13. Mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka 2016 kolofon 13th International Animated Film Festival Animateka 2016 credits Urednica/Editor: Alenka Ropret Uredniški odbor/Editorial Board: Igor Prassel, Alenka Ropret, Maja Ropret Teksti/Texts: Milen Alempijević, Joni Männistö, Anna Ida Orosz, Nina Peče Grilc, Igor Prassel Oblikovanje/Design: Nina Urh Naslovnica/Front cover: Joni Männistö Prevod/Translation: Maja Ropret Lektoriranje/Language Editor: Mojca Hudolin Tisk/Print: Collegium Graphicum Naklada/Print Run: 600 Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta Ljubljana, 2016 CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 791.228.079”2016” MEDNARODNI festival animiranega filma (13 ; 2016 ; Ljubljana) Animateka / 13. mednarodni festival animiranega filma = 13th International Animated Film Festival, 5 - 11 december 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia ; [teksti Milen Alempijević ... [et al.] ; urednica Alenka Ropret ; prevod Maja Ropret]. - Ljubljana : Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta, 2016 ISBN 978-961-94129-0-9 1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Alempijević, Milen 3. Ropret, Alenka 287390464 vsebina contents 6 Pozdrav 6 Welcome 8 Uvod 8 Intro 13 Žirija 13 Jury 19 Nagrade 19 Awards 21 Vzhodnoevropski in srednjeevropski tekmovalni 21 Eastern and Central European Competition program Programme 37 Evropski študentski tekmovalni program 37 European Student Competition Programme 61 Slonov tekmovalni program 61 The Elephant in Competition 77 Slon se potepa 77 The Elephant Roams the World 85 Vzhodnoevropska in srednjeevropska panorama 85 Eastern and Central European Panorama 103 Svetovni jagodni izbor 103 Best of the World 119 Žirija se predstavlja 119 Jury Programme 120 Paul Bush: filmska retrospektiva 120 Paul Bush: Film Retrospective 127 Mauro Carraro: filmska retrospektiva in program 127 Mauro Carraro: Film Retrospective and Programme 132 Chris Landreth: filmska retrospektiva 132 Chris Landreth: Film Retrospective 140 Joni Männistö: filmska retrospektiva in program 140 Joni Männistö: Film Retrospective and Programme 145 Sarah Saidan: filmska retrospektiva in program 145 Sarah Saidan: Film Retrospective and Programme 153 Posebne predstavitve 153 Special Programmes 154 Posebna projekcija ob odprtju festivala 154 Special Opening Screening 158 Retrospektiva: 3D računalniško animirani film 158 3D Computer Animated Film Retrospective 188 Animirani dokumentarci 188 Animated Documentaries 193 Erotika v animiranem filmu 193 Eroticism in Animated Film 198 Evropske šole animiranega filma: MOME/CSC/ 198 European Animation Schools: MOME/CSC/ PWSFTviT PWSFTviT 203 Program “Cartoon d'Or 2016“ 203 “Cartoon d'Or 2016” Programme 6 205 Celovečerni animirani filmi 205 Animated Feature Films 206 Adama 206 Adama 208 Anomalisa 208 Anomalisa 210 April in nenavadni svet 210 April and the Extraordinary World (Družinski Slon, 10+) (The Family Elephant, 10+) 212 Bučko (Družinski Slon, 8+) 212 My Life As a Courgette (The Family Elephant, 8+) 214 Cafard 214 Cafard 216 Daleč na sever (Družinski Slon, 7+) 216 Long Way North (The Family Elephant, 7+) 218 Psihonavta 218 Psiconautas, the Forgotten Children 220 Rdeča želva 220 The Red Turtle 223 Slon: vzgojno-izobraževalni program animiranih 223 The Elephant: Educational Animation Film filmov za šole in družine Programme for Schools and Families 224 Kdo tekmuje? Otvoritev družinskega programa 224 Who Is Competing? Opening of the Slon 4+ Family Elephant 4+ 227 Klasike za otroke iz madžarskega filmskega arhiva 227 Children’s Classics from Hungarian Film Archives 231 Razstava Slovo, likovna zasnova animiranega filma 231 Farewell, Exhibition of the Art Behind the Animation 232 Slonove delavnice animiranega filma 232 The Elephant Animation Workshops 235 Slonova otroška žirija 235 The Elephant Children Jury 237 Spremljevalni program 237 Events 238 Razstave in umetniške akcije 238 Exhibitions and Art Interventions 241 Animirane zabave 241 Animated Nights 242 AnimatekaPRO 242 AnimatekaPRO 243 Indeks 243 Index 257 O festivalu 257 The Festival Filmi z dialogi so opremljeni s slovenskimi podnapisi. All films with dialogue are subtitled in Slovenian. Film je del Retrospektive 3D računalniško animiranega filma This film is part of the 3D Computer Animated Film Retrospective 7 Animirani filmi za nova občinstva Animated Films for New Audiences — Nina Peče Grilc, direktorica Kinodvora /Kinodvor Director V Kinodvoru smo novo filmsko sezono začeli z možgansko The Kinodvor team started the new season by nevihto o inovativnih načinih komunikacije z našimi občinstvi. brainstorming ideas for innovative ways of communicating Kinematografi smo ustvarjalna, družabna in kulturna središča, with our audiences. Cinemas are creative social and cultural katerih ožilje so odnosi med filmom in gledalcem. Tkemo