Abich, G.V. 330,331 Abysses 517,554,607 Abyssal Plains 432

Abich, G.V. 330,331 Abysses 517,554,607 Abyssal Plains 432

Index Abich, G.V. 330,331 Alamogordo (N.M.) 422, 423 abysses 517,554,607 Albatross (Swedish) 18, 270 abyssal plains 432 Albatross (U.S. Bur. Fish.) 49,50.61, acids and bases 338, 407, 410 63, 89, 90, 91, 182, 364, 565, 638 acoustics 18, 68, 72, 202, 218 Aleem, A.A. 511,519, 581-595 acoustic sounding 152, 169, 697, Alenyi 577 - 581 698 Alexander Agassiz 90, 129 Adriatic Sea 180, 695 Alexandria (Egypt) 291, 295, 581 advection 430,432,639 algae 144,356,357,361,445,510,525, Adventure 346, 683 545,672 Aegean 310, 376 Aloha 394, 396 Africa 189, 258, 268, 388, 399, 513, Aluminaut 231, 233 577,583-585,592,597,600, Alvin 19, 29, 72, 231-234, 236, 238, 602-604, 618, 667, 670, 714, 724, 396 725,727 Amazon 464,468 Agassiz, Alexander (1835-1910) 49, Amelia 606-611 57-59,61,62,83-93,94,99, 109, America(s) 101, 102, 127, 512, 577, 110,113, 163, 164,166, 182, 606, 704, 705, 718, 722, 724, 725, 360-372,443,445, 565,569, 676 727 Agassiz, George 88,92, 113 American Association for the Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe Advancement of Science 42,43,48, (1807-1873) 1,57,59,83,94,95, 106, 135 98,99,110, 180, 181, 183, 184,525, American Association of Petroleum 565,569 Geologists 616, 662 Airy, G.B. (7th A.R.) 242,244,250 American Geophysical Union 169, 170 Index 791 American Miscellaneous Society Aries 7, 8, 16, 28, 200, 201 (AMSOC) 316, 320, 323, 324 Arons, Arnold B. 3, 16,24 American Museum of Natural Artyom Island (formerly Pir-Allahi History 44, 141,535 Island) 326, 327, 332, 333 Ammann, O.H. (1879-1965) 567,568, ascidians 184, 668 569 Asia 387-389,577,661,662,672 Amphioxus 180, 184, 669 astrolabe 588-592, 599, 601 amphipods 469,489 astro-navigation 588 - 591 Amsterdam 33, 34, 37, 161 astronomy 241,554,555,558,590 Amundsen, Roald 390, 674 Atlantic coast (USA) 62-64, 476, 722 anchorages (ancient) 753 -754 Atlantic gyre 726, 727 anchovies (Engraulis ringens) 643-647 Atlantic Ocean 18, 28, 50, 101-103, Anderson School of Natural History 94, 105,108,111,138,151,157,162, 181, 565 174, 190,246,257,268,282,291, Andrusov, N.F. 306-314,315 296, 313, 338, 361, 388,455,463, annelids 489, 525, 668 493, 500, 587, 588, 592, 596, 601, Annisquam 94, 95 602, 604, 691, 693, 699, 700, 701, Annisquam Sea-side Laboratory 94-100 706,712, 714, 722, 724-726, 732 Antarctic 389,416,444,455, 493, 672, Atlantic Pilot 722 -731 674, 675, 679, 699 Atlantis 2,7,13-15, 19,20,25,26,29, Antarctica 5, 190, 390, 514 49-56, 68, 70 Antarctic Ocean 25,262,344,351,514, Atlantis 11 7, 19, 73 670 atmospheric pressure 633,635,638,640 Antarctic Water 345, 349 atolls 357, 442-445 anticlines 331, 332 atomic Antofagasta (Chile) 631,634,635 bombs 70,422,445 Anton Dohrn 149-145 testing 27, 70 Antwerp 33,36,37,667,672,674 Audouin, V. 180, 185 Apsheron Peninsula 326,331,332 Auftrieb 509, 512 Apstein, C. 