Special interview with Chicano youth leader -see page 8 Antiwar forces build April 15 p.3 Abortion law repeal fight gains p.5 San Francisco strike p.6 An answer to the Daily World p.JO Marxism vs. individual terrorism p.l4 Chicano youth in L.A. fight for school control ,. -story page 12 Chicano, Black and Oriental students and supporters on picket line at Roosevelt High School in Los Angeles. Miserable condi­ tions at school, coupled with police bru­ tality, sparked movement for Chicano con­ trol of Chicano schools. Page 2 THE MILITANT Friday, March 27, 1970 • THE How 'Life 1n an Auto ·Plant' was born MILITANT Editor: HARRY RING Managing Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS From gripe session There were a surpnsmg number of Business Manager: FLAX HERMES sympathetic callers, in view of the fact Published weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass'n., 873 Broadway, New York, N. Y.10003. to Militant series that WFL Y is reportedly listened to Phone 533-6414. Second-class postage paid by hirge numbers of right wingers. Of at New York, N.Y. Subscription: domestic, course, some of them called too. A $4 a year; foreign, $5.50. By first class mail: woman, identifying herself as a John domestic ·and Canada $13.50, all other coun­ Fremont, Calif. tries, $20.00. Air printed matter: domestic and Bircher, said she was against democ­ Canada, $20.00; Latin America and Eu­ I am writing to thank you for the racy because, "democracy leads to an­ rope, $40.00; Africa, Australia, Asia (including good coverage of my series on "Life archy." USSR), $50.00. Write for sealed air postage in an Auto Plant," and to tell you that rates. Signed articles by contributors do not The program ended with the Star necessarily represent The Militant's views. These we are happy it is coming out soon as Spangled Banner. are expressed in editorials. a pamphlet. Dave Haldane We have been able to introduce The Volume 34 Number 11 Militant to new readers here in the plant, and the pamphlet will spread the name Calls The Militant of the paper further. Friday, March 27, 1970 You will be interested to know how I reactionary happened to write about our life here Corona, N.Y. in the plant. It is funny and shows how While gazing through your rag I no­ sometimes hardly related events can at least will bring back a report to the ticed that while you call yourself The lead on to something useful. membership of what actually goes on Militant, from your news you ought Closing news date-March 20 We had a gripe session during our at these conventions. Meantime, if the to be called The Reactionary. lunch break, about 12 of us from my pamphlet is here before election day I In your report on the Seattle demon­ motor line and from frame and axle. hope to use it to campaign for such stration following the lynching of the It was during our strike crisis, and I delegates. Chicago 9 you say, "Ultraleft tactics Second, and even more important, the suggested that we corner the shop com­ Tom Cagle of some rock-throwing demonstrators problem is not primarily or in most mittee and tell them to get our story of provided the police with an excuse to cases that students do not know heroin speedup out to the press in order to move in and to break up the demonstra­ and amphetamines to be harmful. In expose and embarrass GM. Gl wants true picture tion, arresting and beating demonstra­ fact, they are aware that they are dam­ We got ahold of the chairman of the tors and bystanders." This is bullshit aging themselves and part of the very shop committee, explained our idea, of what's happening because the pacifists at that one will motivation they have for using these and urged that this tactic be tried. He have to see that you either have to drugs is the disapproval with which played the whole thing down by ar­ fight or be beaten in our police state. they know such self-destructiveness is guing that the big newspapers would Ft. Rucker, Alabama If you want the support of the New viewed by authorities for whom they not touch anything against mighty GM. Brothers: I am currently serving two Left, give news of it objectively-present have no respect, representing a system (He was probably right.) years of indentured servitude with Uncle ways to destroy society, and also give whose values they reject. But enough workers were interested in Sugar. I just wanted to thank the staff space to the cause of the Black Pan­ The responsibility for waging effective the idea so that it couldn't just be