{P泲 Tdtpyq;F Wildlife

{P泲 Tdtpyq;F Wildlife

{pÌþ tdtpyq;F Wildlife • December 2013 Vol. 09 No.1 Roseate Tern(Sterna dougallii) »n~¥KtM 2013 »{†v 09 R¹Y 1 khu;fop 2013 09k; ,jo; ,y 1 December 2013 Vol. 09 No.1 ISSN 1391-8761 Ur»nŠ|Y vj‰hzx MNyhrid rig Advisory Board Eng. Udeni Wickremasinghe – Secretary for MWRC1 H. D. Ratnayake – Director General of DWC2 W. S. K. Pathirathna – Director Operations of DWC2 Dr. Th araka Prasad – Director Wildlife Health of DWC2 S. R. B. Disanayake – DDVSM3 of DWC2 U. L. Th aufeek - DDR&T4 of DWC2 ~¹~ˆY£ùY£ Mrpupah; Editor Hasini Sarathchandra ~¹~ˆY£yY vj‰hzx Mrpupau;fs; rig Editorial Board P. K. P. M. Pradeep Kumara U. V. Rohitha Gunawardena Samantha Wickramaratna Sandamal Rashmi Sri Buddhika ~¹~ˆY£yY Ur»nŠ|Y MNyhrf Mrpupah;; Consultant Editor Vidya Abhayagunawardena r‹frl‰ ~¹~ˆY£yY{y¥ ciu Mrpupah;fs; Copy Editors rù{MlY{y¥ nkhopngah;g;ghsh;fs; Translators Premakumara de Silva Niluka Subramaniam Dinusha Wickremasekera Christy Kakuluthotuwage R. Srikanthan A. M. M. Ziyad Fareena Ruzaik Fareena Ruzaik Chinthaka Ranasingha Roshan Abeywickrama M. A. M. Isthikar Narmatha Th ilagarajan Romano Pereira Wimal Swaminadan ëMv£j ~ƒ b£x£y¦rYyjx Gifg;glk; Photography and Design Anna Winterbottom U. V. Rohitha Gunawardena Marcel Fallu A. M. M. Ziyad Y£f§p‰ Çl² |Œzˆrš Nfypr; rpj;jpu tiuGdu; Cartoonist Ashirdini Bhagya Attanayake Samantha Kumara Gamage Roshan Abeywickrama ~‹lª{K tpsf;fg;glk; »~£‰ãrl‰ ÃxþK rhpghh;j;jth;fs; Proof Readers Illustrations Amal Sudesh Sandamal Rashmi Sri Buddhika Gishani Rajapaksha r‹f§ ~¥Y¥~¨K ƒ£ v¨æjx tiuglk; tbtikg;G mr;Rg;gjpT Narmatha Th ilagarajan Page Layout and Printed by Prashanthi Arampola Dinusha Wickremasekera Commercial Printing Department, Th e Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd, Ganesamoorthy Suganya Colombo 10, Sri Lanka. Senani Samaranayake r²Y£|jx ntspaPL Published by ~‹‹ÜxK ~¥Y~¨K tiugl jahhpg;ghsh;fs; Maps Prepared by GIS Unit of DWC2 Publicity Unit Department of Wildlife Conservation of Sri Lanka Kamani Abeyasiriwardhana Renuka Samanthi MWRC1 – Ministry of Wildlife Resources Conservation | DWC2 – Department of Wildlife Conservation | DDVSM3 - Deputy Director Visitor Services Management | DDR&T4 - Deputy Director Research and Training |›² z¹Y£»N r±mv {yf ~‹¹ƒz, »nv… ~ƒ S¹[›²~‹ l²õ u£|£ lª…‹p‰ {pÌþ ~¹yY‰}jx r‹…‹tq r…{p ~¹[²ƒx '{pÌþ' »N. 