Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85119- 0 - The Religious Traditions of Japan, 500–1600 Richard Bowring Index More information Index ‘a’, visualisation of 232 devotion 196–97; object of abbot 5 visualisation 125; Pure Land abdication 37 Buddhism 246–53, 262–66; as Abhidharmakoa 199 Reward Body 143; vows 198–99 abhieka xv, 137–38, 140 Amitbha: a secret interpretation 233 Abutsuni 324 Amityus 198 Acalantha 225, 283–84 Amoghapa 182 Advertimentos e avisos acerca dos Amoghavajra: Rishushaku 231; as costumes e catangues de Jappão 432 tantric master 137–39; as translator Afghanistan 71, 73 172 ‘Age of the Gods’ 48, 281 antman 100 agy 371 animals, realm of 123 Aizen my 157, 233, 327 ankokuji 400 Aizen- kshiki 233 Anlushan rebellion 114, 140 Ajtaatru 200 Anne 157 Ajikan 233 Annen 164–68 kagarbha 135 Anthology of the Patriarch Hall 296 akitsukami 46 Antoku Tenn 285 laya vijñna 101 Arakida 191, 389 ama 5, 80, 169 Arakida Shigenaga 271 amagoi 188 Arashiyama 401 Amaterasu mikami 45; birth 49; fights arhats 374 with Susanoo 51; see also Tensh Ariwara no Narihira 360 Daijin Asabash 342 Amateru mikami 45 ashikabi 357 amatsushirushi 283 Ashikaga shguns 363, 368, 381, 384 ame no sakahoko 358 Ashikaga Tadayoshi 369, 400 Amenokoyane 180, 273 Ashikaga Takauji 369, 400 Amenominakanushi 48, 35 Ashikaga Yoshikazu 392 Amida, see Amitbha Ashikaga Yoshimasa 420 Amida hishaku 233 Ashikaga Yoshimitsu 389, 405 Amida ky 198 Ashikaga Yoshimochi 392 Amidabutsu byakugkan 205 Ashikaga Yoshinori 392 Amitbha: in Assembly of the Ashikaga Yoshiteru 432 Perfected Body 203, 232; early Pure asomi/ason 37 Land Buddhism 200–12; at Hong Assembled reality of all the tathgatas 224; as honzon 396; object of 139, 149 462 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85119- 0 - The Religious Traditions of Japan, 500–1600 Richard Bowring Index More information Index 463 Assembly of the Perfected Body 437; ‘bodhisattva precepts’ 87 Amitbha in 203, 232 bodhisattvas, realm of 123 Asukadera 19, 61, 64, 69, 88 Bodhisena 84 Atsuta shrine 185, 282 Bokusai 413 Avalokitevara (Kannon) 23, 125, 203, Bonm kaihon sho nichijush 364 224 Bonm ky,seeStra of Brahm’s net Awakening of faith in Mahyna 165 bonn soku bodai 145 Bonten, see Brahm Baiajyagururja: ; at Hong 224; and bosatsukai 87, 322 Saich 116; in stra 73; worship of Brahm 93, 357 149, 173; at Yakushiji 68, 70 breathing as nenbutsu 233 Baiajyagururjastra 61, 71 buddha xv Baizhang Huaihai 299 Buddha Nature 105, 293, 303, 307 banishment, see exile Buddhalocan 255 Banzhou sanmei jing 200 buddhas, realm of 123 Barime no miya, see Dragon King’s Buddhist canon 182, 227, 228 daughter ‘Buddhist Church’ 2 Bat Kannon 360 Bugong, see Amoghavajra ‘Beetle-wing cabinet’ 25 Bukkji 395, 423 bekk 191 bukkkan 260 Benkenmitsunikyron151 bundanshin 166 ‘Bendh’ 310 Bungo, province of 329, 431 ‘Bendwa’ 309 bupp 281, 352 Bengy 260 busshari 285 bessho 231, 245 bussh 105 besson mandara 145, 342 Busshsh 131 Betsuganji 393 butsuden 320 bett 6 ‘Butsud’ 311 Biennial Discourses on the Lotus stra Butsugen Butsumo 255 182 Bych shugyki 231 biguan 293 bja xv, 102 Cabral, Francisco 432 bikuni 324 cakravartin 81, 139 