Clark Ups tone clerk ; Robert Craig , banker ; S. S. by coal gas Monday night , Mr. weeks at the hospital . fancy candies , assorted , 30c per etor endeavored to bribe his better Graphophone . Hollingsworth , escort ; Wm . Dean , Wright having just strength Declamation , . Paul Manning Bicycle riders were out Sunday pound ; try a box at Fisk ’s. Half to accept the contract for watchman ; George Koch , .manager enough to open a window when he Reading . Mrs . A. Clark enjoying the good roads . cleaning the illuminator In this Thomas Shanahan had a bad acci . Recitation . Daisy Manning - Mr. and Mrs . Victoi Wethers tine Ed Sp -tingsteen was here Sun - awakened . They were both quite he failed and was informed that he dent o n e day this week . W n i te V « A • " Recitation —Miss Jones and the returned to their home Monday day . l from the fumes , but are now would have to clean it himself . Burglar Mrs O. W handling a coop of chickens at the .. Upstone after a brief visit with Mrs . W ’s nearly recovered . The next morning the aforesaid Graphophone depot ho ran a sliver fully an inch Robert Carienduff is visiting his Sir sister , Mrs . Woodworth , at Ore - Get you some of medallions proprietor , feeling a good deal as Song Knights and a quarter in length into his parents here this week . those gon . 's 2 he imagined Hercules did at the A special meeting of the Emin - right hand . Tfc went in at the thick at Tyler ; for 25c. ent Ladies has been called for next Wm . Dales has opened a shoe There will be a turkey and duck time he tackled the job of doing the ©f the hand near the wrist and part si op at King ’s Station . You can get your horse shod all chores at Mr . Tuesday night for the election of on bone , raffle at the billiard room tonight . Augeias ’ stables , set glancing a came out on the around with new shoes for $ at • There will be no Christmas ex - 1 about eradicating the marks of the officers . back of his hand . The sliver was ercises in our church this year .
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