BIBLIOGRAPHY CARL NIELSEN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1996–2003 By Kirsten Flensborg Petersen komponist’ [‘With all kinds of invention’: Carl Nielsen as avantgarde composer], The following bibliography is a continua- Dansk Musiktidsskrift 77/8 (2002/2003) pp. tion of the bibliography in Carl Nielsen Stud- 286-288. ies 1, which covered the period 1985-1995, and it follows the same criteria as set out Bernard, Karen: The operas of Carl Nielsen: there (see Carl Nielsen Studies 1 pp. 169 ff.). ‘Saul og David’ (1902) and ‘Maskarade’ (1906) These two bibliographies thus supplement (Denmark), Ph. D. diss., University of Mary- Mina F. Miller’s Carl Nielsen: A Guide to Re- land College Park 2001, 408 p. search (New York 1987). Future issues of Carl Nielsen Studies will continue to list Beyer, Anders: ‘Kulturkritikken der blev af- the new Nielsen literature, supplemented livet: interview med Carl Nielsen-eksper- by any necessary corrections to the already ten John Fellow’ [The cultural criticism published bibliographies. Thus the fol- that was killed: Interview with the Carl lowing listing of the literature from Nielsen scholar John Fellow], Dansk Musik- 1996-2003 concludes with a supplement tidsskrift 74/8 (1999/2000) pp. 254-263. to the bibliography in Carl Nielsen Studies 1. The bibliographies published in Carl Bockareva, Olga: ‘Iz nabljudenij nad gar- Nielsen Studies are also to be found on the moniej v proizvedenijah Selim Palmgren internet at www.kb.dk/kb/dept/nbo/ma/cn/ i Karl Nilsen’ [Observations on harmony in studies-en.htm. works by Selim Palmgren and Carl Niel- sen], in O muzyke kompozitorov Finljandii i Baier, Christian: ‘Carl Nielsen’, Österreich- Skandinavskih stran. Sbornik naucˇnyh statej ische Musikzeitschrift 51 (1996) pp. 385-496. [The music of Finnish and other Scandi- navian composers. Selected scholarly ar- Bartels, Katrin: Das Streichquintett im 19. Jahr- ticles], Kiralina Juzak (ed.), Petrozavodsk hundert [The string quintet in the 19th cen- 1998, pp. 94-111. tury], Göttingen 1996, 2 vols., 189, 109 p. Bramsen, Bolette: ‘Anne Marie och Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen, Carl: ‘‘Med alle mulige Nielsen: toner och skulpturer i skön opfindelser’: Carl Nielsen som avantgarde- förening’ [Anne Marie and Carl Nielsen: 234 CN Studies indmad vol II 234 11/07/05, 14:03 BIBLIOGRAPHY Notes and sculptures in perfect harmo- Carl Nielsen spiller Carl Nielsen, Tre fonograf- ny], in Hemma hos författare, konstnärer, kom- valser fortæller [Carl Nielsen plays Carl Niel- positörer i Norden, Finn Jor (ed.), Stockholm sen, a story told by three phonograph cyl- 1999, pp. 78-83. inders], Morten Hein (ed.), CD-ROM and booklet, 24 p., Århus 2003. Bramsen, Bolette: ‘Anne Marie og Carl Nielsen: Toner og skulpturer i skøn fore- Carl Nielsen Studies, David Fanning et. al., ning’ [Anne Marie and Carl Nielsen: Notes (eds.), vol. 1- (2003), København, The Royal and sculptures in perfect harmony], in Nor- Library 2003. diske kunstnerhjem, Finn Jor (ed.), Køben- havn 1999, pp. 79-82. Carl Nielsen til sin samtid: artikler, foredrag, interview, presseindlæg, værknoter og manu- Bredin, Martin: Carl Nielsen: Sonat nr. 2 för skripter [Carl Nielsen to his contemporar- violin och piano op. 35: historisk