2014•1•7 2014 > 2015

2014•1•7 2014 > 2015

2014•1•7 2014 > 2015 (852) 2584 8500 (852) 2584 8722 (852) 2584 8500 (852) 2584 8722 2014 > 2015 This Prospectus is issued on the condition that it shall not constitute part of any contract between the Academy and any person. The information in this Prospectus is correct at the time of printing (November 2013 ) but is subject to continuous revision. The Academy reserves the right to alter or not to offer any or parts of the academic programmes described in this Prospectus without prior notice. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reproduced without permission from the Academy. 本課程手冊對香港演藝學院及任何人士並不構成合約效力。 課程手冊內容定稿於二○一三年十一月,可能會有所修訂。香港演藝學院保 留更改或取消手冊內所刊載的課程或部份課程的權利,恕不另行通知。 版權屬香港演藝學院所有,非經同意,不得轉載。 Contents 目錄 2 Academy Governance 學院監管 4 Director´s Message 校長序言 7 Academy History 學院歷史 8 Honorary Doctorates/ 榮譽博士/院士 Fellows 12 Senior Staff 高級職員 14 Programmes on Offer 學院課程 17 Admission Requirements 入學要求 28 Application Procedures 入學申請 30 College of Allied Arts 匯藝學院 Prospectus 32 School of Chinese Opera 44 School of Dance Undergraduate and Post-Secondary 58 School of Music Programmes 77 College of Theatre and 舞台及 Media Arts 媒體藝術學院 2014/15 79 School of Drama 89 School of Film and Television 101 School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts 111 Liberal Arts Studies 人文學科 114 Language Studies 語文學科 116 Study Highlights 學習精粹 123 Student Services 學生服務 126 Campus Facilities 校園設施 課 程 手 冊 129 Fees and Financial Aid 學費及資助 學 士 學 位 及 大 專 課 程 131 Extension and Continuing 演藝進修學院 Education for Life (EXCEL) 二○一四 至 一五 1 Academy Governance 學院監管 President 校監 HKSAR Chief Executive 香港特別行政區行政長官 The Honourable LEUNG Chun-ying, GBM, GBS, JP 梁振英先生 Council 校董會 Chairman Mr William LEUNG Wing-cheung, BBS, JP 梁永祥先生 Deputy Chairman 副主席 Mr Fredric MAO Chun-fai, BBS 毛俊輝先生 Treasurer 司庫 Mr Charles CHOW Chan-lum, MH 鄒燦林先生 2 Members 成員 Mr Ronnie CHENG Kay-yen 鄭基恩先生 Ms Teresa CHENG Yeuk-wah, GBS, SC, JP 鄭若驊女士 Ms Winnie CHEUNG Chi-woon 張智媛女士 Mr Ronald KWOK Wing-chung 郭永聰先生 Ms Julia LAU Man-kwan 劉文君女士 Ms Eileen LEE 李艾琳女士 Mr Frankie YEUNG Wai-chung, MH, JP 楊偉忠先生 Ms YIP Wing-sie, BBS, JP 葉詠詩女士 Dr Royce YUEN Man-chun, JP 袁文俊博士 Secretary for Home Affairs or his representative 民政事務局局長或其代表 Secretary for Education or his representative 教育局局長或其代表 Director (ex-officio) 校長 (當然成員) Professor Adrian WALTER, AM 華道賢教授 Ms Gillian Ann CHOA (elected staff representative) 蔡敏志女士 (教職員選任代表) Mrs Mandy Lynn LIN PETTY (elected staff representative) 敏迪貝蒂女士 (教職員選任代表) (as of December 2013) (截至二○一三年十二月) 3 華道賢教授擁有逾三十年的音樂教育經驗,成 就斐然。華教授於查爾斯.達爾文大學(Charles Darwin University) 曾出任創意及人文學院的首 任院長和法律、商學及藝術學院之教授及院長。 在華教授任內,其轄下的有關範疇取得重大發 展,其中更包括創意及表演藝術。 華教授身兼音樂教育、指揮、表演多職,致力推 動社會整體投入音樂教育,又成立達爾文國際 結他節 (Darwin International Guitar Festival)。 華教授對古典音樂推崇備至,亦經常在世界各 地作獨奏演出及深入研究。他曾為北京中央音 樂學院的駐院藝術家,並於意大利的19世紀音 樂學院節演出。 出任 學院 校 長前,華 教 授 任 澳 洲國 立 大學 Professor Adrian WALTER AM (Australian National University)音樂學院院長, Director of the Academy 期間與多間國際知名的音樂高等學府建立緊密 華道賢教授 AM 的夥伴關係;並透過尖端的科技,向澳洲及世界 香港演藝學院校長 各地播送大學舉行的音樂會及大師班。 