Telopea Topics Les Nouvelles de Telopea No 12 Telopea Topics Report from the Special Secondary News Primary P&C NEWS Community News Principal Announcements News School Term Dates Uniform Shop Le Mot Du High School Contact Us After School Care Finance Principal Announcements Office Important Dates IMPORTANT DATES Date Day Time Event Venue 15 August Thursday 5:00-6:00 Info night for EFS Y8 students Sec Lib and parents 19 August Monday 8:30-9:00 Primary Book Week Primary 21 August Wednesday Primary Regional Athletics Carnival Woden Park 21 August Wednesday 3.30-6.00 Y6.2 and 1 Conseils de Classe 22 August Thursday 3.30-4.45 Y6.3 Conseil de classe REPORT FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Welcome to Week 3, Term 3,Students have settled well into the new semester. The Australian Secondary Term 3 ‘Assessment calendar’ was distributed to parents/carers Friday 26 July and to students Monday 29 July. Many Secondary parents/carers have accessed ManageBac to monitor their child’s tasks and assignments. For Secondary parents/carers, who wish to access ManageBac, please send your email address and your child’s name to: [email protected] When you receive a ‘Welcome to ManageBac’ email please open this email and create a password. Your ManageBac login is your email address and the password you created. The Australian Term 3 ‘Secondary Assessment Calendar is also available on the School website. 2019 Personal Project Report Year 10 students submitted their Personal Project Report, Monday 29 July. Thank you to Kirsty Hilson for leading and coordinating the Personal Projects and Reports 2018-2019; and to the teachers who will be grading the Personal Project Reports. Please ask your Year 10 child about the Report and check if they have uploaded the Report onto Managebac. To check you can log onto ManageBac, open your child’s portfolio and check for ‘Personal Project’. 2019 CareersExpo - https://canberracareersmarket.com.au/ Year 10 students who returned their permission note attended the ‘CareersExpo’ at Exhibition Park Thursday 8 August. What’s on offer at the 2019 CareersExpo? This year’s CareersXpo had exhibitors and activities related to science as well as technology, engineering and mathematics in the lead up to the 2019 National Science week. What else was on offer? Real skills for real careers – Hands on Experience (formerly Try’aSkill) The real skills for real careers STEM Cell featured forensic science, fitness, surveying, engineering, cyber security, first aid, cryptography, animal science, technology, mathematics, children’s education and nursing. • Real skills for real careers exhibit included hair and beauty, photography, media, fashion, make- up artistry, horticulture, bricklaying, construction, hospitality and building and gave students an opportunity to experience firsthand VET based trade and skill activities. • SALT (Supporting and Linking Tradeswomen) with their trade quality trailer, tools and equipment were in attendance to encourage and promote women in non-traditional trade industries. 2019 ACT Education Directorate (ED) ‘School Satisfaction Survey’ will be conducted 13 August-02 September. • Parents/carers, school staff and students (in years 4 to 12) will be asked to participate in these important surveys. The survey results will contribute to the school’s action plan. • Although the survey is voluntary, we encourage you to participate. A letter or email about the parent/carer survey was sent to you this week. The ACT results from the 2018 School Satisfaction Surveys have been published on the Education Directorate website (www.education.act.gov.au) and a summary of our school results is provided in our 2018 School Board Report. More information will be sent out to parents/carers giving them the links to the ACT ED Satisfaction Survey. Term 3 Enrichment - English Stream (ES) and English French Stream (EFS) Secondary students in Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 from the English stream and the EFS Y7 and 9 students are undertaking an MYP ‘interdisciplinary unit’ (IDU) during Enrichment in Term 3. Year 10 are undertaking an IDU ‘The future of transport. The two subjects involved are Science (Physics) and Mathematics (Statistics). Year 9 students are undertaking an IDU based on a UN sustainability goal, the subjects involved are Languages and Humanities (Individuals and Societies). Year 8 students are undertaking an Orienteering and Design/Coding IDU, the two subjects involved are Design Technology and Physical Education. Year 7 students are undertaking an IDU on Creative stories, the key subjects are The Arts/Media and English (Language and Literature). Two EFS year groups are undertaking different activities during Enrichment in Term 3. Year 8 EFS are undertaking Technology, for the Brevet. Year 10 EFS students are undertaking new science education under the new Première program. L'Astrolabe Project The L'Astrolabe Project is being undertaken again in 2019. A number of Year 9 English French Stream (EFS) and English Stream (ES) students