American College Of Theriogenologists Newsletter Spring 2009 Annual Conference Albuquerque, NM Report from the president... August 25-29, 2009 Dr. Ahmed Tibary Special Events… Kristina Lu for a two-year term to replace Dr. Rejean Lefebvre. Tuesday - August 25th Dear Colleagues: 5:00 p.m. Happy Hour Abstracts Dr. Phil Prater reported on the examination 7:00 p.m. Happy Hour Abstracts I cannot believe that we are already in April and by the time you get this newsletter almost committee meeting. This committee which met Reception half of the year will be gone. Time goes fast in January to develop the 2009 certification Wednesday - August 26th and particularly when there are a lot of things to examination devotes a huge amount of time to 8:00 a.m. Bartlett Address accomplish. this mission of the college. They are all to be 9:00 a.m. Competitive Abstracts I would like to start with a report on the activi- commended for their effort to continue diligent 11:00 a.m. SFT Business Meeting ties of your executive board so far this year. We work on refining the exam and developing a 1:30 p.m. ACT Business Meeting had quite a busy winter meeting in Albuquer- strong question database. The ACT board 3:30 p.m. Student Case Presentations que on January 30th and a combined ACT and would like to thank all the committee and the 5:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open-Reception SFT board meeting on Jan 31st. First, it is my outgoing past chair, Dr. Sylvia Bedford-Guaus 6:30 p.m. Family Fun Night pleasure to report that our college continues to for their dedication and hard work. Dr. Leo grow and strengthen its financial position based Brito has been appointed as the newest member Thursday - August 27th on the financial report and budget that Dr. Stu- of this committee. 8:00 a.m. General Session art Meyers and Franz Management prepared. 6:30 p.m. THERIO Awards Banquet We definitely have several challenges that lay Dr. Prater presented 21 applications requesting 8:00 p.m. ACT Educators Forum ahead and the college, with its various commit- approval to take the 2009 ACT certifying exam. tees, continues to work towards making our The board also approved 13 new mentorship specialty further recognized as a key discipline program applications. Dr. Prater reported that in veterinary practice. as of January 2009 there were 47 (36 standard and 11 alternate route) candidates eligible to The board also received a report from Dr. take the certifying examination. Mushtaq Memon, chair of the scientific abstract committee. Those who have attended past an- (continued on page 2) nual conferences are aware of the wonderful ACT and SFT PLAN TO work this committee does, and the rapidly in- creasing number and quality of abstract submis- FORM FOUNDATION sions in both the competitive as well as the non- Included in This Issue: t their recent winter meeting the combined competitive categories. The committee oversaw A boards of the SFT and ACT voted to form New Therio Journal to Debut the review process of well over 45 abstracts for the Theriogenology Foundation, whose mission Page 4 this years conference. This is great news as will be to raise funds for the support and ad- most of the abstracts were submitted by Therio- vancement of theriogenology. Plans are under- Theriogenologist of the Year genology residents and graduate students. I way to file for 501c-3 status with the Internal Page 7 Revenue Service, which, when completed, will have no doubt the scientific abstracts will con- allow tax deductible contributions to be made Board Nominees tinue to grow if all Theriogenologists encour- to the Foundation. The funds raised by the Pages 5 - 6 age their residents and colleagues to submit Foundation will be used for research grants, results of their ongoing research. Congratula- scholarships, speakers for student chapters, and By-laws Proposed Changes tions and many thanks again to all the members awards honoring worthy theriogenologists. Pages 7 - 9 of this committee. Dr. Memon will be passing Both boards expressed the desire to support the Therio Conference Topics on the baton to Dr. Sara Lyle, who will serve strengthening of the position of theriogenology in veterinary education. Page 12 for the next 4 years, and be joined by Dr. (continued on page 4) Report from the President dency programs that will be posted on the Dr. Tom Riddle and the Student Proficiency college website. Award in Theriogenology. I am sure you Continued from page 1 have seen by now the wonderful CE opportu- The board felt that as the discussion on resi- This is another positive sign of the health of nity of the Annual Conference scientific pro- dency training program continues to develop the college and the interest placed on our gram under the theme of “Practical Pharma- there will be a need for changes to the consti- discipline. Given