bakgrund, ies: Articles, lectures, interviews, press re- verkpresentation, analys och diskografi [Carl ports, work notes, and manuscripts], John Nielsen: Sonata no. 2 for violin and piano Fellow (ed.), 3 vols., København 1999. op. 35: Historical background, introduc- tion to the work, analysis, and discogra- Caron, Jean-Luc: Notes sur Carl Nielsen, Brou- phy], Hovedoppgave, Universitetet i Bergen sur-Chantereine 1998, 225 p. (Bulletin de 2000, 83 p. l’Association Française Carl Nielsen; 18). Brems, Anders: ‘Et dejligt og afvekslende Christensen, Hanne: ‘Carl Nielsens mor’ liv. Erindringer ved Anders Brems’ [A good [Carl Nielsen’s mother], Fynske årbøger and varied life. Reminiscences by Anders (1996) pp. 47-51. Reprinted in: Espansiva 7 Brems], Espansiva 16-17 (2001) pp. 24-37. (1997) pp. 3-4. Brems, Anders: ‘Et dejligt og afvekslende Christensen, Mogens: ‘Børn og musik I, liv’ [A good and varied life], Espansiva [spe- Kreativ værkintroduktion – Musikalske cial issue], 2003, 47 p. byggesten’ [Children and music I, Creative work introduction – Musical construction], Brøndum, Kirstine: Solen mellem tyrens horn Dansk Musiktidsskrift 75/3 (2000/2001), pp. [The sun between the bull’s horns], Køben- 90-92. havn 1996, 291 p. Dalaker, Ingrid Loe: ‘Carl Nielsen i dansk Carl Nielsen: Mennesket og musikken [Carl folkelig sangtradisjon’ [Carl Nielsen in the Nielsen: The man and his music], Knud tradition of Danish folk singing], Studia Ketting (ed.), CD-ROM and booklet, 46 p., musicologica norvegica 26 (2000) pp. 23-37. København 1998. 235 CN Studies indmad vol II 235 11/07/05, 14:03 BIBLIOGRAPHY Dalaker, Ingrid Loe: ‘Det harmoniske tone- Odense Bys Museers mange arbejdsmar- språk i Carl Nielsens klaververker’ [Harmo- ker’ [The Carl Nielsen Museum interna- nic language in Carl Nielsen’s piano mu- tional: A report from one of the cultural sic], Studia musicologica norvegica 22 (1996) projects of the city of Odense], Fynske pp. 91-109. minder (2000) pp. 75-83, 182-183, 187. Davidson, Rolf: ‘Nordic repertoire exchan- Eskildsen, Karsten: ‘Carl Nielsen Museets ges: On feet of clay?’, Nordic sounds 1 (1997) brevsamling’ [The letter collection of the pp. 23-25. Carl Nielsen Museum], Espansiva 11 (1998) pp. 4-6. Debost, Michel and Toke Lund Christian- sen: ‘Original manuscripts now avaible Eskildsen, Karsten: ‘Carl Nielsens Barn- for Carl Nielsen’s Flute Concerto’, Flute domshjem 40 år’ [The 40th anniversary of Talk, 22/10 (2003) pp. 10-11, 18. Carl Nielsen’s childhood home], Espansiva 5 (1996) pp. 4-8. Demant Hatt, Emilie: Foraarsbølger: erindrin- ger om Carl Nielsen [Spring Torrents: remem- Eskildsen, Karsten: ‘Carl Nielsens fynske brances of Carl Nielsen], John Fellow (ed.), forår’ [Carl Nielsen’s springtime on Fu- København 2002, 190 p. nen], Fynske minder (1996) pp. 95-109, 170- 171, 177-178. Ebbesen, Niels Fink: ‘Vê nên âm nhac Dan– mach’ [An introduction to Danish Eskildsen, Karsten: ‘Carl Nielsens fynske music], Âm nhac 1 (1996) pp. 8-13. idyl’ [Carl Nielsen’s Funen idyll], Espan- siva 20 (2003) pp. 16-19. Eskildsen, Karsten: ‘Breve fra Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen’ [Letters from Anne Marie Eskildsen, Karsten: ‘Levende musik i Carl-Nielsen], Espansiva 13 (1999) pp. 4-7. bronze: Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen på Fyn’ [Living music in bronze: Anne Marie Carl- Eskildsen, Karsten: Carl Nielsen: Life and mu- Nielsen on Funen], Fynske minder (2002) sic, Odense 1999, 95 p. pp. 111-128. Eskildsen, Karsten: Carl Nielsen – livet og Eskildsen, Karsten: ‘Nielsen bag brillerne’ musikken [Carl Nielsen:Life and music], [Nielsen behind the glasses], Espansiva 18 Odense 1999, 95 p.; 2. rev. ed., Odense (2001) pp. 14-19. 