Half Hollow Hills High School East Issue 1 Fall 2009 What’s Going On Art Honor Society & in Our Community Football Team Up Library? and again is free to library card Elliot Greenfield said Ms. Corazon. Denise Society members wanted Kevin O’Reilly & holders. School News Editor Corazon then approached to get involved in this awe- Monika Haebich The library has a Code of Con- This year, both the art de- fellow art teacher, Allyson some project. During the first duct, and of recent, some of our partment and the athletic Uttendorfer, to contribute to week of school, N.A.H.S. Editors-In-Chief HSE students have complained department came together at this fantastic idea. “We are a members assembled the new The dictionary definition of a that this code has been breached. High School East for a com- great art team. As co-advis- logos on all the Varsity and library is, “A place set apart to There have been complaints of mon cause. The new helmets ers of the National Art Honor Junior Varsity football hel- contain books, periodicals and an increased number of students were developed for the foot- Society, we have created mets in preparation for the other reading material for read- who loiter at the library, with no ball team. When it came time many projects together,” said opening game. Principal Dr. to choose the teachers who Ms. Corazon. The ability and Jeffrey Woodberry stated, would design this logo, it skill that one must have to “The new helmets are NFL was obvious. When football transform a drawing into a worthy,” to Ms. Corazon. Coach Kevin Hill asked art graphic image for reproduc- In addition, Coach Kevin teacher, Denise Corazon to tion is an involved process. Hill presented flowers to design a new football helmet “The measurements on the Ms. Corazon and Mrs. Ut- logo for our school’s team, files had to be perfect. We tendorfer at the Homecom- she couldn’t have been hap- researched the actual sizes of ing Pep Rally to show his pier. Ms. Corazon stated, NFL helmet logos so our de- appreciation. The new foot- “Believe it or not, it’s some- sign would meet professional ball helmets are fantastic ing, viewing, listening, study educational or research aim in thing I’ve wanted to do. I was specs,” said Ms. Uttendorfer. and give the team a much or reference as a room, set of mind. This “hang out” increase a cheerleader in high school Many National Art Honor more professional look. rooms or building where books has resulted in the removal by and a huge football may be borrowed.” The Dix the library of the bench outside fan my whole life.” Hills Library is this and so much the library, we think, to reduce When it came down more. the congestion caused by the to the idea for the The library, under the di- loitering in this area. Audrey logo, Coach Hill rection of, Library Director, Devarajan, a senior at HSE, said an “E” might Michelle Laure-Bader, offers goes to the library often to study. work perfectly. Ms. several study programs and She says that she has noticed, of Corazon agreed with events for the community. The recent, a change in the noisy at- Hill and knew ex- library offers numerous volun- mosphere inside the library. Her actly the design she teer activities that allow students complaint: “They are pretty an- wanted to create. “I seeking Honor Society hours noying. I don’t understand why wanted to design a an opportunity to fulfill their they come if they get kicked out logo that was sim- requirements. The Homework later. All high school kids then ple, yet powerful, Help Program enables teens get blamed for being rowdy, and something that to help elementary school stu- when in reality; the majority of looked like a profes- dents with their homework on us want to do work.” HSE se- sional team logo,” Mondays and Thursdays from nior, Teron Coleman has also 4pm to 5pm. The Gingerbread observed a change. “They do House Workshop is another li- not want high school students brary supported activity. Here there. They removed the bench you can help younger members that the students would sit on, so of the Dix Hills community that they would not sit outside of construct memorable holiday the library. Some librarians are treats. The library supports an nice, but others just kick students online tutor, free to any library out who are doing their home- card holder, for assistance with work just because they don’t math, English, social studies want the high school students to or science. This is available to come to the library after school. students, kindergarten through Some librarians do petty things, twelfth grades, from 2pm such as come over to five stu- through 11pm. Students are dents who are doing homework connected to a live tutor, who is quietly and