put of The Militant for giving me the true thers, Young Lords, RYM and Weather­ combat against this poisonous misex­ aside. So I suggested that we write the picture of what is happening through­ man, not just socialist news. pression of rebellion falls to revolution­ article ourselves, and that we get it out the country. As one could no doubt MLS aries who can, by creating an insurgent published in any of the papers that guess, The Army Times is not repre­ pole of attraction which inspires confi­ would handle it, including the under­ sentative of the growing dissatisfaction dence and optimism, in large measure ground and radical press. Everyone of American youth, and the entire left­ Monogamy and capitalism cut across the cynical despair at the agreed. They told me to write it up, ist movement. Solidarity. root of this new wave of drug use. and of course you know that the only Pfc. A C. Brooklyn, N.Y. Ultimately, of course, we will smash paper in the country that would pub­ In the past year, I've seen articles the conditions which give rise to this lish our story was The Militant. in The Militant regarding the family. tragic waste of human potential. In the None of us knew how much space True, monogamy developed with cap­ meantime, I think it is important that it would take. And we didn't know it italism, with the rise of individual prop­ revolutionary socialists deal explicitly would be run in installments. But that Socialists upset Upstate erty rights and individual wealth. True, with this problem more frequently and turned out well because everyone looked the masses suffer from the oppressors. in greater depth than we have in the forward from week to week for "our" right wingers That is what preserves monogamy. past. I hope to see The Militant do story. Some copies were read by as But you can't get rid of that over­ something on this subject in the near many as 15 workers on the line here. night. We have to get rid of wage ex­ New York, N. Y. future. There are young workers in the plant ploitation, and the exploiters who op­ Lee Smith who have had some political experience If you had been listening to radio sta­ press male and female alike. and are now taking another look at the tion WFL Y-FM in Albany the week pre­ What we need is a revolutionary Socialist Workers Party. I had an op­ ceding March 10 you would have heard movement to keep America and the portunity to meet one of them and was a commentator urge listeners to be sure world from going fascist. Capitalism Time for the real jury surprised to learn that he had been and tune in on March 10 to learn the must be destroyed. studying the writings of Trotsky. truth about the "communist threat in Edward Bellows to speak out I hope some young workers run as America." The show is called "The Truth Is" with the subtitle on March 10 being delegates to the UAW convention in McPherson, Kan. Atlantic City. They are the kind who "Expose- Communists Infiltrate Tri­ Cities Area!" Antiwar Gl paper Now that the Chicago Conspiracy trial is over and the verdicts and sen­ The "communist infiltrators" were in Frankfurt Kipp Dawson, SWP candidate for U. S. tences have been handed out it is time for the real jury to speak out. There By James P. Cannon senator, Bill O'Kain of the AlbanyYSA, and myself from the New York YSA. Frankfurt, Germany are too many people in the country who THE I.W.W. Kipp Dawson led the discussion by Enclosed are some issues of We Got still have blind faith in America's blind the brASS and Venceremos, a paper put justice. These brothers went to prison Reminiscences of a pariicipant explaining the importance of building the antiwar movement and the mean­ out by Gls in Frankfurt. Please send for us so let's get them out. all issues of The Militant which have K.S. SOc ing of her campaign. Bill 0' Kain de­ scribed the developing struggle at State articles on women's liberation or the GI struggle- as well as a subscription. Merit Publishers University of New York for student We'll send papers from here as they Merit Pamphlets 873 Broadway rights- a movement in which he is New York, N.Y. 10003 playing a leading role. I explained the come out. S.M. internal democracy of the YSA. WOMEN & THE CUBAN REVOLUTION Speedles by rHiel Castro. Assails Nixon's drug Artides by linda Jenness program ~ New York, N.Y. IF YOU SUPPORT THE ANTIWAR MOVEMENT, THE BLACK LIB­ One of the most damning indictments PIONEERS Of WOMEN'S LIBERATION of decaying U.S.
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