The Journal of Neuroscience, July 15, 1997, 17(14):5380–5394 A Novel Type of GABAergic Interneuron Connecting the Input and the Output Regions of the Hippocampus Katja Ceranik,1 Roland Bender,1 Jo¨ rg R. P. Geiger,2 Hannah Monyer,3 Peter Jonas,2 Michael Frotscher,1 and Joachim Lu¨ bke1 1Anatomisches Institut I and 2Physiologisches Institut I der Albert-Ludwigs-Universita¨ t Freiburg, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany, and 3Zentrum fu¨ r Molekulare Biologie, Universita¨ t Heidelberg, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany The main excitatory pathway of the hippocampal formation is shafts in the OML and subiculum. OML interneurons were controlled by a network of morphologically distinct populations characterized physiologically by short action potential duration of GABAergic interneurons. Here we describe a novel type of and marked afterhyperpolarization that followed the spike. On GABAergic interneuron located in the outer molecular layer sustained current injection, they generated high-frequency (up (OML) of the rat dentate gyrus with a long-range forward pro- to 130 Hz, 34°C) trains of action potentials with only little jection from the dentate gyrus to the subiculum across the adaptation. In situ hybridization and single-cell RT-PCR analy- hippocampal fissure. OML interneurons were recorded in hip- sis for GAD67 mRNA confirmed the GABAergic nature of OML pocampal slices by using the whole-cell patch-clamp configu- interneurons. GABAergic interneurons in the OML projecting to ration. During recording, cells were filled with biocytin for sub- the subiculum connect the input and output regions of the sequent light and electron microscopic analysis. Neurons hippocampus. Hence, they could mediate long-range feed- projecting to the subiculum were distributed throughout the forward inhibition and may participate in an oscillating cross- entire OML. They had round or ovoid somata and a multipolar regional interneuron network that may synchronize the activity dendritic morphology. Two axonal domains could be distin- of spatially distributed principal neurons in the dentate gyrus guished: an extensive, tangential distribution within the OML and the subiculum. and a long-range vertical and tangential projection to layer 1 Key words: GABAergic interneurons; dentate–subicular pro- and stratum pyramidale of the subiculum. Symmetric synaptic jection; glutamate decarboxylase; single-cell RT-PCR; feed- contacts were established by these interneurons on dendritic forward inhibition; dentate gyrus; rat The neuronal network of the hippocampus consists of glutama- Somogyi, 1993; Buhl et al., 1994, 1996; Miles et al., 1996) (for tergic principal neurons (granule cells and pyramidal neurons) review, see Freund and Buzsa´ki, 1996). GABAergic synapses and GABAergic interneurons (Amaral, 1978; Buhl et al., 1994; established on the axon initial segment or the soma are thought to Buckmaster and Schwartzkroin, 1995a,b) (for review, see Freund set the threshold of action potential initiation in principal neurons and Buzsa´ki, 1996). Although interneurons numerically represent (Miles et al., 1996). In contrast, inhibitory synapses formed on only ;10% of the neuronal population, they regulate the activity dendrites may suppress both the backpropagation of Na 1- of the entire network. GABAergic interneurons mediate feed- dependent action potentials (Tsubokawa and Ross, 1996) and the back or feed-forward inhibition by local synaptic interactions with initiation of dendritic Ca 21 spikes (Miles et al., 1996). This may principal neurons and thereby control their activity (Andersen et imply that interneurons regulate plasticity at glutamatergic syn- al., 1963; Buzsa´ki, 1984). In addition, GABAergic interneurons apses (Davies et al., 1991). form a network by mutual synaptic interactions. This interneuron Most GABAergic interneurons have an extensive local axonal network is thought to be involved in the generation of oscillatory arborization, indicating that they control a large number of target activity and may provide the clock signal for temporal encoding of cells (Han et al., 1993; Buckmaster and Schwartzkroin, 1995a,b; information in principal neurons (Solte´sz and Descheˆnes, 1993; Cobb et al., 1995) (for review, see Freund and Buzsa´ki, 1996). Bragin et al., 1995; Buzsa´ki and Chrobak, 1995; Cobb et al., 1995; Recently, a backprojecting interneuron in the alveus of the CA1 Whittington et al., 1995; Jefferys et al., 1996). subfield with three spatially distributed axonal domains in CA1, The axons of GABAergic interneurons innervate specific re- CA3, and in the hilar region was described (Sik et al., 1994). It was gions of their postsynaptic target cells (Somogyi, 1977; Soriano suggested that this type of interneuron mediates long-range feed- and Frotscher, 1989; Li et al., 1992; Gulya´s et al., 1993; Halasy and back inhibition in the hippocampus. GABAergic interneurons with long-range projections may couple oscillating local circuits Received Feb. 7, 1997; revised May 1, 1997; accepted May 2, 1997. and generate spatially coherent oscillations (Traub et al., 1996). This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 