W, DALTON. STEAM BOILER SUPERHEATER, APPLICATION EILET FIEB, 20, l912, NAVNESS 4. W. DALTON. STEAM BOILER SUPERHEATER, APPLICATI0N FILEID FEB. 20, 1912. 1,031,693. Patented July 9, 1912, 2 sHEETS-S HEET NVENTOR ????? V- ?? ?? ?? " | UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIATI DALTON, or SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK, sTEAM-BOILEER SUPERREGATER. få,031693. Specification of Letters Patet, Patented July 9, 1912. Application filed February 20, 1912. Serial No. 678,835. To all whom it may concern I of the location of the superheating elements, Be it known that I, WILLIAM DALTON, of as smoke box and fire tube superheaters. Schenectady, in the county of Schenectady Each of these classes is necessarily open to and State of New York, have invented a certain practical objections, the smoke box 60 certain new and useful Improvement in t?? e not being capable of developing a suf Steam-Boiler Superheaters, of which im ficiently high degree of superheat to be provement the following is a specification. fully effective, and, further, involving a My invention relates to superheaters for material extension and obstruction of the steam boilers of the locomotive type, and smoke box, and the fire tube type requiring. 85 0 more particularly to those having a com the use of flues of materially greater than bustion chamber in the waist of the boiler, ordinary diameter, and superheating pipes and its object, is to provide a superheating of great length, and obstructing the passage appliance which shall be readily applicable of the gases through the superheating tubes. iniboilers of such character, without modifi A comparatively shall number of locomo-. 70 5 cation of the standard form and dimensions tives have also been fitted with superheaters of the boiler shell and tubes, and in which which are located in a compartment inter a sufficient area of heating surface to insure posed between the rear steam generatinga. a high degree of superheat shall be pro section, and the front water heating section. id with a substantial reduction in the of a boiler, said compartment constituting 75 20 length of superheater pipes, as compared an intermediate combustion chamber in with prior constructions. ... front of the tubes. The improvement claimed is hereinafter The special purpose of my invention is to fully set forth. - construct a superheating appliance, which In the accompanying drawings: Figure 1 shall be exempt from the objections above 80 25 is a vertical longitudinal central section stated, and in which the heat of the gases of - through the rear portion of a locomotive combustion shall be utilized as fully as prac boiler, illustrating an embodiment of my in ticable by presenting the superheating ele vention; Fig. 2, a vertical transverse section through the same, on the line aa of Fig. 1, thements firebox to their to actionthe tubes. in their A passagereduction from of 85 30 the left hand half thereof showing the volume of the space occupied by the super Superheating pipes in section on the line b b heating elements is also designed to be of Fig. 1; Fig. 3, a plan view, partly in sec effected. tion, and on an enlarged scale, of the header, In the practice of my invention, I locate detached; and, Fig. 4, a section, on a fur the superheating appliance within the com 90 ther enlarged scale, through the header and bustion chamber, at the front of the firebox, superheater pipe connections, instead of in the smokebox or the fire tubes, My invention is herein exemplified as ap or in front of the fire tubes, as in prior prac plied in a locomotive boiler of one of the tice, thereby utilizing the higher heat of the present standard types, having an outside products of combustion in their direct pas 95 40 firebox, 1, connected to a waist, 2, through sage from the firebox to and through the which a plurality of fire tubes, 3, extend combustion chamber, and correspondingly from a flue sheet, 4, at the front end of a reducing the aggregate length of the pipes. combustion chamber, 5; formed in the waist through which the steam traverses while be-, of the boiler, to a smoke box (not shown) at ing Subjected to the superheating action of 00 45 the forward end of the waist. The inside the products of combustion. In order to fire box, 6, which adjoins, and communicates admit of the convenient connection of the directly with, the combustion chamber, is steam supply and delivery conduits of the provided, at bottom, with a grate, 7, of any superheater, the volume of the combustion suitable and preferred construction, and a chamber, 5, is increased by the interposition 105 50. firing opening, 8, (one or more) controlled of a transverse bridge wall, 9, of fire brick, by a door in the usual manner, is formed in between the front of the grate, 7, and the its rear