Biographies of eminent monks 200, 352 Candraprabha 71 Biographies of eminent monks, Caodong (Chan) 302–03; Rujing 308 continued 288 Caoshan Benji 302 Bishamon, see Vairavaa Caoxi dashi biezhuan 291, 304 Biwa, Lake 115, 382, 414, 423 ‘capping phrases’ 371, 411 Biyanlu,seeEmerald Cliff record Catechismus 434 Bizen, province of 270 Chajang 114 Bloodlines of the noble and the base Chan Buddhism 287–303 385 Chang’an 118; Kkai in 130, 136 bodhicitta xv, 125 Chanlinsi 118 Bodhidharma 288 Chanmen guishi 298 bodhisattva xv, 126 Chanyuan qinggui 298 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85119- 0 - The Religious Traditions of Japan, 500–1600 Richard Bowring Index More information 464 Index charitable works by Saidaiji order 324– Dai Butch h 112 25 Dai Nihonkoku 346 Chen Heqing 269 ‘dai uso’ 431 Chi, Mt 154 Daianji 24, 69, 80, 185 chihayaburu 361 Daibosatsu 92 Chinhng 17 Daidenp’in 232 chinjusha 184 Daigensui h 172 Chinkonsai 42, 44 Daigo Tenn 152 Chinzeiha 397 Daigoji 152, 228, 229, 321, 363 chinz 415 Daihannya ky 270 Chitoku 331 Daijiji 315, 316 Choan Deguang 306 Daij kishin ron 165 Chodang chip 296 Daijin 183 Chgen 269 Daijji 316, 317 chja 6 Daijkan 38 chokushiden 220 Daijsai 44, 96 Chnen 227 Daikakuji faction 363 Choosing the nenbutsu as the Daikan Daiji 22, 61, 64, 88 fundamental vow: a collection of daimoku 340 quotations 246 Dainichi ky 136 chri 5 Dainichi Nnin 306 Chshji 396, 423 Daishgun 175 Christianity, arrival of 430–35 Dait 369, 409–12 Ch hokeky 341 Daitokuji 370, 404, 429 Chuan fabao ji 288 Daizong, Emperor 114, 140 Chgji 76, 324 Dannoura 270, 285 ‘church’, as translated term 2 Daochuo 201, 254 Chron 100 Daoism: in the Tang 120; term to be Cien 131 avoided 171 ‘clergy’, as translated term 3 Daoist vocabulary 422 Collection ancient and modern 171, Daosui 118 359 Daoxin 288 Collection of sand and pebbles 348 Daoxuán 87, 115, 288 confession of sins 79 Daruma tradition (Zen) 306, 315 Confucius 135 Daabhumika 103 Consecrated Princess (Ise) 191 Dasheng xuanlun 166 Consecrated Princess (Kamo) 192 Dayunsi 289 Contemplating the disc of the moon 233 Dazaifu 344 Contemplation of Samantabhadra 129 death registers (Jish) 330 Council for Affairs of the Deities of ‘deer maala’ 276 Heaven and Earth 3, 38 deer, sacred 180, 275 Council of State 38 deification 40 Cromwell, Thomas 429 Deliverance into Supreme Bliss: stories from Japan 204, 214 Dahui Zonggao 301, 306, 310 demi-gods, realm of 123 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85119- 0 - The Religious Traditions of Japan, 500–1600 Richard Bowring Index More information Index 465 dengaku 277 Dragon King’s daughter 128, 162, 165, dengy kanj 138 174 Denkroku 372 Dream diary 257 denpe 232 dreams 257–59, 280–83 dependent origination 100 Dufei 288 ‘Deus’ 431 Dunhuang 29, 290 ‘Devadatta’ chapter of Lotus stra 35, Dushun 104 128, 134, 162 Dezong, Emperor 114, 136, 140 Eastern Pagoda 156 dhra 96–97, 141–42, 149 Echigo, province of 262 Dhra Hall 156 Echizen, province of 186, 310, 396, dharma xv, 101 423 Dharma xv Ehy Tendaigish 131 Dharma Body 104, 143 Eiga monogatari 196 Dharma King 95 Eight-syllable rite for Mañjur 156 dharma realm 100 Eihei