make one person go knowledgeable in the topic. The sit alone because they only want student types questions via the four people to a table.” type box or virtual whiteboard. Director Laurer-Bader in- This remarkable help is avail- Continued on page 4 able for aid with these subjects, Feed the Models The Pop Scene INSIDE Charity Fashion Fall & Homecoming Lady Gaga & Michael Show Pep Rally 2009 Jackson THIS ISSUE Page 2 Pages 8 - 9 Page 10 [2] Thunderbird Issue 1 Fall 2009 An Interview with Dr. Woodberry Monika Haebich & Woodberry has been principal, for its students to learn and ap- he could encounter one person that, we are grateful. If all Kevin O’Reilly he has made our school safer, preciate the value of respect, from the past or present, Dr. students could learn to follow drug-free, and ideal for excel- responsibility, and excellence. Editors- in- Chief Woodberry chose Dr. Martin this exceptional man’s lead lence. Dr. Woodberry takes We were fascinated to Luther King Jr. as Dr. King’s and understand “respect, re- Outside of school Dr. pride in his leadership skills, learn of Dr. Woodberry’s inspirational speeches had the sponsibility, and excellence” Woodberry may seem like which he values as the most goals and future prospects for immense power to move and this school and this world your average guy; he loves the important quality a principal the school; however, we were exhilarate all who watched would be much better off. summer time, he has tripped should have. He stressed that, anxious to learn of his top- and listened. Our principal on the school stairs, he wish- “A principal should be able secret life outside of school. is a true connoisseur of the es he could teleport, and he to inspire and motivate oth- Where does he go on vaca- Caribbean, and his favorite enjoys listening to rap and ers- that is faculty, staff, and tions? What does he do for destinations are Cancun and R&B. Even so, there is more students. A principal should fun? Dr. Woodberry was born the Dominican Republic. to this man than what we see. have a vision as a leader and here on Long Island in Ami- Dr. Woodberry has de- Dr. Woodberry is hardwork- know what direction he wants tyville. His extensive training voted himself to the better- ing and dedicated to his job the organization to go. He in various institutions, which ment of this school. Many and to his students. Never should also have perseverance include SUNY Buffalo, CW of the students, whether has this school seen such a with leadership to stick to the Post, Stony Brook, and Hofs- they have known him for tenacious and caring princi- vision.” Dr. Woodberry has tra, prepared him well for the years or months, can see pal. Dr. Woodberry’s motto, followed this message and has twelve years he spent in the his dedication and commit- “Respect, Responsibility, and been adamant in creating a safe Half Hollow Hills School Dis- ment to this school, and for Excellence,” is reflected in and studious learning environ- trict. Along with taking care of the various changes that he ment. His goal for this school this school, he cares for a rott- has brought to this school. In is for it to remain the top aca- weiler and a cat. When asked Supermac 18: the past three years that Dr. demic institution that it is and who he would want to meet if YouTube Sensation Feed the Models Ricki Siegel Staff Writer great personality that he can Michelle Ambrosio her amazing cooperation and covered them in masking tape “Telemarketing is a method make any moment into a great YouTube video that his fans Staff Writer incredible generosity. Over to distort the image reflected of direct marketing in which time, other stores such as Love and used pictures of different a salesperson solicits to will love. Supermac18’s most Body image is an incredibly My Shoes, Lester’s, Kenny’s words and pictures that made prospective customers to viewed video is called “The tough issue in high school. Menswear, and Special Sauce us think of one of today’s buy products or services, Song Movie”, which currently There is so much pressure on became involved in the fashion greatest issues: body image. either over the phone or has 3,773,000 views. In young people to look perfect, show as well, to showcase their Pictures of stick thin models, through a subsequent face this video Mac takes word and to have perfect bodies. clothing. The fittings were the measuring tape and words like to face or Web conferencing clips from various songs and Unfortunately it has caused so best part of the creating-the- fat and beautiful were placed appointment scheduled during incorporates the words into many people to have a highly show process.
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