Greywinds – As we move into spring weather, we rejoice for the warmth and bloom that com- bats with the dismal rain that has threatened to drown our spirits for countless months. We come alive again as we eagerly embrace the sun. Just as we come alive, I hope to bring our newsletter alive with the different blooms of our incipient shire. From our ever-ready fighters to the nimble handed sewers, from the artistic touches to the rough and newly fashioned. We are ALIVE, my fellow shire mates. My endeavor with this newsletter is to show it, and I hope I do our shire honor in with each month. There is so much uniqueness in our merry group that begs to be touched on. There are so many stories within our folds that yearn to be shared. Just like our veter- ans with their amusing tales, I want to bring Graywood’s story to life to share with fu- ture generations. We have already seen a growth. The new faces are a delight, because they bring a story untold and will add to our own ever-growing ballad. This is our beginning Spring, Graywood. We have only begun to spread our limbs. I’m eager, as I’m sure all of you are, to see how we will grow over time. What new tales will be embarked on? Whose new persona have we helped to build or bud? Pun definitely intended. What new song will be formed from that story and added to our growing plethora of ballads? Our future is unwritten, yes, but we will have quite the time in writing it. It will be my utmost delight to share it. I hope I do all of you proud in doing so. Vivat, Graywood! Sincerely, Iona Nic Oitir (Heather Miller) Chronicler of Graywind & the Incipient Shire of Graywood Copyright © 2016 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Except where otherwise stated, all articles in this publication may be reprinted without special permission in newsletters and other publications of branches of the SCA, Inc., subject to the following conditions: a) The text must be printed in its entirety, without additions or changes. B) The auThor’s name and an original puBlicaTion crediT musT Be prinTed wiTh The text. C) You must send a letter to the editor of this newsletter, stating which articles you have used and in which publication the material has been reprinted. Credits: cover art by kilian macraith Pictures by Charles Miller, iona nic oitir, rose of graywood articles: kilian macraith—”hisTory of prinTing” kilian macraith— Scotsman joke iona nic oitir—Beware gulfnado, Beginner’s guide on whaT To wear, r ecipe corner, addressing The courT: who’s who and how To recognize Them kilian macraith — Pun-ishment ito wulfguard—Poem kilian macraith—Cycles iona nic oitir—red flowers Printing press clip art: etc.usf.edu Leine Picture: Pinterest.com Medieval Maiden Picture: ETC.usf.edu This is a publication of the Shire of Graywood of the Society for Creative Anach- ronism, Inc. This publication is available from the publisher at iona nic oitir,1414 sue drive, Lufkin, tx 75901. It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative anachronism, inc., and does not delineate S.C.A. policies. Volume III, Issue II May 7th, 2016 Graywinds Official Newsletter of the Shire of Graywood Beware the gulf - n a d o ! By Iona Nic Oitir see everything the first time,” storm, and I loved it. It felt very C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S proclaimed Lady Emma. “We viking,” Kilian said. There was Spring is often a celebration of had to keep going back to see some light rainfall, but not May 1st, 2016 - warmer weather, blooming trees, Fighter Practice more of Merchant’s Row.” enough to stop the heat of bat- and for the SCA, it’s a time for in Nacogdoches At night, bonfires tle. Thursday’s morning came in (Pecan Park) the Gulf Wars! Come March overcast with more light show- 12th, many were packed and on May 5th, 2016 - ers, threatening to bring more. Populace Meeting their way to Lumberton, Missis- “It honestly didn’t look that in Huntington sippi to take part in the week bad,” conjectured Kilian of the May 6-8, 2016 long events. From heavy storm. “The micro-burst didn’t Loch Star-Gate fighting to archery, jousting to hit til late that night.” The rain Co-Baronial fencing, the competitions were in Livingston finally came in fierce and in fierce. “There was fighting to be droves, but didn’t seem harmful. May 12th, 2016 - had from practically the mo- Sewing Night/Do Gulf Wars XXV experienced a torna- do cell on