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It’s believed that his capital highlights PAGE 46 Commercial Director in time, a candelight vigil there have been at least THE WIG PARTY Bryan Rodrigues has been arranged to take three homophobia-related PAGE 08 bryan@ultimateguide place in Trafalgar Square at murders in Greater London SHOPPING PAGE 30 The inaugural Diversity company.com 8pm on Friday 30 October this year, and many more Cocksox, the iSpin and FILM Careers Show +44 (0)20 7258 1777 to demonstrate against physical assaults. Who the best new trainers The White Ribbon, and Senior Advertising Executive the recent rise in hate could possibly guess at the Harry Brown reviewed, PAGE 76 Dan Goodban crimes that have occurred number of verbal insults PAGE 11 plus Wayne Virgo from PROPERTY dan@outmag.co.uk in the capital. It follows thrown in the direction of DIARY gritty drama Shank Living in Kilburn and +44 (0)20 7258 1832 the shocking news of the LGBT people? November’s cultural the latest products for Senior Advertising Executive death of 62-year-old Ian Sometimes it’s easy to highlights PAGE 34 the home Maz Ogden Baynham, a gay man who believe that with changes THEATRE maz@g3mag.co.uk was kicked unconscious in the law, all is OK for LGBT PAGE 22 Prick Up Your Ears plus PAGE 86 +44 (0)20 7258 1777 by three teenagers in people in the UK. But at GOK WAN an interview with MOTORING Trafalgar Square after a time when the BNP is Ahead of this year’s Harold Finley VW’s Polo Match they had taunted him trying to gain respectability, Stonewall Awards, with homophobic insults. columnists are still allowed host Gok Wan chats PAGE 88 He died two weeks later to spout their misguided, exclusively to Out In TRAVEL Square Peg Media Ltd. from his injuries. His death homophobic nonsense in The City Gay Munich 37 Ivor Place comes at the same time as national newspapers, and London NW1 6EA a reported 18% increase gay men are being kicked PAGE 26 PAGE 92 Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 in homophobic crime in to death in the West End, MUSIC HOROSCOPES Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 The content of this publication, the capital. Few would it’s obvious that we still New albums from either in whole or in part may not doubt that such fi gures have some way to go. Robbie Williams and be reproduced, stored in a data PAGE 94 retrieval system or transmitted in any are but the tip of the true hudson@outmag.co.uk Brett Anderson, plus PAGE 6 HEALTH form or by any means, electronic or MY LONDON PHOTO CHRIS © JEPSON otherwise, without prior permission Skunk Anansie’s Skin from the publishers. Opinions expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2009. READERSHIP SURVEY Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In Complete our online readership survey at www.outmag.co.uk The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim and be in with a chance to win at the Grand Hotel, Brighton resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. – see page 91 for full details. ! =C :3BB3@A bT`]\b LORDY! TORY SHAME A]:O@]cfI=7B1 7¸[RWaUcabSRb]`SOR ON FIRE ³=Qb]PS`'KbVW\Ya bVObbVS1]\aS`dObWdSa bVObbVS]\ZgeOgb] bV`SeO·B]`g>`WRS¸ ab]^V][]^V]PWQ ^O`bgOa^O`b]TbVSW` PcZZgW\UW\aQV]]Za `SQS\bQ]\TS`S\QS FINAL FANTASY Wab]SRcQObSbVS W\;O\QVSabS` AKA Owen Pallett. Think ^O`S\ba-BVS\aVS /^^O`S\bZgbVSSdS\b Rufus Wainwright meets [WUVbeO\bb]ab]^ eOa\]beSZZObbS\RSR Patrick Wolf. New album caW\URS`]UOb]`g PcbeVObO[OhSa[S Heartland is out soon, and ^V`OaSaZWYSµUOgZ]`R¶ WabVObO\g]\Sbc`\SR he’s writing music for the b]RSaQ`WPSBOYSBVOb c^ObOZZ6OdSUOgaU]b John Cameron Mitchell’s IW\O`SQS\bW\bS`dWSe acQVaV]`b[S[]`WSa- (Shortbus) new film. eWbVBVS5cO`RWO\K BVS1]\aS`dObWdSa AVSaV]cZRPS[W\RTcZ STAR LETTER VOdS\SdS`W\b`]RcQSR DANNII MINOGUE ]TbVSTOQbbVObbVS O\g^]ZWQWSab] Lambasted for her SZSQb`]^]^[caWQ]T GIRL POWER ORdO\QSUOg`WUVba2] comments to Danyl on bVS&aaVS¸a`W^^W\U BVO\Yg]cT]`bVSW\bS`dWSeeWbV:O@]cfI=7B1 g]cV]\SabZgPSZWSdS X Factor, but long an ]TTa]STTSQbWdSZgeOa =Qb]PS` 'KO\RT]`OaYW\UVS`OP]cbVS` bVObbVSgO`SU]W\Ub] ambassador for the W\dS\bSRPgµUOg aSfcOZWbg7XcabeWaVaVSQ]cZRPSOPWb[]`S R]a]WTbVSg\]eUSb Terrence Higgins Trust and Z]`Ra¶ a^SQWTWQAVSaSS[ab]PSU]W\UR]e\bVSeV]ZS W\b]^]eS`/ZZ7QO\ gay rights. We still hold Ms Mike ;WYO`]cbS]T\]beO\bW\Ub]bOZYOP]cbWb7Y\]e aOgWaR]\¸bV]ZRg]c` Minogue in high esteem. bVObSdS`g]\S¸aS\bWbZSRb]a][S^`WdOQgPcb7O[ P`SObV e]``WSROP]cbeVObaSS[ab]PSOU`]eW\Ub`S\R John, Reading 2012 ]TSdOaWdS\SaaO[]\Uaba][SQSZSP`WbWSaBVOb The biggest disaster movie aOWRaVSQO[SOQ`]aaOa\WQSO\RVS`OZPc[Wa of the year… and we’re ]\S]T[gTOd]c`WbSa]TbVSgSO`ES\SSR[]`S delighted to hear that ^]^abO`aZWYSVS`³bVO\Y5]RT]`OTS[OZSeV] director Roland Emmerich R]Sa\¸bPSZWSdSg]cVOdSb]ab`W^b]g]c`c\RWSa (Independence Day, The b]aSZZ`SQ]`Ra:]\U[OgaVSQ]\bW\cSb]`SWU\ Day After Tomorrow) has H, Vauxhall come out as a big ol’ homo. WIN! WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT BIGGINS /\g]\SeV] THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL VOaOZSbbS` WRITES ^cPZWaVSRW\ /aa][S]\SZWdW\U bVS2SQS[PS` WARREN G eWbVBg^S RWOPSbSa WaacS]T=cb7\ IT’S PERSONAL The American rapper told 7¸[e`WbW\Ub]OaY BVS1WbgeWZZ 7eOaW\bS`SabSRb]`SOR Vanity Fair that he’s “fine g]c``SORS`ab] `SQSWdSOQ]^g g]c`^WSQSeWbVbVS with gays…” as long as ac^^]`bZSORW\UVSOZbV ]TbVS\Se2D20]ga 5ZORWOb]`bVObVORZ]ab they stay hidden and aren’t QVO`Wbg2WOPSbSaC9 =\4WZ[!(/[S`WQO\0]gBVSbVW`R`SZSOaSW\bVS OZZbVSeSWUVbI=7B1 shown kissing on TV… “I OaWbZOc\QVSa·5Sb 0]ga=\4WZ[aS`WSabVS2D2]cb'<]dWaO ³=Qb]PS` 'KO\R know it happens, but let’s AS`W]ca¸³O\ObW]\OZ Q]ZZSQbW]\]TOQQZOW[SRUOgaV]`baT`][bVSCA/ YSS\b]TW\R]cbV]e keep it behind the scenes.” QO[^OWU\c\RS`ZW\W\U ³eee^SQQO^WQaQ][ VSRWRWb;gVSO`bac\Y bVSaS`W]ca\Saa]T BVSe`WbS`]T2SQS[PS`¸aAbO`:SbbS`eWZZ`SQSWdS OZWbbZSeVS\7`SORbVOb JAN MOIR RWOPSbSa OQ]^g]T0]ga=\4WZ[!(/[S`WQO\0]gO\RO VSOQbcOZZgPSQO[S The Daily Mail columnist 0SQOcaSVOZTO[WZZW]\ Q]^g]TbVS\Se0Zc@OgdS`aW]\]TBVSEWhO`R O^S`a]\OZb`OW\S`Ob prompts a record 21,000 ^S]^ZSW\bVSC9 =T=hBVST]c`RWaQ^OQYOUSW\QZcRSaO`S bVSOUS]T%Ac`SZg complaints to the Press VOdSBg^S RWOPSbSa [OabS`SRdS`aW]\]TbVS8cRg5O`ZO\RQZOaaWQO O\g]\Se]cZRVOdSO Complaints Commission O\RR]\¸bSdS\Y\]e aW\UOZ]\UdS`aW]\^ZcaOeV]ZSV]ab]T]bVS` P]RgZWYSbVObWTbVSg¸R for her comments about Wb)PSQOcaSbV`SS Sfb`Oa7b¸aOdOWZOPZSb]Pcg <]dS[PS` PSS\O^S`a]\OZb`OW\S` Stephen Gately’s death. ^S]^ZSRWSSdS`g B]PSW\eWbVOQVO\QS]TeW\\W\UO^`WhS^ZSOaS T]`bVSZOabTWdSgSO`a V]c`T`][RWOPSbSa PSac`Sb]W\QZcRSg]c`TcZZ\O[SO\R^]abOZ O\Ra^S\bbe]V]c`aO `SZObSRQ][^ZWQObW]\a) ORR`SaaeWbVbVSZSbbS`g]caS\Rca3[OWZ ROgW\bVSUg[- UGANDA PSQOcaS]\S^S`a]\ SRWb]`WOZ.]cb[OUQ]cY Martin, Putney Not content with WaRWOU\]aSReWbV banning homosexuality, RWOPSbSaSdS`gbV`SS its government is now [W\cbSa)PSQOcaS]TOZZ ac^^]`bS`ab]^ZSRUS RWOPSbSa looking to introduce ]TbVWa7¸[OaYW\Ug]c` b]R]a][SbVW\U AWU\c^b]bVS a bill of “aggravated `SORS`a`WUVb\]eb] T]`RWOPSbSa7b¸a QO[^OWU\Pg homosexuality” which will X]W\ca c^b]g]cPcbWb bSfbW\UA3@7=CA be punishable by death. 5SbAS`W]caOW[a Q]cZRPSO\gbVW\U b]&"!&!]`dWaWb b]USbOa[O\g T`][]`UO\WaW\UO eeeRWOPSbSa]`U ^S]^ZSOa^]aaWPZS Tc\R`OWaW\USdS\b cY5SbAS`W]ca b]aWU\c^O\RaV]e eOZYW\Ub]e]`Y 7b¸abW[Sb]5Sb bVSW`Q][[Wb[S\b d]Zc\bSS`W\U]`e`WbW\U AS`W]caOP]cb ON ICE b]USbbW\UaS`W]ca b]g]c`;>³WbOZZVSZ^a RWOPSbSa Everyone who had a letter OP]cbRWOPSbSa ca`OWaSbVS^`]TWZS Yours faithfully, published this month won a copy of new DVD, the lair.
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