APPENDICES: FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO DIG DEEPER! The following collection of data from antiquity is to aid readers in their further interests in canon formation. It is essential information for a more complete understanding of the formation of the Bible as well as the processes that were involved in the church’s recognition of its Bible. This data was published in earlier volumes noted in the Further Reading at the end of the Appendices. THE STORY THAT LISTS, CATALOGUES, AND MANUSCRIPTS TELL In what follows, we will list some of the most important catalogues of Jewish and Christian scriptures that have significance for canon forma- tion. A collection of these lists in parallel columns for comparison allows one to see the general agreements as well as the exceptions to those agreements among Christians in the fourth and fifth centuries. APPENDIX A: HEBREW BIBLE/OLD TESTAMENT LISTS I. Lost Ancient Books Mentioned in the Bible, but Not Preserved The Bible mentions several books that did not survive the ancient screening processes that led to the recognition of our current Old Testa- ment Scriptures. Some 26 of these books that were not canonized are listed in the Old Testament itself. © Lee Martin McDonald McDonald, Lee Martin (2011) Origin of the Bible: A Guide for the Perplexed. London: Continuum. www.biblicalstudies.mcdonald.continuumbooks.com. McDonald, Lee Martin(2011) II. Jewish and Christian First/Old Testament Canons Hebrew Bible Catholic Orthodox Protestant Ethiopian www.biblicalstudies.mcdonald.continuumbooks.com. Law/Torah Pentateuch Historical Books Pentateuch Octateuch (Pentateuch) Genesis Genesis Genesis Pentateuch + Genesis Exodus Exodus Exodus Joshua Exodus Leviticus Leviticus Leviticus Judges Leviticus Numbers Numbers Numbers Ruth Numbers Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Judith © LeeMartinMcDonald Deuteronomy Historical Books Joshua Historical Books Samuels London: Continuum. London: Continuum. Prophets (Nebiim) Joshua Judges Joshua Kings Origin of thePerplexed AGuidefor theBible: Former Prophets Judges Ruth Judges Chronicles Joshua Ruth 1 Kingdoms (= 1 Samuel) Ruth 1 Esdras + Ezra Apocalypse Judges 1 Samuel 2 Kingdoms (= 2 Samuel) 1 Samuel Esther 1 & 2 Samuel 2 Samuel 3 Kings (= 1 Kings) 2 Samuel Tobit 1 & 2 Kings 1 Kings 4 Kings (= 2 Kings) 1 Kings 1–2 Maccabees Latter Prophets: 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Kings Job Isaiah 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles 1 Chronicles Psalms Jeremiah 2 Chronicles 1 Esdras 2 Chronicles 5 books of Solomon Ezekiel Ezra 2 Esdras Ezra Prophets The Twelve: Nehemiah Nehemiah Nehemiah Major Prophets Hosea Tobit Tobit Esther Isaiah Joel Judith Judith Poetic Books Jeremiah Amos Esther (+6 additions) Esther (with 6 additions) Job Ezekiel Obadiah 1 Maccabees 1 Maccabees Psalms Daniel Jonah 2 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Proverbs Minor Prophets Micah Wisdom Books 3 Maccabees Ecclesiastes Hosea Nahum Job Song of Songs Joel . Habakkuk Psalms Amos McDonald, Lee Martin(2011) Zephaniah Proverbs Poetic Books Prophetic Books Obadiah Haggai Ecclesiastes Psalms (with Psalm 151) Isaiah Jonah Zechariah Song of Songs Job Jeremiah Micah