Thursday, March 17th, “We were sitting at Anything Night in ment the gates opened. Every which did massive damage. Armand’s and Phyllis’ tent, and Huntington day, a household, kingdom, she had just lit incense,” recalls order, or organization was hold- May 15th, 2016 - Lady Emma. The cell struck Fighter Practice in ing a tournament or melee would be lit so music and sto- with a fierce burst of wind that Huntington somewhere on site,” said Kilian ries could be shared over the had tents around them snapping May 19th, 2016 - MacRaith, who drove in with flames. “We attended the loose of their tethers, breaking Bardic Circle in wife Ronja on Saturday. “We Huntington Heather Dale concert at the their metal poles, and rolling got a hotel and was on site early Green Dragon tavern,” Kilian across the field. “Thom instant- June 2nd, 2016 - Sunday morning.” Populace Meeting said of the festivities. “We had ly covered me,” said Lady Em- in Huntington “We went Tuesday thought to attend several of the ma of her husband Lord Walter night once we got off work, but classes on offer, but every time Thomas Longstride. “I remem- didn’t get to attend until the we’d leave camp, we’d stop by ber fire coming at me from the next day” Lady Emma Long- merchant row.” incense and wanted to yell at stride answered. The weather remained Thom to get off, because I thought I was on fire.” As soon For those whose in- humid for most of the week, as the first shock wore off, eve- Have an article, a picture, terests were less bloody, there causing many of the fighters a story, or an idea you’d was the merchant row, multiple ryone sprang into action. “I was like to see published? grief as they struggled with really proud of everyone in the Contact us at graywind- classes, and enjoying company thick armor. “On Wednesday, a [email protected] MacRaith compound,” said at the camps. “We didn’t get to cold front rolled in ahead of the Kilian. (Continued on Page 7) P a g e 5 G r a y w i n d s Beginner’s guide on What to wear by iona nic oitir The first step into plain outfit well, and give and desire to wear your the SCAdian’s life is one of the individual a style fitting weapons on your belt, it’s awe. Garments made of soft for their first SCA event. wise to learn your King- cloth with trimmed silver Should you care to embel- dom’s customs about wea- and gold seem to draw the lish with a sash, belt, or a ponry. Until then, it’s better eye of those new and well- baldric (a belt that’s worn not to wear any weapons seasoned. But what most across the chest), then take upon you, especially swords people forget is that there is care with your colors. and axes. a first step when it comes to White baldrics are When it comes to dressing for your first SCA worn by Master at Arms, blades, there’s a certain eti- Pictured above is a simple long- event. white belts by knights. Red quette set. Most people sleeved leine that can be used When it comes to belts are for squires, yellow wear a cord around the by either gender. The leine is a rectangular form with down- your first event, the key is belts are for pelicans, and sheathed weapon in order to ward vees sewn into the sides. simplicity. No one expects green belts by laurels. keep it sheathed, also your ensemble to have the Jewelry can also known as peace tying. finest embellishments, or for lead to misunderstandings. Should you ever unsheathe Q:"Why do castles have wa- your armor to shine. A peas- Circlets are often used by your blade, it’s customary to ter-filled moats? ant style blouse and skirt nobility, especially those call out “Clear” to alert peo- will do fine for a woman, adorned with jewels or or- ple around you that you’re A: “Have you ever seen a along with a cloth of sorts to nate. If a circlet is desired, brandishing a dangerous cover the head and conceal keep it under 1/4 of an inch. weapon. However, for sake Mongol take a bath?" modern hairstyles. Should a necklace be de- of safety, it’s best that you ————————————————— For men, cloth sired, the opposite usually not remove the blade trousers with a peasant style stands true. Plain chain around others, if it can be How many Norsemen does it shirt or a T-style tunic will necklaces with no emblems helped. take to set fire to a lantern? do. If this isn’t available, a or pendants are worn by For more infor- cloak can be used to hide certain groups.
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