2001, 95 p. Eskildsen, Karsten: ‘På besøg hos Marie Eskildsen, Karsten: ‘Carl Nielsen Museet Nielsen’ [A visit to Marie Nielsen], Espan- International – en beretning fra én af siva 11 (1998) pp. 11-14. 236 CN Studies indmad vol II 236 11/07/05, 14:03 BIBLIOGRAPHY Eskildsen, Karsten and Knud Ketting: Fellow, John: ‘Da danske musikere var blev- ‘Fire breve til Fuglsang’ [Four letters to ne til børn igen. Om den såkaldte Wüllner- Fuglsang], Espansiva 12 (1999) pp. 15-19. strid og dens forudsætninger i Dansk Tonekunstnerforening fra Charles Kjerulf Fanning, David: ‘Carl Nielsen and Early til Carl Nielsen og Louis Glass’ [When Twentieth-Century Musical/Aesthetic Theo- Danish musicians had become children ry’, Carl Nielsen Studies 1 (2003) pp. 9-17. again. On the so-called Wüllner-dispute and its background in the Dansk Tone- Fanning, David: Nielsen, Symphony no.5, kunstnerforening from Charles Kjerulf to Cambridge 1997, VIII + 127 p. Carl Nielsen and Louis Glass], Fund og forsk- ning i Det Kongelige Biblioteks samlinger 38 Fanning, David and Knud Ketting: Carl Niel- (1999) pp. 201-290. sen: 1865-1931, København 1999, 20 p. Fellow, John: ‘Fra Eroica til Semplice – fra Fellow, John: ‘Carl Nielsen – et kulturdra- den unge Beethoven til den ældre Carl ma’ [Carl Nielsen – a cultural drama], Nielsen’ [From Eroica to Semplice – from Dansk Musiktidsskrift 74/6 (1999/2000) pp. the young Beethoven to the elderly Carl 194-199. Nielsen], Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek 16/2 (2003) pp. 53-63. Fellow Larsen, John: ‘Carl Nielsen til sin samtid’ [Carl Nielsen to his contempora- Fellow, John: ‘Gal tekstkritik’ [Wrong tex- ries], Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek 13/ tural criticism], Dansk Musiktidsskrift 74/6 4 (1999) pp. 30-34. (1999-2000) p. 216. Fellow, John: ‘Carl Nielsen, Wien og det Fellow, John: ‘‘Musik berührt Sphären, europæiske vendepunkt. Fra psykisk eks- die wir nicht so leicht beschreiben kön- pansion til værdisammenbrud’ [Carl Niel- nen’: Gewandhauskapellmeister Herbert sen, Vienna, and the European transition: Blomstedt sprach mit John Fellow über From psychological expansion to the col- Leipzig, Carl Nielsen, Gott, Bruckner und lapse of values], Fund og forskning i Det Mahler’, Das Orchester 48/7-8 (2000) pp. 2-9. Kongelige Biblioteks samlinger 36 (1997) pp. 193-251. Fellow, John: ‘Torrents of Spring’, Nordic Sounds 1 (2003) pp. 12-17. Fellow, John: ‘Carl Nielsen, Wien und die Europäische Wende, Von psychischer Ex- Fellow, John: [Review of] Jack Lawson, Carl pansion bis Wertezerfall’, Österreichische Nielsen, Fund og forskning i Det Kongelige Musikzeitschrift, Nielsen special 51/6-7 (1996) Biblioteks samlinger 37 (1998) pp. 329-345. pp. 11-62. 237 CN Studies indmad vol II 237 11/07/05, 14:03 BIBLIOGRAPHY
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