'tdtpyq;F" vd;w ,jo; ,yq;ifapy; tdrPtuhrpfs; ghJfhg;G njhlu;ghf Ok;nkhopfspSk; rpq;fsk;> jkpo; kw;Wk; Mq;fpyk; ntspaplg;gLfpd;w Kjy; rq;rpifahFk;. The ‘Wildlife’ is the fi rst journal to be published in tri-lingual Sinhala, Tamil & English in the area of wildlife conservation in Sri Lanka. ~¹~ˆY£yY ~fƒp Mrphpah; Fwpg;G Editor Note ƒŒl{l‰ r£gY, md;Gs;s thrfUf;F> n™»pp‰ n™p »{p~ˆ {p pþp »z¤Y»xˆ ~šñl ~KrlY‰ ',yq;if tdtpyq;F" vd;w rQ;fpifapd; Fwpf;Nfhshf miktJ etPd cyfpd; jpdKk; {« {pÌþ ~Kr»lƒŒ ~¹yY‰}jxf àxY þv "|›² z¹Y£ khw;wj;Jf;Fs;shfp mUfptUk; tdtpyq;F {pÌþ" ~¹[²ƒ»xƒŒ v¬z‹Yv tz£»r£»y£l‰lª{õ. tsq;fspd;; ghJfhg;ghFk;. |›² z¹Y£»{p‰ ~nƒfv {qþ»K lMcpxf zY‰{ Ü»tp ,yq;ifapy; epyk; kw;Wk; ePhpy; thOk; mUfptUk; td tdtpyq;Ffis ghJfhg;gjw;fhd {pÌþ ~Krl WƒŒ u®ñx lª…l‰ ~£[y»xˆl‰ ~¹yY‰}jx midj;J r%fj;jpdJk; ftdj;ij <h;j;J> Ãúvf ~‹xû cp»Y£f~ˆ {z ~ƒ»x¤[x ~ƒ R{o£px G+uz Mjutpid ngw;Wf;nfhs;tJ ',yq;if »x£v¨ Yy [¥ìvf "|›² z¹Y£ {pÌþ" ~¹[²ƒxf ƒ¥Ã {p‰»p‰ tdtpyq;F" rQ;fpifapd; ntw;wpahf fUJfpNwhk;;. pK Wx Rr ztp cx[²ƒpxY‰ »z~ ~zYv¨. epy caph;g; gy;tifikAld; xg;gpLifapy;; mofpa caph;g; gy;tifikiaAila »[£hïvfl‰ {h£ ~¨p‰ny »vp‰v »»c{ ýýol‰{»xp‰ Rp«p ,yq;ifapd; fly; tyaj;jpd; fly;rhh; |›² z¹Y£ ~£[y Yz£r»xˆ ~£[y {pÌý r‹…‹tq »v{y tdtpyq;Fg; gpur;rpidia fUj;jpy; nfhz;ljhf "|›² z¹Y£ {pÌþ" Y…£rx lª…‹p‰ R{o£px »x£v¨ Yy Ü»J. ,e;j ',yq;if tdtpyq;F" rQ;fpif mikfpwJ. Rr ~¥v ýfv "|›² z¹Y£ {pÌþ" »{l z¥»tp r£gY ehk; vg;nghOJk; thrfh;fspd; fUj;Jf;fSf;F r±Üa£y Sl£ R[x Yyp Rly A r‹…‹tq ~lªf§ {p‰»pv¨. kjpg;gspg;gNjhL fopg;gilfpNwhk;. mLj;j "|›² z¹Y£ {pÌþ" òz` Y…£rx l{ ãyfl‰ p¥{§K »z~ vkJ ',yq;if tdtpyq;F" rQ;rpifapd; r£gY Xt »{lf »[p Avf Rr‹ tz£»r£»y£l‰lª »{v¨. gpuRuj;ijAk; NkYk; rpwg;ghf;fp tbtikf;f jpl;lkpl;Ls;Nshk;. |›² z¹Yp‰ [ª{p‰ »~ˆ{»xˆ [vp‰ [p‰p£ [ª{p‰ v[›p‰f "|›² z¹Y£ {pÌþ" ~¹[²ƒx [ª{»p‰nŸ Ãxþ»K R{~ˆm£{ Un£ jw;NghJ ,yq;if tpkhd Nritapy; gazpf;Fk; gazpfSf;F ',yq;if tdtpyq;F" Yy »nñp‰ |›² z¹Yp‰ [ª{p‰ ~v£[v ý~‹p‰ r~¨[Œx Y…£r»xˆ rQ;rpifapid thrpg;gjw;fhd tha;g g;gpiz (Y…£r R¹Y 8) ~‹f "|›² z¹Y£ {pÌþ" T cMpzxY‰ »z~ ngw;W je;j ,yq;if tpkhd Nritf;F ed;wpia r±~‹nŠo Ãúv ~Ktp‰o»xp‰ Rr‹ |›² z¹Yp‰ [ª{p‰ ~v£[v njhptpj;Jf; nfhs;fpNwhk;. »{l ~ˆlªÜx r§n Yyv¨. `rpdp rur;re;ju ƒ~‹ë ~yl‰ap‰æ Mrphpah; ~¹~ˆY£ùY£ Dear Reader, The aim of the “Sri Lankan Wildlife” journal is to support the conservation of scarce