' I I . - The University of W.isconsin System. Collections A Quarterly of ~om&'s Studies ~esodrces Volume 21, Number 4, Summer 2000 Published by Phyllis Holman Weisbard woken's Studies Librarian , \ Feminist Collections H A Quarterly of!Women's Studies ~esources- ,. Rbmen!s Studies Librarian University of Wisconsip System 434 Memorial Library 728 Stat? St. Madison, WI 53706 - Phone: 608-263-5754 4 Fax: 698-265-2754 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.~ibrary.wisc.edu/libraries/WomensStudies/ I Editors: Phyllis Holman ~eisl$d, Linda Shult , Drawings: Miriam Greenwald Staff assistance from: Ingrid Markhardt, Alida Foster, Karen Jacob, Jennifer Kitchak, Ann Lauf Volunteer reader for taping: Cardlyn Wdsoh / r Subscriptions: $30 (individuals or nonprofit women's programs, outside Wisconsin); $55 (istitutions, outside Wisconsin); $16 (Wisconsin individuals or nonprofit women's programs); . t $22.50 (W'consih institutions); $8.25 (UW inqviduals); $15 (UW organizations). Wisconsin . , subscriber amounts indude state tax, except for UW organization ynount. ~os&e(for foreign .subscribers on1y):prface mail (Canada: $13; all others: $13); air mail (Canada: $25; all others: . '$55). (Subscriptions. cover,most publica,tions produced by this office, indu+g Femini~t . I CoUrciions, Fmki~tPetiodicah, and New Book on Women &Fem'mm.) . , Cover art: htiriam Greenbald / Numerous bibliographies and other informational~filesdie aviilablq ok the Women's Studies ~ibrarian's World Wide Web site. The URL: http:~/www.lil~rary.wisc.edu/libra~es/WomensStudies/You'll find information about the office, tables of contents and selected full-text articles from recent issues of Feminist - Collections, many Core Lists'in Wopen's Studies on such topics as aging, feminist pedagogy, film studies, health, lesbian &dies, mags media, and women of co,lor in the u:s., a listing of Wisconsin ~iblio&aphies/in Women's Studies, including full text of-a number of them, a catalog of films and videos in the UW System Women's Studies Audiovisual Collection, and links to othCr selected websites on women and gender as'well as to search engines and general databases. , . '. , Copyright 2000 Regents of the university of Wisconsin System -, . / Feminist Collections A Quarterly of Women's Studies Resources Volume 21, No. 4, Summer 2000 CONTENTS From the Editors Letter to the Editors Book Reviews Judy Adene Transition in the Balkans and Eastern Europe: How Women are Faring Barbara Ryan Gender and Disability from Different Angles =en Stone Telling It as It Is: Women with Disabilities Speak Out Feminist Visions Joanna Gurstelle Promoting Respect, Working for Change: Five Films on Sexual Harassment for Middle School Students Edie Thornton Out of the Margins: Four Lesbian Video Documentaries World Wide Web Review Alexa Schriempf Women and Disability Websites Phyllis Holman Weisbard The World Wide Web: A Primary Source for Women's History Compiled by Linda Shdt Computer Talk Feminist Publishing Reviewed by Phyllis Holman New Reference Works in Women's Studies Weisbard and others Compiled by Linda Shdt Periodical Notes Compiled by Alicia Foster Items of Note Books/AV Recently Received Supplement: Index to Volume 21 Returning from the annual Such incidents as these, common (ADA) this summer is a good time American Library Association con- to most of us at some time or other for all of us to reflect about the ference in Chicap recently, Phyllis dunng our lives, make us at least progress that has and has not been found herself in a car accident that momentarily aware of how often we made in accornrnodatmg the needs of resulted in a ftactured ankle. She take our bodies and their functioning those who only want to be able to spent a few days at home before she for granted. We then go back to our live as fully as possible. We devote could even hobble into the office for usual routines and soon all but forget two book reviews in this issue to the &st time, and still needs a pillow how much we struggled with our work by add about women with disa- at'work to keep her swollen foot incapacity. Yet we are all, in fact, bilities, and a Web review examines propped up as much as possible. A "temporarily abled," as some disabil- Internet resources on the topic. As couple of years ago Linda was feed- ity activists remind us. If we live long you read through these articles, con- ing her cats at home on the usual enough, most of us will gradually sider those you know who fit one basement step location (keeps the lose some function or another that category or another of babdity, and dog away from the cats' food) when we have long depended on. Those just what it means to be temporarily she suddenly landed on the very who dady deal with various physical abled. If you know of someone with hard