Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/29742 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation Author: Dongen, Teun Walter van Title: The science of fighting terrorism : the relation between terrorist actor type and counterterrorism effectiveness Issue Date: 2015-11-18 Index ¡Basta Ya!, 209 presses Provisional IRA for 9/11, 17, 316 negotiations, 268 limited economic impact of, 23 reasons for supporting armed AAA (Apostolic Anticommunist struggle, 277 Alliance), 192 transition from armed Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouq, struggle to negotiations, 5 367 visits US in 1994, 288 Abu Hamza, 314, 362, 363, 365, Adebolajo, Michael, 376 373 Agreement for Freedom and arrested, 372 Against Terrorism, 220, 222 rise to prominence in British AIVD (General Intelligence and jihadist movement, 359 Security Service), 322, 326, suggests security covenant, 329, 341 353 false alarms and, 342 Abu Nidal Organisation, 63 mole in Hofstad Group, 333 Abu Qatada, 314, 360, 362, 373 on deradicalisation and rise to prominence in British disengagement, 102 jihadist movement, 357 recording devices in homes Action Directe, 22, 69, 71, 75 Hofstad Group members, cooperates with RAF, 163 333 Action Plan Polarisation and tensions with police, 334 Radicalisation, 309 thwarts attack in Portugal, 324 based on overestimation of Akhnikh, Ismail, 332, 333 jihadist threat, 340, 341 arrested, 326 limited effectiveness of, 337, Al Qaeda, 17, 20, 21, 37, 51, 54, 339 66, 73, 128, 203, 358, 360, 364, logic and objectives behind, 370, 407 335 global jihadist ideology of, 54 Adams, Gerry, 241, 247, 248, 253, training camps in Afghanistan 270, 271, 284, 286 and Pakistan, 409, 410 argues in favour of negotiated Albizu, Mikel settlement, 6 argues against continuation of argues 'Long War' strategy, ETA's armed struggle, 189 249 Albrecht, Susan, 144 as leader of Belfast section of Ali, Abdullah Ahmed, 351, 367, the Provisional IRA, 237 396 critical of Provisional IRA, 248 explains motivation behind on support for Provisional attack, 384 IRA, 257 565 The science of fighting terrorism suggests way to end terrorist Baader, Andreas, 121, 130, 133, attacks, 386 142, 144, 146, 147, 149, 156 Ali, Abdullah Ahmed, 362 freed from prison, 124 Allende, Salvador, 115 leadership style of, 129 Alvarez, José Luis, 201 Bajaka, Bilal Amnesty International, 192, 256, riots following death of, 344 259, 393 Balkenende, Jan-Peter, 311 ANC (African National Ballymurphy Seven, 260 Congress) Barosso, Manuel as inspiration to Provisional target of Hofstad Group, 325, IRA, 238 348 Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985), Barrionuevo, José, 194 294 Basque Autonomy Statute, 192, Antiterrorism ETA, 192 205, 218, 220 Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Batasuna, 182, 188, 206, 219 Security Act 2001, 371 Belfast, 296 Part 4, 388 as Provisional IRA APO (Extraparliamentary stronghold, 258 Opposition), 124 rioting in, 233, 235 Arana, Sabino, 177 Berazadi, Ángel, 211 Army Council, 268 Bergaretxe, Eduardo Moreno, Arregui, José, 201 211 Assad, Bashar al-, 321, 387 Bin Laden, Osama, 356 Association of Muslim Lawyers, Birmingham Cell 378 terrorist plot disrupted by Aum Shinrikyo, 70, 74 MI5, 397 Awlaki, Anwar al- Birmingham Six, 260 role in radicalisation of BKA (Federal Criminal Office), jihadists in UK and US, 367 147 Ayers, Bill, 102, 112 failure to curb RAF through Azkarraga, Joseba, 212 arrests), 155 Aznár, José Maria, 214, 219, 226, heavyhandedness in fight 434 against RAF, 142 Azzouz, Samir, 331, 333, 339 widening of powers of, 151 attack plans of, 323, 324 Black Panthers, 94, 118 followed by AIVD, 332 offended by Weather on man-made laws, 314 Underground's views on trials against, 327 counterculture, 95 B Specials, 233 Black September, 141 B., Saleh, 333 Blair, Patrick, 274 B2J (2 June Movement), 153, 154 566 Index Blair, Tony, 285, 289, 291, 370, embedded in international 411, 434 networks, 361 adopts counterterrorism impact of arrests, legislation after 9/11, 353 deportations, control orders Bloody Friday, 253 and bans on, 374 Bloody Sunday, 255, 277 integration and interaction in, Bolkestein, Frits, 311 361 Bot, Ben, 347 international orientation of, Bouyeri, Mohammed, 307, 313, 412 331 liberating Muslims lands of background and character of, western military presence 337 as goal of, 356 murders Theo van Gogh, 324 members travelling to Somalia possible reason for killing Van and Syria, 387 Gogh, 319 members travelling to Syria, Bradley, Gerry, 248, 273 376, 408 on calling off Provisional IRA preference for IEDs, 368 operations, 276 turns against UK, 360 Brandt, Willy, 149 Brown, Gordon, 411 British Army, 280, 289 Brussels, 153 accused of torture, 259 Buback, Siegfried, 134 antagonises Catholics in Bundestag, 150 Northern Ireland, 37 BVE (Basque-Spanish Battalion), defeats Provisional