Rochester Ukrainians Hold COLUMBIA STUDENTS HEAR TALK BISHOP SCHMONDIUK BLESSED SHEVCHENKO MEMORIAL FUND Shevchenko Concert ON SHEVCHENKO, VIEW EXHIBIT GROUND FOR J. C. SCHOOL CAMPAIGN WELL UNDER WAY PKOF. GEORGE SHEVELOV IS SPEAKER MAYOR, COMMISIONERS ATTENDED EVENT SMC. Rclcunr. NEW YORK. April 13 (Staff) 1 poetry was identified with re­ NEW YORK. - The Shev­ fund-raising goal is well under The last year in Taras Shev­ venge of justice, and blood­ chenko Memorial Fund Rais­ way. the Committee said, and chenko's life and works was thirsty rebellions. ing Campaign is progressing there are some communities highlighted yesterday in a talk This situation changes in the satisfactorily, according to es­ which have already over-sub­ delivered by Prof. George Che- year 1860. however, he said. timates of the Executive Board scribed the original quotas as­ velov. of the Slavic Languages Now Shevchenko's works are of the Shevchenko Memorial signed them. Department at Columbia Uni­ governed by limitations which Committee. Formations of new While on the whole the re­ versity to a joint meeting of is a sign of a mature writer. Shevchenko Committees as well ports on the progress of the this University's Kussky Kru- In the opinion of Prof. She­ as substantial contributions by Shevchenko Memorial fund are zhok and the Ukrainian Circle. velov. the poems of this period various Ukrainian American encouraging, the Committee's The event coincided with the show more polish, and there organizations and individual Executive Board believes that opening of the "Taras Shev­ are invitations to the reader citizens are being reported the difficult task is only begin­ chenko- Poet of Ukraine" ex­ to do more thinking, rather every day. ning. As expected, the large hibit in the Butler Library on than serve him with a blow in Thus far over 50 Shevchen­ cities, such as New York. Chi­ campus, which was set by the the form of abrupt statements, ko Committees have been estab­ cago. Detroit, Philadelphia. Ukrainian Circle to commemor­ and cries for justice. lished in various parts of the Cleveland. Pittsburgh. Buffalo Seen at the Tara-s Shevchenko Memorial Concert in Rochester ate the centenary of the Poet's Each poem unfolds semantic United States, which will be and others, are moving slowly are, left to right: William B. Hussar UNA Supreme Advisor, death. depths, as images and con­ charged with the collection of in their fund-raising drive, due and Taras Shevchenko Memorial Committee Program Booklet Oleh Leshko, president of trasts are interwoven within funds in their respective com­ to the fact that there are nu­ GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY — His Excellency Bishop Chairman; Vice .Mayor, Joscphph Farbo, reading the Proclama­ the Ukrainian Circle opened them, said Prof. Shevelov. munities. The Shevchenko Me­ merous Ukrainian organiza­ Joseph Schmondiuk is shown here flanked by priests and parish­ tion; making 1961 lht> Tares Shevchenko Year; Mrs. .Maria the meeting in Ix-half of the He also said that Shevchen­ morial Committee expects that tions and the task of integrat­ ioners during the groundbreaking ceremony for Jersey City's Kramachuk Chairlady of the Planning and Publicity Committee two student clubs, and intro­ ko's later poems are concerned the number of local Shevchen­ ing them for one concerted new SS. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic school. First priest of the Tares Shevchenko Memorial Concert. duced Prof. Shevelov. with brevity, yet their mean­ ko Committees will expand drive is by no means an easy- from the ІеП in the picture is Rev. Anthony Borsa, pastor of Although year i860 was the ing is much broader. Some of rapidly and that soon such a one. SS. Peter and Paul Church. The ceremony took place on Sunday. main topic of the educator's the themes used by the Poet committee will exist in every In any event, the Shevchen­ By GEORGE PANKRATH \uril . If*" . ' ROCHESTER. N. Y.. March address by Professor Mykola talk, he analyzed some of in the previous years recur in Ukrainian American commun- ko Memorial movement in the Shevchenko's earlier poetry as this period, but in a new and ty. Although the Executive United States is well under 28. — Some 1.500 Rochester Hadzinsky. professor of phys­ JERSEY CITY. April IV area, namely Osyp Stecura, Ukrainians packed the East­ ics at the Rochester Institute introduction for it. He said more sophisticated appearance. Board is careful to express its way and if the initial enthu­ that in the year 1857, when, New approach to the national fJSvoboda). This city's SS. Ostap Uhlytsky. John Zado- views on how many such com­ siasm of the entire Ukrainian man Theatre on Sunday, March of Technology. Hadzinsky, who Peter and Paul Ukrainian і ro/hny and P. Dobosh saying 19th to pay tribute to the spoke in Ukrainian, told of the Shevchenko had returned from independence is