Code 310 dharmakya 104, 143, 236 Eihei Dgen, see Dgen Dharmaraka 125, 128 Eiheiji 310, 316 Dhtarra 66 Eisai 301, 304 Dialogues in dreams 370 Eison 321, 390 Diamond stra 61, 291 Ej 308, 310 Diamond tip 139 Ekan 310, 316 Diamond World maala 283, 436–40; e-keizu 395 Amitbha in 203, 231; Ise Outer ekijin 173 shrine as 349; Yoshino–Kinpusen as Emerald Cliff record 301, 313, 411 226 emptiness 121, 127 Diary of a waning moon 324 En no gyja 90 Divination, Bureau of 171 Enchin 152, 157 Divination stra 88 Ench 146, 153–54 ‘divine wind’ 345 ‘encounter dialogues’ 296 diviners 171 Engakuji 368, 401–02 doch 88 engi 100 Doctrines of Tendai on which others engimono 268 rely 131 Engishiki 43, 185, 224, 272, 283, 353 Dgen 301, 308–15 Engy 152 Dji 65, 80, 149 Enj 322 djish 330 enkai 133 dj 4, 263, 331 enki 162 Dky 95 Enni Ben’en 317 Dongshan, community of 288 Ennin: in China 152, 154–58; diary Dongshan Liangjie 302 115; jgy zanmai 202; meeting Chan Donkai 332, 391 monks 304 Dsh 59 Ennyo 174 dsh 161 Enryakuji: conflict with Kfukuji 218; double burial 53 conflict with Onjji 218; destruction © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85119- 0 - The Religious Traditions of Japan, 500–1600 Richard Bowring Index More information 466 Index Enryakuji (contd.) Four Wisdom Kings 141 of 428–49; as financial broker 382; ‘friar’ 6 Go-Shirakawa and 245; link to Hie fuda 329 shrines 217; naming 153 fudan nenbutsu 203 Ensai 156 Fudaraku 224 Enshu 154 fudaraku tokai 224 Enshji 220 Fud my, see Acalantha Erru sixing lun 293 fuhai hiji 424 Eshinry 205 fuh insh 153 Essentials of deliverance 205, 212–16, Fujisawa shnin 332, 391 231, 245 Fujiwara family 179; founding of 77 Essentials of the eight traditions 364 Fujiwara no Fuhito 77 Essentials of the name and doctrine of Fujiwara no Kamatari, see Nakatomi no the One and Only Shint 421 Kamatari Etch, province of 396, 423 Fujiwara no Kanemichi 159 Eun 152 Fujiwara no Michinaga: burying stra examination system, Tendai 160–61 cylinders 196; diary 175; and exile: of Go-Daigo 384; of Hnen 251; Hachiman 182; and Hjji 228; of Nichiren 336; of Shinran 262 pilgrimage to Kyasan 152, 229; visit Extended commentary on universal to Kinpusen 177 ordination with the bodhisattva Fujiwara no Morosuke 159, 175 precepts 167 Fujiwara no Mototsune 174 Eye of the true Dharma 312 Fujiwara no Muchimaro 94 Eye of the true Dharma: three hundred Fujiwara no Tadahira 159 precedents 312 Fujiwara no Tameaki 361 Fujiwara no Teika 256, 361 Fahu 229 Fujiwara no Yamakage 419 Fahua wenju 116 Fujiwara no Yoshifusa 164, 184 Fahua wenju ji 162 Fujiwara no Yoshisuke 118 Fahua xuanyi 116 Fujiwara no Yoshitsune 283 Fahua xuanzan 131 Fukan zazengi 309 Fahuayuan 154 Fukkenjaku 182, 275 Faquan 156, 163 fukushi 85 Fanwang jing, see Stra of Brahm’s Funai 432 net funerals 325, 408 Faxiang (Hoss) 102, 119–20, 131 fuj 331 Faxiu 299 fusan 329 Fazang 84, 104, 364 Fush 87 Fazhao 203 Fus ryakki 64 five aggregates (skandha) 100 Fusumi 224 ‘five mountains’ 368, 400, 434 Futama 281 Flower garland stra 84, 103, 119, 260 Futamigaura 271 flowering fortunes, Ataleof197 Futs jubosatsukai
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