IN SOUTH CAROLINA 1817-1 8~8 DAVID KOHN COMPILER AND EDITOR BESS GLENN CO-EDITOR FROM THE REPORTS OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND FROM CONTEMPORARY PAMPHLETS, NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS, LETTERS, PETITIONS, AND MAPS. PRIVATELY P RINTED WASHINGTON, D. C. 1938 INDEX Abbeville, Latitude of, 102. Aquaticus, Article by, 366, 368. Abbeville District, Map ot, 107; Aqueduct over Ashley River, 373- Navigation in, 84, 231; Public 374• buildings in, A6, 4, 25-26, Arsenals, 149-151, 156. 34. 110, 115, 120, 133. 153: Arthur, J. R., Account with, Trade to, 90; Travel from, 484. 433. 507, 525, 569. Accounts or Board ot Public Works, Arthur, Jesse, Account with, 106-107, 114-115, 129-130, 133- 114, 115, 132, 133, 197· 139, 14o-149, 153-160, 163, 179- Arthur, Joseph, Account with, 186, 188-197; of Superintendent 191, 197, 321, 352. of Public Works, 310-324, 330, Arthur & Tillinghast ~ Tilling­ 334. 336, 338, 339, 34840, ~~~· hast & Arthur. 343, 345. 346, 347, 3 , 3~9~ Ashepoo River, 283; Navigation 352-347. 403-409, 424, 426, 7. on, 15. 4?9, 430-431, 432-435. 466-4 7. Ashley River, AS, 370-372, 382; 489, 508, 511-513, 519-526, 529- Aqueduct over, 373-374; Canal 5"34, 554-570, -576, 579, 580-581, a:, 22, 81; Navigation on, 582. ~ ~ Expenditures. A~; Passage between Stono Adams, J. Q., 597• River and, 456, 563; Survey Adams, Joel, Account with, 183, or, 524. 184, 197· Ashley River Bridge Company, Adams' Falls, Channel at, 177, 307. 390. Adger & Black, Accounts with, 182, Assessments or damages, 129, 179, 189, 317' 318. 190, 315, 319, 321, 327-328, Advertising in newspapers, 352, 333, 334-336, 349, 352; or 508, 525. lands, 41, 49-50, 129, 130, Agriculture, Effect of Edisto 186, 314, 320, 322, 327, 328, Canal on, 376-382A Effect of 505, 507, 5~2, 515, 516, 526, salt water on, 36~, 371-372; 534, 547-546, 553, 563-564, Crops, 205, 471-472. 581. Airhart, Joseph, Account with, Atchinson's CreekA Canal at, Al7o 505. Atlantic Ocean, A~, A9, Al3. Alli6ator Creek, A9; Canal at, Atlas Q!. ~ Carolina, 99-107, Al7, 21, 171, 172, 452. ~. 552. Alsobrook, Willis, Account with, Augusta, Navigation to, 454; 153· Road to, 23, 481; Trade to, Amacker, Adam, Account with, 556. 77, 90; Travel from, 474• American Colonization Society, Avant, Henry, Account with, 211, 212, 213. 434· Ancrum's Plantation, Channel at, Avinger's, Road to, 562. 341· Avocation (magazine), 226. Anderson, Mr., 47, 67, 76. Anderson, J. s., Account with, Bacon's Bridge, 369, 370; 507. Channel at, Al4• AndersonA John, Account with, Bacot, F. w., Account with, ·129, 1~1, 183, 184, 190. 131. Anderson, w. w., 597• Bailey, Charles, Account with, Anderson, William, Account with, 512, 567. 114, 132. Baker, T. E., Signature of, 437• Anderson, Latitude of, 102; Baker, Thomas, Report on public Road to, 389 • buildings, 23, 25-38. Appleby, Richard, 400; Account Baltimore, Trade with, xii, 91, with, 405, 407, 504, 557; 92. Contract with, 527. Bank ranger for Columbia Canal, INDEX 352, 507; for Drehr's Canal, Berry, J. B., Account with, 570; for Landsford Canal, 352. 