hubs, and relationships between films and the audience are jih z medsebojno komunikacijo, ki na sto in en način filmsko what keeps them alive. These relationships are built through izkušnjo umešča v center filmske kulture, daje kinu dušo, utrip mutual communication, which uses countless ways to in razvija občinstvo. Kino sta film in gledalec, in nič drugače place the cinematic experience at the heart of film culture: ni na festivalu. Animateka je eden osrednjih festivalskih communication is the soul and the heartbeat of a cinema, and programov v našem kinu. Težko ga pričakujemo vsi, ki dobro helps the cinema develop its audience. Films and the audience poznamo kinodruženja in animirani film. V letošnjem letu are what makes up a cinema – or a festival. One of the main pa smo z Animateko sklenili zavezo, da animirani film skupaj festivals in our cinema, Animateka is eagerly awaited by all približamo novim občinstvom. Prepričani smo, da so med of us who like to socialise over films and are no strangers to rednimi obiskovalci Kinodvora še vedno mnogi, ki jim animirani animation. This year, our joint commitment with Animateka film ni (več ali še) blizu, pa bi si lahko hitro premislili, če bi se is to bring animated films closer to new audiences. We believe prepustili strokovni presoji festivalskih kuratorjev. Zato smo there are still many among the regular Kinodvor cinema goers letos Animateko povezali z nekaterimi priljubljenimi programi who are no longer or not yet passionate about animated films, našega kina in skupaj nagovorili različna občinstva. Animirani but would quickly change their minds if they let themselves be film bo tako v času Animateke tudi Za zamudnike in za nedeljski open to the professional judgement of the festival curators. Zajtrk pri Kinodvoru s Sezamovim kotičkom. Maratonska This is why we have merged Animateka with some of the kinodruženja so že hit za odraslo publiko, Animateka pa je most popular programmes in our cinema to address various idealna priložnost za Slonov maraton. Slon bo ostril tudi filmski audiences. During Animateka, animated films will be screened okus Prvega abonmaja za najmlajše, medtem ko bodo Filmska as part of Rain-Check Screenings and Sunday’s Breakfast srečanja ob kavi ponudila animirani celovečerec za abonente at Kinodvor with Sezam’s free childcare. Film marathons are v poznejših letih. Festivalski utrip med Animateko zagotovo already a hit with adult audiences, and Animateka is a perfect privlači protagoniste Kinotripa, programa mladih za mlade, ki opportunity to have the Elephant marathon for children. POZDRAV 8 WELCOME ga že drugo leto izvajamo v Kinodvoru. Napočil je čas, da oba The Elephant programme will also spice up the taste of My festivala, Animateka in Kinotrip, stketa tesnejše prijateljske First Season Ticket for our youngest audience, while the Film vezi in skozi KUL abonma zapeljeta film po svoje. Prav mladi Rendez-Vous season ticket will include an animated feature film so nam vedno znova v opomin, da je komunikacija veliko več for senior citizens. The Animateka festival vibe is guaranteed kot golo informiranje in predstavitev programa. Je hkrati tudi to attract the protagonists of Kinotrip, a club for youngsters motivacija in razvijanje odnosov, s katerimi gradimo ne le nova introduced last year. The time has come for the two festivals, občinstva, temveč tudi nove skupnosti. Če bomo v naslednjih Animateka and Kinotrip, to build a closer friendship and tailor letih povečali krog ljudi, ki jih animirani film zanima in pritegne, cinema to their liking through the KUL season ticket. First ali pa so glede tega vsaj radovedni, je naš cilj dosežen. Ne and foremost, it is the young who keep reminding us that zato, ker bi vehementno verjeli, da morajo ljudje gledati, kar communication is a lot more than just providing information pokažemo, vedeti, kar povemo, ali razmišljati, kot menimo, pač and posting the programme. It is also about encouragement pa preprosto zato, ker utiramo poti filma do ljudi in obratno. and about working on relations, to develop not only new Ob začetku Animateke s srečno številko 13 želimo svojim audiences, but also new communities. If in the coming years, filmskim sopotnikom ostro sliko in dober zvok, živahno we manage to increase the community of people interested in utripanje in kritično misel, predvsem pa veliko radovednih or attracted by, or at least curious about animated films, our gledalcev z vseh vetrov! goal will be achieved. Not because we arrogantly believe that people have to watch what we show, hear what we say, or think as we deem right, but simply because we help cinema thread its way towards people, and vice versa. Let us start the lucky 13th edition of Animateka with best wishes to our “brothers-in-cinema” for a sharp image and
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