467,472, 517 Ault, James P. (Capt.) 132 aquaculture 28, 569, 573, 574 Australia 131, 134, 153,386,440,444, aquaria 179, 180,539-552 446,448-461,618,672 Arabia 556, 558, 581-595 Azoic zone 108, 607 Arabian Gulf 296,297 Azores 157,268,464,599,600-602, Arabian Sea 387, 581 607,711,714,715,724 Aransas Bay 479, 482, 483 Aransas Pass 476, 485 Babbage, Charles 374,384 archaeology 565, 566, 762, 763, Bache, Alexander Dallas 57, 108, 113 765-779 Bachmann, H. (1886 - 1940) 567 - 569 Arctic 25, 114, 115, 126,257,416,493, bacteria (marine) 19, 28, 309, 358 507, 657, 672, 675 Baffin Bay 114, 116, 122, 724, 726 Arctic Ocean 108, 389, 390, 674 Baffin Island 122, 123 Arctowski, H. 674, 679, 681 Bahamas 141, 142,724,727 Arcturus 395, 629, 636 Bailey, J.W. 57,370, 513 Arethusa 96, 97 Baird, Spencer F. 1,89,98, 181, 184, Argentina 150, 351, 699 540 Aristotle 326, 438, 669 Baku 327 - 333 Arkhangelsky, A.D. 308,311-314, Balard, Antoine-Jerome 340,341 315, 333 Balboa (Panama) 631, 637 792 Index Balboa, Vasco 269, 389 Bennuda Biological Station 27, 68, 91, Baltic Sea 180,340,416,417,425,463, 134 467,488,491,492,494,495,499, Bernard, Claude 354, 359 513, 516, 726 Bernoulli, Daniel (1700-1771) 563,569 Banks, Sir Joseph 104,112, 440,442, Bert, Paul 354, 358 452, 510, 683, 684 Bibi-Eibet anticline 332, 333 Banyuls-sur-Mer 566, 669 Bibliotheque National 703. 705, 706, Barataria Bay (and Pass) 478, 479, 480 715 baroclinicity 280 Bidston Hill 240, 246, 249, 250 barrier reefs 442, 443 Bigelow, Henry B. 1,2,12,13,14,23, Barros G., Guillenno 344-352 24, 25,28,49, 50-55, 61-63,66, Barton, Otis 393, 396 68,81, 84,91,92, 133, 134, 177, Bartsch, Paul 141, 142 471,497,500,502-507,508 Bascom, Willard 316-324 Bikini Atoll 21,70,423,446 Basset, F.B. (Capt.) 173, 174 biocoenoses 356-358,491,492 "Batfish" 209,210,219,220,221, Biological Board of Canada 26,61,63 222 biological oceanography 373,488-495, bathymetric charts 161, 169, 610 503, 541 bathymetry 116, 149, 209, 350, 606 biomass 218, 355, 491, 492 bathysphere 393 - 396 BIONESS 216,217 bathythennograph 16, 17, 20, 26, 27, birds 415,417,442,636,637,643,684 349, 350 fish-eating 414-416 Baudin, Nicolas 448-456, 460,461 Bismarck Archipelago 189,469,470 bays 475,478,483 bitacula (binnacle) 601 Bay of Bengal 581, 587, 783 Bitter Lakes 290, 293, 301, 302 Bay of Biscay 246, 262, 364 Bjerknes, V. 26, 160,702 Beagle 182,270, 346, 513, 514, 679 Blackett, P.M.S. (Sir) 229, 615, 620 Beaglehold, J.e. 269,277, 519, 688 Black Sea 29,306-315,326,329,583 Beebe, William 51,393-396,629, Blagden, Sir Charles 103, 104, 112, 200 634-638,642 Blake 91,182,306,361-364,366,565 Beechey, F.w. 107,113, 270 Blake trawl 91, 607 Bekovich-Cherkassky, Prince A. 328, Blue Cross 293-295 329 Blumer, Max 562, 569 Belgian Antarctic Expedition 670, 671, boat bottom paint 415, 418 673, 675, 679 Boehnecke, G. 692,696 Belgica 670-672, 674, 675, 679 Bogucki, Mieczystaw (1884-1965) 490 Belgium 