507, 352; for Lockhart Canal, Best Friend of Charleston 570; for Saluda Canal, 352, ( 1llus.), 592. 353. 507, 525, 570. Bids for road contracts, 252- Barbour, Mordecai, 61, 575; 253· Contract with, 10. Big Pee Dee River ~ Pee Dee Barbour's Cut, Channel at, 173, River. 280-281. Billings, Andrew, Account Barnett, John, 58. with, 317, 318, 322, 352, 353· Barnett, M., Account with, 525. Bird, James, Account with, 558. Barnwell, Navigation to, 585; Black, J. A., Signature of, Road to, 23, 387, 473, 474• 4;8. Barnwell District, Navigation in, Black, John, Signature of, 437· 84, 231; Organization of Citi­ Black & Adger ~ Adger & Black. zens, l~j Public buildings in, Black & Logan See Logan & Black. A;, 2, 2o, 120. Black Creek, Ag:-21, 58, 61-62, Barr, David, Account with, 433, 72, 514, 571; Channel in, 434. 507. Al5, 585; Expenditures on, Barr, N., Account with, 524. 188, 520-521, 568, 575. 579; Barr & Welsh ~ Welsh & Barr. Locks on, 23; Navigation on, Barrett, Jacob & Co., Account A9. with, 18;, 184. Black Mingo Creek, 72; Navigation Barrillon, c., Account with , on, 419. 179. 180, 196. Black River, A8, 72, 418-419, Bartell's, Channel to, 417, 464. 46;, 514, 571; Channel in, Barton, A. c., Account with, 585; Expenditures on, 462, 153. 156, 191, 197· 46;, 490, 498, 519, 570, 579: Barton, D., Account with, 191. Navigation on, Al4, 277, 418- Bates', Fall at, 176, ;oo. 419, 462-46;. Beale's Bridge , Va., Navigation Black River Swamp, Bri4ge at, to (note) A22. 396; Causeway at, 396; Road Bean, J. E., vi. to, 395· Bean, Mrs. J. E., vi. Blackburn, George, Ast ron1m1cal Bean's Creek, Channel at, Al2. calculations by, 100~104 . Beard's Falla, Channel at, Blackman, A., Account with, 561. Al2, 11, 19, 175• Blackman, Thomas, Account with, Beaufort District, Map of, 23, 359, ;oo, ;61, ;62, 4o8, 502, 107; Navigation in, 82, 230; 503, 559. 560. Public buildings in, A2-A3, Blair, John, Account with, 568. 1-2, 26- 27, ;4, 110, 115, Blanchard, L. R., vi. 120, 133· Blanding, Abram, xiii, 67, 128, Beaver Creek, 195: Bridge at, 76, 170, 599; Account with, 190, 321, 352, ;61, 573, 574; Cause­ 192, 197, ;24, 353, ;61, 40o, way at, 322, 573, 574; Road to, 408, 431, 433, 435, 491, 501- 52, 191, 409, 473. 475. 476, 502, 508, 520, 522, 529, 554. 527, 557; Toll at, 558. 555: Election to Board of Public Beck, Charles~ Account with, 179, Works, xii, 19-20, 599; Letter 180, 182, 1~3. 184, 195. 197. to Henry Ravenel from, 454-456; 316, 317. ~ ADS Progress 2! Internal Beck & Grafton See Grafton & Beck. Improvement, 69- 92; Portrait Becket, D., Signature of, 437· of, 598; Report for 1823, 227- Bee, B. E., 76; Account with , 31·; ; Report for 1824, 329-351; 191, ;18, 319, 405, 531. Report for 1825~ ;67:h32; Re­ Bell, Alexander, Account with, port for 1826, 439-~8; Re­ 1;6, 137. 139· port for 1827, 509-549; Report Bellville, Latitude of, 104. 1828, 551-589; Report on Belton's Landing, Channel at, canals, 39-42, 45-46, 52-57, 60. 