Yuba County Water Agency Narrows Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. 1403 SECTION 5.0 REFERENCES CITED E1.0 Introduction Childs, J. R., Snyder, N. P., and Hampton, M. A. 2003. Bathymetric and Geophysical Surveys of Englebright Lake, Yuba-Nevada Counties, California. United States Geological Survey. Open-File Report 03-383. E2.0 Existing and Proposed Project None. E3.1 Existing Environment Adler, L. 1980. Adjustment of the Yuba River to the Influx of Hydraulic Mining Debris, 1849- 1979. M.S. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles. California Department of Water Resources (CDWR). 1999. Yuba Goldfields Fish Barrier Project, Preliminary Engineering Report. General information about Yuba Goldfields area, history, and lower Yuba River information. Central District. http://www.delta.dfg.ca.gov/calfed/library/Archive_EIS.html. Central Valley RWQCB. 2018. Basin Plan. Fifth Edition. The Sacramento River Basin and the San Joaquin River Basin. 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