DOCUMENT RESUME ED 114 614 CE 005 478 AUTHOR Banaghan, William F., Comp. TITLE Inventory of Vocational Programs in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. INSTITUTION Area 5 Vocational Planning Committee, Pleasant Hill, Calif. PUB DATE 75 NOTE 646p.; For related documents, see CE 005 479-481 EDRS PRICE MF-$1.08 HC-$32.37 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS *Directories; *Educational Programs; *Vocational Education IDENTIFIERS California (Alameda County); *California (Area V); California (Contra Costa County) ABSTRACT The document presents a directory of vocationally oriented educational programs which already exist in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California. It is hoped that the inventory will permit improved planning for future programs and greater utilization and coordination of present ones. Listings include: Directory of Educational Agencies, with program information on address, telephone, accreditation and approval, financial aid, handicapped and disadvantaged, placement, admission requirements, and follow up; Programs by Sponsor, with programs listed alphabetically by sponsoring institution and including the United States Office of Education (USOE) identification number, followed by the titles of the programs; and Programs and Courses, presenting a clustering of all programs of one type together under the USOE number, with the sponsors listed in alphabetical sequence within the cluster, followed by progrclm information regarding skill level, length of program, instructional methodology, student enrollments and completions, tuition and other costs, documents awarded and data date. Introductions to each section of the directory provide necessary information for their use, and implications for further study and the utilization of the inventory through remote terminals is discussed. Alphabetical and numerical indexes of USOE program titles are appended.(LH) **********************************44*********************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION / WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY INVENTORY OF VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS IN ALAMEDA AND CONTRA COSTA COUNTIES 7Ne A Publication of the Area V Vocational Planning Committee in Cooperation with the Contra Costa County Schools Office 75 Santa Barbara Road Pleasant Hill, California 94523 1975 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS part from a number of loca The development of a report such as this and national reports of a is dependent upon the cooperation and The publications to which assistance of a large number of individ- for format adaptations are uals and agencies. Although it is not bibliography. possible to recognize the contribution of__ each of these, it is only proper tnat cer- School districts, communit tain individuals and agencies be mentioned. tricts and other sponsors education in Alameda and Co First, let it be firmly acknowledged that Counties are commended for implementation of the Area Vocational ance in the compilation of Planning concept was made possible because the report. of the decision by the State Board of Edu- cation to fund the program through the use The Contra Costa County Sch of Vocational Education Act money. This which serves as the housing report is a product of the Area V Voca- facility to the Committee, tional Planning Committee, one of the five extensive assistance in the committees extablished under the program. ment of the system and prov data processing equipment It is appropriate to take this opportunity through which the Vocationa to recognize the contribution of the mem- system functions. bers of the Area V Vocational Planning Committee, some of whom have served on the Finally, a debt is acknowle Committee since its inception. As non Ellice Darrow for her perse salaried representatives of the community good spirits while assisti to the Committee, they have given gener- processing of data during ously of their time and devotion for the mental and implementation the system. cause of vocational education. It was they . who provided the impetus that ultimately made this document a reality. William F. El Compiler The format of the report is adapted in 1 4 ... N,... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS part from a number of local, county, state, nt of a report such as this and national reports of a similar nature. upon the cooperation and The publications to which we are indebted a large number of individ- for format adaptations are listed in the cies. Although it is not bibliography. ecognize the contribution of , it is only proper that cer- School districts, community college dis- als and agencies be mentioned. tricts and other sponsors of vocational education in Alameda and Contra Costa be firmly acknowledged that Counties are commended for their assist- n of the Area Vocational ance in the compilation of the data for Sept was made possible because the report. on by the State Board of Edu- d the program through the use The Contra Costa County Schools Office, Education Act money. This which serves as the housing and service roduct of the Area V Voca- facility to the Committee, has provided ng Committee, one of the five extensive assistance in the develop- tablished under the program. ment of the system and provides the data processing equipment and staff iate to take this opportunity through which the Vocational Planning the contribution of the mem- system functioni. rea V Vocational Planning me of whom have served onthe Finally, a debt is acknowledged to Mrs. ce its inception. As non Ellice Darrow for her perseverence and esentatives of the community good spirits while assisting in the tee, they have given gener- processing of data during the develop- r time and devotion for the mental and implementation stages of the system. tional education. It was they the impetus that ultimately ument a reality. William F. Banaghan, Ph.D. Compiler the report is adapted in 5 VOCATIONAL PLANNING AREA V Area Planning Committee Representatives of the Governing Boards of Community College Districts: Dr. Curti5 C. Aller, Peralta Community College District Mrs. Ann Duncan, South County Joint Community College District Mr. Kenneth L. Foster, Fremont/Newark Community College District Representative of the Employment Development Department: Mr. Frank Briscoe, District Administrator Public Members Who, Through Knowledge and Experience, are Representative of Business, Industry and Labor in the Area: Mr. Philip Brubaker, Training Director, Standard Oil Co., Richmond. Mrs. Patricia Cochrane, Pacific Telephone Mr. Carl Jaramillo, Business Representative, United Public Employees Local 390 Mr. James Rowe, Retired, Sandia Laboratory and Natural Gas Saver, Inc. Public Members Who are Knowledgeable about the Disadvantaged: Mr. Frank Dodson, Electrical Engineer, Naval Air Station, Alameda Mr. Ricardo Ribeiro, Work Experience Coordinator, New Haven Unified School District Mr. Michael White, Representative, Human Resources Development Institute, AFLCIO, Alameda County Representatives of Private PostSecondary Educational Institutions: Mr.RichardC.Ivey, Educator, Armstrong College, Berkeley Mr.WilliamJ.Parrie, Vice President, AthenaAlbany Beauty College Mr.KennethC.Ruppenthal, Owner, Polly Priest Business College 6 Representative from a County Office of Education: Mr. Ray Cupps, Vocational Education Coordinator, Alameda CountySchools Department Representatives of School Districts Maintaiping HighSchools Within the Area: Mrs. Edith DrE7..imel, Board Member, Mt. Diablo Unified School District Mrs. Ruth Ganong, President of the Board, Albany Unified School District Mr. Barney E. Hilburn, Board Member, Oakland Unified School District Representative of Regional Occupation Programs andCenters: Mr. William G. Fdrtman, Oakland ROP Representative of Multicounty Joint Apprenticeship Committeeor Joint Training Committee: Mr. Clyde Hammer, Senior Consultatnt, Division of Apprenticeship Standards Staff, Vocational Planning Area V: Executive Director: William F. Banaghan, Ph.D. Secretary: Mrs. Ellice Darrow I. ..... 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 Purpose 1 Operational Definition of Vocational Education 2 PROCEDURE 2 Systematization of Information Retrieval 3 Note of Caution 4 DIRECTORY OF EDUCATIONAL AGENCIES 5 Services and Requirements 5 Accreditation and Approval . 5 Financial Aids 5 Disadvantaged and Handicapped 6 Work Placement Service 6 Special Admission Requirements 6 Follow Up Studies 7 LISTING: DIRECTORY OF EDUCATIONAL AGENCIES 9 County Office 10 Community College Districts, 10 School Districts 11 Private Schools 17 United States Military 20 CETA 21 Apprenticeship 21 INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAM LISTINGS 22 LISTING: PROGRAMS ACCORDING TO SPONSOR 23 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PROGRAM AND COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 37 Skill Level 37 Length of Program 38 Instructional Methodology
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