Professor Adrian WALTER has had a a performer and proponent of historical distinguished career in music education performance practice, he has performed for over 30 years. He began his career as a guitar soloist throughout the world at the Charles Darwin University, where and continues to research in this area. his senior positions included inaugural He has served internationally as artist in Head of the School of Creative Arts and residence at the Central Conservatory Humanities and Professor and Dean of the of Music, and as a featured artist in the Faculty of Law, Business and Arts. In these Festival of the Academy of Nineteenth capacities he oversaw major developments Century Music in Italy. in a broad range of discipline areas, Before taking up the Directorship of the including the Creative and Performing Academy, Professor WALTER was Head of Arts. School of Music at the Australian National Professor WALTER has served as a University where his achievements music educator, conductor, soloist and included forging partnerships with a life-long advocate of the importance world-class international tertiary music of community engagement in music institutions and introducing innovative education and was the founder and educational technologies including live artistic director of the world renowned streaming of performances and master Darwin International Guitar Festival. As classes and ‘virtual residences’. 4 Director’s Message I extend a special welcome to students starting with us in 2014. This year is of particular significance to the Academy and the community as it marks our thirtieth anniversary. We are all very proud of our achievements in the past three decades as we successfully trained leading performing arts practitioners and cultural leaders who have done much to enrich and reshape the cultural landscape of Hong Kong. Our aspirations for future generations of artists are reflected in our new tag line : Cultivating 21st century performing artists : an Asian heart, a global view. For students and our community, this highlights our most unique attribute; our location in Hong Kong, one of the world’s most dynamic and diverse cultural metropolises. Together with the comprehensive multi-disciplinary nature of the Academy’s performing arts programmes, students can expect to experience a rich and diverse learning environment indeed. On the academic front, exciting and timely developments have made the Academy a richer and more relevant learning community: we have made a smooth transition into the first phase of a comprehensive four-year degree programme; we are offering the first Honours degree in Chinese Opera which builds a foundation that has been steadily built over the last 14 years; and we have just implemented a new College structure that will create new learning experiences for students as they have the opportunity to interact regularly with their peers from other disciplines. I would encourage you to read the Academy’s Prospectus for a preview of the range of programmes in our six disciplines with the thought that it is only at the Academy that you come to realise the true meaning of multidisciplinarity, an experience of a lifetime. Professor Adrian WALTER AM Director 5 校 長 序 言 本人特別在此歡迎二○一四年度的新生。本年適逢演藝三十週年, 對這個大家庭來說別具意義;畢業於演藝的一眾表演藝術翹楚、文 化界領袖,在過去數十年對香港的藝壇貢獻良多,實在讓我們感到 驕傲。 我們的宣言:培養二十一世紀表演藝術家 – 亞洲中心 環球視野, 代表演藝對下一代藝術家的期許。這宣言向學生及大眾強調了我們 的獨有優勢:植根於世界上最富活力和多元文化的國際大都會之 一 – 香港。加上演藝全方位與跨學科的表演藝術課程特色,學生 將可在一個多姿多采的環境體驗學習。 