1895 STREET DIR_ECTORY OF Toronto and . Toronto . JunctioQ WITH OFFICIAL CAR ROUTES AND TIME TABLES OF TORONTO CITY AND TORONTO JUNCTION ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS SHOWING STREETS RUNNING NORTH, SOUTH, EAST AND WEST ON THE VARIOUS LINES TOGETHER WITH PLACES OF INTEREST, LIST OF POST OFFICES, DROP LETTER BOXES, FIRE ALARM BOXES, &c., c:~c. A COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE CITY AND SUBURBS. Copyrighted and Puh{isked by ..... T, P ARQOE & Co., .. TORONTO Business and Shorthand College CORNE~ YONCE AND COLLEGE STS., TORONTO, CANAD~. Highest Results in Business Subjects in Dominion at Recent Government Examinations. a--4====M4 ~ =.... Spf:cial Gou~ses TELEGRAPHY, CIVIL SERVICE - SUBJECTS. Day and Evening Classes ljntt're Year. C~TALOCUES F~EE, SEND FO~ THEM . • • • (:Prineip(lf6 ••• /l, D, NIMMO, JAS. HARRISON, 3 TORONTO STREET RAILWAY. The routes number from I to 14. The figures opposite the name of a street, represents the number of the route, and indicates where to transfer. Streets in centre of the page cross the route ; tho3e at the ~ides, are north, south, east or west, as denoted by headline. VONGE STREET ROUTE. No. 1 Route. From Cottingham Street, North Toronto. South to Front and York (Union Station) z·ia Yonge and Front, Return via York, King and Yonge. First car leaves North Toronto 5.48 a.m., and every four minutes until 1 I. 32 i m. First car leaves Union Station 6.12 a.m., and every four minutes until 11.56 p.m. WEST. >< EAST North T0ronto Ry Sta ~ CPR 0 Tracks Cottingham street tiJ fJl Price street Marlb>rough Avenue >-l Macpherson ~ Avenue Roxborough street t'l Roxborough avenue >-l North Drive Belmont street ~ o Baxter street ,\j" McLaren & Graham, Black­ fJJ smiths, Horseshoeing a specialty. Frichot street g ;. Rosedale Lane · Severns street J. HEWITSON, 902 & 904 Yonge St., HARDWARE ~NO CEfURAL BLAOKSMITit JOHN McARTHUR, 881 YONCE ST. QUEEN CITY APAIRIES EsTABLISHED 1878. QUEENS, HONE'(, BEES AND SUPPLIES. J. CLEWS, 830 Yonge St., PLUMBER. GABFITTER, STEAM-HEATING, GENERAL JOBBING. &c. d. LODGE & SON, 11 CHARLES ST., PPactical GaPdenei'S Landscape Worl< of every description. All kinds of Plants for Bedding. - - 0 rw.wrv.*';E~'itv:~=~=ww;h:n~!a1{1 · [!ll 8 BT. MARY STREET, ~ 0 b6AA$!N.)f;.~?~):!c;.?'2%...,. .... ~ K. d. ALLISON PLUMBER, &c. 668 YONCE ST. Telephone 3667. Smoke Teating a Special-ty FISHER'S Baggage Transfer & Furniture Removing Co. 558 Yonge Bt. 'Phone 8091. Lowest Rates. All Wol'k Gun.Panteed. 5 Yonge Street Route-Continued. WEST EAST Davenport Road Scollard street Park Road Yorkville Avenue M. J. Crottie sells Staple and Bismarck avenue Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Fur­ B. Beston repairs Boots and nishings very cheap. Call. Rubbers. 759 Vonge. Cumberland street No. 2 Bloor Street No. 2 W. Bogart, the North Toronto George Thompson's Pork Store. Photographer. 788~ Yonge -< Telephone 3703. Simpson's Fruit, Fish, &c., ~ Merchant. Phones 3448 & 4239. Cl Hayden street Czar street M Charles street St Mary's street CfJ Telephone 4375 for Choice >-l Groceries. David Bell. ~ Isabella street Irwin avenue! M .