MONOMANIA MOODY MORAL monomania: nearest word insania: immanis b, id. Verr. 5,42,109. Abound­ moon: luna: full ro, 1. plena, Caes. to have a m, "una quadam de re insanire. ing in ms, beluosus (Oceanus), Hor. Od. B. G. 4,29: Pita.: Virg.: halfm., 1. dimi­ monopolist: monopola, ae, ro. :4 . H 47- diate, Cato, B. It. 37 ; 1. dimidia, Plin. Capel. (= qui Jus monopolil habet). See monstrosity: monstrum, etc.: v. 18, 32, 75; 1. intermenstrua, id. 18, 32, alSO FORESTALLER. MONSTER. 7;: new ro, 1. nova, Plin. 8,54, 80 (comp. monopolize: I. To buy up goods monstrous: I. Misshapen and Cato, K. K. 29, luna silenti, i. e. when so as to command the entire market: unnatural: monstrosus (monstruosus), there is no ro, before the crescent ap­ perh. comprlmo, 3 ; v. TO FORESTALL portentosus, prodlgiosus: v. MONSTER peals) : Varr. E. E. 1, 37 (not 1. prima, (H.). ||. To exercise a monopoly by (I.) ||, Revolting to reason: porten­ see the place): U'Aert tAe m. is waxing privilege: monopolium exercere (E. and tosus (rare in this sense): wAat care fteas- waning, luna crescente, decrescente, A.); ra. habere (Fore): v. MONOPOLY. more ro. (Aon (Ais (statement), quo quid Plin. 18, 32, 75: Col. 2, 15 and 16: for HI, To take up the whole of any­ fieri portentosius potest ? Sen. Ep. 87,19. decrescens, also senescens, Varr. E. E. thing: Phr.: Ae wislies to m. the Phr.: for it is m: to assert, nam illud 1,37: (Ae hollow (or horned) m, 1. cava, conversation, "solus audiri vult; quasi vehementer rectae rationi repngnat, cf. Plin. 8, 54, 70: curvata in cornua, ib. 2, monopolium quoddam sennonis sibi ar- Cic Fin. S, 26, 77: teAai so ret. can be 9, 6 : corniculata, Apul. de Deo Socr, rogat: Ae does not wish to m. ihe time, said or conceived, quid tam perversum init.: gibbous ro, 1. protumida, Apul. "haudquaquam totum sibi tempus con- [praeposterumve] did, aut excogitari 1. e; also, (?) sinuate in orbem, PUn. 2, cedi postulat (rem totam sibi vindicare, potest, id. Rab. Post. 13, 37. 9, 6: (Ae m. when shining all night, 1. B. and A.). monstrously: 1. monstrose(mon- pernox, Plin. 1. c.: (Ae ro. shines with monopoly: m5nopolium: Suet.Tib. struose): Join: tam praepostere, tam borrowed light, 1. lucet aliena luce, Cic, 30 and 71: Plin. But unless a defined incondite, tam monstrose [cogitare"], Cic. Rep. 6,16; mutuata ab sole luce fulget, privilege be denoted, expr. by phr.: tAeDiv . 2, 71, 146. 2. prodlgiaUter: Plin. 1. c j 4; : tAe (alternate) increase government has a ro. ofitiie postal tsaffic,Hor. A. P. 29 (prodigiose, Plin. 11, 37, and diminution ofi thorns tight, accretio "tabellarius quaestus totus est publicus; 80 = in the way of a portent). 