在學術發展方面,富活力和適時的發展,成功令演藝成為一個更豐 盛的學習地:我們順利踏入四年制學位課程的第一階段,開辦首個 中國戲曲榮譽學位課程,乃建基於過去十四年的穩健基礎。剛實行 的新學院制,亦將會為學生創造更多與不同學科同儕交流的學習機 會。 我誠意邀請你閱讀這本課程手冊,了解六個學科的章程範圍,體會 跨學科和多元發展的學習,一生受用。 校長 華道賢教授 AM 6 Academy History 學院歷史 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing 香港演藝學院於一九八四年依據香港 Arts, established by Government Ordinance 政府條例成立,是亞洲首屈一指的表 in 1984, is a leading tertiary institution in performing arts in Asia. It provides 演藝術高等學府,提供學士課程與實 professional undergraduate education 踐為本的碩士課程,專業範疇包括戲 and practice-based postgraduate studies 曲、舞蹈、戲劇、電影電視、音樂、 in Chinese Opera, Dance, Drama, Film and Television, Music and Theatre and 舞台及製作藝術。學院的教育方針著 Entertainment Arts. Its education philosophy 重反映香港的多元文化,中西兼容, reflects the cultural diversity of Hong Kong with emphasis on Chinese and Western 更提倡跨學科學習。 traditions, and interdisciplinary learning. 學 院 之 榮 譽 學 士 學 位 及 碩 士 學 位 課 The Academy awards Bachelor Honours 程,均由香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Degrees and Master’s Degrees that are accredited by the Hong Kong Council for 甄審。 Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications. 演藝學院主校址位於灣仔海旁,由香 港政府提供。政府每年資助學院之經 The site of the main Academy campus located on the Wanchai waterfront was provided by 費。香港賽馬會則在創校時捐出三億 the Hong Kong Government, which meets 港元興建校舍。校舍於一九八五年啟 the annual capital and recurrent costs of the 用。座落於薄扶林的百年歷史建築伯 Academy. At the inception of the institution, the Hong Kong Jockey Club donated HK$300 大尼,由二○○七年起成為演藝學院 million to cover the construction costs of the 古蹟校園及 School of Film and Television buildings which opened in 1985. Béthanie, the site of the institution’s Landmark Heritage 的教室。 Campus in Pokfulam, houses training facilities for the School of Film and Television from 2007. 7 Honorary Doctorates/Fellows 榮譽博士/院士 Honorary Doctorates of the Academy honoris causa 香港演藝學院榮譽博士 (2006 - 2013) 2006 2011 Eugenio BARBA 尤金尼奧.巴巴 CHUNG King-fai 鍾景輝 Helmut SOHMEN 蘇海文 David ELDON 艾爾敦 HE Zhan-hao 何占豪 2007 Joseph KOO Ka-fai 顧嘉煇 Robert HN HO 何鴻毅 Peter LAM Kin-ngok 林建岳 Bill KONG 江志強 LEUNG Nai-kong 梁乃江 Trevor PINNOCK 比洛克 LIN Ke-huan 林克歡 2008 Anna Pao SOHMEN 包陪慶 2012 Stephen CHOW Chun-kay 周振基 XU Xiaozhong 徐曉鐘 2009 2013 Moses CHENG Mo-chi 鄭慕智 Stanley HO Hung-sun 何鴻燊 George DERBYSHIRE 杜博思 Esa-Pekka SALONEN 埃薩‧貝卡‧沙羅倫 John Graham MALPAS 麥培思 Richard SCHECHNER 理查‧謝克納 2010 Pierre BOULEZ 布列茲 Peter BROOK 彼德‧布魯克 William FORSYTHE 威廉‧科西 Dame Kiri Te KANAWA 狄卡娜娃女爵士 LAM Kar-sing 林家聲 ZHANG Yimou 張藝謀 8 Honorary Fellowship 榮譽院士 (1993 - 2013) 1993 1996 FOU Ts'ong 傅聰 CHUI Kam 徐淦 + John HOSIER 賀約翰 + DAI Ai-lian 戴愛蓮 + Harry M WEINREBE 維利比 David GWILT 紀大衛 + Carl WOLZ 胡善佳 PAK Suet-sin 白雪仙 + Alex WU Shu-chih 吳樹熾 Francis REID 凌福善 ZHOU Xiao-yan 周小燕 1997 1994 Ann HUI On-wah 許鞍華 + CAO Yu 曹禺 YAO Kang 姚剛 + King HU 胡金銓 LIN Hwai-min 林懷民 Ralph KOLTAI 拉爾夫‧高爾泰 + YING Ruo-cheng 英若誠 Cho-liang LIN 林昭亮 1998 Tadashi SUZUKI 鈴木忠志 Jackie CHAN Kong-sang 陳港生(成龍) 1995 YANG LEUNG Yin-fong Ming-cho LEE 李名覺 (Fong Yim-fun) 楊梁燕芳(芳艷芬) LI Zheng-yi 李正一 Sir Neville MARRINER 尼威爾‧馬連那爵士 + Marcel MARCEAU 馬塞‧馬素 Helmut SOHMEN 蘇海文 + Georg TINTNER 丁祺安 Elizabeth WONG CHIEN Chi-lien 黃錢其濂 + Deceased 已故 9 1999 2004 CHOW Yun-fat 周潤發 + Anthony J CAMDEN 甘閔霆 + Merce CUNNINGHAM 簡寧漢 Stanley HO Hung-sun 何鴻燊 + Margreta ELKINS 魏潔思

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