Greek SECTION 4 Achievements If YOU were there... What You Will Learn… >o^krhg^bg:ma^glaZl[^^gmZedbg`Z[hnmZiabehlhia^kZg] Main Ideas m^Z\a^kgZf^]Lh\kZm^l%lhrhn]^\b]^mh`hZg]l^^abf_hk 1. The Greeks made great contributions to the arts. rhnkl^e_'RhnÖg]abflbmmbg`ng]^kZmk^^%lnkkhng]^][rabl 2. The teachings of Socrates, lmn]^gml'ÊM^Z\af^Z[hnmeb_^%ËrhnlZr';nmbglm^Z]h_Zglp^kbg`% Plato, and Aristotle are the basis of modern philosophy. a^Zldlrhn%ÊPaZmbleb_^8ËRhnlmkn``e^mhk^ier'A^ZldlZghma^k 3. In science, the Greeks made jn^lmbhg%Zg]Zghma^k'B_a^Ílln\aZ`k^Zmm^Z\a^k%rhnphg]^k% key discoveries in math, medicine, and engineering. lahne]gÍma^aZo^Zeema^Zglp^kl8Bglm^Z]%Zeea^l^^flmhaZo^ Zk^jn^lmbhgl' The Big Idea What do you think of Socrates? Ancient Greeks made lasting contributions in the arts, philosophy, and science. ;NBE=BG@;:<D@KHNG= Socrates was only one of the brilliant Key Terms and People philosophers who lived in Athens in the 400s BC. The city was also Socrates, p. 281 home to some of the world’s greatest artists and writers. In fact, all Plato, p. 281 Aristotle, p. 281 over Greece men and women made great advances in the arts and reason, p. 281 sciences. Their work inspired people for centuries. Euclid, p. 282 Hippocrates, p. 282 Greek sculpture I]Z6gih is admired for its RECALL: Among the most notable realism, natural look, and details. In what four areas achievements of the ancient Use the graphic organizer online of the arts did Greeks were those they made to take notes on Greek achieve- ancient Greeks ments in the arts, philosophy, and make notable in the arts. These arts included science. achievements and sculpture, painting, architec- contributions? ture, and writings. HiVijZhVcYEV^ci^c\h The ancient Greeks were mas- ter artists. Their paintings and statues have been admired for hundreds of years. Examples of these works are still displayed in museums around the world. 277 6-8_SNLAESE485805_C09S4.indd 277 6/15/10 1:53:24 PM Greek statues are so admired because scenes from myths or athletic competitions. EXPLAIN: the sculptors who made them tried to make Many of the scenes were created using only Why are Greek statues still admired them look perfect. They wanted their stat- two colors, black and red. Sometimes art- today? ues to show how beautiful people could be. ists used black glaze to paint scenes on red To improve their art, these sculptors care- vases. Other artists covered whole vases fully studied the human body, especially with glaze and then scraped parts away to how it looked when it was moving. Then, let the red background show through. using what they had learned, they carved stone and marble statues. As a result, many <gZZ`6gX]^iZXijgZ Greek statues look as though they could If you went to Greece today, you would see come to life at any moment. the ruins of many ancient buildings. Old Greek painting is also admired for its columns still hold up parts of broken roofs, realism and detail. For example, Greek art- and ancient carvings decorate fallen walls. ists painted detailed scenes on vases, pots, These remains give us an idea of the beauty and other vessels. These vessels often show of ancient Greek buildings. Ma^\Zkobg`lhgma^p^lmlb]^ h_ma^IZkma^ghglahpZ\hg& History Close-up m^lm[^mp^^g:ma^gZZg]ma^ `h]Ihl^b]hgmh]^\b]^pah The Parthenon phne][^ahghk^]bgma^\bmr' The Parthenon was a beautiful temple to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their protector. The temple, which stood on the Athenian acropolis, was built by Pericles and is still one of the most famous buildings in the world. Hg\^Zr^Zk%ma^i^hie^h_:ma^gl a^e]Z`k^Zm_^lmboZebgahghkh_:ma^gZ' IZkmh_ma^_^lmboZebg\en]^]Z`k^Zm ikh\^llbhgmaZmphng]makhn`ama^\bmr' 278 CHAPTER 9 6-8_SNLAESE485805_C09S4.indd 278 5/4/10 10:29:56 AM RECALL: Why did the people of Athens build the Parthenon? The Greeks took great care in designing most impressive of all ancient Greek build- their buildings, especially their temples. ings was the Parthenon (PAHR-thuh-nahn) ANALYZE: In your opinion, why is Rows of tall columns surrounded the tem- in Athens, pictured below. This temple to the Parthenon ples, making the temples look stately and Athena was built in the 400s BC on the considered the most inspiring. Greek designers were very careful Athenian acropolis. It was designed to be impressive of all ancient Greek buildings? when they measured these columns. They magnifi cent not only outside, but inside as knew that columns standing in a long row well. As you can see, the interior was deco- often looked as though they curved in the rated with