PART THREE: ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES OF AUTHORS OF FUNGAL TAXA IN ACCORDANCE WITH CABI47 47 Bioscience 2003; http://www.indexfungorum.org/Names/AuthorsOfFungalNames.htm 393 Introduction The XVIII International Botanical Congress, held in Melbourne, Australia, in July 2011, has significantly changed many rules that control what has long been called "botanical nomenclature", always including the "algae" and "fungi" in addition to "green plants". The latest edition of the Code incorporates these new decisions, the first of which concerns the change of title. From the Seventh Annual Congress in Stockholm in 1950, all subsequent editions of the Code have been published as the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, or ICBN). In Melbourne, following the point of view of mycologists, considering that the word “botany” could mislead from the real argument of the Code and suggest that it deals exclusively with plants and not of algae and fungi, too; therefore, it was agreed to change its name in "International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants" (International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, or ICN). In publications, particularly those that deal with the taxonomy and nomenclature, it is desirable to cite the author (or authors) of the name in question especially at first mention of the taxon. In fact, the name of a new taxon is attributed to the author (or authors) to which the name was assigned when the description was validated. This allows, on one hand to have the certainty of correct description of the taxon, and on the other to prevent that synonyms are used instead of the correct name. Therefore, Part Three of this handbook lists the correct abbreviations of the names of the authors who have described the mycological species, including around 7.000 (in inglese il separatore delle migliaia è il punto, non la virgola come in italiano) listed in Part Two. Further information is available on the website of CABI <www.cabi.org>. Carmine Siniscalco 394 Adhikari, Mahesh Kumar (pub. 1986) Adhikari Adhikari Adlakha, K.L. (pub. 1958) Adlakha Adlakha Adler, Mónica T. (pub. 1987) Adler Adler Adzet, Jose-Maria (pub. 1958) Adzet A Adzet Aeberhardt, H. (pub. 1983) Aeberh. Aa, Huub A. van der (1935- ) Aa Aeberhardt Aa Aebi, Bertha (pub. 1972) Aebi Aalto, Marjatta (1939- ) Aalto Aebi Aal to Afrikyan, R. (pub. 1933) Afrikyan Aas, O. (pub. 1978) Aas Afrikyan Aas Afzelius, Adam (1750-1837) Afzel. Aasamaa, Heinrich (pub. 1956) Aasamaa Afzelius Aasamaa Agajeva, G.B. (pub. 1971) Agajeva Abad, Gloria (pub. 1996) Abad Agajeva Abad Agardh, Carl Adolf (1785-1859) C. Agardh Abadie, F. (pub. 1965) Abadie Agardh Abadi e Agardh, Jakob Georg (1813-1901) J. Agardh Abadjieff, V. (pub. 1970) Abadj. Abadjieff Agarwal, A.K. (pub. 1989) A.K. Agarwal Abarca (Salat), Maria Lourdes (pub. 1990) Abarca Agarwal Abarca (Salat) Agarwal, D.K. (1945- ) D.K. Agarwal Abassi Maaf, L. (pub. 1981) Abassi Abassi Maaf Agarwal, G.P. (pub. 1960) G.P. Agarwal Abawi, George S. (pub. 1971) Abawi Agarwal, J.P. (pub. 1960) J.P. Agarwal Abawi Abbado, Michele Abbado Agarwal, Manjoo Rani (pub. 1968) M.R. Agarwal Abbado Abbas, B.A. (pub. 1995) B.A. Abbas Agarwal, Rashmi (pub. 1999) R. Agarwal Abbas Abbas, Syed Qaiser (pub. 1972) Abbas Agarwal, S.C. (pub. 1969) S.C. Agarwal Agerer, Reinhard (1947- ) Agerer Abbasi, M. (pub. 1994) M. Abbasi Agerer Abbasi Aggéry, Anna Berthe Emma (1892- ) Aggéry Abbasi, P. (pub. 1979) Abbasi Aggéry Abbayes, Henri Robert Nicollon des (1898- Aggéry, N. (pub. 1935) N. Aggéry 1974) Abbayes Agnihothrudu, V. (pub. 1956) Agnihothr. Agnihothrudu Abbayes Abbott, Ernest Victor (1899-1980) E.V. Abbott Agnihotri, V.P. (pub. 1960) Agnihotri Agnihotri Abbott Abbott, L.K. (pub. 1984) L.K. Abbott Agostini, Angela (pub. 1926) A. Agostini Agostini Abbott, Sean P. (pub. 1988) S.P. Abbott Agrawal, P.D. (pub. 1972) P.D. Agrawal Agrawal Abdel-Fattah, H.M. (pub. 1978) Abdel-Fattah (Agrawal, S.C.) see Agarwal, S.C. S.C. Agarwal Abdel-Fattah Abdel-Hafez, S.I.(I.) (pub. 1977) Abdel-Hafez (Agretious Thomas, K.) see Thomas, K. Abdel-Hafez Abdel-Sater, M.A. (pub. 1995) Abdel-Sater Agretious K.A. Thomas Abdel-Sater Agrios, George N. (pub. 1970) Agrios Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed Ahmed (pub. 1999) Abdel-Wahab Agri os Abdel-Wahab Aguiar, Izonete de Jesus Araujo (1947- ) I.A. Aguiar Abdulkadder, Maithum A. (pub. 1989) Abdulk. Agui ar Abdulkadder Abdullah, N. (pub. 1990) N. Abdullah (Aguirre, (Maria) Begoña) see Aguirre- Abdullah Abdullah, Samir K. (pub. 1977) Abdullah Hudson, (Maria) Begoña M.B. Aguirre Abdul-Wahid, O.A. (pub. 1989) Abdul-Wahid (Aguirre Garcia, (Maria) Begoña) see Abdul-Wahid Aguirre-Hudson, (Maria) Begoña M.B. Aguirre Abe, H. (pub. 1986) H. Abe Abe Aguirre-Hudson, (Maria) Begoña (1960- ) M.B. Aguirre Abe, K. (pub. 1999) K. Abe Aguirre-Hudson Ahearn, Donald G. (pub. 1970) Ahearn Abe, S. (pub. 1956) S. Abe Ahearn Ahlburg, Hermann ( -1878) Ahlb. Abe, Yasuhisa (1951- ) Y. Abe Ahl burg Ahles, W. (1829-1900) Ahles Aberdeen, J.E.C. (pub. 1962) Aberdeen Ahl es Aberdeen Ahlner, Sten Gustav Edverd (1905- ) Ahlner Aberdeen, V. (pub. 1984) V. Aberdeen Ahl ner Åberg, Judith A. (pub. 1936) Åberg Ahmad, Javed (pub. 1967) J. Ahmad Ahmad Åberg Abiko, Kazuo (pub. 1970) Abiko Ahmad, Nasim (pub. 1986) N. Ahmad Abi ko Ablakatova, A.A. (pub. 1960) Ablak. Ahmad, Sultan (1910-1983) S. Ahmad Ablakatova Ahmadjian, Vernon (1930- ) Ahmadjian Abliz, Paride (pub. 2000) Abliz Ahmadjian Abliz Ahmed, M.S. (pub. 1992) M.S. Ahmed Aboulafia, Raquel (pub. 1954) Aboulafia Ahmed Aboul afi a Abraham, S.P. (pub. 1980) S.P. Abraham Ahmed, N. (pub. 1996) N. Ahmed Abraham Ahmed, S. Iktikhar (pub. 1969) S.I. Ahmed Abraham, T.K. (pub. 1996) T.K. Abraham Ahmed, Z.U. (pub. 1970) Z.U. Ahmed (Abramoff, Ivan N.) see Abramov, Ivan N. Abramov Ahmedunnisa, [no forenames] (pub. 1985) Ahmedunn. Abramov, Ivan N. (1884- ) Abramov Ahmedunni sa Abramov Ahn, Young Mee (pub. 1995) Ahn Abramyan, D.G. (pub. 1969) Abramyan Ahn Abramyan Aho, P.E. (pub. 1979) Aho Acedo, Gregoria N. (pub. 1970) G.N. Acedo Aho Acedo Aho, R. (pub. 1994) R. Aho Acharius, Erik (1757-1819) Ach. Acharius Ahrens, C. (pub. 1971) Ahrens Achundov, Tofik Mustafy Ogly (pub. 1956) T.M. Achundov Ahrens Achundov Ahti, Teuvo Tapio (‘Ted’) (1934- ) Ahti (Aciole de Queiroz, Lusinete) see Queiroz, Ahti Ahuja, S.C. (pub. 1991) Ahuja Lusinete Aciole de L.A. Queiroz Ahuja Aigret, Louis Clement Joseph (1856-1921) Aigret Ackermann, Hans-Wolfgang (pub. 1970) Ackerm. Ai gret Ackermann Aime, M. Catherine (pub. 2000) Aime Acloque, Alexandre Noel Charles (1871- Ai me Aimer, Robyn (pub. 1992) Aimer 1908) Acloque Ai mer Acloque Ainsworth, Geoffrey Clough (1905-1998) Ainsw. Acton, H.W. (pub. 1919) Acton Ainsworth Acton Ajello, Libero (1916- ) Ajello Adam, David Bonar (pub. 1924) D.B. Adam Ajello Adam Ajrekar, S.L. (pub. 1938) Ajrekar Adametz, L. (pub. 1886) Adametz Ajrekar Adametz Akagi, S. (pub. 1929) Akagi Adami (pub. 1917) Adami Akagi Adami Akechi, Koichiro (pub. 1965) Akechi Adams, Gerard C. (pub. 1996) G.C. Adams Akechi Adams Akers, Brian P. (pub. 2000) B.P. Akers Adams, James Fowler (1888- ) J.F. Adams Akers Adams, John (pub. 1907) J. Adams Akhatar, P.A. (pub. 1979) Akhatar Akhatar Adams, P.B. (pub. 1978) P.B. Adams (Akhundov, Tofik Mustafy Ogly) see Adanson, Michel (1727-1806) Adans. Achundov, Tofik Mustafy Ogly T.M. Achundov Adanson Adaskaveg, J.E. (pub. 1991) Adask. Aksel, M.J. (pub. 1924) Aksel Aksel Adaskaveg Adawadkar, Bharati (pub. 1992) Adaw. Al-Achmed, M.A. (pub. 1977) Al-Achmed Al -Achmed Adawadkar Ade, Alfred (1876-1968) Ade Alasoadura, S.O. (pub. 1968) Alas. Alasoadura Ade Aderhold, Rudolph Ferdinand Theodor (1865- Al-Bader, Salah M. (pub. 1989) Al-Bader Al-Bader 1907) Aderh. (Albequerque, I.L. d’) see d’Albequerque, I.L. Albeq. Aderhold Aderkas, P. von (pub. 1992) Aderkas Albers, M.A. (pub. 1986) M.A. Albers Al bers Aderkas 395 Amadori Albert, László (pub. 1985) L. Albert Amano, N. (pub. 1979) N. Amano Al bert Amano Alberti, Antonio (‘Florentino Rial’) (1785- Amano, Y. (pub. 1975) Y. Amano 1861) Alberti Amaranthus, Michael P. (pub. 1996) Amar. Al berti Amaranthus Alberti, Sergio (pub. 1999) S. Alberti (Amatao, Richard F. d’) see D’Amatao, Albertini, Johannes Baptista von (1769-1831) Alb. Richard F. D’Amatao Albertini Albertó, Edgardo (pub. 1998) Albertó Ambrosioni, P. (pub. 1938) Ambros. Al bertó Ambrosioni Albuquerque, Fernando Carneiro de Ambwani, K. (pub. 1971) Ambwani Ambwani (1932- ) F.C. Albuq. Amelung, R.M. (pub. 1971) Amelung Albuquerque Amelung Alcalde, Maria Bausa (pub. 1945) Alcalde Ames, Adeline (1879-19??) A. Ames Alcalde Ames Alcock, Charles Raymond (1921- ) Alcock Ames, Lawrence Marion (1900-1966) L.M. Ames Al cock Alcock, N.L. (pub. 1926) N.L. Alcock Ames, Robert N. (pub. 1976) R.N. Ames Alcorn, John Leonard (1937- ) Alcorn Amin, K.S. (pub. 1978) K.S. Amin Al corn Ami n Al-Dboon, A.H.A. (pub. 1980) Al-Dboon Ammer, Hubert (pub. 1999) Ammer Al -Dboon Ammer Alderman, D.J. (pub. 1972) Alderman Ammirati, Joseph F. (‘Joe’) (1942- ) Ammirati Alderman Ammirati Alderman, Stephen C. (pub. 2001) S.C. Alderman Ammon, H.U. (pub. 1963) Ammon Ammon Alé-Agha, Nosratollah (pub. 1971) Alé-Agha Amo, N. (pub. 1983) N. Amo Al é-Agha Amo Alecrim, Ivan C. (pub. 1955) Alecrim Amo y Mora, Mariano del (1809-1896) Amo Alecrim Amo y Mora Aleem, Anwar Abdel (pub. 1953) Aleem Amon, J.P. (pub. 1984) Amon Al eem Amon Alessio, Carlo Luciano (pub. 1975) Alessio (Amos, Irma Josefa Gamundí de) see Alessio Alexander, Arthur (pub. 1928) A. Alexander Gamundí, Irma Josefa Gamundí Alexander Alexandri, A.V. (pub. 1932) Alexandri Amos, Raymond E.
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