667-681 Bombay 291, 296, 554, 556 Belknap, G.E. 270,277 Bonney, T.G. 443,444 Bellingshausen, F. 389, 455,461 boring 444,445 Bencker, Henri 153-155 Boston (MA.) 21,52,89, 118,705 benthos 361,362,373,384,463,466, Boston Society of Natural History 94-98 467,490,491,510 Botany Bay 440, 460 Bergen 566, 669 bottom sediments, see: sediments Bergman, Torben Olaj 337,341, 390, Bougainville, Hyacinthe de 449, 450, 391 452, 460-461 Bering Sea 281, 488 Bougainville, Louis de 460 Bering, Vitus 389 Boulenger, Georges Albert Bennuda 8,26-28,51,52,68, 102, (1858-1937) 670 396,464, 711 Boussingault, J.B. 528, 529 Index 793 Bowerbank, James Scott Canadian Hydrographic Service 151, (1797-1877) 531,533 154 Boyle, Robert 336, 337, 338,341, 448 Canary Current 600, 602, 604 Bowie, William 1,64, 175,657 Canary Islands 364, 588, 599, 697 Braarud, Trygve 505, 519 Cape Canaveral 720, 724 Brande, William T. (1788-1866) 528, Cape Cod 2, 366, 708 530,536 Cape Florida 721, 724 Brandhorst, Wilhelm 350 Cape Hatteras 15,708 Brandt, Karl 464,465,467,471,472, Cape Horn 345,459,667 516, 517,519, 542 Cape Lookout 363, 366 bridges 567, 568 Cape Naturaliste 450, 451 Bridge of Allan 110 Cape of Good Hope 460,512 British Admiralty 295,440,443, 683, Cape Town (Capetown) 686,698,699 685,724 Cape Tribulation (GBR) 441, 445 British Association Dredging Cape Verde Islands 599, 727 Committee 373-385, 525 capillarity 297-299 British Association for the Advancement of Capricorn Expedition 229, 230 Science 105, 106, 150, 183, 242, caravel (carob-vela) 600, 601 373-375,377-380, 382, 383,443, carbon compounds, etc. 26, 214, 309, 445, 526, 528 361, 529 British Museum 376, 384, 440, 670 carbon dating 446, 447 Bronze Age 397,553,752-754 Caribbean Sea 20,26, 53, 68, 70, 174, Buchanan, James Y. 106, 110, 517 176,258,361,362,535 Buddhist (600 B.C.-325 B.C.) 551, Carlos ill (Spain) 449 554-555 Carnegie 63, 132, 135, 154, 168, 270, budget (WHO!) 68,69,71-74 648 Buenos Aires 698, 699 Carnegie Institution of Washington 59, Bullard, Sir Edward C. 230, 614, 615 63, 127, 131, 132, 135, 138-147, Buniat-Zade, Z.A. 325-335 168, 170,445 Bureau of Fisheries (USA) 50,51,54, Carolinas 363, 366, 477 64,89,177,477,542 Carpenter, W.B. 108, 109, 182, 183, Bureau of Fisheries Laboratory, Woods 186, 360,361,370, 380,384,443, Hole 50,61 516,517,520 Bureau of Ships (USN) 21, 230 Carpine-Lancre, Jacqueline 157-167 Burstyn, H.L. 55, 92, 109, 112, 186, Carson, Rachel 414,417 385 cartography 347, 608 Cartwright, D.E. 203,240-251 cable laying 108, 609 Cary, L.R. 139, 144 Caesarea Maritima 762-763,765-779 Casella 260-262 Cairns (Queensland) 445,446 Caspian Sea 183, 184,310,312, Calanus finmarchicus 211, 216 325-335,583 calcium compounds 307, 311, 338, 340 Caucasus 313, 331 calendars 552, 554, 557 Cavendish, Lord Charles 253,269 California 40, 130, 131, 135 celestial bodies 557, 558 Campbell, W.W.

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