www.biblicalstudies.mcdonald.continuumbooks.com. Malachi Wisdom of Solomon Proverbs Ezekiel Nahum Writings (Ketubim) Ecclesiasticus Ecclesiastes Song of Daniel Habakkuk Psalms Prophetic Books Songs Hosea Zephaniah Proverbs Isaiah Wisdom of Solomon Joel Haggai Job Jeremiah Wisdom of Sirach Amos Zechariah Five Scrolls (Hamesh Lamentations Prophetic Books Obadiah Malachi © LeeMartinMcDonald Megillot): Baruch + Epistle of Hosea Jonah Sirach London: Continuum. London: Continuum. Song of Songs Jeremiah Amos Micah Pseud.-Josephus Ruth Ezekiel Micah Nahum Jubilees Origin of thePerplexed AGuidefor theBible: Lamentations Daniel (+3 addi- Joel Habakkuk 1 Enoch Ecclesiastes tions: Prayer of Obadiah Zephaniah Esther Azariah & Song of Jonah Haggai Daniel Three Young Men, Nahum Zechariah Ezra-Nehemiah Susanna, & Bel and Habakkuk Malachi 1–2 Chronicles the Dragon) Zephaniah Hosea Malachi Joel Isaiah Amos Jeremiah Obadiah Baruch Jonah Lamentations of Jer- Micah emiah Nahum Epistle of Jeremiah Habakkuk Ezekiel Zephaniah Daniel (+ Prayer of Aza- Haggai riah, Song of the Three Zechariah Youths, Susanna, and . Malachi Bell and the Dragon) III. Old Testament Catalogues of Scriptures: Eastern Churches Melito1 Origen2 Athanasius3 Cyril4 Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Exod. Exod. Exod. Exod. Num. Lev. Lev. Lev. Lev. Num. Num. Num. Deut. Deut. Deut. Deut. Josh. Josh. Josh. Josh. Judg. Judg./Ruth Judg. Judg./Ruth Ruth 1–2 Kgs Ruth 1–2 Kgs 1–4 Kgs 3–4 Kgs 1–2 Kgs 3–4 Kgs 1–2 Chr 1–2 Chron. 3–4 Kgs 1–2 Chron. Pss 1–2 Esd. 1–2 Chron. 1–2 Esd. Prov. Pss. 1–2 Esd. Esther Wisdom Prov. Pss. Job Eccl. Eccl. Prov. Pss. Song Song Eccl. Prov. Job Isa. Song Eccl. Isa. Jer/Lam./Ep. Job Song Jer. (Twelve omitted)6 Twelve Twelve Dan. Dan. Isa. Isa. Esd. Ezek. Jer./Bar/Lam./Ep. Jer./Lam./Ep./Bar (Esther= omitted)5 Job Ezek. Ezek. Esther Dan. Dan. © Lee Martin McDonald McDonald, Lee Martin (2011) Origin of the Bible: A Guide for the Perplexed. London: Continuum. www.biblicalstudies.mcdonald.continuumbooks.com. IV. Old Testament Collections from the Eastern Churches (cont.) Epiphanius7 Epiphanius8 Epiphanius9 Gregory10 Amphilochius11 Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Exod. Exod. Exod. Exod. Exod. Lev. Lev. Lev. Lev. Lev. Num. Num. Num. Num. Num. Deut. Deut. Deut. Deut. Deut. Josh. Job Josh. Josh. Josh. Judg. Pss. Job Judg./Ruth Judg. Ruth Prov. Judg. 1–4 Kgs Ruth Job Eccl. Ruth 1–2 Chron. 1–4 Kgs Pss. Song Pss. 1–2 Esd. 1–2 Chron. Prov. Josh. 1 Chron. Job 1–2 Esd. Eccl. Judg/Ruth 2 Chron. Pss. Job 1 Kgs 1–2 Chron. 1 Kgs Eccl. Pss. 2 Kgs 1–2 Kgs 2 Kgs Song Prov. 3 Kgs 3–4 Kgs 3 Kgs Prov. Eccl. 4 Kgs Twelve 4 Kgs Twelve Song 1 Chron. Isa. Prov. Isa. Twelve 2 Chron. Jer. Eccl. Jer. Isa. Twelve Exek. Song Ezek. Jer. Isa. Dan. Twelve Dan. Ezek. Jer/Lam/Ep/ 1–2 Esd. Isa. Dan. Bar Esther Jer. Esther Ezek. Ezek. Dan. Dan. 1 Esd. 1 Esd. 2 Esd. 2 Esd. Esther © Lee Martin McDonald McDonald, Lee Martin (2011) Origin of the Bible: A Guide for the Perplexed. London: Continuum. www.biblicalstudies.mcdonald.continuumbooks.com. V. Old Testament Collections from the Western Churches Hilary12 Jerome 13 Jerome 14 Rufinus15 Augustine16 Carthage17 5 books Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Moses Exod. Exod. Exod. Exod. Exod. Josh. Lev. Lev. Lev. Lev. Lev. Jdgs./Ruth Num. Num. Num. Num. Num. 1–2 Kgs Deut. Deut. Deut. Deut. Deut. 3–4 Kgs Job Josh. Josh. Josh. Josh. 1–2 Chron. Josh. Judg./Ruth Judg./Ruth Judg. Judg. 1–2 Esd. Judg. 1–2 Kgs 1–2 Kgs Ruth Ruth Pss. Ruth 3–4 Kgs 3–4 Kgs 1–4 Kgs 1–4 Kgs Prov. Sam. Isa. 1–2 Chron. 