>-l Gloucester street St Joseph street Cl L. Rawlinson, Cabinet Maker, o 602 Yonge. Factory, 27 and 29 Jg' St. Nicholas Street. T. Harris, Straw and Felt 6' G. W. Cooley, 567 Yonge, Hat Works. Cleaned, Dyed S, Wines and Spirits. Phone 3089. and Altered. · C. M, Richardson, General Express, 584 Yonge. Phone3313 St Alban's street Wellesley street New York Hat Works. S. H. Lyon. Hats cleaned, dyed and a! tered. Breadalbane street Maitland street Grosvenor street Alexander street Parson's Boot and Shoe Re­ pairing Factory. 474 Youge. Grenville street Wood street 0 N A~ ~~IDE GHALLENCE: _Madame IrelaQd' s Spacious Rooms, Confederation Life Building, are now open f or h er entire New T reatment of the H air. Baldness Positively Cured. Fallen Hair Restored. LADIES' HAIR TREATED SPECIALLY, SPLENDID R~SULTS. RUBBER STAMPS, LINEN N(ARKERS, &c.------ 9 Yonge Street Route-Continued. WEST EAST ' Trinity square ><: S. Howarth, DIUggist, 243 Louisa street 0 IYonge St. Est. 1849. Tel. 1359· H. Dale, Florist, 238, opp. ~ Shuter street Shut<:r. Phone 783. Green- tl:J Mrs. M. G. Jung, 203 Yonge. houses, Brampton. Parisian Ladies' Tailor System. Albert street ~ 56 Queen · Street 7 13 14 Richmond 0 Street Temperance street ~· Toronto Arcade Adelaide aq Street King rn Street 2 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 Melinda. street ~ Col borne street Wellington P"JStreet Bank of Montreal _,Board of Trade Bldg NORTH >-rJ SOUTH ;o'Custom House Bay 0 Street Queen's Hotel ~ Lorne street Union Station Yurk ><: street going north WEST 0 EAST Wellington ;o Street King ~Street West, going East SOUTH ~ NORTH Bay z Street Jordan street 0 Johnson street Yonge ::?J Street ALWAYS USE BESTON'S TAN PASTE ON YOUR TAN SHOES. 759 Yonge Street. HERE WE ARE AGAIN. L. D. FRAZEE 312 Spa.dina. Ave. Telephone 2891. Dauble and Single Vans always on h<tnd. Furniture and Baggage removed to all parts of the city and country with care. Pianos carefully handled. Satisfaction guaranteed. PLEASURE VANS. GENERAL STORAGE. I. WARDELL, Agent, 450 Spadlna Avenue. The Niagara Gas Range has no equal in the Dominion. We have designed a range equal to the best American Make arid have put the price down to the lowest home prices. Our home Manufacturers have )eft out vital points in order to reduce their ~rices, makiog their gas stoves be­ hind the times. See ours and be convmced. BARKLEY BROS , Plumbers and Tinners, 481 Spadina Ave. Phone 2268. ' KICHENER & SON. Wall papers, etc. House and Church Painters and Decorators. 420 Spa.dina Ave. - ~OBERT FAWCETT, PRACTICAL TAILOR, 324 SPADINA AVE. Toronto. II BELT LINE. No. 2 Route. From Yonge and Bloor, via Bloor West, Spadina Avenue, King and Sherbourne. Five minute service each way. Cars leave Yonge and Bloor, 5·45 a.m. to 11.32 p.m. " York and King 6 07 " 1 1. 54 " NORTH. SOUTH. Yonge ~Street. 0 Balmuto street. 0 North street Bellair street :?J St. Thomas street Avenue Road 0 Queen's Park Road Bedford Road S. Jg Devonshire Place St. George Street Huron :::8 Street Madison At'enue fl. No.4 Spadina Road · WEST. EAST. rn Washington avenue Sussex >-o Avenue ~ Morris street Harbord 8 Street Z Classic avenue Wilcox ~ street Spadina ~ crescent Russell < street ?J Division street Nos. College 0 street 10 14 Oxford street o a=g· Cecil street Nassau street rn Clyde street o Bald win street St. Andrew's street & · D' Arcy street Glenbailie street! CHARLES WILSON - PRIZE MEDAL · Cinger Ale & Mineral Waters Soda Water 1 Lithia Water Seltzer " Vichy " Potass Water, &~.