(508) 943-4800 Newsstand: 75 cents www.auburnnews.net PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR OF THE CENTRAL SOUTH COUNTY RELAY FOR LIFE! Saturday, June 4, 2011 Veterans honored in Auburn AUBURN — Crowds of people turned out for what started out as a rainy Memorial Day parade organized by the Chester P. Tuttle American Legion Monday, May 30, but ended with the sun peek- ing through the clouds in time for the Annual Duck Race sponsored by the Auburn Junior Woman’s Club. Auburn Fire Department is represented in the parade. Amy Stanfield photos Current military servicemen walked in the Auburn Memorial Day Parade Monday. At right, A member of the Melha Shriners rode a mini motorcycle in the parade. A dragon and panda with McCoy’s Action Karate waved to the children. For more photos, turn to pages 8 and 9! Auburn schools growing increasingly green BY AMY STANFIELD can, piece of paper recycled, converts into a NEWS STAFF WRITER savings in some shape or form that ulti- AUBURN — One of Auburn schools’ col- mately benefits our students,” Fahey in a ors may be blue, but the district is going recent “Rockets Review” column sub- green in many ways. mission to the Auburn News. In just this past school year, efforts Faculty and staff are often remind- to go green by recycling and saving ed to log off their computer and shut energy have increased at Auburn down everything possible when not schools. in use. The school that has the high- “Over the last three years, as far as est level of recycling and electrical recycling goes, each school was kind savings is awarded monthly with a of doing their own thing. Our super- trophy. intendent felt it was important to form “What better way to accomplish a green team so that all of our schools this than with a little friendly compe- can share the same vision,” said Director tition among buildings?” Fahey said. of Facilities Joe Fahey. “It’s nice to award schools a trophy, so This team is comprised of Beth they can see their accomplishment.” Chamberland, principal of Bryn Mawr School; Thanks to the efforts of the custodian staff, Dan Deedy,business manager; John Giordano, vice prin- students, faculty and staff the amount of recycling has cipal of Auburn Middle School; Eric Bouvier, technology allowed a few dumpsters to be eliminated from the director; Bill Garneau, athletic director; and Fahey. schools. Amy Stanfield photo Fahey explained that the team meets monthly to come Three years ago, the schools started keeping track of up with ideas for the district as a whole. kilowatts used at each school. The school with the lowest Jaroslav Slezak stands with his model of the Karlstejn castle that is located in his “As we have all heard from our superintendent of amount of kilowatts each month is recognized. home country of Czechoslovakia. schools, our goal is continuous improvement — not only “Each year we get a little bit better,” Fahey said, “This in our classrooms for students, but regarding our facili- speaks volumes of our custodian staff, faculty and stu- ties as well. Every kilowatt (kWh) saved, every cartridge, dents.” Turn To RECYCLE page A18 A model citizen AUBURN RESIDENT REMEMBERS HOME Park ranger touts local parks COUNTRY WITH REPLICAS BY AMY STANFIELD and member of the U.S. Army Corps where the Little River flows into the NEWS STAFF WRITER BY AMY STANFIELD with his wife, Alena, and their son Engineers, began with Buffumville French River. Completed at a cost of NEWS STAFF WRITER AUBURN — Park Ranger Jamie Dam located in Charlton. $3 million, the dam is part of a sys- and daughter, who were 15 and 11 Kordack visited the Auburn Public “The U.S. Army Corps of tem of six flood control projects AUBURN — Auburn resident years old, respectively,at that time. Library on Thursday, May 26 to Engineers built Buffumville Dam in designed and built by the U.S. Army Jaroslav Slezak, 85, originally from Having made models since he was speak about Buffumville Dam, as 1958 by a response to the floods of Corps of Engineers in the Thames Czechoslovakia, has created mod- 15 years old, it was the suggestion well as Hodges Village Dam, both of 1936, which caused tremendous prop- River Basin. This system controls els of Czech castles to help pre- of his children for him to make the which provide flood control and a erty damage and took many lives in flooding from Oxford to Long Island serve the memory of his country models of the castles from place for outdoor recreation. the region. The dam is located in Sound. and wants to share them with