PE L5 April 8, 1966 Choirm:n Liu Shso-chi's Visit lL To Afghoniston 4 How I ndonesion Right -Wing Generols Seized Stote Power {^ Wor Threst of U.S. lmperiolism .w Must Be Tsken SeriouslY Renmin Ribao editoriol. April 8, 19ffi PEKING REVIEW Vol. 9, No. 15 Published in English, French, Spcnish, Joponese ond Germon editions THE WEEK Choirmon Liu Shoo-chi Visits Afghoniston; Choirmon Liu's Speech ot Stote Bonquet; Successf ul Tour of West Pokiston; Soto Government's New Chollenge {p. 3) ARTICIES AND DOCUMENTS Chino-Pokiston Joint Communique (p. 6) fhe UYcr fhreot of U,S. lmperiolism Must Be Token Seriously - Renmin Ribao editoriol {p. 6) 400th Serious Wcrning to U'S' lmperiolism (p. 8) lndonesion Rightists Out to Undermine Sino-lndonesion Relotions (p. 10) How the Indonesion Right-Wing Generols Seized Stote Power - Hsinhuo News Agency (p. 11) Applouse From U.S., Britoin ond "Moloysio" - Hsinhuo News Agency (p, 13) lndio's Provocotion {p. 14} Protest Agoinst Ghonoion Authorities' Slonders (p. 15) Where Are Kenyot Authorities Toking Sino-Kenyon Relotions? (p. 16) Ihe 6reot lesson: ol the Poris Commune - Cheng Chih-szu (p. 17) Albonion Porty of Lobour Refuses to Accept C,P,S.U. Letter of Invitotion to 23rd Congress (p. 19) New Zeolond C.P. Turns Down C,P.S.U.'s lnvitotion (p. 21) Joponese C.P. Refuses to Send Delegotes to C.P.S.U. 23rd Congress (p, 21) Moscow Meeting Hos Nothing in Common With o Congress of the Porty o, Lenin - Soys Jocques Grippo {p. 2) C,P.S.U. 23nd Congress: Further Betroyol ond Copitulotion Soys N. Son: mugothoson (p. 22) - All Morxist-Leninists Wiil Repudiote the Soviet Revisionist5 Soys E.F. Hill (p. 241 - C.P,S.U' 23rd Congress Extension of Rump Left Over by Khrushchov Soys Malayan Monitor -(p. 25) - Why They Go to Yongton - Peki,ng Retsieu Correspondents (p. 26) ROUND IHE WORTD South Vietnom: Trends in People's Wor; lndio: The Art of Begging; West Germony: A Gorb Thot Doesn't Fit (p. 30) Published every Fridoy by PEKING REVIEW Poi Won Chrong, Pe*ing {37}, Chino Pct Oflice Begi5trction lro. 2-922 &ble Address; Peting 291O Printed in the People's Republic ot Chino 1 I I t_" i.\ THE WEEIC Choirmon Liu Shqo-chi Yisits Afghcniston |HAIRNIAN Liu Shao-chi and his i \-, wile Wang Kuang-mei arrived in Kabul on April 4 on a friendship l visit at the invitation of King Mohammed Zahir Shah. More than 100,000 people braved the rain to give Chairman Liu and his party a rousing welcome. The airport was festively decorated with the national flags of both coun- tries and huge streamers with the slogan: "Long live the friendship be- t'uveen Afghanistan and Cirina !'' Coloured balloons trailing s'elcome sLogans added gaiety to the atmos- phere. When Chairman Liu ap- peared on the ramp, the crowd burst into thunderous cheers. King Zahir Shah and Queen Homaira walked up and warmly greeted Chairman and Madarne Liu Shao-chi, Vice-Prernier Chairmaq Liu Sbao-chi at the airport with King Zahir Shah and Madame Chen Yi and other members of the pafty. Then King Zahir Shah conducted Chairman Liu man and Madame Liu. Both King for economic and cultural progress. to the red-carpeted dais where he Zahir Shah and Chairman Liu spoke He also expressed support for the took the salute from a guard of at the banquet. restoration of the legitimate rights honour to the aceompaniment of the rhe King extended, a hearty wer- national anthems of China and Af- i,t"J,:::'T;:" T|JJ" *j|!, ":ffi: come to his guests. Emphasizing the Afghan people have supported and ghanistan. A 21-gun salute boomed amicable relations that exist out as children dressed national s.ill continue to support with com- in betg,een the trvo countries. he said: costumes presented flowers to the plete sincerity the struggles wagd Chinese guests. "Afghanistan and the People's Re- by the nations of the world to win public of China have taken giant fteedom and the right to determine When the procession arrived at strides in the last few years towards their own destiny." He expressed Chilsitoon Palacg a group of chil- a stronger bond of friendship with the conviction that Chairman Liu's dren performed folk dances and sang each other." He hailed the Chinese visit would benefit the development songs while the King and the Queen people's struggle against foreign in- and strengthening of friendly rela- chatted with Chairman and Madame fluence and their unremitting efforts tions between the two countries. Liu Shao-ehi and Viee-Premier and Madame Chen Yi. ?he King and Queen both recalled their visit to Chairman Liuts Speech at State Banquet China in 1964. The King said: "Our two countries are separated by high Your Majesties King Mohammed