Index 2G 33 agent-based modeling (ABM) 83 3G 33, 477 Aggarwal, S. 17 4G 33, 477 Ahlborn, C. 206 5G 33, 126 Airbnb 185, 187 Akamai 7, 29, 34, 348, 350 ABC 460–61 Albert, R. 82 ABI Research 483 Alcatel Lucent 221 absorption costs 331, 339 Alcouffe, A. 65 abstract models 57 Alcouffe, C. 65 access fees 301–2, 304 Algan, Y. 106, 109 access markets 3, 23, 46, 199–200 algorithmic selection 15–16, 395–7, 418–19 access networks 5, 18, 29, 32–3, 36, 38, 40, 43, business models 407–9 301, 312, 348–58 innovation–co-evolution–complexity Acquisti, A. 252, 256 perspective 401–3 across-platform parity agreements (APPAs) market phases and structures 403–7 183, 195–8, 205 operation model and functional typology activism 166–7, 171–2, 176, 249, 357 397–401 addiction 148 risk reduction 413–18 Adobe 185, 555 selected implications for traditional media Advanced Network Services (ANS) 539 markets 410–11 Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) social risks 411–13 533–5, 547 see also ARPANET Alibaba Tmall 556 advertising 15–16, 96, 165, 276, 426, 440, 443 Almunia, J. 194 see also marketing Altavista 190 and algorithmic selection 396, 400–402, 404, Amazon 23, 152, 165, 187, 192–4, 196–8, 271, 406, 409–11, 416 374, 385, 388, 397, 403–4, 406, 411, 446, auctions 388–91, 394, 409, 427, 435–8 452, 460–61, 466–7, 480, 483, 486, 491, and big data 516, 519, 522 519, 562 brief history of online advertising 426–30 Amazon Prime 40, 556 see also LoveFilm and business strategies 351, 365, 372–3, 381 Cloud Player 562 and competition law 186–7, 189–90, 206 FireTV 555 and converged video services 476, 485, Instant Video 555–6 489–91 Marketplace 184–5, 205 and copyright 236, 241 Mechanical Turk (MTurk) 93 and cultural economics 149, 156–7 America Online 27 display 257, 385, 403, 427–8, 434–5, 440, 464 Anderson, C. 486 and the Internet of Entertainment 556–7 Anderson, P. 68–9 and online news 444, 446, 448–51 Anderson, R. 262, 266–8, 277–8, 281 and online video entertainment 461, 464, Android 61, 91, 191, 482 466–7, 469–71 angel investors 306, 310, 317 and privacy 248–50, 255, 257 anticompetitive market structures 193, 196, quality 392–3 198, 201, 219, 232, 250, 257 and search engines 385–6, 388–93, 406, antitrust policies 13, 24, 40, 45, 47–9, 97, 200, 427–8, 435–40, 452 204, 213, 471 see also competition policies targeted 16, 156, 187, 190, 249, 275–6, 427, cases against Google 183, 189–94 429–34, 464, 516 antivirus software 267, 270 Aereo 556 Antonelli, C. 15 Agence France-Presse (AFP) 454–5 AOL 39, 65, 447, 451–2, 544 571 Johannes M. Bauer and Michael Latzer - 9780857939852 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/29/2021 04:58:50AM via free access 572 Handbook on the economics of the Internet Apache 96–7, 111–12, 544 bandwagon effects 3, 39, 147–8, 153, 214, 225, Apple 13–14, 165, 183, 196–8, 257, 271, 373, 539, 547 385, 503, 519–20, 555, 562–3 Bangladesh 172 App Store 236, 268, 444 Barabási, A.-L. 78 Apple TV 466, 486, 555 bargaining power 235–6, 254, 307, 336, 353, iCloud 562 355, 358, 365, 374–6, 410–11, 471 iPads 198, 444, 452, 454 barriers to entry see entry barriers iPhones 290, 444, 452, 503 Bartelsman, E.J. 137 iTunes Store 152, 373, 459, 461–2, 465–7, Bauer, J.M. 12, 14, 204 486, 555, 562 Bauer, S. 15, 39 Newsstand 452 Baumol, W.J. 147 application blindness 292, 294, 297, 299, 302– Baumol’s cost disease 147 4, 306–7, 309–10 Bavelas, A. 77 application innovation 288, 297–311 BBC 444, 446, 487, 556 application programming interface (API) 30, BBVA banking corporation 510 267, 366, 371, 380 Beinhocker, E. 59, 61 application service providers 25, 40, 42–4, 349 Belenzon, S. 106 appropriability 15, 102–4, 115, 323 Belgium 8–10, 449, 454 apps 11, 27, 30, 61, 124, 127, 236, 267–8, 444, Bell System 531–3, 547 450, 452, 454, 486, 511, 515, 519, 557, Belleflamme, P. 519 560–61, 563 Benkler, Y. 12, 49, 104–6, 545 Argentesi, E. 189 Bergemann, D. 433–4 Argentina 192 Bermejo, F. 175 Argenton, C. 194 Berners-Lee, T. 27, 75–6 Aristotle 166 Besen, S.M. 14 Arnback, A. 275 Bessen, J.E. 102 Arora, A. 279 Bettig, R.V. 175 ARPANET 25, 28, 64, 66, 213, 426, 533–8, Bhuiyan, A.J.M. Shafiul Alam 172 544, 547 big data 16–17, 73, 381, 395–7, 416, 484–5 Arrested Development 481 definitions 510–13 Arrow, K. 56 economic value of data 516–18 Arthur, W.B. 38, 61, 222 ecosystem 513–16 artificial intelligence 401, 513–14, 561 innovation