3. et deminutio luminis (lunae), Cic Tusc. nemini private Ucet quaestum ex re praepostere (lit. hindfioremost): v. supr. 1, 28, 68: Xenoplianes says ihe ret. is tabellaria facere. (1). Sometimes — exceedingly, incre­ inhabited, habitari ait X. in luna, id. monosyllabic: mSnosyllabus: esp. dibly : q. v. Ac 2,39,123. Phr.: the period between neut. pi. nionosyllaba, m. words, Qutat* monstrousness: expr. by adj.: two ro.s (when Hie ro. is not visible), 9,4, 42: Aus. ucAat can exceed Hie ro. of this statement, intermenstruum tempus (or without monosyllable: monosyllabum or quo quid magis praeposterum did po­ tempus), Qc. Eep. 1, 16: also, inter- -on (sc. verbum): Aus. Id. 12: Qutat. test ? V. MONSTROUS. lutiium, Plin. 18, 32, 7; : lAe period of monotheism: expr. by unus Deus : month: 1. mensis, is, m.: pass. full ro, plenilunium, ib. y 323: a night v. foil, art. 2. menstruum (a monthly period, when there is no TO, nox illunis, Plin. Ep. monotheist: P h r.: lAe Jews were whether beginning ivith the first day of 6, 20,14: of the shape of am. (crescent), the first ms, "Judaei primi Deum unum the month or not): mym. ends Sept. 1, m. lunatus: v. CRESCENT-SHAPED. ac solum esse credebant meum Kal. Sept. finitur, Plin. Ep. 10,12 moonless: illunis, e: v. MOON (fin). monotone: ""nonStonia: Qutat 11, (24) 13: he continues, etsequens mensis moonlight (subs): lunae lumen 3, 45, vitemus lgitur illam, quae Graece (i. e. Septembris) complures dies feriatos (lux): cf. Qc. Tusc 1, 28, 68. Usu. to fiovorovia dicitur, una quaedam spiritus habet. Lasting one m, menstruus (cf. phr, by m, imminente luna, Hor. Od.i, ac soni intentio. supr.) : in Hie space qfa ret, spatio men- 4, 5; ad lunam, Virg. Aen. 4, 513 : cf. monotonons: |, Lit, of voices, struo, Cic. N. D. 1, 31, 87. Hence, ib. 6, 270, per incertam lunam [sub luce -notes, etc: *unum sonum habens: Kr. menstruum (siifts.), a m.'s provisions maligna], i. e. by the fiitfiul moonlight: Phr.: lAe ro. cooing ofi doves, "turturum(= = menstrua cibaria), Liv. 44, 2. Last­ or expr. by luceo, fulgeo (the latter de­ gemitus lentus atque aequalis, d'. Liv. ing six ms, semestris, e: Cic: Caes.: noting a full flood ofi light: 'twas m. 24,46,/re. ||. Fig.: icareiireaiiarieti/: Liv. with a cloudless sky, coelo fulgebat luna Phr.: aro. spcakes; qui omnia slmUiter monthly (adj.) : 1. menstruus sereno, Hor. Epod. 15,1. atque uno modo dlcit, Qc Br. 66, 233; (either, occurring every month; or, moonlight (adj.): "(nox) luna ilius­ "cujus oratio lenta ac paene putida lasting a month): ro. interest, m. usuratris,: v. LIGHT, adj. Phr.: it was a aequabilitate est Comp. MONOTONE. Qc. Att. 6,1, 3 : eclipses ofi the sun andfull ro. reio-At, luna pernox erat, Liv. 5, monotonously: similiter atque unc moon are not ro., delectus solis et lunae 28, med. modo: v. preced. art m. non sunt, Plin. 2,10,7648. (For latter moonshine: L e. something decep­ monotony: L e. wearisome simi- sense, lasting a month, v. MONTH.) tive : perh. somnium: cf. Ter. Ad. 2,1, larity: Phr.: avoid ro. ofi delivery,Specially , menstrua, orum, ro. pusga- So, Ae argento, somnium, as for (paying) "cave ne omnia quasi uno tenore prouun- tioms or courses, PUn.: Cels.: v. MENSESHie. money, that's all moonshine! cf. id. tientur: (Aere is a ro. about his poetry, 2. menstrualis, e (rare): PI. Cap. Ph. 3, 2, 8, sqq. fabulae I somnia 1 logi 1 "cai-mina ejus nimis lenta aequabilitate 3, 1, 22 (m. epulae). 