2020 N. 2 ACTA 2020 ŒCUMENICA INFORMATION SERVICE OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN UNITY e origin of the Pontical Council for Promoting Christian Unity is closely linked with the Second Vatican Council. On 5 June 1960, Saint Pope John XXIII established a ‘Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity’ as one of the preparatory commissions for the Council. In 1966, Saint Pope Paul VI conrmed the Secretariat as a permanent dicastery CUMENICA of the Holy See. In 1974, a Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews was established within the Secretariat. In 1988, Saint Pope John Paul II changed the Secretariats status to Pontical Council. Œ e Pontical Council is entrusted with promoting an authentic ecumenical spirit in the Catholic Church based on the principles of Unitatis redintegratio and the guidelines of its Ecumenical Directory rst published in 1967, and later reissued in 1993. e Pontical Council also promotes Christian unity by strengthening relationships CTA with other Churches and Ecclesial Communities, particularly through A theological dialogue. e Pontical Council appoints Catholic observers to various ecumenical gatherings and in turn invites observers or ‘fraternal delegates’ of other Churches or Ecclesial Communities to major events of the Catholic Church. Front cover Detail of the icon of the two holy Apostles and brothers Peter and Andrew, symbolizing the Churches of the East and of the West and the “brotherhood rediscovered” (UUS 51) N. 2 among Christians on their way towards unity. (Original at the Pontical Council for Promoting Christian Unity). www.christianunity.va ACTA ŒCUMENICA INFORMATION SERVICE OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN UNITY PONTIFICIUM CONSILIUM AD CHRISTIANORUM UNITATEM FOVENDAM 2020 | 2 CONTENTS POPE FRANCIS AND ECUMENISM AUDIENCES Ecumenical Delegation from Finland (17 January 2020)........................................................1 His Eminence Hilarion of Volokolamsk, President of the Department for External Church Affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate (13 February 2020) .........3 Delegation of Young Priests and Monks of the Oriental Orthodox Churches (21 February 2020) ........................................................................................................3 Brother Alois of the Community of Taizé (25 June 2020) .....................................................5 His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians (27 September 2020) ..........................................................................6 His All Holiness Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch (22 October 2020) ......................7 ADDRESSES Meeting of Reflection and Spirituality – “Mediterranean: Frontier of Peace” (Basilica of San Nicola, Bari, 23 February 2020)......................................................8 International Meeting of Prayer for Peace:“No one is saved alone – Peace and Fraternity” (Campidoglio, Rome, 20 October 2020) ........................................... 13 MESSAGES Message for the enthronement of His Beatitude Sahak II, Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople (11 January 2020) .................................. 16 Letter to His Holiness Neofit, Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, on the occasion of the gift of some relics of Saints Clement and Potitus (24 March 2020) .......................................................................................................... 16 Message to His Holiness Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark, on the Day of Friendship Between Copts and Catholics (8 May 2020) .......................................................................... 17 Letter to Cardinal Kurt Koch for the twenty-fifth anniversary of Saint John Paul II’s Encyclical Letter Ut unum sint (24 May 2020) .................... 18 Video Message for the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Pentecost Service (Pentecost Sunday, 31 May 2020) ............................................................................ 19 Lettera a Sua Santità Bartolomeo I, Patriarca Ecumenico, dopo la festa patronale dei Santi Pietro e Paolo ............................................................................................. 20 Message to His All Holiness Bartholomew I for the Feast of Saint Andrew, Patron Saint of the Ecumenical Patriarchate (30 November 2020) .................. 21 Christmas Message to South Sudan Political Leaders Signed Together with the Archbishop of Canterbury and Moderator of the Church of Scotland (Christmas 2020) ......................................................................................................... 22 HOMILIES Vespers Concluding the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2020 (Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, 25 January 2020) ............................... 