this increasing number of cology”. In addition, this year’s ACT Educa- tution and bylaws (CBL). To this effect, a applications and the difficulty in maintaining tor’s Forum, chaired by Dr. Stuart Meyers, proposal was made to change the CBL to an updated record on the progress of each will be on the theme of “How to teach allow for development and maintenance of a candidate it has become increasingly impor- Theriogenology” and will feature several General Information Guideline (GIG). If tant to have a mechanism of registration of speakers on curriculum teaching techniques. approved, this will allow for updating cre- candidates prior to their examination year. A dentialing requirements in a more timely Finally, the nominating committee has re- proposal has been submitted by the residency manner. ceived an outstanding slate of candidates for committee. the vice-president and board member posi- Dr. Augustine Peter reported on his atten- Dr. Dale Paccamonti, our college’s represen- tions. Please read the bios of the candidates dance at the November, 2008 meeting of the tative to the ABVS, presented some impor- put forth by the committee and approved by European College of Animal Reproduction tant developments and issues currently under the board for this position. Your participation (ECAR) in France. There is a general agree- consideration including recertification of in the selection of the leadership of our col- ment that our two colleges need to work diplomates, insurance for specialty organiza- lege is extremely important so please con- more closely on several aspects of promoting tions, job analysis, examination writing and sider these candidates and submit your ballot the specialty. information on the National Organization of in a timely manner. Given the extremely varied and outstanding quality of the nomi- Competency Assurance. On behalf of all the The board discussed an invitation to partici- nees the committee has requested that the list college, I would like to thank Dr. Paccamonti pate in the Association of American Veteri- of volunteers be available for future for his devotion and hard work on behalf of nary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) consor- positions. the college. The board acted on the recom- tium to address a national plan for veterinary mendation to form a separate credentialing medical education. The aim of the consor- In closing, I would like to renew my invita- committee and appoint an appeals commit- tium is to develop agreement on societal tion to all colleagues to participate in the tee. A credentialing committee will be need and skills and knowledge needed by governance of the college through volunteer- formed by four diplomates and the ACT sec- graduates, explore educational models and ing to serve on the various committees and retary serving as chair. Drs. Russell Cris- discuss licensure and accreditation issues. task forces. We believe that the college man, Gary Nie, Stuart Meyers and Dale Pac- The ACT as well as the SFT board felt that needs the participation of every member. camonti were appointed to a task force to this is an opportunity to stress the importance Please do not hesitate to contact executive work on a recertification policy as this has of Theriogenology in veterinary education board members directly. For contact details, become one of the top issues considered by and voted to participate in this action of the please visit the ACT website the ABVS. AAVMC. Dr. Augustine Peter volunteered to (www.theriogenology.org). We are all look- serve on the steering committee of this ing forward to your comments and an oppor- Dr. Travis Meredith reported on the ACT AAVMC project. Mission Committee. Despite his efforts, pro- tunity to see you in person at the 2009 An- nual Conference in Albuquerque, NM. The gress has been relatively slow due to a lack Amongst several great accomplishments, the scientific program as well as the social of response from the college membership. As highlight of our traditional combined meet- events put together by Dr. Riddle and his you may have noticed from the exchange ing with the SFT board was the finalization team of session chairs and Franz Manage- recently on the ACT Listserv, the issue of of the project of the new publication ment will be another great success! branding and marketing continues to be on “Clinical Theriogenology”. This scientific the mind of the majority of our colleagues journal will be officially launched this sum- and needs to be addressed. I am pleased to mer with the publication of the proceedings announce that Dr. Meredith is willing to con- of the annual SFT/ACT conference and will tinue to lead this effort and I have also no- be the official journal of both the SFT and Thank you ticed that several members have responded ACT.
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