oth- Czechoslovakia. Mostly recently, Kordack, a park ranger for 24 years Charlton, 1.3 miles above the point ers. Turn To RANGER page A13 Slezak came to Auburn in 1969 Turn To CITIZEN page A18 E E CALENDAR.........A13 LEARNING OPINION..............A6 LOCAL SCHOOLS HONOR SENIORS .............A7 WILLY WONKA VETERANS OBITUARIES .......A12 PAGE A3 SPORTS ............A10 PAGE A4 INSID 6 56525 10391 9 INSID 2 • THE AUBURN NEWS • Saturday, June 4, 2011 McCoy’s Action Karate plans Relay fundraisers BY CINDY GALLANT SPECIAL TO THE NEWS AUBURN — A few years ago, Al Narris walked into the Auburn Karate school of McCoys Action Karate with a request for participa- tion in the town of Auburn’s Relay for Life. Two key players of the school were Laura Petsching and Paul McCoy. They answered with a resounding “YES” out of respect to the memories of loved ones bat- tling cancer. Since that time the team has had many dedicated team captains. Barbara McCoy was not involved with the school at that time. However, last year she accepted the responsibility of Team Captain with pride and humility as well as grace and mercy.Her goal is to lead the team into a bright future. Her goal is coming true. As a result of Courtesy photos memories that will be able to give where students who have raised the strong support system that she the team members strength on the money will break boards. All McCoy’s Action Karate has several fundraisers planned for the upcoming Relay for had last year, she was able to split dark times that happen in our lives. guests are welcome to join in the Life. the team into an adult team and a In order to achieve their goals, this simple but challenging karate youth team. Barbara serves as cap- Relay for Life. If you made a dona- indomitable spirit. Participation in team has not only been making class. Their goal is to do a little tain of M.A.K. Samurais and Tena tion in any amount you were given the Relay year after year comple- plans for one fundraiser — they over 1,000 kicks of different types. Black serves as captain of M.A.K. a purple gel-band to wear in ments the character that we all have shared plans for four different The idea of the day is to have the Ninjas. remembrance. The other main hope to build in ourselves. There events. They are asking for your community come together in one At the present time M.A.K. event is the Dodge Ball tourna- are unlimited reasons to relay – support to make these events a accord to celebrate life and raise Ninjas are our top fundraiser with ment. This has been a HUGE suc- and no one reason is better than great success. awareness as well as donations for $605 raised to date. cess in previous years. Tentative the other. Barbara McCoy states, “I The first big event is their annu- the American Cancer Society. This Team M.A.K. Samurais hopes to date for this is August 20th. In am glad to find that nothing can al Spring Faire Kick-a-Thon. This faire was held last year. One event cover more ground and change that order to participate you must have unhinge the relationships built on will be held at their location at 770 was held at their Sturbridge loca- many more lives while making 5-7 team members and a team a group of people coming together Southbridge St., on June 11, tion and the other in the Auburn name. Age brackets include Child, to honor all that Relay stands for. It between 2 and 4 p.m. There location. They had such great Adult and Mixed Teams. The is that brotherhood that gives will be demonstrations response that they wanted to make M.A.K. youth team is also selling strength to such passion for such a and booths that include this year GREAT by doing it at one chocolate pops to raise money for conviction and it is from that realm food, yard sales, pie throw- location. They anticipate that the the Relay. These pops are made in we are able to join with others in ing, face painting and mas- event will attract the public as well various colors to represent a few of one accord helping each other to cot appearances as well as as their students. I’m told that the different types of cancers that fight tooth-and-nail for such a many more things. The there are plans still being made are afflicting the world we live in. cause with unbiased sympathy.” mascot Steel from the and there might just be a DJ, Live For more information about We wish the McCoys Action NBA-D league Springfield Music or karaoke. Sounds like these events visit the McCoy’s Karate the best of luck in their will attend.
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