23 Holy Mass on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul (St Peter’s Basilica, 29 June 2020) ............................................................................ 25 Ecumenical Prayer Service at International Meeting of Prayer for Peace: “No one is saved alone – Peace and Fraternity” (Church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Rome, 20 October 2020) .......................... 28 OTHER Pope Francis reflects on Christian Unity in his Catechesis at General Audience (22 January 2020) ........................................................................................................ 31 Ecumenical dimension of the Post–Synodal Apostolic Exhortation ‘Querida Amazonia’ (2 February 2020) .................................................................. 32 Praying the “Our Father” together for the end of the pandemic (25 March 2020) ........ 32 Message for World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (1 September 2020) ........... 33 During Angelus Pope Francis recalls visit to Lesvos with Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Hieronymos (13 September 2020)............................................. 34 Ecumenical reflection in the Encyclical Letter “Fratelli tutti” (3 October 2020)............ 34 “Exchange of gifts” series (Libreria Editrice Vaticana) (24 November 2020)................. 35 ACTIVITIES OF THE DICASTERY THEOLOGICAL DIALOGUES Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches (Atchaneh, Lebanon, 26 January–1 February 2020) ............................................. 37 Methodist–Roman Catholic International Commission (MERCIC) Drafting Meeting (Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 3–7 March 2020) ......................... 41 Anglican–Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC III) (Online, 12–15 May 2020) ........................................................................................ 42 Executive Committee Meeting of the Joint Working Group Between the Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches (Online, 6 July 2020) .................. 44 Catholics, Lutherans, Mennonites: Conversations. Communiqué on Final Report (28 July 2020)............................................................................................................... 46 Methodist–Roman Catholic International Commission (MERCIC) Plenary Meeting (Online, 9–15 October 2020) ................................................................................... 47 Executive Committee Meeting of the Joint Working Group Between the Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches (Online, 10 November 2020) ................................................................................... 48 Catholics and Disciples of Christ: A New Dialogue Document (11 November 2020) .. 50 CARDINAL PRESIDENT Papers Inaugurationsvorlesung zur Eröffnung des neuen Studienjahres in Heiligenkreuz (Vienna, 1. Oktober 2020) Unumkehrbar zur Einheit verpflichtet. Zum 25. Jahrestag der Ökumene-Enzyklika „Ut unum sint“ des heiligen Papstes Johannes Paul II. ................................................... 51 Vortrag bei Pro Oriente, Sektion Salzburg (Salzburg, 7. Oktober 2020) Ökumenischer Austausch von Gaben zwischen Ost und West. Herausforderungen – Schwierigkeiten – Perspektiven ........................................................................................ 67 Vortrag bei Pro Oriente, Sektion Linz (Linz, 8. Oktober 2020) Wie steht es um die christliche Zukunft Europas? Reflexionen über Europas geistige Identität ............................................................................................................... 79 Vortrag bei Radio Maria Schweiz (9. Oktober 2020) Theologie als verstehendes Denken des Glaubens ............................................................. 93 Vortrag beim Kongress „Räume des Dialogs. Die christlichen Inspirationen der Kultur der Begegnung“ (Lublin, 15. Oktober 2020) Christliche Inspirationen für eine Kultur des Dialogs und der Begegnung ....................... 103 Dankesansprache bei der Verleihung des Doctor honoris causa an der Theologischen Fakultät der Katholischen Universität Lublin „Johannes Paul II“ (Lublin, 16. Oktober 2020) Von der Verantwortung der Theologie für das ökumenische Anliegen ........................... 112 Einführung beim Podium „ökumenischer Dialog“ An der Theologischen Fakultät der Katholischen Universität Lublin „Johannes Paul II.“ (Lublin, 16. Oktober 2020) ..................................................................................... 117 Conferenza presso la Cattedra Tillard (Istituto di Studi Ecumenici, Pontificia Università San Tommaso d’Aquino [Angelicum], Roma, 4 dicembre 2020) “Ut unum sint”: Via imprescindibile della Chiesa .......................................................
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