from Year 9 Quantum Science are working in teams with their ES Science teachers and EFS Science teachers to research, develop and present their projects. International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) – Service as Action (S&A) As an IB MYP School all students every year in 7-10 are asked to initiate and take part in a ‘Service as Action’ activity. These activities usually occur during Enrichment. As all students are undertaking an IDU this term, term 4 will be the next opportunity for students to undertake a ‘Service as Action’ activity. After the activity students complete their reflections in Managebac. In their reflections students consider their strengths and areas of growth. They look to the attributes of the ‘Learner Profile’ to determine what attributes they have developed undertaking the S&A and what attributes they need to build on. Canberra Higher Education Open days 2019 Australian Catholic University (ACU) August 31st 2019 (Saturday) Canberra Campus Australian National University (ANU) August 31st 2019 (Saturday) University of Canberra (CANBERRA) August 31st 2019 (Saturday) Page 2 of 24 ADFA Australian Defence Force Academy UNSW (ADFA) August 24th 2019 (Saturday) UNSW Canberra Master Builders Association of the ACT August 24th 2019 (Saturday) Master Builders ACT Tertiary Open Day Michele McLoughlin Deputy Principal 7-10 LE MOT DE LA PRINCIPAL ADJOINTE Le calendrier des évaluations du 3e trimestre des élèves du Secondaire australien a été remis aux parents/tuteurs le vendredi 26 juillet et aux élèves le lundi 29 juillet. Vous êtes nombreux à vous connecter régulièrement à ManageBac pour vérifier les devoirs et les évaluations de votre enfant. Si vous souhaitez accéder à ManageBac, merci d’envoyer votre adresse électronique et le nom de votre enfant à [email protected] Lorsque vous recevez un courriel de bienvenue de ManageBac, ouvrez-le et créez votre nouveau mot de passe. Votre identifiant ManageBac est votre adresse électronique et le mot de passe que vous avez créé. Le calendrier des évaluations du 3e trimestre des élèves du Secondaire australien est également disponible sur le site internet de l'école. Rapport des Projets Personnels 2019 Les élèves de Year 9 ont rendu leurs rapports de Projet Personnel le lundi 29 juillet. Un grand merci à Kirsty Hilson pour avoir supervisé et coordonné les projets personnels et les rapports en 2018-2019. Merci également aux enseignants qui évalueront les rapports de projets personnels. Si votre enfant est en classe de Year 9, vérifiez avec lui qu’il/elle a bien téléchargé son rapport sur ManageBac. Vous pouvez également vous connecter à ManageBac, ouvrir le portfolio de votre enfant et vérifier dans l’onglet 'Projet personnel'. Salon de l’Etudiant 2019 (CareersExpo) - https://canberracareersmarket.com.au/ Les élèves de Year 10 qui ont rendu leur note d'autorisation ont pu assister au Salon de l’Etudiant (CareersExpo) qui avait lieu au Parc des Expositions de Canberra le jeudi 8 août. Cette année, le salon accueillait divers exposants et proposait des activités liées aux sciences ainsi qu'à la technologie, à l’ingénierie et aux mathématiques, juste avant la Semaine Nationale des Sciences 2019. Parmi les domaines proposés cette année, nos élèves ont pu découvrir : - Real skills for real careers (anciennement Try'aSkill) dont la section STIM comprenait des exposants représentant les secteurs de la médecine légale, du fitness, de la prospection, de l'ingénierie, de la cybersécurité, des premiers soins, de la cryptographie, des sciences animales, de la technologie, des mathématiques, de l'éducation des enfants et des soins à la personne. - Real skills for real careers accueillait des exposants représentant les secteurs de la coiffure, de l’esthétique, de la photographie, des médias, de la mode, du maquillage, de l'horticulture, de la maçonnerie, de l'hôtellerie et du bâtiment. Nos élèves ont eu l'occasion de participer à des activités très ciblées basées sur la formation professionnelle. - Le groupe SALT (Supporting and Linking Tradeswomen) avec sa remorque, ses outils et son équipement de qualité professionnelle était présent pour encourager et promouvoir le travail féminin dans le commerce non traditionnel. L’enquête de satisfaction de l’école menée par le Directorat de l’Education de l’ACT 2019 aura lieu du 13 août au 2 septembre. Les parents/responsables, le personnel de l'école et les élèves (du CM1 à la Terminale) seront invités à participer à cette enquête de satisfaction. Les résultats de l’enquête contribueront à la rédaction du plan d'action de l'école. Bien que l’enquête soit faite sur la base du volontariat, nous vous encourageons à y participer. Vous avez reçu cette semaine une note ou un courriel d’information. Les résultats de l’enquête sur la satisfaction de l’école 2018 ont été publiés sur le site internet du Directorat de l'Education (www.education.act.gov.au) et un résumé de nos réponses est fourni dans notre rapport du Board 2018.
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