carvings and columns. middle. To prevent this optical illusion, they made their columns bulge slightly CZl;dgbhd[Lg^i^c\ in the middle. As a result, Greek columns Sculpture, painting, and architecture were look perfectly straight. not the only Greek art forms. The Greeks Ancient Greek designers took such also excelled at writing. In fact, Greek IDENTIFY: care because they wanted their buildings writers created many new writing forms, What were two of the to refl ect the greatness of their cities. The including drama and history. many forms of writing created by the Greeks? Bglb]^ma^IZkma^ghgpZlZ fZ`gb_b\^gmlmZmn^h_:ma^gZ[r ma^l\neimhkIab]bZl%pahffZgr i^hie^\hglb]^k^]ma^`k^Zm^lm l\neimhkbgZeeh_@k^^\^' Ma^IZkma^ghgÍl-/\he& nfglZk^Zmri^\Zee^] =hkb\\henfgl'Ma^l^ lbfie^\henfglaZo^gh ]^\hkZmbhgZmma^mhi' Å Why do you think people are bringing animals and goods with them to the temple? 279 6-8_SNLAESE485805_C09S4.indd 279 5/4/10 10:30:22 AM The Greeks created drama, or plays, as historians was Thucydides (thoo-SID-uh- ANALYZE: part of their religious ceremonies. Actors deez). His history of the Peloponnesian How has and singers performed scenes in honor of War was based in part on his experiences Thucydides shaped the the gods and heroes. These plays became a as an Athenian soldier. Even though he modern study Å popular form of entertainment, especially was from Athens, Thucydides tried to be of history? in Athens. neutral in his writing. He studied the war neutral In the 400s BC Athenian writers cre- and tried to fi gure out what had caused it. unbiased, not favoring either ated many of the greatest plays of the He may have hoped the Greeks could learn side in a conflict ancient world. Some writers produced trag- from their mistakes and avoid similar wars edies, which described the hardships faced in the future. Many later historians mod- by Greek heroes. Among the best tragedy eled their works after his. writers were Aeschylus (ES-kuh-luhs) and Sophocles (SAHF-uh-kleez). For example, Å Summarizing What were Sophocles wrote about a Greek hero who some forms of art found in ancient Greece? mistakenly killed his own father. Other Greek dramatists focused on comedies, which made fun of people and ideas. One E]^adhde]n famous comedy writer was Aristophanes The ancient Greeks worshipped gods and (ar-uh-STAHF-uh-neez). He used his comedy goddesses whose actions explained many to make serious points about war, courts of of the mysteries of the world. But by law, and famous people. around 500 BC a few people had begun to The Greeks were also among the fi rst think about other explanations. We call people to write about history. They were these people philosophers. They believed interested in the lessons history could in the power of the human mind to think, teach. One of the greatest of the Greek explain, and understand life. Primary Source BOOK The Death of ÊMa^gkZblbg`ma^\nimhablebil%jnbm^ Socrates Lh\kZm^labfl^e_ k^Z]berZg]\a^^k_neera^]kZgdh__ma^ihb& ]h^lghmikhm^lm lhg':g]abma^kmhfhlmh_nlaZ][^^gZ[e^ In 399 BC Socrates was arrested Z`Zbglmabll^g& and charged with corrupting the m^g\^[nmpbeebg`er mh\hgmkhehnklhkkhp4[nmghppa^gp^lZp young people of Athens and ignoring ]kbgdlma^ihblhg' abf]kbgdbg`'''frhpgm^Zklp^k^_ehpbg` religious traditions. He was sentenced _Zlm4lhmaZmB\ho^k^]fr_Z\^Zg]_Zlm4lhmaZmB\ho^k^]fr_Z\^Zg]p^im''' to die by drinking poison. Socrates Ma^lmn]^gmlZg] Lh\kZm^lZehg^k^mZbg^]abl\Zefg^ll3PaZm spent his last hours surrounded by _kb^g]lpahaZo^oblbm& blmabllmkZg`^hnm\kr8a^lZb]'''BaZo^ his students. One of them, Plato, later ^]Lh\kZm^l%bg\en]bg` described the event in detail. ma^gZkkZmhk%Zk^fn\a [^^gmhe]maZmZfZglahne]]b^bgi^Z\^' e^ll\ZefmaZga^bl' ;^jnb^mma^g%Zg]aZo^iZmb^g\^' ÈIeZmh%_khfË IaZ^]h Å Å Å How does Socrates tell his students to act when they see him drink the poison? 280 CHAPTER 9 6-8_SNLAESE485805_C09S4.indd 280 5/4/10 10:30:50 AM IDENTIFY: Who were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle? HdXgViZh Among the greatest of these thinkers was a man named HdXgViZh (SAHK-ruh-teez). He Euclid believed that people must never stop look- \',));< ing for knowledge. >n\eb]bl\hglb]^k^]hg^h_ma^ Socrates was a teacher as well as a phke]Íl`k^Zm^lmfZma^fZmb\bZgl' thinker. Today we call his type of teaching A^ebo^]Zg]mZn`ambg:e^qZg]kbZ% the Socratic method. Socrates taught by >`rim%Z`k^Zm\^gm^kh_e^Zkgbg`' >n\eb]pkhm^Z[hnmma^k^eZmbhg& asking questions. His questions were about labi[^mp^^gfZma^fZmb\l human qualities such as love and courage.
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