REVIEWS IN BRIEF Winifred Hughes, The Maniac in the Cellar: Sensation Novels of the 1860s (Princeton University Press, 1980) pp. x + 212. This study contains two general chapters; one each on Charles Reade and Wilkie Collins; one shared by Miss Braddon and Mrs Henry Wood; and a final chapter on 'Influences of the Sensation Novel' which includes a section on Hardy. This last offers a lively discussion of Desperate Remedies, which Professor Hughes finds a 'staggeringly uneven work' and 'an extreme example of the genre' wherein 'the sensation novel finally runs amuck'. She then proceeds to a discussion of the element of melodrama in Hardy's major novels, showing their affinities with popular fiction of the 'sensation' school - for example, the resemblance between the plot of Tess and that of M. E. Braddon's Aurora Floyd. Professor Hughes suggests that Hardy's temperament and outlook found the melodramatic mode con­ genial, and that 'in his hands melodrama becomes the expression of an arbitrary unverse'. Alan Hurst, Hardy: An Illustrated Dictionary (Kaye & Ward, 1980) pp. 215. The bulk of this book consists of an alphabetical list of entries referring to works, characters, places and people connected (sometimes rather tenuously) with Hardy and on such topics as 'Animals', 'Dance' and 'Films'. There are also 140 black and white photographs, some of them not much better than the average holiday snapshot. A typical couple of pages includes about thirty lines on The Well-Beloved, entries on H. G. Wells (on the strength of his review of Jude) and 'Wessex' ('a tousled brown and white Caesar terrier ... '), an aerial view of Wareham and a photograph of the dog's tombstone in the pets' graveyard at Max Gate. Some of the entries are so brief as to be pointless (for example, five lines on 'Diction' 188 Reviews in Brief 189 and the same on Shakespeare). There is also a brief chronology of Hardy's life and a list of characters in the novels. Except in point of price, Mr Hurst's book is in no respect a serious rival to F. B. Pinion's A Hardy Companion, which discharges a similar function with much greater thoroughness. David Lodge, Working with Structuralism: Essays and Reviews on Nineteenth­ and Twentieth-Century Literature (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981) pp. xii + 207. Professor Lodge's collection includes three pieces on Hardy that have already appeared in one form or another. 'The Woodlanders: A Darwinian Pastoral Elegy' is an abridged version of his introduction to the New Wessex edition of the novel; and 'Thomas Hardy as a Cinematic Novelist' and 'Pessimism and Fictional Form:Jude the Obscure' are reprinted from the collections of essays recently assembled by, respectively, Lance StJohn Butler and Dale Kramer. N.P. A Hardy Bibliography, 1978-81 Richard H. Taylor Note: Place of publication is London unless otherwise stated. These abbreviations have been used: Cahiers Cahiers Victoriens & Edouardiens (Montpellier) CLQ Colby Library Quarterly CQ Critical Quarterly DR Dalhousie Review ELH Journal of English Literary History ELN English Language Notes ELT English Literature in Transition ]ENS Journal of the Eighteen Nineties Society MLQ Modern Language Quarterly NCF Nineteenth·Century Fiction NQ Notes and Queries PS Prose Studies RES Review of English Studies THSR Thomas Hardy Society Review THYB Thomas Hardy Year Book TLS Times Literary Supplement TSLL Texas Studies in Literature and Language VN Victorian Newsletter vs Victorian Studies Titles of novels are abbreviated as follows: AL (A Laodicean), DR (Desperate Remedies), FFMC (Far from the Madding Crowd), HE (The Hand of Ethelberta), jude (Jude and Obscure), MC (The Mayor of Casterbridge), PBE (A Pair of Blue Eyes), RN (The Return of the Native), Tess (Tess of the d'Urbervilles), TM (The Trumpet·Major), TT (Two on a Tower), UGT (Under the Greenwood Tree), The W (The Woodlanders), WB (The Well·Beloved). 1. EDITIONS AND TEXTUAL STUDIES (a) Editions POETRY The Complete Poems of Thomas Hardy: A Variorum Edition, ed. James Gibson (Macmillan, 1979). 190 A Hardy Bibliography, 1978-81 191 A Dorset Collection: Poems by Thomas Hardy, music by Dennis Cooper (Broadstone, Dorset: Dennis Cooper, 1979). The Gates Along the Path: Poems by Thomas Hardy, illus. Norman Stevens (Terra Nova Editions, 1979). Landscape Poets: Thomas Hardy, intro. Peter Porter, photographs by John Hedgecoe (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1981). The New Wessex Selection of Thomas Hardy's Poetry, chosen by John and Eirian Wain, intro. John Wain (Macmillan, 1978). Poems by Thomas Hardy, with prints by David lmms (Rothwell, Northants: David Imms, 1978). Poems by Thomas Hardy, ed. Trevor Johnson, wood engravings by Jacques Hnizdovsky (Folio Society, 1979). Poems of Thomas Hardy and William Barnes, music by Dennis Cooper (Broadstone, Dorset: Dennis Cooper, 1979). Selected Poems by