basement floor, complete with and mental capacities that differ from vision impairment who might be some s@cant bruises and a twisted what is seen as "normal'' have begun interested in Feminist Cofkctiom, wrist She had to write (quite illeg- to get the attention of the abled please mention to them that we offer ibly) with her left hand for several world over the last decade or so. The cassette tape subscriptions on a days before she could again begin to tenth anniversary of passage of The reduced-price basis (see ad on p.9). maneuvex more normally. Americans with Disabdities Act 0 L.S. and P.H.W. June 12,2000 must surmount in order to produce narrative." Please note for future films and videos on women and their reference that all of Lucretia's Deac Ms. Zaeske: history. It is rare indeed for a re- speeches were her oqinal words viewer to take the time to make (moditled only shghtly, mostly by I would like to thank you for readers aware of the obstacles that omitting an "and" or "thee" here and reviewing my asAh Pad 'We the independent producer must there), and that much of the ddog Wen Amstcd Of Comsc!" and Lumtia overcome to get a hlm or video was based on remarks or comments Mott in the Wrnter 2000 volume of completed and out to the public. that Lucretia had made at some point Fcminut Colkctions. Most importantly, during her lifetime. I want to thank you for your intro- In your review of the Lumtio ductory comments noting the dif- Mott video you stated: "In thts Sincerely, ficulties that independent producers production, it is unclear exactly which words were uttered by Mott Elaine Prater Hodges, Producer and which were added to advance the EPH Productions P.O. Box 804904 Chicago, IL 60680 Feminist Collections (v.21, no.3, Spring 2000) TMNSITIONIN THE BALKANSAND EASTERN WOMENFARING? Susan E. Pritchett Post, WOMEN IN MODERN ALBANZA FIRSTHAND ACCOUNTS OF CULTURE AND CONDITIONS FROM OVER 200 INTERVIEWS. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1998.302~.index. $45.00, ISBN O- 78640468-X. I Sabrina P. Ramet, ed., GENDER POLITICS IN THE WESTERN BALKANS: WOMEN AND SOCIETY IN YUGOSLAVIA AND THE YUGOSLAV SUCCESSOR STATES. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999.343~.index. $55.00, ISBN 0-271-01801-1; pap., $18.95, ISBN 0-271-01802-X. Marilyn Rueschemeyer, ed., WOMEN IN THE POLITICS OF POSTCOMMUNIST EASTERN EUROPE (rev. and expanded ed.). Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1998. 308p. bibl. index. $64.95, ISBN 0-7656-0295-4; pap., $25.95, ISBN 1- Gordana cm~ovic,one of the interviews, documents, and opinion generation is women born in the' contributors to the collection edited by polls. middle of the century who helped to Sabrina Ramet, tells a story about her build a socialist nation and who students' disgust with scholars who Susan post's volume on women endured its hardships and oppression write about their "petty" problems in Albania is based on field work she as well as its rewards. Young contem- while the whole country is "on fire" conducted whrle living there from porary women are the third genera- (p.241). Her students would be 1994 until the spring of 1997, when tion. Like their grandmothers, they pleased with the authors of these three she and her husband and two children have grown up in a time of massive books, who have jumped into the fire were airlifted out as protest, violence, social change emerging in the late in central, eastern, and southeastern and war escalated. The book tells a 1970s and coming to political crisis in Europe to confront intellectual, soad, double story about the Albanian the 1980s and eventually war in the and physical challenges in order to women she interviewed at the same 1990s. Within each generation, Post seek an understandmg of the problems time it reports her own experience presents the stories of a range of and hopes of women in the region. living and working in Albania. women from resistance fighters to Each writer brings different strengths The text is engagmgly written with beauty queens. They live in the coun- to the task of uncovering the history life histories of over two hundred tryside and the city, practice varying and current events in the area. Post's women currently living in Albania r%ons, and represent the common ethnography is a rich collection of from n broad range of social situations. woman as well as the famous. Post interviews providing colorful and Each story is exciting, sometimes har- frames the interviews with her field moving life histories. Ramet's edted rowing, and always fascinating. The notes, describing the historical and collection presents a strong analytical book is organized into three genera- contemporary context in which the and conceptual framework for tions.
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