end. v. front water wall of the firebox, said bridge Prior practice in locomotive boiler super wall being Supported on a bearer, 9", se heaters has, so far as my knowledge and in cured as its ends to the mud ring of the fire 55 formation extend, embodied practically only box. A transverse header, 10, which is a two classes, known respectively, by reason substantial metallic casing, of segmental 1,031,698 form, is supported in the space between the holes in the partition, 10, and nuts, 15. bridge wall and the front water wall of the Tight joints are insured by ball or spherical firebox, said header being divided by a lon faced joint rings, 13, formed or fixed on the itudinal partition, 10, which is perforated ends of the superheater pipes, and fitting in y a plurality of bolt holes, into a saturated correspondingly shaped recesses in the 70 steam compartment, 10, and a superheated yokes and the header. In order to protect steam compartment, 10°. The partition, 10, the rear return bend elbows, 13, and the is rearwardly inclined from the middle to connections of the superheater pipes to the the ends of the leader, so that the saturated header, from the direct action of the high steam compartment is of gradually increas heat of the gases passing over the top of the 75 0. ing transverse sectional area from its mid bridge wall, a segmental shield plate, 17, of dle to its ends, and the superheated steam. fire clay or other suitable refractory mate compartment is of gradually diminishing rial, is connected to the bridge wall, a short transverse sectional area from its middle to distance below its top, and projects for- : 15 each of its ends, as clearly shown in Fig. 3. Wardly, therefrom, above the superheater 80 T. Saturated steam supply nozzles or connect pipes, 13. ing members, 10, extend downwardly from . The high efficiency and value in the gen the header, 10, adjacent to its ends, said noz eration of steam, of the heating surface pre zles communicating with the saturated sented in a combustion chamber which ad 20 steam supply compartment; 10, and a sui joins and directly communicates with the 85 . perheate steam delivery nozzle or connect : firebox of a locomotive boiler, as compared ing member, 10, extends downwardly from with the heating surface of the tubes, is well the middle of the header, said nozzle com-: and universally recognized by those famill municating with the superheated steam com iar with the operation of boilers of this : 25 partment, 10°. Elbows, 10 and 10º, árecon type, and these combustion chambers are 90 nected to the nozzles, 10' and 10, respec now being applied to a considerable extent tively, for the attachment of saturated Steam in railroad service. supply pipes, leading from the dome || II believe myself to be the first who has other suitable portion of the steam spage. rendered the advantage of the combustion the boiler, ?????’ of a superheated steamide chamber available for the superheating of 95 SO livery pipe leading to the cylinders of the steam, by locating within it, a superheating appliance of such construction as does not islocomotive, controlled respectively. by an outside Said throttle ???????? valve of involve the perforation of the water space any suitable and preferred construction, lo or the use of tubes of larger diameter than cated in any convenient position adjacent to those of boilers working saturated steam, i00 35 the cylinders. The lower end of the com and in which a substantial reduction of the bustión chamber space containing the header length of the pipes within which the steam is closed by a bottom plate 5, which may be is superheated, is effected, without impair fitted with a discharge. hopper, 11 (one or ment of the capacity of the appliance to af 40 more) for the removal of any cinders that ford as high a degree of superheat as ex- 105 may accumulate, on the bottom plate. It perience has demonstrated to be advisable. will be obvious that if preferred the com fdo not therefore consider my invention to partment, 10, of the header may be used as be limited to the specific embodiment herein the saturated steam compartment, and the selected for illustration, and desire to in 45 compartment 10, as the superheated steam clude within it such structural modifications 110 ... compartment, the supply and delivery pipes. as embody its spirit and essential character ', being connected accordingly. listic features, and as rhey be within the or A plurality of ????????lly extending dinary skill of a mecanie familiar with lo: loops orireturn bends of superheater pipes, comotive construction and operation. 50 i3, disposed side by side in substantially ra I claim as: my invention, and desire to se 115 dial planes of the boiler, is located in the cure by Letters Patent:-.
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