The Top Ten Ways AAUW Made The World Better For Women In 2019 Dear Friends, WE TRAINED MORE WOMEN As 2019 draws to a 1 close, we’re proud TO ‘WORK SMART’ of our impressive hanks to a $500,000 ing to close the stubborn accomplishments this grant from The Coca- gender pay gap. Women learn year. Whether it’s through Cola Foundation, how to research pay ranges our training programs, our T the largest corporate gift in in their fields and target a respected research, our AAUW history, we trained realistic and justifiable salary. fellowships and grants They’re also taught the best more than 102,000 women or our advocacy efforts language to use when talking in salary negotiation skills in around the country, about pay. we’re making steady 2019 with our Work Smart In surveys taken after the strides toward our goal and Start Smart programs. course, participants consis- of achieving economic The Coca-Cola Foun- tently report that it’s helped security for all women. dation grant—along with them gain confidence and support from LUNA and Something else that we’re feel comfortable negotiating. the Mooneen Lecce Giving proud of: the extraordinary “Obviously this alone won’t Circle—funded the devel- involvement of our close the gender pay gap,” said Blackwell. opment and launch of our AAUW Work members and supporters, “But it certainly is helpful for women to Smart Online tool, which made the pro- who give us the insights, push to earn as much as they possibly gram free to any woman interested in inspiration and resources can based on their qualifications and honing her negotiation skills. to move forward with market value.” Additionally, we partnered with a our ambitious agenda growing list of localities to bring in- of making the world person workshops to women across the better for women and country. Our city/state partners include Þ girls. We couldn’t have New York City, Boston, Massachusetts, Spotlight on AAUW Pennsylvania accomplished as much as Pennsylvania, Tempe, Wichita and Ann Pehle, president of AAUW Penn- we have this year without Washington, D.C. We also teamed up sylvania, and Barbara Price, the group’s you! with the Starbucks Global Academy at public policy chair, teamed up with We are honored and Arizona State University, which has made the Pennsylvania Commission for grateful to be working the online training program available to Women to bring AAUW Work Smart alongside you and look its employees worldwide. to women in their state. In September, forward to continuing the “We’re delighted that we’ve been able AAUW launched a pilot program: The fight in 2020. Thanks for all to help so many women learn to articu- Commission secured funding and you do. late their value and negotiate a more sol- venues, and AAUW-PA worked with id financial future,” said Gloria Blackwell, the national office to train facilitators Kim Churches AAUW’s senior vice president of fellow- to deliver our proven curriculum and Chief Executive Officer ships and programs. help the initiative get off to a success- Julia Brown Training women in salary negotiation is one of the many ways AAUW is work- ful start. Board Chair www.aauw.org The Top Ten Ways AAUW Made The World Better For Women In 2019 1 2 WE ADVOCATED FOR EQUITY IN OUR NATION’S CAPITOL AAUW has been working in Washington, D.C. and in statehouses across the country to promote legislation We sent a letter to and policy initiatives aimed at advancing gender equity. the Equal Employment Highlights of our federal work include: Opportunity Commission (EEOC) opposing its deci- AAUW successfully led so that when the legislation sion to stop collecting pay the effort to pass the Pay- passed, it had bipartisan data from employers. Pay check Fairness Act in the support. Currently, the bill is data collection sheds light House of Representatives awaiting action by the U.S. on pay discrimination, last spring. (The legislation Senate. Lobby Corps an important first step in offers a much-needed AAUW delivered testi- distributed letters trying to end it. update to the Equal Pay mony to Congressional and materials to We signed on to im- Act of 1963 by providing committees on the Equal portant amicus briefs new tools to battle the Rights Amendment, LGBTQ 300 Congressional that support our interpre- pay gap and to challenge anti-discrimination protec- offices in tations of the Equal Pay discrimination.) In advance tions and paid family leave. Washington, D.C. Act, including the cases of the House vote on the We sent letters to Congress of Aileen Rizo, a math bill, AAUW coordinated a in support of the Building consultant who claims letter of support from more Blocks of STEM Act and on justice Repeal (FAIR) Act. We pay discrimination by the than 315 federal, state and ending workplace harass- also signed onto coalition Fresno County Office of local organizations; provid- ment. We urged the House letters on private school Education; and Jennifer ed technical assistance to and Senate to stop the Title vouchers, forced arbitration Freyd, a professor who is members of Congress and X family planning rule and and full and equal access challenging the University their staff; and worked with to support House passage to athletics for transgender of Oregon for alleged pay Republican representatives of the Forced Arbitration In- people. disparity. 