IRA unit 192 at Gibraltar, 265 CAA (Autonomous enters Northern Ireland, 235 Anticapitalist Commandos), misconduct in Northern 213 Ireland, 257 Cameron, David, 411 Operation Demetrius, 254, Carlile, Alex, 377, 380, 393 255, 257, 264 Carlos the Jackal, 183 Operation Motorman, 263 Carrero Blanco, Luis, 175 participation in Operation assassination of, 201 Enduring Freedom, 409 Carter, Jimmy, 117 presence in Belfast and Derry, Castro, Fidel, 176 296 Catarain, Dolores González, 213 violates laws in Northern Catholics in Northern Ireland Ireland, 258 discrimination against, 276 British jihadist movement CCC (Communist Combat cut-off from training camps in Cells), 71, 164 Pakistan, 410 Choudhry, Roshonara, 366, 367, decreasing cohesion, 365 369, 385, 398 decreasing complexity of Christmas Bomb Plot (2010), 366 terrorist attacks, 375 disrupted by MI5, 397 567 The science of fighting terrorism CIE (Criminal Intelligence Unit), Derry, 232, 263, 275, 296 332 as Provisional IRA Clark, Mark, 96, 105, 170 stronghold, 258 Clarke, Charles, 370, 373 rioting in, 233, 235, 277 Clarke, Terence, 274 Direct rule (by UK over Clausewitz, Carl von, 419 Northern Ireland), 280, 283 Clinton, Bill, 288 Dohrn, Bernardine, 102 Collins, Eamon, 241, 245, 287 decides to surface, 112 on cultivation of Republican endorses counterculture, 95 past, 243 Downing Street Declaration on paranoia in Provisional (1993), 284 IRA, 275 Duddy, Brendan, 283 Consent-principle, 283, 286, 290 Duggan, Mark, 383 Conservative Party (UK), 406 Dutch jihadist movement, 431 Constitutional Convention around 9/11, 316 (Northern Ireland), 290 conspiratorial behaviour in, Constitutional Court (Spain), 197 322 Coogan, Tim Pat, 249 deportation of leading Cooper, Frank, 269 members, 328 Corcuera, José Luis, 217 discussions of legitimacy of Cordoba Foundation, 404 violence in, 315 Council of Ireland, 282 falls apart, 328 Countering International grows out of regular social Terrorism: the United contacts, 319 Kingdom’s Strategy, 401 inability to carry out attacks, Court of Appeal (UK), 390 329 CPS (Crown Prosecution intra-group marriages in, 322 Service), 373 lack of formal organisational Criminal Justice and Public structure, 318 Order Act, 380 lack of support of, 340 Croissant, Klaus, 143 leadership in, 319 Crumley, Cathal, 275 main activities of, 322 CTIVD (Review Committee for members travelling to Syria, the Intelligence and Security 321 Services), 333 national orientation of, 317, Days of Rage (1969), 92, 97, 108 325 Debus, Sigurd, 148 numerical strength of, 318 Dellwo, Karl-Heinz, 138, 144 peer pressure in, 321 admits RAF's disconnection recruitment by, 320 with support base, 160 rejection of man-made Democratic Party (US), 104 instutions, 314 568 Index rise of autonomous cells in, loses popular support, 195, 317 210 views Islam as under global loses will to fight, 189, 222 attack, 312 organisations that support, Dutschke, Rudi, 169 182 assassination attempt against, pacification of moderate wing, 140 214 Dylan, Bob, 93 prestige of, 175 EAE (Basque Patriotic Action), provokes violent response 206 from the state, 183 EDL (English Defence League) reasons of members for terrorist plot against, 366, 368, abandoning armed 387, 398 struggle, 211 EHAK (Communist Party of the refusal to disarm before Basque Homelands), 206 negotiations, 215, 221 Elizabeth II, 293, 358 safe haven in France, 199, 203 Elkarri, 209 splits and feuds in, 177, 210 Ellian, Afshin, 311 targeting preferences of, 184 Ensslin, Gudrun, 121, 130, 132, use of car bombs by, 185 142, 146, 147, 149, 156 wages war of attrition against responds to death of the state, 184 Ohnesorg, 140 Etxebarrieta, Txabi, 175 ETA (Fatherland and Freedom), Etxeberria, Rufino, 223 16, 37, 43, 45, 424, 430, 432, Etxebeste, Antxon, 217 433, 434 Etxegarai, Alfonso announces ceasefire, 218, 221 argues against continuation of composition of, 176 ETA's armed struggle, 189 death toll of, 173 EU (European Union) decreasing precision of counterterrorism cooperation terrorist attacks by, 202 in, 346 demonstrates working class European Convention on credentials, 178 Human Rights, 258, 388, 391, demonstrations against, 186, 394 208 European Court of Human detachment from Basque Rights, 41, 147, 259, 262 roots, 181 condemns stop and search eases demands on new powers, 392 recruits, 181 Euskadiko Ezkerra, 205, 212 ends ceasefire, 219 Euskal Herritarok, 182 first overtures towards, 216 Eusko Alkartasuna, 217 founding of, 175 Evans, Linda, 98 kale borroka and, 187 on FBI's inability to infiltrate leaders arrested, 200 Weather Underground, 109 569 The science of fighting terrorism Faisal, Abdullah al-, 373 Franco, Francisco, 204, 226 Falls Road curfew, 235, 236, 255 represses Basque nationalism, FARC (Revolutionary Armed 174 Forces of Colombia), 183 Front de libération
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