smut SECRET Da*e OPNAV Index TimeContacted by PositionBrief Classification Number \ / 18 Oct USN Patrol 12-55N/ 116-16JS Navy Patrol Aircraft gained sinker at 30 POSSIBLE 382-62 0640Z Aircraft (South China Sea) miles, lost at 29 miles. Jezebel contact held (Tentative) briefly; evaluated as 4 bladed prop, no surface ships in area. Julie and Sniffer tried with negative results. Contact cold after 40 minutes. (U-18) Navy P2V aircraft sighted Soviet "Z" class POSITIVE 383-62 submarine close aboard Soviet Naval oiler TEREK. Photos show oiler transferring canisters to sub, oil slicks indicate possible fueling operation earlier. (B-28) USS EDWARDS gained sonar contact on NON-SUB 384-62 submerged object. Sonar contact held by 2 (Tentative) destroyers, not confirmed by MAD. Evaluation of sonar tapes indicates contact biologic. (Q-22) HMS OWEN sighted periscope and held PROBABLE 385-6^ sonar contact for one hour. Evaluated (Tentative) Probable, possibly UAR. (G-l) U. S. Amphibious Task Group reported POSSIBLE 386-6 being trailed by intermittent radar contact W^PO suspected of being a submarine. Investigation uCj ~ by patrol aircraft unproductive. (E-50) PCC^I 22 Oct USN Patrol 43-55N/39-30W 1026Z Aircraft (665 miles ESE of 1 C. Race, Newfound f land) 3 Oct USN Ship 30-37N/ 120-55W )00Z (225 miles SW of San Diego) —jfect British 20-31N/ 38-45E OZ Ship (Red Sea) Oct USN Task 26-38N/75-55W )0Z Group SECRET Date Time OPNAV Index Contacted by PositionBriefClassification Number 24 0ct USN Patrol 25-08N/63-40W USN Patrol Aircraft sighted snort which sub- POSITIVE 387-62 1504Z Aircraft (SW North Atlantic) merged. Contact tenaciously prosecuted until surfaced. Photos confirm Soviet "F" class pendant number 945. Sub unable to submerge and was subsequently escorted to North Fleet port by Ocean Tug PAMIR. (C-18) USN Ship 44-21. 5N/124-40W USS WATTS gained sonar contact, later NON-SUB 388-62 evaluated marine life. (Q-23) (Tentative) 24 0ct USNSShip 43-21N/29-26W USNS FRANCIS X. McGRAW sighted POSSIBLE 389-62 1800Z periscope. Soviet oiler TEREK in area at time. (B-29) USN Patrol 41-43N/ 141-38E Navy Patrol Aircraft reported sighting whip POSITIVE 390-62 Aircraft (Eastern approach antenna and top of submarine conning tower. to Tsugaru St.) Contact dived shortly after sighting. Two aircraft held MAD contact for approximately 1 hour. Soviet tanker in vicinity of contact. USS MACKENZIE unable to gain sonar contact. (V-51) USN Ship 31-42N/ 121-03W USS ROBISON gained sonar contact on a POSSIBLE 391-62 (200 miles SW of submerged object. Patrol aircraft held MAD (Tentative) San Diego) contact for 83 minutes. Continued search by DD's, SS and patrol aircraft yielded negative results. Marine life in area. Possibility Q-22 and Q-25 same contact. (Q-25) DE LASSIFIED SECRET Date OPNAV Index Time Contacted by PositionBriefClassification Numb er ! j 25 Oct USN Ship 22-37N/ 175-16W USS JENKINS held sonar contact on sub- NON-SUB 392-62 I0700Z merged object. Contact split and multiple ; echos held. Contact DIW. Passive sonar and fathometer indicated object biologies. (R-18) j 125 Oct USN Patrol Soya Strait Navy Patrol Aircraft on Soya Straits barrier POSSIBLE 39-3-62 1345Z Aircraft (45-45N/ 141-18E) patrol reported possible sub based on LOFAR. (In area) Signature indicated "W" class. Data not (Tentative) sufficient to determine direction of movement, jk but possibly west to east. Speed estimated at 13 knots. (V-52) 25 Oct Game Warden 37-57N/75-19W Assateague Beach Game Warden reported NON-SUB 394-62 1410Z submarine headed seaward. Inexperienced (Tentative) source and water depth preclude possibility of submarine. Four fishing ships and a helicopter in vicinity at time of sighting. (E-51) USN Patrol 24-03N/63-33W Navy Patrol Aircraft gained sinker followed POSSIBLE 395-62 Aircraft by Jezebel contract. Area maintained under (Tentative) surveillance with no further contact. (C-25) Oct USN Patrol 28-20N/61-35W Navy Patrol Aircraft reported sinker followed POSSIBLE 396-62 3oZ Aircraft by possible sighting of snorkel. Intermittent (Evaluated same Julie and Jezebel contact gained during contact as .B-31) search. Time/distance factors relate this h; contact to contact B-31 and is thereby evaluated same contact as B-31. (B-30) 8 DECLASSIFIED f OPNAV Index Position Brief Classification Number 25 Oct USCG Aircraft 34-52N/75-12W U. S. Coast Guard aircraft reported sighting POSSIBLE 397-63 1642Z snorkel. Investigating aircraft gained sono- buoy contact followed by a SOSUS contact in the vicinity. Contact subsequently lost. Numerous whales in area. (E-52) 25 Oct U. S. Civilian 41-29N/ 124-11W Civilian woman on beach reported sighting NON-SUB 398-62 1915Z (6 miles south of surfaced submarine 7. 5 miles off shore in (Tentative) Crescent City, Cal.) 30 fathoms of water. Evaluated fishing boat or possibly rocks. (Q-26) 25 Oct USN Patrol 26-49N/ 67-26W USN Patrol Aircraft sighted submarine on POSITIVE 399-62 2211Z Aircraft surface. Photos confirm Soviet "F." class. No pendant number carried. Sub dived, intermittent contact maintained by aircraft. Sub sighted again on surface about 40 hours later. Contact was escorted by destroyers for about 45 hours. Sub dived and sonar contact lost after about 35 minutes. Intense search yielded intermitent contacts but all were inconclusive. (C-19) 26 Oct USN Ship 28-05N/78-01W USS EARLE B. HALL sighted green flare POSSIBLE 400-62 followed by sonar contact of 5 minutes duration. Patrol aircraft reported sinker in vicinity. USS ZELLERS and USS SUMNER ^JCfKQ ^ also searched around datum with negative Si^Jrmrr results. (E-53) 9 w — SKCRET DECLASSIFIED Date OPNAV Index TimeContacted byPositionBriefClassification Number 26 Oct Canadian Patrol 39-40N/50-19W Canadian Patrol Aircraft reported POSSIBLE 401-62 015OZ Aircraft machinery noises while conducting LOFAR search. No visual or MAD contacts during search. Jezebel indicated possible Soviet "Z" class submarine. (B-32) 26 Oct USNShip 33-59N/ 121-35W USS BAUSELL gained sonar contact on sub- NON-SUB 402-62 0300Z merged object. Evaluated possibly kelp due (Tentative) mushy echo, no doppler, and lack of move¬ ment. Aircraft unable to gain MAD or Julie contact. (Q-27) Oct USN Aircraft 37-35N/10-30E Navy F8U aircraft reported sighting sub- NON-SUB 403-62 35Z (Central Med) marine on surface then held silhouette after (Tentative) contact submerged. Aircraft altitude 30,000 feet. USS BAILEY in contact area. Search yielded negative results. (A-21) Oct Japanese 45-45N/ 141-18E Japanese patrol craft reported seven Soviet POSITIVE 404-62 Patrol Craft (Soya Strait) submarines transiting Soya Straits westbound. (In area) through USN patrol aircraft confirmed sightings with 410-62 photos. Five units believed transited with NOSERO convoy. Class and pendant numbers sighted: "W" class numbers 835, 743, 745, 3.60, and 7'61. "Wn(Long Bin) class numbers 442 and 311. (V-53 through V-59) 10 IMF SECRIST V Tine Contactgd^^^PSSa^a. ~ USN Patrol 21-3W/6«-74W 12192 Aircraft 26 Oct USN Patrol 18-5$N/*5-35W 21052 Aircraft 27 Oct VSNAISW 2ff-13N/f3-^W 0631Z sMsoisalfc (Wiridwar-d • • •** S&*V Passage) ^„ v.- |7 Oct mW Patrol 47-55N/175-SOW 1132; Aircraft (250 miles south of Atka, Alaska) Uil ^&h$ Brief OPNAV USN Patrol Aircraft sighted submarine on POSITIVE -411-62 surface 5 minutes before submarine sub¬ merged. Photos confirm Soviet "PH class. Contact subsequently lost. Contact initially gained by SOSUS. (C-2G) USN Patrol Aircraft gained ECM. contact with PROBABLE 412-62 possible Snoop Plate radar characteristics;, y w§^m§mm_ followed by a sinker. This coritacppiiOh^a off an intense 20 day hunt: ^hl^^^|^^ j^^mmk^^^^^:^l^^^ sonar op^acts: andLOFAB contacts* 'M^M^&$^0^fkP^^ by patrol aircraft When it reported :S*ghtih| sub with M^^^^^^^^^^^^'^ *Q miieSv Evaluation of all evidence, (recordings, grams> arid observer debriefs, ^^0^^^§f^^^ elusive to merit higher clasSlfication.(C*'2l) USN A-E'W Aircraft gained sinker and NON-SUB 413-62 investigating destroyers gained sonar con- (Tentative) tact. School of porpoises Sighted in area. Contact evaluated porpoise. (C-22) USN Patrol Aircraft gained brief Jezebel NON-SUB 414-62 contact and possible sinker while on barrier (Tentative^ search. Aircraft unable to regain contact in subsequent search. (S-25) 11 DECLASSIFIED SECRET &E&ITCI JDate Time Contacted by Position 37 Oct USNT Patrol 29-07!*/ 63 -59 W 13152 Aircraft -O J27 0et OSNlFatpbl 24-54N/7i-05W 1010.2 Aircraft . %ct GttttadkutSbiipa 51*0^ 17-0 3 W • ^ >• • vi* :'-f:X-: *V Oct . { USAF Aircraft 34-00N/ 72-00W V '' §§§«& x !«§<' OPNAV huie* Brief Classlticattont Kiimber: POSITIVE 416-62 . :-:-.:.-: '. >-.•••: -;•••:.-:'•-:-•>.-.--••.-:•:•:-.•• -.. '.'•:•':•;. '^::y;>?^s^6M^] ' . ' ''. "' '''.'''- : •'?':'.::'• :0::::- , . .;.•-.•;:.•'. •.;.•; •:;>;:; "x;:X:>V::::: ,:::; '"'. •.•.-.•-•:• :-v • :• ..':':•:•' ''.'''': v - • • : .• . : . : POSSIBLE 417-62 (Tentative) USN Patrol Aircraft gained sinker and sighted PROBABLE 415-62 swirl on approach. Intermittent Julie/ Jezebel and SOSUS contact held for 3 days in vicinity. Forces unable to localize and contact sub¬ sequently lost. (B--31) USN Patrol Aircraft sighted submarine oh surface- Photos confirm Soviet "FH class. Hp pendant humber. Contact submerged and subsequently lost. (C -23) Four Canadian ships held firm radar contact which faded abruptly at 8 miles. Contact course 090, speed 18 knots. 3>fo visual con¬ tacts in area. (H-219) USAF aircraft reported sighting- a cargo ship NON-SUB: I>;v4l8~62^ with a^.possible submarine trailing at a distance of 5 miles. U;S* Naval Task Group In area at this time. {£-55) r ••..• <$ •-...... SOSUS contact gained on possible Soviet ilF" POSSIBLE 419-62 or ,t2»M class submarine. Patrol aircraft unable to localize. (C-24) ii DICLASSfFIED soviet sub logs scanR Document.
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