3, expr. by See also NONSENSE. fiuunt, cf. Qc Or. 16, 53 (ingrato quo­ mensis: to Aold ro. meetings, "singulis moonstruck: lunatlcus (rare): v. dam tenore fiuunt, Kr.: better perh., mensibus coetus habere. LUNATIC. nimis aequabili tenore laborant); "desi- monthly (adv.).- singuUs mensibus: moor (subs): i. e. are opere K-aste : deratur in carminibus ejus grate quae­ comp. DAILY (adv.). "loca patentia et ericis ceterisque herbis dam varietas, Kr. See also MONOTONE. monument: 1, monumentum obsita. monsoons : no known word: perh. (anything which ses-ves to preses-ve the moor (v): i. e. to snake fast a vessel "venti (quidam) semestri tempore al- memory of a person or event) -. esp. with or floating body: 1. rgllgo, 1: (0 ret. ternantes, qui Monsones appellantur. re£ to sepulchres: cf. Varr. L. L. 6,6,45: sAips by the shore, naves ad terram rel, monster: I. An animal unna­ a ro. more lasting than brass, m. aere Caes. B. C. 3, IS: so, rel. ab aggere turally formed: partus portentosus, perennius, Hor. Od. 3,30,1: cf. Cic. Sext. classem, Virg. Aen. 7, 106: Hor. 2. monstrosus, prodlgiosus: cf. Qc. Div. 2, 67, init, L. Opimius, cujus monumentum dellgo, 1: toro. vessels by anchors, naves 28, init. si quando aUqua portentosa aut celeberrimum in foro est, with Long's ad ancoras d, Caes. B. G. 4, 29: so, ad ex pecude aut ex homine nata dicuntur: note. 2. cenStaphium (are empty terram, ad ripam r, id. B. C. 3, 39, etc. also Lucan. 1, 562, monstrosi hominum sepulchral m).- Uip. Dig. 11, 7, 6 } 1. (Eeligare should not be used to denote partus numeroque modoque membro­ 3. mausSleum ((Ae splendid sepul­ mooring a vessel or other body to lAe rum : and Qutat. 1, 1, 2, corpora prodi- chral m. raised by Mausolus: hence, bed of the water, which is deligo.) glosa et monstris insignia. (The phr. any splendid tomb): Plin. 36, 5, 4 y 30: moor-hen: fulica: virg. G. I, 363 pecudum hominumque portenta, Qc Suet Vesp. 23. See also MEMORIAL. (also fulex, Icis, Cic Div. 1, 8, 14 poet). N. D. 2, 5, 14, is too general; as it would monumental: expr. by monumen­ moorings: Phr.: to shift one's ret, include such phenomena as an ox speak­ tum : V. MONUMENT. ancoras toilere (to weigh anchor), cf. ing, etc.) ||, Any horrible creature: mood: f. JcVame qf mind (Germ. Varr. E. E. 3,17, init., where the phr. 1. monstrum.- Virg. Aen. 3, 658 (of mutli): expr. by animus, mens, some­ is used fig. Polyphemus): a ro. qf a man (term of times with habitus : siicA was tlie m. in moorland: •. MOOR (subs.). abuse), m. nominis, Ter. Eun. 4,4, 29: which people were at Some, hie quidem moot-point: Phr.: it is still a m., a roost horrible and shocking m. (abuse), Eomae habitus animorum fuit, Tac. A. adhuc sub judice Us est, Hor. A. P. 78: immanissimum ac foedissimum m, Cic 1, 8, init.: cf. ib. 4, init., repetenduomr simply, ambigitur, Quint 7, 2, 7 ; iii in Pis. 14, init. 2. portentum: in lit. videtur... quae mens exerdtuum, quis controverslam venit, ib. 6 8. sense, Hor. Od. 1, 22, 13 (the wolf) : habitus provinciarum fuit. May oft be mop (subs.): perh. penlculus (strictly, Fig.: ms of Hie commonwealth, por­ expr. by adj.: ire merry ro, hllaris, abrush): cf.
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