taken by Taras mittees there will be. it is gen­ American community continues exile to St. Petersburg, his See COLUMBIA, pg. 8 Catholic parish hosted His Ex-1 the responses. erally believed that there there is no reason to doubt "Bard of Ukraine" Taras fight Shevchenko had in hav­ cell< my Bishop Joseph S-hmon- Shevchenko. The occasion was ing his works published after The local municipal govern­ should be at least 150, if not that the original objective of diuk, administrator of the; more, of such local committees. the Shevchenko Memorial Com­ the 100th anniversary of the they once had been banned SUSTA to Hold Conference of High Philadelphia Aroheparchy, a ment was fully represented death of Shevchenko. and after he himself had been at the ground-breaking cere­ Efforts are being made to con­ mittee should not be attained •umber of clergy, civic officials I tact as many Ukrainian Ameri­ in time. The entire program was banned from doing any writ- School Students in Baltimore and other notables yesterday mony since Mayor Charles Wit- kowski. and three city Com­ can communities as possible in Those who are actively an- based on the works of Ukraine's ting whatsoever. at the blessing and breaking missioners took part in it. One this drive for setting up local gaged in the Shevchenko Me­ poet, set to music The pro­ Then came three selections of the ground ceremony for its BALTIMORE. Md. - The President Savchuk Informed Of the Commissionehs. inciden­ branches of the Shevchenko morial fund campaign should gram was o|>ened by the sing­ by baritone Zenon Myahkv of new parochial school on the Ukrainian Students' Associa­ The Weekly that some eight tally. James Murray, is a re­ Memorial Committee. take solace in knowing that ing of the "Stars Spangled Buffalo, N. Y. A duet of Shev­ corner of Bergen and Bent ley tion of this city has undertaken years ago the question of or­ cognized expert on East-Eu- the communist press in oc­ Banner" by the Ukrainian Na­ chenko's "Such is Her Fate" Streets here. Donations and contributions the preparation of the 1st con­ ganized high school students mpcan affairs and a friend of cupied Ukraine is violently tional Choir of Rochester un­ and "The Roaring Dnipro" are also said to be satisfactory. ference of high school students, was raised, but until now Severe rainstorm, which last­ the Ukrainians. His children denouncing the Shevchenko der the direction of Yaroslav sung by Mary Klimko and Ann Though no specific sums were which will be held under the nothing has been done about it. ed most of the day subsided are enrolled in the SS. Peter given by the Committee, it is Memorial movement in this Matkovuky. Following this, the Paruta of Rochester, followed. He said that the Baltimore con­ shortl\ before four in the af­ choir sang Shevchenko's tone auspices of the Federation of and Paul School. knovn, on the basis of frag­ country, which proves beyond Other artists on the pro­ ference will attempt to answer ternoon allowing for the carry­ poem "The Testament" which the Ukrainian Student Organi­ mentary reports and news any doubt that Moscow is de­ gram were Halyna Kolodub- some questions on the necessity ing our of the ceremony, whirh Present too were representa­ was well received by the au­ zations of America (SUSTA). items in the Ukrainian press, termined to impede the move­ Tymochko. Hryhoriy Yaroshe- of such organization at this was performed by Bishop tives of central organizations, dience. next weekend, April 29-30, that the Committee's treasury ment so as to compromise the vyeh-Manko. Stefania Fedchuk, time. Schmondiuk. and assisted by and among them the Supreme William Andrushin, presi­ here. Officers of the Ukrainian Na­ is being augmented every day. Ukrainians in the free world the SUMA Choir of Rochester Savchul' further explained the pastor of SS. Pct?r and and prevent the realization of dent of the Rochester branch Three talks, as well as a so­ tional Association: Acting Pre- Most of the donations are giv­ under the direction of Ivan that SUSTA is interested in Paul. Rev. Anthony Borsa. Rev. the plan to erect a statue of of the Ukrainian Congress cial evening and an open-air ! sident Joseph Lesawyer. Treas- en in the form of pledges, espe­ Chavs. Irene Lawriwska read high school students, especially Zenovius Bachynsky. also of Ukraine's poet laureate and na­ Committee which along with 55 get-together arc exj>ected to ' urer Roman Slobodian. and cially by organizations and as­ Shevchenko's "Psalm XIV" and those in grades eleven and SS. Peter and Paul, and the tional hero in the capital of the other Ukrainian organizations be included within the frame Secretary Dr. Jaroslaw Padoch. sociations. In several commu­ the dance team of Lesya ВІІ6- twelve, because they are pro­ following out-of-town priests: nities the movement for the United States.
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