505/A3 The abundance and distribution of GABAergic interneurons with and Leibniz program to M.F., SFB 505/C5 to P.J., and DFG 432/3 to H.M.) We cross-regional projections in the hippocampal formation, how- thank Drs. H. Scharfman, M. Ha¨usser, and I. Vida for critically reading an earlier version of this manuscript. We are also grateful to B. Joch, S. Nestel, M. Winter, and ever, remain unclear. U. Amtmann for excellent technical assistance. The outer molecular layer (OML) of the dentate gyrus is the Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Joachim Lu¨bke, Anatomisches input region of the hippocampus for afferent fibers from the Institut der Albert-Ludwigs-Universita¨t Freiburg, Albertstrasse 17, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany. entorhinal cortex (Steward, 1976; Witter, 1989). Therefore, Copyright © 1997 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/97/175380-15$05.00/0 GABAergic interneurons situated in this region would be in a key Ceranik et al. • GABAergic Dentate–Subicular Neurons J. Neurosci., July 15, 1997, 17(14):5380–5394 5381 position to control information flow into the hippocampus by the patch pipette. Seals were formed in the voltage-clamp mode by using feed-forward inhibition. Very little is known, however, about an Axopatch 200A amplifier (Axon Instruments, Foster City, CA). After neurons located in the OML. Previous studies in the developing the whole-cell configuration was established by breaking the cell mem- brane with a suction pulse, the amplifier was switched to the current- and adult hippocampus have shown a population of glutamic acid clamp recording mode. Only neurons with a resting potential more decarboxylase (GAD) 65/67 (Houser and Esclapez, 1994) and negative than 250 mV were accepted. During recording the membrane calretinin-positive neurons (Del Rı´o et al., 1996; Liu et al., 1996) potential was set to 270 mV by injection of a small holding current (,20 in the OML. The axonal projection and the function of these cells pA). The recording temperature was 34 6 2°C. are unknown. Solutions. The physiological extracellular solution used for bath per- fusion contained (in mM): 125 NaCl, 25 NaHCO , 25 glucose, 2.5 KCl, Using patch-clamp techniques in brain slices, we describe a 3 1.25 NaH2PO4 ,2CaCl2, and 1 MgCl2 , bubbled with 95% O2 /5% CO2. novel type of GABAergic interneuron in the OML with a cross- The intracellular solution contained (in mM): 135 K-gluconate, 20 KCl, regional forward projection to the subiculum via the hippocampal 0.1 EGTA, 10 HEPES, 2 MgCl2 , and 2 adenosine 59-triphosphate fissure. Because the subiculum is the first stage in the output from (Na2-ATP) plus 5 mg/ml biocytin pH-adjusted to 7.3 with KOH. All the hippocampus to the neocortex, it is suggested that this inter- chemicals were obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) or Sigma (Mu¨nchen, Germany). neuron mediates long-range feed-forward inhibition and may Data acquisition and analysis. Voltage recordings were filtered at 2 kHz synchronize oscillating networks in the hippocampal–entorhinal with the internal 4-pole low-pass Bessel filter of the Axopatch amplifier. axis. Data were digitized and stored on-line at 5–10 kHz with a CED14011 interface (CED, Cambridge, England) connected to a personal com- MATERIALS AND METHODS puter. Data analysis was performed with interactive programs written in Patch-clamp recording. Brains from 10- to 31-d-old Wistar rats were used Pascal. in this study; however, the majority of brains was taken from animals The input resistance (RN ) was estimated from voltage responses to between postnatal days 10 to 18 (P10–P18). Animals were decapitated, current pulses of 1000 msec duration (2100 pA to 1280 pA amplitude, and transverse hippocampal slices (300 mm thickness) were cut in ice- incremented in steps of 20 pA). RN was determined from a plot of the cold physiological extracellular solution with a vibratome (Dosaka In- voltage measured 500–1000 msec after the onset of the pulse against the struments, Kyoto, Japan). Then slices were incubated at 32–35°C for current amplitude; data points 220 mV to 110 mV around the holding 30–60 min and stored, subsequently, at room temperature. Patch-clamp potential were fit by linear regression. The apparent membrane time recordings from neurons in the OML were made under visual control by constant (t0 ) was estimated from voltage responses to current pulses of infrared differential interference contrast (IR-DIC) videomicroscopy small amplitude (260 pA). The resulting voltage transient was plotted (Stuart et al., 1993). An upright microscope (Axioskop FS, Zeiss, logarithmically, and the late portion (between 10–20 and 20–40 msec Oberkochen, Germany) equipped with a 403 water immersion objective after the onset of the pulse) was fit by linear regression (Spruston and (Zeiss), an infrared filter (RG-9, Schott, Melsungen, Germany), and a Johnston, 1992). The sag ratio was determined by using hyperpolarizing Newvicon camera (C2400, Hamamatsu, Hamamatsu City, Japan) was current pulses (280 pA) of 1000 msec duration and was calculated as the used.
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