ERT cover 31-1 21/11/06 14:40 Page 1 CONTENTS E V Theme: Revival A N G The Pyongyang Great Revival in Korea and E L I Spirit Baptism C A BONJOUR BAY L R page 4 E V I History of Indian Pentecostal Church of God in Andhra E W YABBEJU (JABEZ) RAPAKA O page 17 F T Prayer Revivals and the Third Great Awakening H E WALTER HAMPEL O L page 30 O G Contrasting Worldviews in Revival: Ferryden, Scotland, Y in 1859 V O Articles and book reviews reflecting DAVID W. BEBBINGTON L U page 43 M global evangelical theology for the purpose E Two Australian Spiritual Awakenings: 3 of discerning the obedience of faith 1 , Moonta Mines 1875 and Loddon River 1883 N STUART PIGGIN O 1 page 60 , J a The Theology of Trans-Atlantic Evangelicalism and its n u a Impact on The East African Revival r y EMMANUEL HOOPER 2 0 0 page 71 7 Book Reviews page 90 Volume 31 No. 1 January 2007 Evangelical Review of Theology EDITOR: DAVID PARKER Volume 31 • Number 1 • January 2007 Articles and book reviews reflecting global evangelical theology for the purpose of discerning the obedience of faith Published by for WORLD EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE Theological Commission ISSN: 0144-8153 Volume 31 No. 1 January 2007 Copyright © 2007 World Evangelical Alliance Theological Commission Editor David Parker Committee The Executive Committee of the WEA Theological Commission Dr Rolf Hille, Executive Chair Editorial Policy The articles in the Evangelical Review of Theology reflect the opinions of the authors and reviewers and do not necessarily represent those of the Editor or the Publisher. Manuscripts, reports and communications should be addressed to the Editor and sent to Dr David Parker, 17 Disraeli St, Indooroopilly, 4068, Qld, Australia The Editors welcome recommendations of original or published articles or book reviews that relate to forthcoming issues for inclusion in the Review. Please send clear copies of details to the above address. Email enquiries welcome: [email protected] http://www.worldevangelicalalliance.com/commissions/theological.htm Typeset by Toucan Design, 25 Southernhay East, Exeter EX1 1NS and Printed in Great Britain for Paternoster Periodicals, PO Box 300, Carlisle, Cumbria CA3 0QS by Polestar Wheatons Ltd., Exeter, Devon. ERT (2007) 31:1, 3 Editorial: Revival THIS YEAR, 2007, marks the centenary in which media and technology of the ‘Great Pyongyang Revival’ of advanced the movement. Korea which is credited with shaping Detailed examination of particular the remarkable story of Korean Protes- examples of revival from this time are tantism, and giving that city the title, given in papers by two leading author- ‘The Jerusalem of the East’. This year, ities on the topic, David Bebbington our friends in Korea are joyfully cele- and Stuart Piggin. Bebbington brating this event and praying that it describes vividly the course of the might be a trigger for great develop- 1859 revival and its different streams ments in their now sadly divided penin- in the fishing communities of Ferryden, sula. So we present a series of articles Scotland. Piggin gives a similar analy- in this (and later issues), commencing sis of revivals in 1875 and 1883 with one by Bonjour Bay of Korea out- amongst strongly Methodist mining lining the history and spirituality of the and farming communities in Australia. Great Revival. Both these papers identify key princi- The early 1990s was a time of great ples from these examples for under- activity around the world—notably the standing revival. Welsh Revival of 1904-05, which will Finally, Emmanuel Hooper takes us be the focus of an article in our next to a later period, the 1930s, and the issue, and the Azusa Street revival of East African Revival. He examines the 1906 which gave rise to the Pente- contribution of ‘Trans-Atlantic Evan- costal movement. Yabbeju Rapaka gelicalism’ (including the Keswick gives some of the wider associations movement) to the nature and develop- and precursors of Azusa Street in his ment of this highly important and long- study of Indian Pentecostalism in lasting movement in aspects such as Andhra Pradesh. Bible study, confession, testimony and There was a rich history of renewal repentance. in the 19th century leading up to the Some of our book reviews also fea- 1900 revivals. Walter Hampel dis- ture the topic of revival, showing how cusses some of this in his article on difficult and controversial it is to grasp, ‘Prayer revivals and the Third Great yet underlining how crucial it is in Awakening’ of 1857, revealing devel- developing, shaping and energising our opments in different countries, and faith. showing some of the interesting ways David Parker, Editor ERT (2007) 31:1, 4-16 The Pyongyang Great Revival in Korea and Spirit Baptism Bonjour Bay KEYWORDS: Revival Wales, India, the centennial anniversary of the Great prayer, repentance, Bible study, evan- Revival 1907 occurring this year, it gelism, assurance, forgiveness, moral seems be natural that Korean