1–2 Chron. 1–2 Chron. Eccl. 3–4 Kgs Jer. 1–2 Esd. Job Job Song Twelve Ezek. Esther Tobit Pss. Twelve Isa. Twelve Isa. Esther 1–5 Sol. Isa. Jer. Job Jer. Judith Twelve Jer./Lam./ Ezek. Pss. Ezek. 1–2 Macc. Isa. Ep Dan. Prov. Dan. 1–2 Esd. Jer. Dan. Pss. Eccl. Twelve Pss. Ezek. Ezek. Song Song Job Prov. Dan. Job Sol. Dan. Pss. Song Tobit Esther Esther 1–2 Chron. Prov. Eccl. Judith (Tobit) 1–2 Chron. 1–2 Esd. Eccl. Wisdom Esther (Judith) Ezra-Neh. Esther Song Sirach 1–2 Esd. Twelve 1–2 Macc. Isa. Jer. Dan. Ezek. © Lee Martin McDonald McDonald, Lee Martin (2011) Origin of the Bible: A Guide for the Perplexed. London: Continuum. www.biblicalstudies.mcdonald.continuumbooks.com. VI. Important Biblical Manuscripts with Old Testament Collections (Alexandrinus (A (א) Vaticanus (B) Sinaiticus (fourth cent.) . 18 (fourth cent.) . (fifth cent.) Genesis Genesis Genesis . Exodus Exodus . Leviticus Leviticus . Numbers Numbers Numbers . Deuteronomy Deuteronomy . Joshua Joshua . Judges Judges . Ruth Ruth . 1–4 Kings 1–4 Kings 1 Chronicles . 1–2 Chronicles 1–2 Chronicles . 2 Esdras Hosea 1–2 Esdras Esther Amos Psalms . Tobit Micah Proverbs Judith . Joel Ecclesiastes 1–4 Maccabees Obadiah Song of Solomon Isaiah Jonah Job Jeremiah Nahum Wisdom Lamentations . Habakkuk Sirach Joel Zephaniah Esther Obadiah Haggai Judith Jonah Zechariah Tobit Nahum Malachi Hosea Habakkuk Isaiah Amos Zephaniah Jeremiah Micah Haggai Baruch Joel Zechariah Lamentations Obadiah Malachi Epistle of Jeremy Jonah Psalms Ezekiel Nahum Proverbs Daniel Habakkuk Ecclesiastes Esther Zephaniah Song of Solomon Tobit Haggai Wisdom Judith Zechariah Sirach 1–2 Esdras Malachi Job 1–4 Maccabees Isaiah Psalms19 Jeremiah Psalm 15120 Baruch Job Lamentations Proverbs Epistle of Jeremy Song of Solomon Ezekiel Wisdom Daniel Sirach © Lee Martin McDonald McDonald, Lee Martin (2011) Origin of the Bible: A Guide for the Perplexed. London: Continuum. www.biblicalstudies.mcdonald.continuumbooks.com. VII. Scripture References Attributed to Jesus The following lists are not complete, but reflect some of the citations of, or allusions to, and parallels in subject and verbal matter with the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and the so-called Apocryphal writings. The following examples are adapted from Nestle/Aland’s Novum Testamen- tum Graece27 (pp. 770–806, especially pp. 800–806). A. Jesus’ Citations of Biblical Books in the Synoptic Gospels Gen. 1.27 (Mk 10.6/Mt. 19.4); 2.24 (Mk 10.7–8/Mt. 19.5); 4.1 ff. (Mt. 23.35/Lk 11.51); 4.24 (Mt. 18.22); 6–7 (Mt. 24.37–39/Lk. 17.26–27); 19 (Mt. 10.15/11.23–24/Lk. 10.12); Exod. 3.6 (Mk 12.26/Mt. 22.32/Lk. 20.37); 20.7 (Mt. 5.33); 20.12 (Mk 7.10/Mt. 15.4); 20.7 (Mt. 5.33); 20.12–16 (Mk 10.19/Mt. 19.18–19/Lk. 18.20); 20.13 (Mt. 5.21); 20.14 (Mt. 5.27); 21.12 (Mt. 5.21); 21.17 (Mk 7.10/Mt. 15.4); 21.24 (Mt. 5.38); 23.20 (Mk 1.2/Mt. 11.10/Lk.
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