~&c., In Syphons. -. Telephone, 517, 519 SHERBOURNE ST., and No. 3004. 136 BLEECKER ST. Toronto. The Weston Dail'y. Pure Coun-try Milk deliver~d twice daily. in Bottles if necessary. Butter Milk and pureJ erseyCream a specialty,, WM. SYLVESTER, Prop. 208 Wellesley St., Tol'Onto. ----··---------------- For bargains in Groceries call at DAVEY'S CASH GROCERY, Phone 3675 . 204.• WELLESLEY ST. 0. GRUNDY, Florist, Landscape Gardener AND Manufacturer of Rustic Work, 564 YONGE STREET. Cut f\owefS a specialt:y. 13 Belt Line-Continued. WEST. Ul EAST. St. Patrick ~street Broadway lj Place ...... Grange z avenue > Sullivan street > Phcebe street <: Bulwer street 5 6 Queen fl street west 0 6 Farley avenue t;'l Camden street 8. Adelaide Jg street west Ul Balsam street King g street west (going east) ~I I - SOUTH. I NORTII. Charlotte street Peter street \Vidmer street =:Arlington Hotel Tohn Z street Dorset s"treet t;'l Simcoe ~street Emily street ~~ York r1 street 1 7 8 9 12 1 Bay ~ 1 street Jordan street ~ I'J ohnson street 1 5 6 7 Yonge t;'l street 8 9 12 13 14 s.lvictoria street Leader Lane Jg !Toronto street 3 56 8 Church r1 Street 9 12 13 West Market street ~ I Francis street Jarvis :->I Street 56 George Street Frederick Street 9 Sherbourne !Street (going north) I F!~~QH~~~." ~ Popular Prices Always. EvENINGS.-rsc., zsc., 3sc. and soc. Loge Seats, ~ 7SC. Box Seats, $r.co. MATINEES.-ISC., 25c. and 35c. Loge Seats, soc. ~ Box Seats, ifr. oo. MATINEES: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. T~:~:ho:~A,:~h ~~~::~:~ho:~a::C:~~::on ~ from the people's scaie of " Popular Prices.'' ~ AAAA4~~444AAA~~AAA6~ IS Belt Line--Continued. EAST. !UJ' WEST. Duke :I: Street Sherbourne Place t%J Duchess fg Street 0 Britain street 12 13 Queen C:: Street East ~ Moss Park place t%J Shuler street Wilton avenue UJ Wilton crescent "':3 Glenholme place Gerrard :;d Street East ~Pavilion 7 10 Carlton "':3 Street Wellesley • Street (Wellesley Crescent) ~ W elle5ley lane a· Earl street l1<l Isabella street Z Linden street Howard street ~ Selby street Bloor P" Street East, going West NORTH. l:d SOUTH. Huntley S Street ~ Jarvis street Private road t%J (;; Church street 3 ~· Telephone 3928. Brighton Gwynne street l1<l Laundry, 7 Bloor Street East. No.1 Yonge ~;Street DO YOU WEAR TAN SHOES? · Be sure and use BESTON'S TAN PASTE on them if you do. F. BESTON & CO., 759 Yonge. CHURCH STREET ROUTE; No.3 From Rosedale, south to Front and York, via Sherbourne, Bloor, Church and Front (Union Station). Seven minute service. Car leaves Rosedale 6.23 a.m. to I 1.30 p.m. Car leaves Union Station 6.45 a.m. to 11.52 p.m. Dunbar Road Hill ~ Street (going west) South ~ Drive " " Sherbourne ~ Street WEST o;i EAST. Elm Z Avenue ~ Maple avenue · Ancroft place 2 Bloor street East - Going west ----- ~ NORTH. g SOUTH. Huntley 1" Street Jarvis street ·- Church street 2 - WEST. () EAST.
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