churches renewal will be excited with the hope of true revival. This paper will briefly introduce the 1. Introduction Pyongyang Great Revival with its 2 Many church leaders and theologians background and process, and examine say that the 21st century is the period what spiritual power caused such a of spirituality for Christianity. great revival. It will discuss especially Although most believers know the the subject of ‘Spirit Baptism’ which necessity and urgency of being empow- was the terminology frequently used ered by the Spirit, they do not seem to find what they are searching for or arrive where they aim. While there are Revival. The Revival was so strongly marked in Pyongyang, now the capital of North Korea, many sermons and Bible studies on (the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea), spirituality, people are still seeking to that by the 1920s it was the fastest growing experience and live out evangelical centre Christianity in East Asia, and set the spirituality. pattern for Korean Protestantism thereafter; Many early missionaries to Korea hence it was often known as ‘the Jerusalem of reported that the Pyongyang Great the East’. For more understanding of the Pyongyang Revival in 1907 was the most powerful 2 Great Revival, refer to YongGyu Park, Pye- manifestation of the Holy Spirit since gYang DaiBuGungUnDong (PyongYang Great the era of the Acts of Apostles.1 With Revival) (Seoul: Life-Book Press, 2000), and also MyengSoo Park, ‘SeingGyelUnDongGwa HanGukKyoHoeEi ChoGi DaeBuHung’ (‘Holi- 1 The Korea Mission Field (KMF) offers a lot of ness Movement and Early Korean Great fundamental resources on the early Korean Revival’), HanGuk GiDokGyoWa YekSa Christianity. In these reports, many mission- (Korean Christianity and History), No. 14 aries testified to the priceless value of the (2001), pp. 47-77. Dr. Bonjour Bay is Professor of Church History and Head of the Theology Institute at SungKyul University, AnYang City, Korea. A researcher in spiritual movements, he holds a PhD from Seoul Theological University, and has published many articles on spirituality, renewal and pneumatology, including SungLyungSeLei (The Korean Church and the Spirit Baptism) (Sungkyul University Press, 2004) and GaiSinGyo SungLyungLonWi YergSa (A History of Protestant Pneumatology) (SungKyul University Press, 2003). The Pyongyang Great Revival and Spirit Baptism 5 by missionaries and Korean church The revival fire from Wales and leaders during the revival period. If India thus stimulated Korean Spirit Baptism really existed then, and churches. SeinJu Kil, who afterward if the power of the Spirit could truly became a representative revivalist of awaken and raise the Korean Church Korean churches, was also so much then, there must be real hope for the impressed with the report that he felt suffering churches even today. the urgency for church revival, and that he had a burning fire for souls in his heart.4 After he experienced the 2. Background of the awakening, Mr. Kil began to lead the Pyongyang Revival revival movement which focused on repentance and Bible study, centring Revival in Wales and in India around the JangDaiHyen Church. Revivals in Wales and in India were closely related to the Korean Revival of The National Reality 1907. When Dr. Howard Agnew John- Japan began to expand her influence son visited Wales for the purpose of throughout all regions of Korea, and seeing revival meetings, he met Evan began to exert her military and diplo- Roberts who was the contemporary matic control over the country. In representative revivalist there; he 1905, Japan imposed her political influ- questioned him in detail about the ence through the Protectorate Treaty. secret of the revival. After that, Dr. Economically, Japan demanded the Johnson went to India and witnessed right of cultivation on the waste land of the revival of the Kasia region which Korea so in June 1904 they plundered arose under the influence of the revival many parts of the country, although in Wales. this measure was withdrawn when it Afterward, Dr. Johnson travelled to met with the opposition of the Korean various places in China, sharing about people. But, in 1907, the Japanese ful- the revivals in Wales and in Kasia, filled their ambition by enacting the India. He arrived in Seoul in September Law of Utilization of Non-Reclaimed 1906, which was at the time of the Government Land under the supervi- Presbyterian assembly meeting, where sion of the Residency.5 Then, in 1910, he gave testimony about the revivals the country was annexed under the he had witnessed. Many missionaries Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty. The were greatly impressed with his mes- dark situation inside and outside the sage, and as a result, they began to country provided the motive for the aspire to see revival among the Korean Korean Church to prepare a movement churches.3 for the renewal of faith.
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