3 WE HELPED STRENGTHEN STATE LAWS leven states passed legislation this to require employers to include a year. AAUW’s advocacy efforts compensation range in every job Þ Ehelped to make that happen in posting. Spotlight on AAUW Colorado these states: Illinois, Maine, New Jersey, New A big shout out for all AAUW’s public Alabama, which had been one of York and Washington all updated their policy chairs, who were instrumen- only two states that did not have any laws to include a ban on using salary tal in advocating for equity laws and state-level pay equity protections, history during the hiring process, a protections around the country. passed its first equal pay law. In addi- practice that can carry forward past And an especially big one for AAUW tion to requiring equal pay for employ- pay inequities. Colorado, whose years-long efforts ees of different races or sexes who Nebraska ensured that workers can paid off in 2019 when the state perform equal work, the Alabama law discuss their salaries without the fear of passed one of the nation’s most prohibits employers from retaliating retaliation. And three additional states— comprehensive equal pay laws. Ku- against job applicants who refuse to Maryland, Nevada and Wyoming— dos to the public policy team, provide their wage history. raised penalties or increased damages including Betty Boyd, Sally Mathew- Colorado became the first state for violations of their existing laws. son, Melinda Reed and Gail Wilson! www.aauw.org The Top Ten Ways AAUW Made The World Better For Women In 2019 2 4 WE CHAMPIONED THE NEXT GENERATION OF WOMEN feeling of posi- inism and Re-Becoming tive energy swept Human Together; Ashley Athrough the large Nell Tipton, fashion design- auditorium, where more er for plus-size women; than 800 young women and Lauren Simmons, who gathered to hear AAUW distinguished herself by be- CEO Kim Churches’ wel- coming the youngest full- come remarks at the annual time female trader at the National Conference for New York Stock Exchange. College Women Student Participants even had Leaders (NCCWSL). time for recreation: There “You represent the The NCCWSL Scholarship Fund was an early morning yoga most diverse generation of session, and on the second Americans, and I have high enabled 27 young women to attend night, students headed hopes for the great things the conference. Gifts to the fund out for a night in nearby you will accomplish in the came from generous AAUW branches Washington, D.C. The entire years ahead,” Churches and individual major donors. event drew rave reviews. said to a roaring round of “My favorite was seeing the applause. scholar, humanitarian and terprise startup that helps fire in the eyes of young The annual conference, educator recognized as premature and low birth- women who’ve become which began in 1983, Oprah Winfrey’s favorite weight babies; Sandra Kim, fearlessly empowered to drew students from 307 guest. Best-selling author founder of the popular be themselves,” said one colleges and universities and feminist Roxane Gay websites Everyday Fem- student. “Me included!” around the country this delivered the keynote year. The crowd came for address. a series of workshops and A highlight was the Þ presentations from experts Women of Distinction Spotlight on AAUW Maryland in various fields and disci- ceremony, which hon- Special thanks to the branch for sponsoring the Wom- plines. Speakers included ored AAUW fellowship en of Distinction ceremony at NCCWSL. AAUW Mary- Dr. Tererai Trent, a 2001–02 alumna Jane Marie Chen, land also presented its Maryland Woman of Distinction AAUW International Fellow co-founder of Embrace award to an inspirational leader, Judy Carbone, AAUW who is now a renowned Innovations, a social en- Garrett County branch president. 5 WE EMPOWERED WOMEN LEADERS he grant from The Coca-Cola Foundation also enabled us to implement Empower, our new leadership development T and networking event. This year, we hosted programs in Atlanta, Chicago, Charlotte, Boston, San Francisco and Washing- ton, D.C. Designed to encourage women to explore their lead- ership journeys, Empower supports personal and professional growth and aims to help close the leadership gap. www.aauw.org The Top Ten Ways AAUW Made The World Better For Women In 2019 3 6 WE’VE DONE GROUNDBREAKING RESEARCH The Cumulative Impact of Sexual study, The Simple Truth About the Harassment on Women’s Careers, ur studies and reports have Gender Pay Gap, with new census which is based on data from the long been a cornerstone data showing that women still only get Equal Employment Opportunity of AAUW’s work.
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