and competition in 518–20 Asghari, H. 14 opportunities and challenges 520–23 Asia-Pacific Cooperation (APEC) 250, 258 Bijourama 195 ASPNET 97 bilateral agreements 346–7 Associated Press 455 Bing 185, 189, 191, 373, 398, 408, 410 asymmetric information 247, 250–51, 253, 258, Bioderma 195 264–5, 271, 278–80, 336, 371–2, 375, 419 Bitcoin 496 AT&T 200, 216, 348, 350, 427, 480, 531–3, 537, BitTorrent 43, 46, 202, 459, 555 542, 547, 556 Black September 555 Athey, S. 433–4, 438–9 Blizzard-Activision 501 AtomFilm 555 blocking 201–3, 299–301 auction sites 3, 365–6 see also eBay Blogger 307, 309, 444 Australia 8–10, 255, 357, 451 blogs 326, 371, 379, 447, 450–52, 455 Austria 8–10 Bloomberg 445 avatars 497, 505 Bloomreach 515 Axelrod, R. 83 Bluetooth 33 Ayata 514 Blu-ray 460, 467, 483 see also DVDs Böhme, R. 269 Bachlechner, D. 269 Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) 534 Baidu 190, 398, 404 Bonatti, A. 433–4 Bakos, Y. 464, 466 Bonneau, J. 254 Baldwin, C. 99, 104, 328 Booking.com 185–6, 194, 198 Ball, P. 57 Bork, R.H. 192, 206 Johannes M. Bauer and Michael Latzer - 9780857939852 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/29/2021 04:58:50AM via free access Index ­573 Bosch Siemens Home Appliances (BSH) 195–6 and online news 443, 447 Boston Consulting Group Hacker Survey 106 and online video entertainment 470 botnets 273–4, 277 and search engines 388–9 bottlenecks 43, 46, 48, 193, 202, 277, 411 taxonomy of 372–4 Bouchaert, J. 254 and virtual economies 495 bounded rationality 57, 252, 258, 415 walled garden 26–7, 477, 555, 558 Bowen, W.G. 147 business strategies 365–9, 396 Bowman, W. 202 and business models 367–9 Boxee 555 for converged video services 476, 480–85, boyd, d. 512 491 Bracha, O. 192 core elements of 374–9 Bradley, C. 504 future of competition on the Internet 379–81 Brandenberger, A.M. 4 and the Internet of Entertainment 542 Brandes, U. 76–7 strategic properties of the Internet 370–72 brands 168, 196, 267, 271, 403, 446, 466, 480, Business.com 391 503, 563 see also individual brands business-to-administration (B2A) industries inter-brand competition 195–6 374 news 451–4, 456 business-to-business (B2B) industries 365–6, Braverman, H. 169 374, 416 Bravo, L.F. 200 business-to-consumer (B2C) industries 365–6, Bravo-Lillo, C. 270 374, 416 Brazil 120, 451 Buy 4 Less 205 Brecht, M. 269 Buzz 257 Bresnahan, T.F. 44, 68, 141, 339, 402 BuzzFeed 443 Brin, S. 388 Byrne, D.M. 126, 128, 141–2 British Telecom (BT) 487 broadband 5–6, 8, 11–12, 18, 24, 27–9, 32–3, cable TV 23, 28, 156, 206, 300, 349, 432–3, 446, 39–40, 42–3, 45–6, 137, 167, 202–3, 236, 461–2, 468–9, 475, 478, 481, 483, 485–6, 326, 347–50, 356, 450, 458–60, 463, 470, 488, 554, 556–7, 560 476, 480, 544, 547 Caillaud, B. 185–6 first-generation 27–9 Calo, M.R. 257 mobile 129, 326 see also mobile Internet Campbell, J. 257 ultra-broadband 27, 29 Canada 8–10, 172, 300–301, 450, 452 broadcasting 16, 23, 60, 127, 142, 147–8, 152, cannibalization 151, 380–81, 445 155, 170, 229, 231–2, 276, 349, 444–7, 450, capacity building 134, 265, 522 455, 465, 475, 477, 489, 556 capitalism 164, 166, 168, 173–6, 324 public service broadcasting 148, 446, 455 Cargill, C.F. 214–15 Broder, A. 81 Casadesus-Masanell, R. 339 Brown, I. 14, 47 Case, S. 544 Brynjolfsson, E. 124, 134, 336, 464, 466, 506 Cashin, J. 215–16 Buccirossi, P. 195, 205 Cashmore, P. 451 Buchholtz, S. 516 Cassandra 514 Buffet, W. 453, 543 Castronova, E. 16, 495, 504–5 Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) 129–31, Catchplay 482 133, 142 Cave, J. 256 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 129, 136 Cave, M. 46 Bush, R. 64 Caves, R.E. 149 business models 24–5, 34 CBS 165, 460–61, 465–9 of algorithmic selection 402, 407–9, 411, CCP 502 415, 418 cell phones 126, 129, 156, 232, 391, 503 see also and big data 511, 515–16, 519, 522 mobile Internet; smartphones and business strategies 366–70, 375, 377–9 Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis and converged video services 475–6 (CAIDA) 81 and copyright 232, 235–6 Center for Strategic and International Studies and cultural economics 155–7 (CSIS) 278 Johannes M. Bauer and Michael Latzer - 9780857939852 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/29/2021 04:58:50AM via free access 574 Handbook on the economics of the Internet Cerf, V.
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