425-432; Report on Edisto Benbow, G., Account with, 569. Island canal, ;69- 386; Report Benjamin, R. s., 226. on Edisto Island Causeway 488; Bentley River, 11; Channel in, Report on railroad, 587-5~9; 341· Report on rivers, 57- 62, 6;-66, Benton, George, Account with, 415-424, 441- 456, 461-472, 182, 18;, 18~, 197· 563-571; Report on roads, 47- Berrett, w. H., Account with, 525. 4g~,6~2~~54~; - ~~3-§~~:4~~3-~~R; INDEX Report on Saluda River, 175-17~ 191, 321, 352, 361, 501, 502, Salary of, 185, 3.~0, 4~5. 505- 503, 525, 530, 531, 555. 573. 506, 52~. 524, 5b9, 580. 574; at Dean Swamp, 175, 250, Blanding family, 598. 319, 355 360, 503; on Drebr's Blue House Shoals, 446, 449• Canal, 1B7, 525; on Dry Creek, Blue Ridge, Navigation to, 76. 175; at Edisto Island, 366, Bluff Shoals, Channel at, 42~. 358, 504; on Gap Creek, 49; on Board Landing, Channel at, 278. Goose Creek, 77, 174, 250, Board of Public Worka, Accounts 322, 50ll 503, 573. 574; on of, 106-107, 1i4-115, 129-1~0, Greenvil e Road, 483: at 12~-1~9. lho-149~ 15~-160, Baugabook Swamp 574: on lb~, 179-186, 1~~-197; Con­ Hodge's Creek, 49; at Horse tingent expenses of, 106, 179- Range Swamp, 249, 311, 360, 180; Report for 1820, 17-66; 401, 408, 501 503; on Lan­ Report for 1821, 99-1~8; Re­ caster Road, 482; on Landstord port for 1822, i45-l97· Canal, 187; on Lockhart Canal, Boatwright, James, Signature of, 187; at McGowan's Ferry, 364- 4~8. 366, 436-438; at Pine Log, 340; Boatwright, James & Co., Account at Providence Swamp, 249, 311, with, 555· 360, 363, 408, 501 502; on Bonner, Robert, Signature of, 4~7· Russell's Creek,~hA8; on Saluda Boston, Navigation to, 451. Canal, 66, 187, 468-469, 500, Boundary line of South Carolina, 506; at Saluda Ferry, 12; on 102, 107. Saluda Mountain Road (illua.) Bowman, Archibald' Account with, 16; on Saluda River, 49, 480, ~~7. ~~8. 4~1, 496. 481; at Savannah Hunt, 175: Boyd, w. A., vi. at Target Swamp, 360; at Town 1 $ Eoykin, S. H., Account with, 106, Place, 76-77; at Wassamassaw 570; Survey by, 99· Swamp, 250, 573, 574: on Bradwell, Isaac, Account with, Wateree Canal, 187, 567;non 554· Whooping Island Creek, 408. Bradwell, Thomas, Account with, Briggs, William, Account with, 559· 508, 512, 522, 555; Contract Branthwaite, William, Account with, 57, 75; Signature ot, with, 4~~. 438. Branthwaite, William & Co., Sale Briggs & Thomas ~ Thomas & of map by, 145• Briggs. Breaker, Jacob, Account with, Brina Swamp, Bridge at, 355, 360; 407. 529. Causeway at, 252, 355, 360; Breckell, Dr., Account with, ~52 . Expenditures on, 310; Road Brenan, Daniel, Signature of, near, 361. 4~7· Brinkman, A., Account with, 560. Brevard, Alexander, Account with, Brisbane, J. s., Account with, 1~1. 1~4. 1~5· 318, 532, 556; Damage payments Brevard, Joseph, 599· to, ~19. Brewington'·s Lake, Channel to~ Brisbane, John, ~70; Account with, 418, 419. 462, 46~. 490, 49~. 555. 556. Brickell, James, Account with, Britton's Ferry, 416. ~21, ~22, 4~4. 507, 525; Broad River, A12, 10-11, 19, 67, Signature of, 4~7· 73, 87, 89, 123-124, 283, 302- Brickell, w. A., Signature of, 304, 338-339; Bridge on,-43, 4~7· 364, 366, 436-438, 480, 481; Bricks tor locks, Al8, 181, ~18, Confluence of, A8, AlO; Dam on, ~5~· 19, 39.
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