resources of wildlife in the modern world which changes on a daily basis. The journal “Sri Lankan Wildlife” also aims at mobilizing all communities and get their utmost support and attention for the conservation of Sri Lanka’s land and sea wildlife resources, and especially the critically endangered species of Sri Lanka. This issue of “Sri Lankan Wildlife” is focused on marine wildlife in Sri Lankan waters which has vivid diverse biodiversity compared to land biodiversity. We always value and appreciate reader's comments. We hope to release the next issue of “Sri Lankan Wildlife” in a new format. “Sri Lankan Wildlife” is now available onboard Sri Lankan aircraft as an e-journal starting with the previous issue (Volume 08). This was made possible by the Sri Lankan Airline Limited and we are thankful to them. Hasini Sarathchandra Editor rf¨p »n~¥KtM 2013 »{†v 09 R¹Y 1 khu;fop 2013 09k; ,jo; ,y 1 December 2013 Vol. 09 No.1 ~¹yY‰}j òx£{z‹»xˆ r±Üz£ux v¨† »z£{fv [y¥ [£ñÚ ýËl‰ ýcxv¨Ú »~£õ~£ 01 {pÌý ~¹yY‰}jx »{p§»{p‰v p{ {pÌý ~Krl‰ ~¹yY‰}j Rv£l³¹|x þv S¹Ë. 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The views expressed in "Wildlife" journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily refl ect the views of the Department of Wildlife Conservation of Sri Lanka cs;slf;fk; Contents »n~¥KtM 2013 »{†v 09 R¹Y 1 khu;fop 2013 09k; ,jo; ,y 1 December 2013 Vol. 09 No.1 ISSN 1391-8761 Rejuvenating Lagoons in Bundala National Park; A Must to Remain as a Ramsar Wetland M. G. C. Sooriyabandara 111 Looming Th reat of Lantana (Lantana camara L.) on Biodiversity Amal Sudesh 115 Approaches to Environmental Conservation G.N.Chandrasiri 118 WHAT IS THE ‘MINDSET’? Arun Dias Bandaranaike 123 BIODIVERSITY; WHY SHOULD WE CARE? Rukshan Jayewardene 128 Land Uncleared of Landmines and Explosive Remnants of War Still Pose Th reats to Wildlife and Other Animals in Sri Lanka Vidya Abhayagunawardena 134 Change of Atmosphere Changes Feeding Habits and the Eco-system Ashirdani Att anayake 142 Marine Mammals of Sri Lanka Howard Martenstyn 146 Review of the Status of Some Selachians Ambiguously Reported from Sri Lanka Rex I De Silva 152 Why Protect Marine Megafauna? Asha de Vos 156 Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Focus in Sri Lanka R.

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