people for the Chinese people. On mountains and dense forests, but you Zahir Shah and the Queen, behaif of the Chinese Government took only a few hours to get here. Dear Friends, and people, I extend sincere thanks and respects to Their Majesti,es the We hope our mutual visits will I am very glad to have the oppor- King and the and the Afghan strengthen the close friendship be- tunity of visiting our friendly neigh- Queen Gover-nment and people. tween us." bour Afghanistan. Upon our arrival Shorlly after their arrival, Chair- we have been accorded a magnifi- Although this is the first time I man and Madame Liu called on King cent and cordial welcome. This is visit your country, I have not come Zahir Shah and Queen Homaira. In not only an honour to us indivi- to a strange land. The Chinese peo- the evening, the King and the Queen dually, but an expression of th,e pJ.e ar-e u,elL acquainted with your gave a banquet in.honour of Chair- profound friendship of the Afghan country and people. Yours is a April 8, 1966 country with a iong historY, which the anti-imperiaiist revolutionary cause of solidarity against imperial- has ah,r,ays maintained independence. struggles of other Afro-Asian peo- ism wi.ll eventually triumph. industrious and coura- ples. We hold that the threat to the Yours is an The visit to China made by Their geous people s,ith a glorious tradi- indep-^ndenc,e of any country means Majesties the King and the Queen tion of fighting imperialism. Friend- a threat to all the Afro-Asian coun- over a year ago has strer-rgthened the ly intercourse between the p,eoples tries; victory in the people's struggle friendly relations and co-operation China and Afghanistan dates as oI any country constilutes a support of and pro- far back as 2,000 years. And the to all the Afro-Asian peoples. At between our two cor-rtttlies past decade and more has witnessed present, the Vietnamese people are moted the friendship between our nerv development of this friendship. faced with the frenzied armed ag- two peoples. I hop'e that our present gression by the United States and visit wil-l make a similar contribu- Both our countries were subjected are resisting heroically. Imperialist tion. aggression, and are to imperialist subversion and sabotage have brought opposed the exploitation I propose a toast firmly to temporary setbacks to the cause of and oppression of nation bY nation independence and progress of some to the prosperity of Afghanistan nation6. and to inequality betrnreen Afro-Asian countries. The people of and the well-being of its people, Therefore, since the establishment of the countries concerned are fighting relations between our to the friendship between the Chi- diplomatic dauntlessly to defend their national countries, our relationship has nese and Afghan peoples, two indep,endence won through protract- always be,en friendly, equal and ed struggles. The Afro-Asian peo- to Afro-Asian solidarity and r'r,or'Id based on mutual benefit. There is ple's struggle to win and s,afeguard peace, no conflict of interests betw-een our independence cannot possibly be ai1 two eountries. We have done noth- to the health of Their Majesties plain-sailing. But they will be tem- ing to harm you, nor have you done King Mohammed Zahi Shah and pered through rep,eated and torluous anything to harm us. This mutual the Queen. and struggles, and become still more respect development of and the determined and united. llhere is no to the health of a]l oul friends friendly relations between our tu,o doubt that the Afr-o-Asian people's present here! countries are in the interests of both our peopies. China has ahvays stood for the Successful development of relations rvith other Tour of West Pakistan basis Five c,ountries on the of the Liu Shao-chi and his Sino-Pakistan friendship. The Pakis- Principles of Peaceful Co,existence. CHAIRMAN U ,uvife Wang Kuang-mei returned tan daily Dawn said: "I'he visit has In particular, we stress equaiity of to Hotien in Sinkiang on tlarch 31 made history and further cemented all nations, big or smaIl, and are after a memorable tour of West the neighbourly and friendly ties be- resolutely opposed to big-porver Pakistan. Vice-Premier and Foreign We are opposed big tween Pakistan and China. It has chauvinism. to Minister Chen Yi and his wife Chang power discriminating against, despis- been rightly said that this relation- Chien accompanied them on the same oppressing sma1l ship has developed into an unbreak- ing, bullying or plane. They are scheduled to visit problems able bo.nd." On April 7 Rentnin countries.
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