Thomas Hardy, ed. David Wright, Penguin English Library (Harmonds­ worth: Penguin Books, 1979). Thomas Hardy's Chosen Poems, ed. Francine Shapiro Puk (New York: Ungar, 1978). Thomas Hardy: Selected Poems, ed. James Reeves and Robert Gittings (Heinemann, 1981). OMNIBUS VOLUMES (PROSE AND POETRY) The Bedside Thomas Hardy, ed. Edward Leeson (Macmillan, 1979). [Several short stories, 40 poems, extracts from most of the novels.) Thomas Hardy Omnibus, intro. Edward Leeson (Macmillan, 1978). [FFMC, MC, TheW, Wessex Tales, Tess.) A Thomas Hardy Selection, ed. Geoffrey Halson (Longman, 1979). [Poems, stories, extracts from novels.) PROSE Short stories: The Distracted Preacher and Other Tales, ed. Susan Hill, Penguin English Library (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1979). Our Exploits at West Poley, intro. R. L. Purdy (OUP, 1952; rev. edn, with illustrations by John Lawrence, 1978). Editions of individual novels: Far from the Madding Crowd (1) Afterword James Wright, Signet Classics (New English Library, 1979 [1960)). (2) Ed., intro. and notes Ronald Blythe, Penguin English Library (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1979). (3) lntro. Jane Carruth, illus. Jenny Thorne (Maidenhead: Purnell Books, 1979). (4) lntro. Alan Chedzoy, Collins Classics (London and Glasgow: Collins, 1980). Jude the Obscure (1) Ed. Norman Page, Norton Critical Edition (New York: Norton, 1978; UK: 1980). (2) Afterword A. Alvarez, Signet Classics (New English Library, 1979 [1961)). (3) Ed., intro. and notes C. H. Sisson, Penguin English Library (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1979). 192 Thomas Hardy Annual No. 1 The May~r of Casterbridge (1) Afterword Walter Allen, Signet Classics (New English Library, 1979 [1962]). (2) Ed., intro. and notes Martin Seymour-Smith, Penguin English Library (Harmonds- worth: Penguin Books, 1979). (3) Intro. Alan Chedzoy, Collins Classics (London and Glasgow: Collins, 1980). The Return ~f the Native (1) Afterword Horace Gregory, Signet Classics (New English Library, 1979 [1959]). (2) Ed., intro. and notes George Woodcock, Penguin English Library (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1979). Tess of the d'Urbervilles (1) Afterword Donald Hall, Signet Classics (New English Library, 1979 [1964]). (2) lntro. A. Alvarez, ed. and notes David Skilton, Penguin English Library (Harmonds­ worth: Penguin Books, 1979). Under the Greenwood Tree Ed., intro. and notes David Wright, Penguin English Library (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1979). The Wo~landers (1) lntro. Ian Gregor, ed. and notes James Gibson, Penguin English Library (Harmonds­ worth: Penguin Books, 1981). (2) Ed. Dale Kramer (OUP: Clarendon Press, 1981). [Textual edition.] (b) Textual Studies Gaskell, Philip, From Writer to Reader: Studies in Editorial Method (OUP, 1978). [Editorial problems in nineteenth-century works, including The W.] Gatrell, Simon, 'An Examination of Some Revisions to Printed Versions of The Dynasts', Library, 6th series, 1 (1979) 265-81. Gatrell, Simon, 'Hardy, House-Style, and the Aesthetics of Punctuation' in Smith (ed.), pp. 169-92 (see 4a below). Gatrell, Simon, 'Hardy the Creator: FFMC' in Kramer (ed.), pp. 74-98 (see 4a below). Millgate, Michael, 'The making and unmaking of Hardy's Wessex Edition' in Jane Millgate (ed.), Editing Nineteenth-Century Fiction (New York: Garland, 1978) pp. 61-82. [See also James Gibson's variorum edition of The Complete Poems and Dale Kramer's textual edition of The W.] 2. BIBLIOGRAPHIES, HANDBOOKS, TOPOGRAPHICAL STUDIES (a) Bibliographies Carter, Kenneth, 'Thomas Hardy in Dorset County Library: Part 1', THSR, 1, no. 6 (1980) 169-71, and 'Part 2 - The Lock Collection', THSR, 1, no. 7 (1981) 204-7. Taylor, Richard H., 'Thomas Hardy: A Select Bibliography' in Page (ed.), pp. 259-72 (see 4a below). A Hardy Bibliography, 1978-81 193 (b) Handbooks Hurst, Alan, Thomas Hardy: An Illustrated Dictionary (Kaye & Ward, 1980). (c) Topographical studies Clarke, E. R., Mel/stock and Around: Map of Hardy's Inner Wessex (Cerne Abbas: M. Y. Horton, 1980). Curl, James Stevens, 'Thomas Hardy's Casterbridge: Dorchester', Country Life, ctxv (1979) 2023-4. (See also letter from Edward Brooks, CLXVI (1979) 174.) Daiches, David, and John Flower, Literary Landscapes of the British Isles: A Narrative Atlas (Paddington Press, 1979): includes chapter on Hardy's Wessex. Edwards, Anne-Marie, Discovering Hardy's Wessex (BBC Publications, 1978). Hallett, Ray, 'Following Hardy into Wessex', Country Life, ctxvn (1980) 466-7. The Heart of Hardy's Wessex [Ordnance Survey map, with Hardy names and index added.) (Bournemouth: Wessex Heritage Tours, 1980). Skilling, Ruth, The Country of Hardy's 'Mel/stock' Poems (Dorchester: Thomas Hardy Society, 1980). Worth, James W., Thomas Hardy's Wessex (Pitkin Pictorials, 1978).
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